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Saints Who Raise the Dead: True Stories of 400 Resurrection

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 6:14 am
by atsguy
I wanted to include this book with my last post about the Mysteries Marvels Miracles. But this book is by a totally different author and i feel it deserves its on section. This is also an amazing book and just shows the enormous power that can be received when the search for highest truth is attained.
Jesus told His Apostles to raise the dead (Matt. 10:8). This magnificent book covers Saints who raised from the dead persons who drowned, persons with mutilated bodies, persons who had been hanged, whose bodies had already decayed, been reduced to skeletons, or been buried for several years. They include children, unbaptized infants, unborn babies still in their mother's womb who needed to be baptized, persons executed for crimes, persons raised to testify in criminal cases or to testify to some religious truth, and persons who would have been condemned to Hell had they not been called back to earth for another chance. Also included are descriptions of Heaven, Hell and Purgatory given by temporarily dead persons who had been privileged to see those regions. Analyses the authenticity of resurrection miracles according to the teaching of the Church - plus it describes other bodily wonders of the Saints, such as levitation, bilocation, and total abstinence from natural food and drink. Includes a critique of "post clinical death" experiences in the light of Catholic teaching. Contains over sixty pictures which alone are worth the price of the book. 335pp. PB. Imprimatur. ... d_sim_b_11