My awakening and introduction.

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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My awakening and introduction.

Post by MichaelXavier »

Hi all, this is all new to me here, and I guess its time to come out and meet everyone. I want you all to know that I really appreciate this site and what it does. I realized all most of the questions that I had were already answered in posts so that's really cool. I have been getting so many prompts since coming to this site and registering, and I feel like I want to share a little of myself with all of you. This is the first time I actually felt around people that could understood what happened to me.
How did I end up here and why? Strange turn of events actually. I have always felt different my entire life. I never really fit in, could never seem to get settled down in a religion or a job. I never agreed with the mass religious institutions, and just couldn't seem to find my place ever. I just felt like I knew God better then what was portrayed, I mean think about it... the mass of religion believes that if your bad your going to burn in hell forever, I knew better than that even when I was a kid. My human parents wouldn't burn my hands over a stove if I was bad right, so how could a God that was justice
and love do that for a few years to a human "sinner" .

I had my awakening about 3 years ago now in form of a message. I wrote it, and I had absolutely no idea where all this information came from. I felt so inspired to write, like never before in my life. It was a story about an angel in a graveyard, that came to bring me a vision. I was always the imaginative one, and I was always fascinated by angels so it was a nice hobby. Come to find out now that everything that I wrote back then in form of a story came true and I sit here at the computer typing relaying the information to you guys for the first time.

About a year ago on 3/11/10 I started to walk. I had no idea where I was going, but I knew I needed to be somewhere. I was in a bad place in my life, I felt lost, confused and alone. I was truly in my dark night of the soul. I felt as no one understood me so I mustered all my faith and headed to the local park near my house. I just started walking and I had no idea where I would end up, I was praying the whole way wondering why it was that I didn't fit in or could understand this world. I walked through the woods having no idea where I was going. I felt like I was being lead somewhere even though I couldn't see my hand in front of my face. I ended up climbing a fence and walking through the roughest terrain ever, I finally came to a clearing. I realized I was in a graveyard. I started to call out saying I trust you, I know you hear me Father, and my feet took me deeper into this graveyard. It was my walk of faith, and where it lead me to I wouldn't have believed it if it was written in some movie. So its pitch dark, and I'm alone and scared and I walking in a graveyard to where I have no idea.
I ended up in front of this 10 foot marble cross. I just stood there looking at it crying and I found myself on my knees before it. I was giving it all over to God, and this is where he lead me. Something happened to me there. I can't really explain it in words, it was like after I fell down and gave myself over I was changed, like Paul said in a twinkling of an eye. I didn't go to church, I didn't know which one was the right one... I just knew I loved God, and I loved him so much that it hurt.
I didn't feel like my old self something had strengthened me and emboldened me. I was speaking differently and I was really changed after getting back up. Something took me over, it really was like I was born again.
Here is the part where if I didn't actually write it myself I wouldn't have believed it later I reread what I wrote and it all made sense. I'm just going to paste the text because this is what I actually wrote in my story 2 years prior to this.

After walking for about another five minutes I came to a mausoleum. It was a huge marble structure that gave me something to rest on for a moment. The stone felt ice cold through my clothes and I could only wonder what the structure held inside. I followed the side of it unknowingly and became uncertain what I might find when it ended. I felt more alone now then I had ever felt in my entire life. I was beyond scared, and my body trembled from the mixture of both fear and the chilly night air. Thoughts flew through my mind of what could be hiding in the surrounding area. I felt compelled to turn to my right and when I did I came to a clearing. I walked for what seemed like forever thinking that it might lead out to a road or something I would somewhat recognize to get my bearings.
Then I saw it, a huge mass of what seemed to be a statue. Could it be what I came here for? I squinted my eyes and leaned my head forward. “What is that?” I whispered to myself. I walked hesitantly toward the massive dark figure as my feet quietly crushed the soft grass below. What he saw next sent icy chills down my spine.
I had stumbled on the mysterious angel statue that my best friends little sister told us about in the basement. To see it for myself put me in complete awe. My mind was bombarded with the fight or flight adrenaline that pumped throughout my body. Half of my mind told me to run but the other half was somehow drawn to it. I needed to get a closer look. My body began shaking uncontrollably as I hesitantly walked closer to the massive statue. What was to follow would change my life forever.
A huge shiny black glass statue of an angel looked down at me. The statue had four wings, two of them were encasing the body, and the other two were half open and jetted outward. There was a huge hood that was draped over its head. The statue was carved unlike anything that I had ever seen.
“So much detail.” I whispered to myself. The statue had many layered robes that sheathed the entire silhouette of its angelic form. It was the most amazing thing that I had ever seen and in just looking at it seemed that the world would fall away. It was sitting of a huge stone base and had to be at least 10 feet tall. There was an inscription on the base that said, "out of the darkness and into the light". I walked closer to the statue to look under the hood to see if he could make out any form of a face. The closer I got the more my body shook. I had made it up close enough to peer up under the hood and where its eyes should have been two white lights began to glow. Frozen with fear my body lost control and I started to shake uncontrollably. In that instance I began to think about my life and faith. I thought of a faith that would bring about any kind of hope of expectation of afterlife because I thought I was going to die. Then out of nowhere a voice sounded softly in my head as the statue seemed to become animated. It sounded like waves crashing on a beach, but somehow I could understand what was being said, even though there was no audible noise to be heard.
“Do not fear my child. I am not going to harm you in any earthly way. You have nothing to tremble about.” The figure spoke in a soft comforting tone.
“Wha... wha.. what? What is this?” I said. I wanted to step back but my feet were frozen to the ground. “What is happening?” I asked the voice. I felt like he was having an out of body experience and at any moment I would wake up because logic told me that this all had to be a dream.
The black glass started to crack as the angel began to move and the glassy marble like statue started to fall away. The more the glass fell away the more real the creature became. The top set of wings came down behind the massive statue. The front set formed around behind it. The 10 foot angel now completely freed from its glassy prison stood up and lifted a heavily hooded face. It seemed softer now, not like a statue in any way. The angel then gazed directly in my eyes. I thought I knew what beauty was, until I saw the softly glowing face of the angel. It had no mouth and where its nose should have been there was a slight sharp point. Even in the darkness of that graveyard its face looked like dark grey marble with two blazing white eyes. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.
“No need for fear my child. Once again I will not bring any harm what so ever to you in any way.” It was like it was speaking to me telepathically
The voice wasn’t audible like sound usually is, but I heard it perfectly for some reason. It sounded like a low vibration and waves crashing on shore. They combined to make whatever it was saying understandable. I still couldn’t fathom how I could understand it and not hear sound. Other then the black outline in the moonlight and the way that the shadows played off the creatures thick black robes I could not see anything else other then the creatures hooded face and the two white hot slits that must have been its eyes under the hood.
“What is happening right now?” I stammered.
“You have much more power then you could ever dream of but have no idea how to harness it.” It said.
“Have you come from heaven? Are you human like me?” I stuttered, and even though I knew it wasn’t human I had to hear it for myself.
“I know that human’s minds work differently than ours so I will tell you to ease your imagination. I am an Angel child created by the only true God. Though angels are not human, we can assume a somewhat human form. In post-Biblical times, we came to be imagined in a form corresponding to the nature of the mission to be fulfilled, generally the human form. The name I was given is Gabriel child.
“Why are you here Gabriel”? I fought to get the words out. My body began to shake uncontrollably once again.
“I am here because of you.” Gabriel spoke gently.
“Me… me bubut why?” I said.
Gabriel reached his hand out to me. I reached out my hand to the angel and as soon as it touched his I felt like I was sucked into a vacuum. Flashes of blinding light pounded my vision. Everything around us swirled around in a white haze that was unimaginably bright, yet it didn’t hurt my eyes. Time and space fell away like someone put the universe in a blender. We sped through a soft expanse of clouds, with scenery unlike anything I had ever seen.
I was no longer in the cold darkness of the surrounding graveyard. We hovered miles above a glittering city. I found myself breathless as I stared into the many structures, pillars and columns of absolute beauty that there are no words for.
This had to be heaven, because I had never seen a place so beautiful. I turned for a moment to Gabriel, my eyes full of tears from what I was seeing. The black robes that had once adorned the creature were replaced by glimmering iridescent ones. There seemed to be a form there, but it was more of an outline of light that emitted a soft glow. We must have taken on a spirit form because he in no way resembled anything I had ever seen up until that time.
“One popular medieval view of Heaven was that it existed as a physical place above the clouds and that God and the Angels were physically above, watching over man. The truth is that Heaven is in another dimension. Something I couldn’t possibly describe to you. I had to show it to you. I assume you know where you are child?” Gabriel asked looking at me. Once again there we no words, just the sound I had heard previously in the graveyard. His eyes were still bright white light that seemed to look in my very soul.
I once again turned my focus toward the beautiful scenery. I scanned the area trying to take in all that I was seeing and the absolute beauty that encompassed every aspect of it. I had heard stories of how beautiful mythological architecture was eons ago with its columns and buildings, but this put even the stories and renditions in movies that I had seen to absolute shame.
I noticed that there were four massive gleaming white towers that appeared to be made completely out of gleaming ivory and gold. Silver and what seemed to be diamonds adorned the top of every structure in some way. In the center of the ascending towers was an immense pyramid. In the center of that, a brilliant white light poured from it so bright that it made the sun look dark. It was the most majestic thing I had ever seen. The sky was multicolored and endless and resembled one of our most breathtaking sunsets. Lights danced and faded in and out where the many colored clouds hung awe inspiring in the expanse above us.
“This is incredible! How is this possible?” I stammered.
“Humans have books to record their history, but what you are experiencing is something that I able to show you through my memory. It’s what your kind would call virtual reality in a way. I am recreating what I have seen and playing it back for you in real time. This is how angels record every aspect of human’s lives. We can playback things that our eyes have previously seen. Understand that we are not in the present at the moment. We are in the past.” The angel explained.
“What is that light that everything seems to be built around?” I asked wanting to fully understand what I was seeing.
“That my child is where the Most High resides. Come with me and I will show you more.” Gabriel grabbed my hand once again and we instantaneously appeared inside the building in luminous center.
Once again I tried to take in everything that I saw but my own mind couldn’t wrap around it. I felt weightless. I was in a massive triangular dome that was faceted all around like millions of cuts in a perfect diamond. Pyramidal metallic obelisks shot up from the floor all around me and soft light adorned the top of each one. Lights faded in and out inches from the outermost walls.
I saw a magnificent throne made of light and gold. Someone was sitting on it that had a form which seemed to be made of light for which there are not words. Circular light flowed forth from what I deduced to be my Creator. I knew at that moment where the pulsing illumination that filled everything in the city was coming from. A rainbow which seemed to be made out of emerald glass encircled the throne and from where He sat there were blinding flashes of lightning and the sound of low rumbling thunder emitting all around Him.
I stood a thousand yards away from my Creator in complete awe. I felt dizzy from just beholding it all. There was no way to recreate what I was seeing. Not even the best artist in the world could recreate it. It is something that has to be seen through your own eyes because even words do it no justice. Encircling the throne were twenty four other thrones. Seated on them were white robed men who seemed to be made out of pure light. Golden crowns hovered in the air above them.
Also before the throne there was what looked like a shimmering sea of glass, clear as crystal. There were also four creatures that resembled nothing of the world in which I had known near God. The first one was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, and the fourth was like an eagle. Each of these creatures had six wings that were covered with eyes all around them, even on the underside. I stared wide eyed at the creatures and they began to chant.
“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and who is, and is to come.” When they were finished speaking the twenty-four men of light fell down before the One on the throne and worshiped Him. I felt like a microscopic speck of dust in the great cosmos, like I was unworthy to be seeing any of what was happening.
“No human can stand before the majesty of God because He lives in an unapproachable light. Know this though child, very very few humans have seen what you have. I wanted to show you this so you can understand the majesty and power of God.
I paused for what seemed to be a very long time, gazing at the vision of my Creator. “This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. How could anyone not want to be near Him? Thank you Gabriel for this, I will hold it in a very special place in the secret places of my heart.” Tears were streaming down my face from absolute awe.
“You are special child. You have an overwhelming sense of giving in you. This is a trait that God most loves. Your spirit is what gives you the power, and one day you will master it. Come now I will show you more.” Gabriel once again grabbed my hand, and once again we went through a flash of light like I was going through a worm hole of light.

There was much more I wrote, I didn't want to post the whole thing, because its a lot. I guess you can say I feel for the first time since this has all happened especially since 3/11/11 a year since this has all happened to me that I can post it now and in fact I'm being lead to.

This really happened to me, I wish I could tell you how crazy I felt after all this happened, but I knew that God was with me. Here I am 32 years old, all alone in this world and have been show things that most people only wonder about. I feel almost obligated to share this you guys on here. I know this was a lot of typing, but I hope you got something out of it. Believe me when I tell you, things have been much much different since this has all happened to me, and continue to get more interesting by the day. I want you to know that you don't have to belong to a religion to love God, he loves us all equally, I am proof in point of that. It really is true though, eye has not seen and ears have not heard what God has in store for those who love Him.

Peace and blessings to you all..... :hithere
Michael Xavier
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Re: My awakening and introduction.

Post by Sandy »

Dear Michael,

I cannot find the words to express my wonder at this gift of vision you have been given. As I read this I found things familar ... and found myself nodding in soul felt ressonance. The breath of God...I have heard this described in yogic lessons as similar to the sounds of the ocean waves on a beach...the sound you hear as you listen to an empty seashell. :D This sound echos the power and majesty and mystery of the sea and yet on the enormously enlarged celestial scale I could feel it sweet lure...of things known beyond knowledge. Hmmm I don't think that makes much sense...But I am glad you have shared with us and I would like to stress...that you are alone no more. You have the members of this group who care about you and what happens in your life. We are together...a strange kind of family made from interesting characters from all over the world... not perfect.. but we do try to love. "Try" being the important word there. We fail at times but together and individually we are making headway I think.
I want you to know that you don't have to belong to a religion to love God, he loves us all equally, I am proof in point of that. It really is true though, eye has not seen and ears have not heard what God has in store for those who love Him.
:cheers: ..and so we continue on our path of love in complete faith and trust in the Love of the Divine One. :happy
You are so blessed! :kiss:
With love,
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: My awakening and introduction.

Post by MichaelXavier »

Thank you Sandy, and as I read your reply, I felt my own soul well my eyes with tears of joy. Thinking that this vision this gift from our Beloved has been held on so tightly inside of me. I have ached inside to share it, but it wasn't time. Oh the love I have for our our Beloved. Thank you for your very kind words and thank you so much for your support. I will be seeing you much more on here. I send you my love and gratitude of understanding.
Michael Xavier
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Re: My awakening and introduction.

Post by luvinlife »

Hi MichaelX and welcome from me. I was very touched by your introduction, and I also want you to know that you are never alone (and you have us!) When you said
My human parents wouldn't burn my hands over a stove if I was bad right, so how could a God that was justice
and love do that for a few years to a human "sinner"
I totally agree with you on that one!

Love, Clare
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Re: My awakening and introduction.

Post by theunim »

Hi Michael, welcome! I am fascinated by angels, myself, so I feel like reading your post relaxed me quite a bit and even got me a little excited. You write and things come true for you from those stories? Or is it just one story?

I'm asking because, and I haven't shared this yet with the forum until now, since you yourself bring it up, but there's a number of stories that I started to write over the years (I've been writing since I was in late intermediate school and now I'm 25) and certain details have come true. As a result, I kind of stayed away from writing, going back and forth on the stories, so I haven't completed anything as a result! Seeing some stuff come true started to scare me a little bit. But, I feel like reading your post is helping to motivate me even further to start writing again for myself...though, I still want to watch out with what I write.
Oh, my friend,
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is just a shell,
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Re: My awakening and introduction.

Post by MichaelXavier »

theunim wrote: You write and things come true for you from those stories? Or is it just one story?
Yes I originally wrote something about three years ago called the Revelation. It was quite the story, but even in the story while I was speaking to Gabriel he told me that angels come in the form of inspiration. So this inspiration for me was actually prophetic. Everything I had written came to pass, even down to the littlest detail. I was surprised myself, because in writing it I never intended to do anything with it. It was a message, and yes it was quite long. four chapters. I was taken to my guardian (Anna) by Gabriel, I was shown many things in the writing, and I came to find out that it was all true, in a spiritual sense.I have also written other things that have come true, all in a spiritual sense. When I connected to the Cosmic Consciousness many things changed for me, but I also realized that its the spirit of the living Father Mother God that speaks for us. Paul in Romans in the bible said "And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don't know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groaning that cannot be expressed in words."
Michael Xavier
To the one who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, with a new name written on the stone that no one knows except the one who receives it.
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Re: My awakening and introduction.

Post by Braenda »

:hithere Thank you Michael for sharing your story! I believe you! God Bless Brenda
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Re: My awakening and introduction.

Post by blue nova »

pronams ( my soul bows to your soul) ,,,MichaelXavier,

i resonate with your post.....especially this part,
MichaelXavier wrote:I have always felt different my entire life. I never really fit in, could never seem to get settled down in a religion or a job. I never agreed with the mass religious institutions, and just couldn't seem to find my place ever. I just felt like I knew God better then what was portrayed, I mean think about it... the mass of religion believes that if your bad your going to burn in hell forever, I knew better than that even when I was a kid. My human parents wouldn't burn my hands over a stove if I was bad right, so how could a God that was justice and love do that for a few years to a human "sinner" .

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Re: My awakening and introduction.

Post by theunim »

MichaelXavier wrote: Yes I originally wrote something about three years ago called the Revelation. It was quite the story, but even in the story while I was speaking to Gabriel he told me that angels come in the form of inspiration. So this inspiration for me was actually prophetic. Everything I had written came to pass, even down to the littlest detail. I was surprised myself, because in writing it I never intended to do anything with it. It was a message, and yes it was quite long. four chapters. I was taken to my guardian (Anna) by Gabriel, I was shown many things in the writing, and I came to find out that it was all true, in a spiritual sense.I have also written other things that have come true, all in a spiritual sense. When I connected to the Cosmic Consciousness many things changed for me, but I also realized that its the spirit of the living Father Mother God that speaks for us. Paul in Romans in the bible said "And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don't know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groaning that cannot be expressed in words."
That's quite a title! I'm glad your experiences with your writing have led you to this point in your life, though.

Are you still writing The Revelation?
Oh, my friend,
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is just a shell,
and the rest belongs to love.

— Rumi

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Re: My awakening and introduction.

Post by MichaelXavier »

No it was just the four chapters. I have written a lot since then though. Journals and such. I have to keep reminding myself that this is not the norm in this world, but it should be. The more and more I get seated in the spiritual path the more and more I become aware that there is something profound happening inside me, that I can't deny that. I seem to have an affinity for the nourishment of my soul than to the outer shell in the worldly sense. I find myself overwhelmed by poetry, music and beauty. Its something I couldn't describe really, but writing helps me assimilate it all :idea: .
Michael Xavier
To the one who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, with a new name written on the stone that no one knows except the one who receives it.
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Re: My awakening and introduction.

Post by theunim »

Why do you have to keep reminding yourself? It definitely doesn't have to be the norm in the world to write, just expressing one's self creatively should be a norm encouraged everywhere, so that people have an outlet of some sort! :D But, it's good that you have found a way to assimilate all the information you get by writing and that you've found it relatively earlier than others might.
Oh, my friend,
all that you see of me
is just a shell,
and the rest belongs to love.

— Rumi

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Re: My awakening and introduction.

Post by SweetLyss214 »

Hi Michael.... I'm new to this site....and well new to all of this.... I just read this and for some reason, the tears just poured out.... Not bad tears.... But I said to myself "its not just me....". From street lights turning off when I drive by them since childhood, to seeing 11:11 and 7:11s at age 33, I'm ready to research this more.... Thank you for this.... :) Sweet Melissa
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Re: My awakening and introduction.

Post by luvinlife »

Welcome, Sweet Melissa! I look forward to hearing more about you.

Love, Clare
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Re: My awakening and introduction.

Post by MichaelXavier »

Wed Mar 23, 2011 1:11 am

Melissa I thought that it was interesting, the time that you sent this.

Sometimes we need to know that there are people that do care and that you are loved.
I felt so alone for so long, and I realized that God has always been there for me. I also had the street lights, I saw the numbers, the signs. Had amazing dreams and visions. I never put two and two together.
There are people that care Melissa, and you will find a lot of answers here. Your were lead here for a reason.
Know that you are loved and cared for more than you could possibly imagine. It is true, even the hairs on your head are numbered, and that's how special you are.
Michael Xavier
To the one who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, with a new name written on the stone that no one knows except the one who receives it.
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Re: My awakening and introduction.

Post by SweetLyss214 »

SEE! There it is again!!!! 1:11!!! Michael I just saw this today!!! I didnt even realize it last night!
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Re: My awakening and introduction.

Post by SweetLyss214 »

Hi Clare!!! Thank you very much for the welcome!!! Florida huh???? I wanna move there sooooo bad!! Maybe someday!! :hithere
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Re: My awakening and introduction.

Post by LurkerAbyss »

Welcome to our board Melissa :hithere

And to Michael, thank you very much for posting what you did. I can imagine it may have taken a lot to release something held so tightly and personally, but as you said, you are not alone here. I just want to say that reading your post today has given me some wonderful inspiration in this moment. I have always had a way with words and creative writing, but rarely do I take the time to write and I really do not have a good excuse for it other than being too lazy to sit myself down and commit to something that may require more than one sitting to finish. However, reading and hearing from other writers gives me a great boost of inspiration, and I see the potential in writing the same thing I feel in my passion for music. The things that human beings create with imagination are so different from each other, so personal, and I believe these are the things which express some of the most Divine potential within us. Indeed, they are some of the most tangible forms of co-creation with the Divine Within.

Michael, the beginning of your post reminded me of a similarly powerful experience I once had. In this case, I was not feeling confused and lost or left out or searching for anything, but I was on a spiritual high which was also about a year ago. It was not long after an experience I had shortly before, where I just realized in my soul one night that, truly, we are One with the Creator. One night, something drove me to go on a huge walk from town to town in the middle of the night. I experienced some great things that night but the peak was when I arrived at a forest I had used to visit after work. There was a big hole in the ground that I wanted to find and go to sit and meditate after my long journey, but what ended up happening really moved me. To get into the forest, there is a river which must be crossed, and the hole I was looking for was pretty deep in the forest as well. It was so dark out, that I could hardly see my way at all, and something came over me where I just placed every ounce of my trust and faith in God that night. To this day, I have not yet experienced such a sweet surrender. In the middle of the night, with virtually no visibility but a pale glimpse of moonlight muddled by treetops, I carried on and on through this forest and ended up somewhere I had never been before. As well, I found something absolutely incredible. I realized the next day I was way off from the hole I had been looking for, but where my faith had brought me that night was to a platform that was built in the trees with a ladder, and it was there that I ended up perching myself and meditating for hours into the dawn.

Michael my friend, you are never alone, and I am glad to have you here. Thank you, again, for the inspiration and I hope to always hear more from you!

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Re: My awakening and introduction.

Post by one of the eleven »

well i joined on march 9th and when i read your story it reminded me immedietly of somthin that happened to my grandmother on march 6th, we went to church, ive never been big on church and always felt it wasnt for me, i didnt need it to have a close relationship with god because i knew where i was with it and no one could make me feel otherwise nor did i need somone to enlighten me. but anyway i go with my grandmother because i traveled back to the state of my birth on a mission to help her and she likes her church for more of a social outlet. its surpisingly barible for me and ive even grown to appreciate it, tho i still dont fully agree with most forms of religion. so our regular preacher was ill and another church regular was up and he said somthing along the lines of, stop telling god what you want him to do and start telling god youre ready to do what he wants. and so afterwards when we were driving home my grandma was overwhelmed, she was very happy she said somthing had changed in her, and ever since shes been saying how shell never be the same. i think it was her rebirth. or however i could describe it to have you understand the equation to your experience. deep. im glad we found this message board. i think its a good way for the 11's to begin to understand that we are not alone and in sharing our personal experiences we can learn more about what we all have in common and what we our destine to do with this message from god. sharing the lessons are important, thats what jesus did, and what made him so important. i never felt like i worshipped jesus, always understood he was a good guy, but recently i had been lead to a better understanding of what he meant to do. by asking my parents, who arent church regulars themselves: and i think somhow us as 11's are in the same sort of path, that were meant to first learn and understand gods ways and then, which is more important, teach and help others. though its the fact that we already have it in our hearts that we dont need preachers to teach us or priests to talk to god to us, and that we are already on the level: which gives us a unique opportunity to teach without preaching or forcing anything upon people but rather through enlightening them. im begining to believe that helping others is a big part of our mission as 11's and im learning more about it all the time. this is my personal and perhaps channeled spin on the whole 11:11 deal. as if the words just came to me. :) welcome aboard, good luck and keep up the good work!
=]11:11[= Keep up the good work!
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Re: My awakening and introduction.

Post by one of the eleven »

also ive written several stories, and movie scripts. one goofy one revolving around 11 sons of funk on a mission :P
=]11:11[= Keep up the good work!
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Re: My awakening and introduction.

Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello All of you Lovely souls, a wonderful thread. I'm loving it!

Petra x
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Re: My awakening and introduction.

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I also was so overwhelmed when finding this group of people on here - you really think you are alone, different and maybe a bit crazy. I am starting to see for the first time that everything I have always believed in is true.

One thing I noticed - how we love to write! I have always journalled, I studied journalism and worked as a copywriter. I believe that it is our job to spread the word. Why does the Bible suddenly stop after the 'New Testament'? Surely there is a much newer testament that everyone has simply overlooked?

We must continue to share our knowledge through words, something as simple as stories that evoke feeling or help to remind others of an enlightened way to live - without pressure or prejudice. It looks like Michael has found his calling.
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Re: My awakening and introduction.

Post by MichaelXavier »

My dear, I have always wondered that very thing. All of us are a living testament, we are the books of life.
If you look at the bible it really is just a series of experiences. I finally understand what Budda, Mohammed, and Jesus were about. When we connect with God, that part of our old self changes and we become a part of something so much more profound and more vast than we could imagine. When we reach out..... we are connected in ways that sometimes go beyond our imagination.

What a experience I have inside of me though and the experiences that I have been through. I am not alone in this.... We are all special and very loved. It's up to us to remember. Sometimes, we just remind each other.
I thought.... my son doesn't need to ask me everyday if I love him, because he knows I do. That's just the way the God loves those who trust Him/Her. If we trust and know God is with us... then nothing can harm us. We truly are safely in the hands of God, each and every one of us. We just need nudged sometimes. :kiss:
Michael Xavier
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Re: My awakening and introduction.

Post by Geoff »

Catherine R wrote: I believe that it is our job to spread the word. Why does the Bible suddenly stop after the 'New Testament'? Surely there is a much newer testament that everyone has simply overlooked?
Dear Catherine,


There have been many "testaments" since the New Testament, and most have been largely ignored. Their quality has varied, but in recent times, we have had two wonderful such testaments. If I start through time, the Mormons with Joseph Smith did, according to my sources,start out with angelic input. Then there was Swedenborg, but he too did a less than stellar job. About 100 years ago, two projects began, one I am the more familiar with, being the Padgett Messages, seven years in the receiving (1914-1921), and not published till about the 1950s, but always with almost no financial backing, and thus invisible. The Urantia Book was received over a long period of time, no one is exactly sure when, but maybe 1920 to 1940 and published in 1955 with a great deal of financial backing, and has thus achieved reasonable distribution, and has been translated to many languages, and sold over 1 million copies.

Of course the orthodox Christian churches have noticed these, and decided they will not support them. The reasons are obvious, both books destroy the foundations of orthodox Christianity. The books are different. Loosely I would say the Padgett Messages are more heart centred, and require one to be willing to look at the New Testament differently. The Urantia Book is far more intellectual, and not really religious, and while it has a huge section on the life of Jesus, literally day by day, it does not directly tackle orthodoxy. But you soon learn Jesus is not the person he is believed to be by orthodox Christians. But ironically, in my view, he is actually even more amazing.

And just recently we heard yet another revelation is being worked on, right now. Read this message: ... 9&p=156936

These are all external sources, but as we like to remind folks, you have access to the source of all Truth, within your upper mind.

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Re: My awakening and introduction.

Post by AJ »

Welcome Everyone! :hithere :hithere

This thread is full of so much joy and love! I love it!

:kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

:bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana:
"Hesitate no longer to become love!" - Our Divine Mother
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