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Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:41 pm
by sammy
I've been getting lots of 'normal' prompts during waking hours, lots of 555's especially.....but I find this odd; a little over a week ago I woke up at exactly 4:44 (2 nights in a row), then it changed to 4:37. For about a week now 4:37 wakes me. I attempt to meditate but fall promptly back to sleep. :?: :?: :?: Any thoughts? (Maybe it means nothing. :lol: )


Re: 4:37????

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:56 pm
by Shield
Hi Sammy, I have been waking between 4-5 often for some time now including 4:44
last week. On another board I read several people have been doing the same. One
theory I saw is the brain is most receptive to messages and retaining them from 4 to

I'll try and find the other thread and check to see if any one else is getting 4:37.

Re: 4:37????

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 4:53 pm
by theunim
Shield, I had a night like that, where I woke up around 3-5am and I couldn't sleep until almost 6am~ this was only a few weeks back, but I don't remember if I checked on the time those times. I didn't feel like there was a physical reason to waking up in the middle of the night like that. But, the brain working well on retaining messages from 4-5am sounds okay to me! :mrgreen: Actually, though, I need to mention that the occurrence of that sleeping/waking experience coincided with the meditation routine I was just starting, happening a matter of days after I had began.

Sammy, I had been feeling I got a change of prompts, but not the same numbers as yours. I feel like the change in prompts might be more of a personal thing sometimes, like it's tied in with what you're doing or going through at the time? But in your case it might not? I hope there's more input on this from the rest of the MB if possible, to help you out :)

Re: 4:37????

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:54 am
by sammy
Well, no 4:37 today...I woke up at 3:41 and couldn't get back to sleep! Guess 4:37 was a fluke. :roll :roll :roll


Re: 4:37????

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 2:36 pm
by Sandy
Hi Sammy,
George says that you can check it out to see if it's a fluke... You can ask.."Are you JKL-37? If you are wake me up again at that time?"
Hey, it could work! :finger: :)

Re: 4:37????

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 3:21 pm
by sammy
WOW!!! THANK YOU Will do! Thank George for me!


Re: 4:37????

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 3:29 pm
by sammy
By the way...would that be "H I J K L" mentioned in the book?


Re: 4:37????

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 2:25 am
by Sandy
Nope..this would be a midwayer of the JKL family, Sammy. For instance Bzutu is of the ABC family and Dr. Mendoza and Sharmon are siblings of the MNO family. Of course they are all brother and we all are. :)

Re: 4:37????

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 2:39 am
by memawlaura
Hi Sammy,
I would suggest meditating when you see those numbers over and over and ask for assistance staying awake. I guess those midwayers just dont have a human's sense of time :lol:

Re: 4:37????

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:45 am
by sammy
HI Laura!!! :hithere

Ready? Ok, so after Sandy posted
George says that you can check it out to see if it's a fluke... You can ask.."Are you JKL-37? If you are wake me up again at that time?"
I immediately thought about George writing that the Seraphs tend to be gossips...if you want a message to get somewhere quickly just tell I spoke in general to any Seraph listening (not knowing any Seraph personally) and was very specific...that if it was JKL trying to contact me that I be shown 4:37 just 1 more time TODAY.

All day I just felt like I would not see 4:37....I KNEW I wouldn't see 4:37. I was very tired all day, and in fact got no 4:37 prompt...went to bed just after 9:30 and could NOT get to sleep. (We have a TV in our bedroom, and it gets left on all night.) I was trying SO hard to fall asleep, but sleep would not come. I sat up, contemplating getting out of bed, looked at the TV and in BIG BOLD letters were JKL (an ad for Jimmy Kimmel Live :lol: ).

When I saw the letters my mouth dropped to the floor and smiled...then I thought "wait, I talked to the Seraph and was very specific...4:37...not JKL". Well, little miss Doubting Thomas instantly fell asleep after that woke up and immediately came to the board and noticed Laura's comment
I would suggest meditating when you see those numbers over and over and ask for assistance staying awake.
...all I can think was that SOMEBODY kept my tired butt awake to make sure I got a JKL prompt before days end.

So...what is known about this JKL group?


Re: 4:37????

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:18 pm
by memawlaura
:kiss: :lol: Yep, thats how they work Sammy and after awhile you wont be a doubting thomas anymore. I started a thread for old members returning to just see who has returned and why. After I told folks about being in this dense negative place and trying to help each individual out. I realized the only thing I could do was bathe them in my light and let God do the rest. Than I saw the Harp of God post that said basically the same thing. Its like we get the message we may not hear it but we see it :idea:

Re: 4:37????

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 6:30 pm
Great story Sammy. Love it...