New here, Streetlights and 11:11 promts?

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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New here, Streetlights and 11:11 promts?

Post by jwintor »

Hello all,

I am new here and feel like I have found the place I needed to be to get some answers and not feel alone. I have always felt like my life has been an extremely "lucky" life, I have always gotten out of bad situations unscathed and received the things I needed at the moment I needed them most. Being raised with a Baptist Christian upbringing at a young age I attributed this to the Christian version of God answering my prayers. Later in life I shunned Christian beliefs because I disagreed that the way they saw things and interpreted things as the "only" way or the only right way. I have always tried to keep in touch with some sense of spirituality but never really understood or knew what it was. I had a feeling something or some kind of force was at work but did not know what it was. I started experiencing streetlights going off when I approached them in my early twenties and it has continued to this day. Sometimes the lights go out and sometimes a light that is off will go on. I always thought of it as a whimsical coincidence but now I am not so sure. I started seeing the numerical prompts, or at least I started noticing them fairly recently. When I say recently I mean over the last 12-18 months. The prompts started as random numbers like 3:33, 2:22, 4:44 and 5:55 and I would only consciously notice them from one to three times a week. Now the prompts are happening daily and sometimes multiple times a day. On 4/24 for example I was given the 11:11 AM prompt and the 11:11 PM prompt. I have been noticing it so much lately that I started pointing to out to my wife whenever it happens and she finally told me to look it up and see what it all means.

Has anyone else had the experience with the streetlights? Is it the same as the numerical prompts or is this something entirely different?
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Re: New here, Streetlights and 11:11 promts?

Post by theunim »

Welcome, Jwintor! I hope you find the forum will be a good place to gather for you with those who have had similar experiences. On this particular part of the forum, the announcement threads were made into stickies, but they contain valuable information from the moderators and experiences from other users. I hope they will be of some use to you, concerning your spiritual journey. :D

A few weeks back, I experienced the streetlights flickering for the first time ever, or at least the first time I've paid attention well enough to the road. I was driving that night and on two different streets we were on, I saw it happen twice- once when I was waiting for my husband, and the second time when I was driving us back home. That same night, I got a 11:11 prompt, too. I know through the folks on the forum that the streetlights are just another way to get your attention and let you know that there are celestial beings around you.

Love to you and yours!
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Re: New here, Streetlights and 11:11 promts?

Post by Geoff »

Dear Jwintor

Welcome. Yeah streetlights are one of the things that happen to "us" Read the threads in the very first FAQ forum for more details.

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Re: New here, Streetlights and 11:11 promts?

Post by Sandy »

Hello Jwintor,
It was good to read what has been occurring in your life and to see too that what you experience many of us share as well. Isn't it a great feeling to know we aren't alone as we determine the meanings of these promptings and and the directions they lead?

Welcome to our friendly message board. I look forward to your impute.

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Re: New here, Streetlights and 11:11 promts?

Post by sammy »

:hithere Nice to meet you Jwintor! Welcome!

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Re: New here, Streetlights and 11:11 promts?

Post by HDPG »

Hello and welcome from a close neighbor. I live in East Bay too.

I found this site about 18 months ago, and I'll agree that you are in the right place. This site is a large and helpful resource, and for me a refuge, at times, when I have lots of questions.

I relate to to your street light experiences. In fact I have noticed this happening to me since my first memories as a child, but I never thought much about it until now. I actually thought it was just normal and happened to everyone until I started asking around. It is really only happening to a few of us, so your gut feeling about the phenomenon is right on.

If you like, I'll share some contact info and we could chat. Congratulations on finding this site and happy soul searching....

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Re: New here, Streetlights and 11:11 promts?

Post by ShayDawn »

Greetings All,
I am new here also. A street light search brought me to this sight. My life has been full of 1111 stories. I used to live at 1101 Conrad Rd for fifteen years and at that time I worked a 111 south main St. Then I moved and lived with someone else, but I worked at 1 Mutual Ave.
Four years ago I war reunited with my childhood sweetheart and we were married after not seeing each other for over thirty years. He used to live at 1111 Gallagher when growing up. It’s funny because we were kindred souls, but lost touch for most of our lives, and when we were reunited, we discovered we had lived in some of the same places, but at different times.
We have both had the 1111 prompts for years. I always look for the message when I see any combination of 1s. If I am in the car, I put the radio on preset one and listen for the message. Wherever I am, I look and listen for a message.
I have witnessed lots of other signs of my guardian helpers, like the feather and rainbow together, two hearts and a flower in the sky last week. I wish I could have taken a picture before it was wisped away, because it was so precise, but alas, it was only for me.
I am a dream sayer. I believe that dreams hold special messages for us, because the dream time is when those of us who are not yet able to move away from out mind and body while awake, connect with everything on a spiritual level, or different dimension.
My husband and I are creating a farming community food share locally where everyone grows something and trades with each other, so that all people can eat a more healthy diet. Heirloom seeds are trades, and workshops are done to teach everyone how to garden, prune trees, harvest and put food by for the winter, be it in a city yard, patio pots, or by the acre. Sharing and caring is the first step to a new world. We hope this idea spider webs out in millions of communities until it covers the world.
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Re: New here, Streetlights and 11:11 promts?

Post by Geoff »

ShayDawn wrote: My husband and I are creating a farming community food share locally where everyone grows something and trades with each other, so that all people can eat a more healthy diet. Heirloom seeds are trades, and workshops are done to teach everyone how to garden, prune trees, harvest and put food by for the winter, be it in a city yard, patio pots, or by the acre. Sharing and caring is the first step to a new world. We hope this idea spider webs out in millions of communities until it covers the world.
Dear ShayDawn,

Welcome. We have a street in Sydney where the residents have torn up the sidewalks and planted vegies. Anyone is free to take what they need, and apparently it has had an enormous positive impact on creating a real community. And strangely, it looks great too. Not sure how they bypassed their municipal folks though.

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Re: New here, Streetlights and 11:11 promts?

Post by Sandy »

Hi ShayDawn,
I very much enjoyed your post and love your idea of starting a sharing farming community. No doubt it will help a lot of people. I would love to find a similar program close by here as I think it would go a long way in teaching us not only to help provide some of the food we eat but also encourage community and a caring attitude as you said in your post. Many of the schools here in Australia have school gardens so a new generation perhaps will grow up with more knowledge of backyard food production then before. To tell you the truth while I had no trouble gardening when I lived in Ohio but I haven't done so well in this climate and differing pests and disease. So a shared knowledge program would be a Godsend. Hopefully I could dig deep enough to find something I could offer someone else in exchange. :)

I'm glad you've joined us. A big welcome to you ShayDawn! :hithere
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Re: New here, Streetlights and 11:11 promts?

Post by ShayDawn »

Thanks for the welcome Geoff and Sandy.
Geoff, I love the Idea of the sidewalk garden! It is the Aztec way; they always grew so that the two outside rows of corn, or whatever they were growing, closest to the road, belonged to community. That way no one went hungry, and there was no reason to steal. Here in the US, the poorest people eat the worst. People donate food that they themselves will not eat, so it sustains life, but not health. My husband loves to bake, and he has been searching for funding to bake bread for the poor who are receiving food donations right now from churches. Bread from the store shelf here is so full of chemicals as to be unsafe in my opinion. We are still working on that one. Maybe the new future is that, nobody is poor.
Sandy, the idea started forming about five years ago, for me to concentrate on growing wild native food. That is, things that grow around here in nature. I have elderberries, currants, black berries, peaches, chives, leeks, tarragon, oregano… and I will be getting apples, plumbs, and raspberries. I also take note of where things grow wild, like elderberries, and harvest the wild berries where I can. I just started a weekly BLOG on eatable weeds, ( site gone ) and I hope by next year I will be doing workshops on the subject. Look for someone in your area doing something like this. If you don’t find someone, find the oldest woman living in the country and pick her brain on the subject. We as woman have our brains geared to gathering. When we find a useable plant for food or medicine, we can remember the spot where it grew, no matter what season, and go right beck to it. Men don’t have these memories as a rule. There are always the exception, but gathering plants, herbs, and medicines, has always been a woman’s area of expertise.
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Re: New here, Streetlights and 11:11 promts?

Post by Sandy »

Hi ShayDawn,
You know, when I was reading your reply I was thinking of a "weed" that used to grow in my garden called Pursalane. From the magazine I used to subscribe to years ago, Organic Gardening, I remembered it was edible and I was excited to see a photo of it on the front of the blog along with a little information which was very helpful because my memory was sketchy. We have some of that growing on the edges of the yard. So now I know just what to do with it! :)

Then the next thing I saw on the blog, the first video I looked at, was taken in the Great Smokey Mountains, a hop skip and jump from where I grew up in Tennessee and one of my favorite places. I love it! :sunflower:
Thanks for all that good information and for the website URL ShayDawn. I've placed it in my favorites.
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Re: New here, Streetlights and 11:11 promts?

Post by lynofbpool »

yes ive just written probably more or less the same experience as yours, didnt notice your thread :( streetlights going off, 11:11 am and pm, been driving me nuts until i found out other people were noticing the same thing, thank god i googled it a week ago, i didnt even think to do that. cheers :)
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Re: New here, Streetlights and 11:11 promts?

Post by ShayDawn »

Glad I could help Sandy. I plan to BLOG every week about a wild eatable plant. Too many people go without and too many pestecides and herbicides are taking their toll on mother earth and there is no need for it. Instead of fighting nature, we need to learn to live with it.
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Re: New here, Streetlights and 11:11 promts?

Post by Billyjb »

I started noticing the number 11:11 back in 2010 but didn't really think much of it until 2011 in the November I got weighed at the gym and on the ticket you get with your BMI on it was just full of the number 1111. The date was 11/11/11 I weighed 11.11stone and it was 11:11am and ever since then I've seen it every day, street lights turn off as I walk past, I've dreamt of things that's came true, I have also woke up floating.
At first I didn't think anything by it but ever since the dreams and waking up in mid air I started to look up on things and came across you guys and just wondering if anyone can give me anymore info on what's happening and why x
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Re: New here, Streetlights and 11:11 promts?

Post by Sandy »

Good Morning, Billy,
It's good to meet you.
You have had some amazing experiences!

And I am thinking that these things you mention are symptoms of spiritual awareness. ...a mutual awareness between you and celestial beings. This wells up from within and without us... I do not know what your spiritual aptitude is, what your beliefs and experience is in these esoteric subjects and it really makes no difference, anyway, :) other then I do not wish to seemingly talk down to you. We are all beginners when it comes to things of celestial origin as there is sooooooo much to understand with our human minds that even those of longtime aptitude and experience are yet considered young ones, babies of the universe. So with that said, and with me making sure you understand that we are certainly not experts on everyone's spiritual journey... I will share with you some things that have certainly helped me over the year to not only find my spiritual feet but draw closer to the Source of all and my God within.

It begins with the 1111. On the surface 1111 is just a number but that number represents so much more as it is used by our celestial friends, the 1111 faithful Midwayers who are beings of this planet and who have worked tirelessly for the "upliftment" of our world for thousands upon thousands of years. They were, in fact, the reason I came to this board many years ago because I wanted to learn more about them... and so I did. They are wonderful friends to work along side. And I have never known them to fail in putting our human hands in that of Gods. You see, they are a strange kin to humans, somewhere between us and the angels and they wish for us to begin to see our potential.They wish for us in some way to work along side them towards that longed for age of "Light and Life". So they reach out to those who have the potential, the abilities and possibly the desire to help them and human kind in some way.
With that said, it is of course, our spiritual natures that grow and expand, allowing us to experience, sense, feel with greater awareness these things of spirit. How each one of us translate spirit into the physical... making a difference to those around us...well, the tasks are limitless and so in reality this call, the prompts and experiences are essentially a wake up call... Inviting one to see, hear, taste, feel, experience a reality where the Divine rests in every breath and thought and action....

LOL Well, of course, most of us are not there ;) :) yet but with heart and soul attuned to the Source of all...all things are possible. It begins from within... A dedication and decision, a longing to reach for God and discovering that a very piece of this infinite Divine Being lives within our very soul... and so, with this soul-felt knowledge we are lead to the most amazing things... a journey unigue for each individual.

It seems I am talking in circles and perhaps confusing you all the more, Billy. But it may help to look over the threads in the first forum, the faq's, give it some thought and search your own feelings and experiences. Search for what resonates with you and when something does, here, there, anywhere... you will feel that you have found a path that will inspire and excite and fulfill your growing spiritual nature.

Well, I've rattled on enough. I just wish to say one more thing. Welcome to the board!
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Re: New here, Streetlights and 11:11 promts?

Post by pointman19 »

I think I found my street light thread, I just had to dig a little. Glad I'm not alone in this 😁

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Re: New here, Streetlights and 11:11 promts?

Post by Sandy »

:sunflower: :thumright:
Nope you're never alone in any of this... :love

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