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Any thoughts for a new believer in 11:11?

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:09 pm
by paula
I'm still in a fog, so to speak. About 7 weeks ago, I was awakened at 11:11 p.m., I thought it was kinda funny because I saw that I actually was looking at the direction of the clock when my eyes opened. I looked at the 11:11 and thought that was unusual because I had been awakened the night before at 11:11. Then I was awakened at 2:22 a.m. the smae night, again with my face pointing in the direction of the clock, so that when I opened my eyes I was staring at 2:22. Then at 3:33 it happened again. At that time, I knew that this was no coincidence and that someone or something was trying to get a message to me. I had never heard of this 11:11 thing before, I asked my friends and co workers what they thought of something so strange. No one I knew had ever heard of something so strange as this. I blew it off. Then it happened again with the 11:11 and the 3:33 about 3 weeks after that. Then I started researching and came on this site, along with some others. I learned about the light thing too. And then to my surprise, I was flying into town about 3 nights ago, the night was calm and we were floating over a large parking lot with lots of buildings all alike. The same size, the same amount of lights, both parking lights and lights on the building. These were not small buildings. As my plane passed overhead of one of the buildings all of the lights went off on that just one building, including the parking lights around it. It was totally dark as my plane passed it. I knew that is must also be a message.

After the second 11:11 prompt, and I knew more about this messaging, etc. I asked the guardians to let me know exactly what they wanted from me, that I would do it as long as no one was harmed, and that all I asked in return was guidance. I was beginning to see some signs, and the next day I received a phone call that can markedly help my business, I think that the guardians put me and the caller in touch with one another. I need some advise from the midwayers, I need some direction, as things are hinging on my doing absolutely everything right in order to save my business. How can I contact them, I spend alot of time at night hoping that my questions are being heard by them. Any advise, or any thoughts?

Re: Any thoughts for a new believer in 11:11?

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:16 pm
by Geoff
Dear Paula,

Welcome. I have moved your post here. You have had the same series of numbers that I have had, although I got one number a night, for three consecutive nights. I recommend that you read the threads in the first forum, especially this one:

If you want contact, try meditation.


Re: Any thoughts for a new believer in 11:11?

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 12:21 am
by ofek
welcome Paula! :hithere

Re: Any thoughts for a new believer in 11:11?

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 10:55 am
by Sandy
Hi Paula,
Welcome to the message board
I enjoyed your post and your introduction to the number prompts. As Geoff said, meditation is the way to increase your ability to communicate with the Midwayers and other celestial beings. Daily meditation will change your life in many ways and not just the can lower our stress and prevent many of the diseases and problems this can cause. Meditation is most helpful in allowing us to discard our thoughts for a time and go to a peaceful place within where many answers are found or intuited. Often the answers in life are not laid out clearly for us by the celestials as we must be allowed to make our own decisions and experience the lessons that come along with it. Yet because we are so loved our Celestial friends want very much for us to succeed in our human endeavors especially if it benefits others along the way.
I hope all goes well for you and you are able to save your business. :finger:

Re: Any thoughts for a new believer in 11:11?

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 2:17 pm
by Irit
Hi Paula,

Welcome and good luck with your business. All things happen for a reason and at times it is not apparent, but you will receive the answers to your questions.


Re: Any thoughts for a new believer in 11:11?

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 2:42 pm
by luvinlife
Hi Paula! Welcome and thank you so much for sharing your experiences. WOW! I also had one night where I woke up at 11:11, 2:22, 3:33 and was amazing. And as Irit said, everything is for a reason.

Love, Clare

Re: Any thoughts for a new believer in 11:11?

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 3:19 pm
by roxiedog13
paula wrote:I'm still in a fog, so to speak. About 7 weeks ago, I was awakened at 11:11 p.m., I thought it was kinda funny because I saw that I actually was looking at the direction of the clock when my eyes opened. I looked at the 11:11 and thought that was unusual because I had been awakened the night before at 11:11. Then I was awakened at 2:22 a.m. the smae night, again with my face pointing in the direction of the clock, so that when I opened my eyes I was staring at 2:22. Then at 3:33 it happened again. At that time, I knew that this was no coincidence and that someone or something was trying to get a message to me. I had never heard of this 11:11 thing before, I asked my friends and co workers what they thought of something so strange. No one I knew had ever heard of something so strange as this. I blew it off. Then it happened again with the 11:11 and the 3:33 about 3 weeks after that. Then I started researching and came on this site, along with some others. I learned about the light thing too. And then to my surprise, I was flying into town about 3 nights ago, the night was calm and we were floating over a large parking lot with lots of buildings all alike. The same size, the same amount of lights, both parking lights and lights on the building. These were not small buildings. As my plane passed overhead of one of the buildings all of the lights went off on that just one building, including the parking lights around it. It was totally dark as my plane passed it. I knew that is must also be a message.

After the second 11:11 prompt, and I knew more about this messaging, etc. I asked the guardians to let me know exactly what they wanted from me, that I would do it as long as no one was harmed, and that all I asked in return was guidance. I was beginning to see some signs, and the next day I received a phone call that can markedly help my business, I think that the guardians put me and the caller in touch with one another. I need some advise from the midwayers, I need some direction, as things are hinging on my doing absolutely everything right in order to save my business. How can I contact them, I spend alot of time at night hoping that my questions are being heard by them. Any advise, or any thoughts?
First of all :hithere hello to a fellow pilot :mrgreen: It appears you fly for a living whereas I just live to fly :lol: I have a private license a few hundred hours and I'm currently flying a seaplane.

It appears you are getting mega prompts as I did in the beginning. I thought that I was going nutz but figured it out after a while. Well, I knda got use to it more than figured it out, that process is
still a work in progress. Enjoy the ride, or rather the flight in your case. Image
