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Just found out about 11:11 this experience

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:30 am
by cleansweep
So for about a year now I have been seeing these multiples on the clocks and on tv for about a year now. Up until recently I started getting tons of 11:11, I just get the sudden urge to look at the clock or someone will be asking me the time. I always figured it had to do with something until this morning when I did a google search and found this site. Everything I read so far in the faq and through other peoples stories makes 100% sense. I always felt it was someone or something causing me to see these signs, and I had no clue what. The funny thing is I even told a friend at work yesterday "Damn, every time I look at the clock lately its 11:11". I have also had multiple dreams in the past about things before they happen, very vivid dreams about vacations and jobs, where i wake up and I'm like "that makes no sense" until it happens. I'm not sure if any of this can be connected with these "Angels" or if thats something completely different. I also was recently speaking with a manager of mine who is also a pastor and we were talking about the power of certin numbers and number in multiples and he told me that 11 is a very powerful number. He also went over the similarities in these numbers in different holy books. I feel it could have possibly been a sign for me to open my eyes and receive the message thats trying to be given to me. Also as i was watching the youtube video that made me find the site, i received a txt from my friend. I paused the video on youtube to read the txt and told myself "hey its not 11:11 right now but i want a sign of 11" so i I read it and he tells me he's selling two pairs of shoes and if i knew anyone who wanted to buy them. So i ask him what size they are....of course there 11. I figure 2 pairs of shoes....both size 11. 11:11....

Re: Just found out about 11:11 this experience

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 7:29 am
by Petra Wilson
Hello and welcome Cleansweep! Well at least I don't have to ask you to read the FAQ...
You'll fit in well here, I'll bet?
I love the bit about the shoes....

Love, Petra

Re: Just found out about 11:11 this experience

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 7:56 am
by Geoff
Dear Cleansweep,

Welcome. I am always curious when folks have a feeling "something" is causing this, but seem to prefer it not be discarnate intelligences. I wonder if they would prefer it was the CIA?


Re: Just found out about 11:11 this experience

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 3:29 pm
by luvinlife
Welcome from me too!!!! As Petra said, you should fit in well!!!

Love, Clare

Re: Just found out about 11:11 this experience

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 4:17 pm
by mm1111
Welcome Cleansweep!

Glad you found this site, it has been very helpful for me. I also have dreams that happen in real life, one big one was on vacation and I told the people I was with about the dream and when it really happened they looked at me like I was crazy :shock: I do feel it has some connection with 11:11 as angels can give messages through our dreams. Although I still havn't figured out what the message is in the dream I had over and over of the pirates of the carribean ride at disneyland shuting down right when we are about to get on meant. It was pretty cool when it really happened though :bana: .

Re: Just found out about 11:11 this experience

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:10 pm
by Sandy
Welcome Cleansweep! It's good to have you on board!
I love the shoe prompt! That is a new one !
I look forward to getting to know you! :hithere

Re: Just found out about 11:11 this experience

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:32 pm
by hmm
Welcome to the sight! You will find the nicest people on the interwebs here. Nice to meet you. :loves

Re: Just found out about 11:11 this experience

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 7:13 pm
by cleansweep
I appreciate all the replies.MM, The pirates of Caribbean thing is crazzzzy. This has been happening to me sense a young age and doesn't happen that often. A few of the times it did happen i either was arrested or got hurt in my dream, but when it came to reality everything but the BAD part of the dream would happen. I really feel its a lot deeper then just these prompts. After reading about meditating and being able to receive the msgs these spirits are sending , it really has me wanting to practice and get a routine down. I'm pretty sure the only time I have gotten msgs has been when I have been under the influence of either Ketamine which is a small animal tranquilizer...or LSD....I think the reason I was able to hear these msgs loud and clear when I was on these drugs was because of the state my mind was in. I was in a very relaxed state and my thoughts were open. On the ketamine i was even able to feel the vibrations of different people in the room , and would get msgs in my head about what I need to do to better my life and even who to stay close to and who to stay away from...all the drug stuff was around 98-99 and I really paid it no mind until now. Thats why I want to start meditating so I can start listening and following these msgs they are giving to me. It makes a lot more sense when you realize that these spirits have better things planned for you. I can't wait to open my mind and spirit and get where I need to be to fully understand what my job is. I don't live the best of lives and still have major faults which any 29 yr old bachelor would have (i.e. weed daily, girls, drinking, loud music) so I know I will have to better my thought process and way of living before I become fully spiritually aware. Thanks again for this board and its nice to know theres others like me I can talk to about this stuff who don't think its just "some weird coincidence " or that "I'm crazy"

Re: Just found out about 11:11 this experience

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 4:08 pm
by mm1111
No, your not crazy and meditation is a good idea. I ordered the Akashic Construct cd that George has and it is helping me with my meditation. I am fairly new to all of this as well and we are about the same age, and sounds like a similiar life style LOL. You can start meditation anytime, I think I am getting some results which feels pretty awsome ( a natural high :lol: )

Good luck in your adventures and please let us know how things are going, it helps to hear others experiences. Much love to ya! Maggie