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How do I get my angels to contact me in different ways?

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 3:47 am
by Jhartsock123
I haven't really been getting any signs, or voices in about 3-4 weeks. And when I hear a voice it only replies with my first name, and it only happens when I'm sleeping. Is there a way I can get my midwayers or angels to contact me in a different way? I heard people say that they can mess with your emails, turn on and off lights, and leave white feathers around. I never experienced any of these, and an email would be the best way because I always check them, and they're usually deleted because of spam and what not, if anyone has received an email from one, what do they usually say so you don't delete it by mistake?

Re: How do I get my angels to contact me in different ways?

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 8:32 am
by Geoff
Dear jhartsock,

If you get an email, it will likely not say anything. I have not heard, and don't ever expect to hear of spirit COMMUNICATION by email. What I mean is they can trigger things, but they don't talk to us that way. You will see on one of the threads I got something on my phone, but it did not say anything.

The best way is to practise meditation, especially since you have heard your name in your sleep.


Re: How do I get my angels to contact me in different ways?

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 3:44 pm
by happyrain
as far as the emails are concerned i believe there are certain words or phrases that stick out and have meaning to YOU
even more determining is when you get such an email at a time like 1111

that doesn't mean you need the 1111 prompt to notice these personal messages
guidance comes in all forms
one day the radio could be talking to you & the next day- the sun

perception right?
so why not emails? feathers? nature? friends & family? animals?
i am reminded of this quote
Truth is One; it cannot be otherwise. Therefore the Sufi finds the light and love of the Divine Spirit of Guidance hidden in all names and forms.
ok peace :loves

Re: How do I get my angels to contact me in different ways?

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 7:50 am
by Sandy
Hi Jhartsock,

I think what was Geoff was intimating was that it is a rare occurance for anyone to get an email specifically from a midwayer or celestial... you know, "Dear so and so...etc... " I was gonna say never but then I remembered something beautiful from one of our members.. :D
But just like HP suggested, messages can come in many ways and in bits and pieces as we become more intuitive and aware. The way to become more intuitive and aware is twofold. Learning to exist in the present moment in openness and joy and in quieting your thoughts for a time and allowing the wisdom hailing from the Creator spark to rise to the surface instead... It is in this open state that we often hear, sense, feel, and see the wonders of reality not often visable as we go about our busy lives. It is the never ending journey in reaching and surpassing what we already understand and feel about God, our distant celestial siblings, life and reality in general, etc. that we find our own place and real and lasting happiness. So even if we feel the weight of the entire forward journey, it helps to let these feelings of urgency and frustration to pass and know that the journey in itself is a blessing and "good things" are happening today, tomorrow and every day if only we have "heart" to see.