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A Strange Occurance

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 2:49 am
by Chapie65
Just wanted to share a story. I work as a corrections officer at a state prison. I was talking with an inmate one day and happened to look at the clock. Like numerous times before, it was 11:11. I mentioned to him that that number sequence had been coming up alot. He immediately turned white and looked spooked. He then told me that he had been seeing the same sequence too and thought he was going crazy. This prompted me to research it. Its good to know that Im not the only one that is seeing the signs. I only hope to figure out what they mean!

Re: A Strange Occurance

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 2:59 am
by Geoff
Dear Chapie,

Welcome. Yup these prompts are seen by a lot of folks. I don't know if inmates have the Internet, but if they don't it would be hard for them to research?


Re: A Strange Occurance

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 3:37 am
by Paul
Dear Chapie,

You are being prompted by the midwayers. They are sometimes confused for angels. Simply put, they cause you to look at the clock at 11:11 and you know that it is more than a coincidence. The midwayers want you to awaken to the Spark of God that lives in your mind. These Father fragments walk the mortal journey with us, ever calling out to us to become one with the Eternal Father. The will of the Eternal Father is the one with the most love in it.

Please take a look at the FAQ section. That goes into a lot of detail about the midwayers and what their work is here on the earth.


Re: A Strange Occurance

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 8:39 am
by Sandy
Hi Chapie,
It's good to meet you. Welcome to the message board!

Re: A Strange Occurance

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:55 pm
by Chapie65
Hi, glad to meet you all and thank you!

Re: A Strange Occurance

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:16 pm
by luvinlife
Welcome from me, too, Chapie! No, not a coincidence!

Love, Clare

Re: A Strange Occurance

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 2:32 am
by Sandy
Hi Chapie,
I just got the nicest "pick me up" from the photo you posted! What a great picture! :thumright:

Re: A Strange Occurance

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:33 pm
by Shield
Hi Chapie, I was happy to read your post. I worked in public safety from 1974-1997 when I had to take an early retirement. Not long after I started seeing 1111 to the point I no longer believed it to be coincidence I also began seeing 918. My attention was drawn to any visible clock at 0918 and 2118 almost daily. At one time both the odometers on my vehicles had 918 on them at the same time etc. What I thought unusual at the time was after high school my first job in public safety was as a driver/emt with the county ambulance service and was issued badge # 918.

Until now I have n't let it be known but I became a police officer in 1976(hence the screen name Shield) and in 1984 an airport public safety officer(police/fire/emt.) and retired from there as the Operations Supervisor.

I am glad to see a C.O. here and even to learn an inmate is seeing the prompts we are being given. I really hope there are many public safety types being prompted as we are. I am convinced "beyond a reasonable doubt" the prompts are real and the world is changing rapidly. There may be a very real need for L.E.O.s,military
to step it up, depending on future events.

Re: A Strange Occurance

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:20 pm
by Chapie65
Thanks shield,
I agree that a major event is going to happwn soon. I just wonder why im being prompted. It happens again and again. Hopefully, soon i figure ut all out!

Re: A Strange Occurance

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:59 pm
by luvinlife
Hi Chapie! Sometimes I realize that a prompt can just be a "hello", or "you're going in the right direction".

Love, Clare

Re: A Strange Occurance

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 8:42 pm
by Shield
Chapie65 wrote:Thanks shield,
I agree that a major event is going to happwn soon. I just wonder why im being prompted. It happens again and again. Hopefully, soon i figure ut all out!
Hi Chapie, Some time ago I received a message about why people are prompted. I can't find it now but it did mention that the people being prompted are among other things.
Genetically capable of communicating with our guradians.
Have been found to be fair in their dealings with others.
Have abilities or experiences that will be needed in the correcting time.
Are willing to speak the truth when no one wants to hear it.

If I can locate the message I will add what ever I left out.

Stay safe.

Re: A Strange Occurance

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 4:53 pm
by Chapie65
Ive been meditating and trying to hear any messages that might come my way. A few nights ago something weird happened. I keep hearing faint voice but couldn't make out what it was saying. I kinda got fusterated and said well it would be at least nice if I knew your name. Right then I started felling light headed and all of a sudden I was back in a play I was in back in high school. I was playing a confederate soldier that befriends a slave. In the play we sing a song called "Why am I me". I felt that I was actually back at that time. I could fell the heat from the lights and felt that nervous felling of being up on stage. Anyways, the song words that kept sticking out were "why am I Gabrial, why am I Anderson. Why am I me why am I me". Right after singing this then suddenly Im back in my room where I was meditating. I dont know if this was a message to me or the way to tell me his/her name. Since then the prompts have been coming out like crazy. Is this a way that they communicate?

Re: A Strange Occurance

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 5:36 pm
by luvinlife
Wow, what an experience! I have "time traveled" once. It was amazing. I'm not sure what you are supposed to "think" about this, so I will leave it to others for their insight. Good luck!

Love, Clare

Re: A Strange Occurance

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 2:13 am
by Sandy
Hi Chapie!
That was an absolutely fascinating experience! I am "almost" speechless. :D It also illustrates the point we sometimes stress... to go with the flow and allow things to happen. When they do it is often unexpectedly. I wouldn't be at all surprised if you possibly heard the name...but which one? Anderson or Gabrial? It will be interesting to see what happens as you ask for clarification... Please keep us posted, okay?

Re: A Strange Occurance

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:40 am
by Shield
Sandy wrote:Hi Chapie!
That was an absolutely fascinating experience! I am "almost" speechless. :D It also illustrates the point we sometimes stress... to go with the flow and allow things to happen. When they do it is often unexpectedly. I wouldn't be at all surprised if you possibly heard the name...but which one? Anderson or Gabrial? It will be interesting to see what happens as you ask for clarification... Please keep us posted, okay?

Yea, Please keep us posted. :roll