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Location location eleven

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:08 am
by Russkiboy
Hello everybody!
I'm new to this site. Just found it while browsing through all the 11.11 stuff. It happened to me to just like most of you I suppose. It started not long ago prob around couple of months ago. Never really thought anything about it until I found out that it's happening to lots of people. It got me curious and thinking to who it's happening. So for who it's happening and all If you don't mind I wanna make a list of all the places were it's happening. Thank you

Re: Location location eleven

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:31 am
by touchedbyanangel

Welcome to the forums, there are many of us 11er's all over the world. This phenomena is taking place all over the globe. Understanding what it's about can be found in the FAQ section at the top of the page.

Touched... :bike:

Re: Location location eleven

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:29 am
by Sandy
Hello Russkiboy,
I live in Australia and have been seeing the time prompts for about 6 years now. It is true as Touched wrote that people are being prompted from all over the world. As I look at this website and the list of healers, students and people receiving the list messages...there is no doubt that this phoenomenon is arriving on the doorstep of people all over the world regardless of their particulars in life and this is just one avenue through which people are reporting what is occuring. Many more have and will continue to get the time prompts. We have the abilities to be a catalist for positive change...perhaps even more so when we heed the calls.

It is good to meet you! Welcome to the message board.

Re: Location location eleven

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:55 pm
by luvinlife
Hi, Russkiboy! I'm curious to know if you have been going through any big changes in your life? That was what was happening to me when I first started seeing the numbers.

Love, Clare

Re: Location location eleven

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 12:32 am
by Russkiboy
luvinlife wrote:Hi, Russkiboy! I'm curious to know if you have been going through any big changes in your life? That was what was happening to me when I first started seeing the numbers.

Love, Clare
Hey luvinlife :)
You know I think you could be right! I actually did start changing my life in some different ways an doing different stuff since somewhere around the time I started seeing the numbers to. I actually thought to about that if it's connected some how with it.

Re: Location location eleven

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 2:26 pm
by luvinlife
The prompts are there as a wake-up call and to help us on our journey. It's very exciting. Please keep us updated as to how you're doing.

Love, Clare

Re: Location location eleven

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 6:27 am
by Russkiboy
Okay I don't get it . Your saying it's a wake up call to change or to continue changing? But yea sure will keep you updated for what happens

Re: Location location eleven

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 8:37 am
by Rob
Hi Russkiboy
A good place to start locations of people is to add your location.
I have asked this question before wandering if there are any hot spots.
Enjoy the site.


Re: Location location eleven

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 3:44 pm
by luvinlife
Hi Russkiboy! I think it's more of an awareness of what is happening in your life and what is happening around you. This is my opinion, but keep posting about your experiences!

Love, Clare

Re: Location location eleven

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 10:18 pm
by Russkiboy
Hey Rob
Yea that's what I was kind of thinking to, hot spots. Well see about my location.

I gotcha now. Will keep posting when I can


Re: Location location eleven

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 11:46 pm
by LurkerAbyss
Hey there :hithere

Welcome to the board! I couldn't tell you where exactly the "hot spots" are, as there are most likely many more people who do not really make anything of it than there are posters on this board.

In my own experience, and I live in Ontario, Canada, I have noticed that a LOT of people around me in real life receive prompts, although no one has really made much of it yet.

Hope to hear more from you!


Re: Location location eleven

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:21 pm
by Russkiboy
Hey lucky
Yea I really don't know any body else that is getting these prompts to. I live in a really small town so not much people around me.

Hello everybody
The most weirdest thing happened yesterday. Well let's say I haven't been getting these prompts already for a while. Well everything was good with me and I was already kinda of setup and planning to go to college in colorado then to yesterday something happened and I kinda changed my mind and started thinking if i shoudnt actaully go to colorado for college then that morning I saw 11:11. From that I got a big feeling that I bet I will get more of these prompts and I did I got then 1:11 then 4:44 then at 11:11 night. And I'm just wondering wat the heck it's supposed to mean. Something about college or not?


Re: Location location eleven

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:34 pm
by Daddy - O
Hi Oleg,

Welcome to the board.

For me, the purpose of the number prompts aren't to provide specific answers to questions.....such as, should I do this, or should I do that.

It is more of a "hello", "we are here", "we would like to communicate and assist you along your journey"......those kinds of things.

Take care,

Daddy - O

Re: Location location eleven

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 2:24 am
by Sandy
Dear Oleg,
I agree completely with Daddy-O. These initial prompts are designed to get your attention and encourage you to consider learning to communicate better with the originators of the numbers seen, the angels and midwayers. These wonderful beings do not make human decisions for us... that is the job of being human. And as we make these decisions affecting our lives and sending us in infinite life directions we learn from the cause and effect our words and actions, even our thoughts have produced. This is life and with all its ups and downs it is very much like being in school from the moment we are born until the moment we pass through death's doors. So there is no harm thinking long and hard about these major life steps, waying pros and cons, and then make your decisions based on intelligent contemplation. Knowing that what ever you decide to do you will have beings beside you cheering you on and assisting where ever possible.

Re: Location location eleven

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 3:49 am
by Braenda
:hithere Beautifully said Sandy!!! Love ya! Brenda

Re: Location location eleven

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:46 am
by Sandy
(((((((BRENDA)))))))) It's always good to see your little praying angel on the board! Thank you, sis.
Love you too! :kiss:

Re: Location location eleven

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:07 am
by Braenda
:hithere Your welcome! Hugs to you!! Someday I will figure out how to put my picture of the real me up. LOL!

Re: Location location eleven

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:22 am
by Sandy
Brenda, I have to smile at what you said about a picture on the board because I believe Geoff put mine up a fair few years ago now or I wouldn't have one up either. :lol: I suppose that photo is still close enough...just add a new wrinkle here or there and you got it! :roll:

Re: Location location eleven

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:45 pm
by Braenda
:hithere LOL! I know what you mean but wrinkles are a sign of wisdom! So I must have alot of wisdom! I tell my kids that I earned every one of them. hugs Brenda

Re: Location location eleven

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:25 pm
by mm1111
Hello all!! :lol: :lol:

I am laughing because I can not for the life of me figure out how to get my picture on here! It keeps telling me my pics are too big or something and I don't know how to fix it. Geoff said he would help but I hate to bother him about it. I am not so good with computer stuff, I am still learning.

Welcome Russkiboy! :hithere

Love, Maggie

Re: Location location eleven

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:35 pm
by sammy
Maggie - got here and scroll down until you find the title "avatar" then you can post your pic!

Brenda - HA HA! The squintly lines between my eyebrows...I call them my "Jake lines" (jake being my younger son who always makes me stress lol)

Welcome Russkiboy!


Re: Location location eleven

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:02 am
by Geoff
mm1111 wrote:Hello all!! :lol: :lol:

I am laughing because I can not for the life of me figure out how to get my picture on here! It keeps telling me my pics are too big or something and I don't know how to fix it. Geoff said he would help but I hate to bother him about it.
Dear Maggie,

You need some software to resize the picture. If you dont have such, send me the pic,


Re: Location location eleven

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 6:45 pm
by CathyLynn
Each time I see a prompt I always acknowledge it either outloud or to myself. I do feel the celestials are saying ''hello" and I always send a big "hello" back.

I don't sense that there are purposely areas that have more prompts than others. If there are, I feel that there may be more folks open to receiving and acknowledging the prompts. I know of several people who see 1111 and disregard it as coincidence. I say it's their loss!!!

Re: Location location eleven

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:13 am
by theunim

I have began to laugh at certain times when I see numbers occurring now~ I hope they know I mean well, not that I'm laughing at the situation completely~ but I also do say hello without laughing, so I do think they know...

*babble* :lol:

The original question, right?:
I know very few people back where I used to live and where I live now that would accept 11:11 or similar as anything else other than coincidence or even "Crazy-talk," which is why I am actually not very open about it to people, unless I get a feeling that they will be or eventually be receptive to the information. No sense in filling the air between me and people with awkwardness or anything like that, you know? Plus, I never know when I might instigate a situation where there's someone who wants to convince me otherwise, and I really don't want those kinds of conversations to exist if they're going to be aggressive about it, so I definitely stay cautious.

I used to live in NYC, and so far I know of two people who were aware of 11:11 or other similar situations. In another place, I was talking via Facebook (before getting rid of it for now) with a person in Missouri who also got 11:11 and some dreams with figures whose appearances now sound an awful lot like how the Midwayers have been described within others' experiences.

But all that's my personal experience and I highly doubt it's really about the region. After all, there's so many of us on earth and not everyone gets the same kind of prompts and what not. I'm also sure there are a good number who don't want to talk about it because of the fear of revealing it and finding out they're not "normal," or the way reality is supposed to be perceived by the majority of the societies we live in.

Re: Location location eleven

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:50 pm
by sammy
Looky Lou - We have a picture of Cathy Lynn! Nice to see your smiling face!
