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New, but not so new.. =)

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 5:03 am
by hazed
First off I would like to excuse myself for not following standard procedure in posting this. (I know your strict Geoff so sorry in advance). :sorry:

I have visited this site on and off for about 4 years now, the first visit shortly after a psychic informed me that I should Google it..funny thing is she talked to me in the store for a while and charged me the minimum 5 dollar requirement. She had been right about me having saw the 11:11, but when I came here and learned about the electronic device manipulation..I really started to believe something was trying to communicate with me.. or has been for a long time. I did not register nor sign up for the mailing list until a few months ago when I subscribed to get some very insightful messages. My wife has also subscribed to the list and she has been pleased with the messages we receive.

Now here is what I really wanted to share/ask/whatever

When I was deployed in Iraq from 2004-2005 my grandfather passed away, but it took a miracle for me to go back and see him since he was my grandfather. Somehow I got the order to be allowed to go see him, which till this day baffles me. When I got back to Iraq, I had an intense series of dreams that took place on circular platforms.. and I was having a profound discussion/possibly teaching with something (I cannot for the life of me remember its intentions). After Iraq I found myself in Hawaii.. a place that for some reason did not feel right (but it sure did look right), and about a year later everything in my life came apart. In 2008 I began what I consider 'waking up'.. and I started seeing the 11:11 more frequently, and sometimes on cue.. one day while reading some posts on this site I began to question whatever it was to be a little more specific and my comp had a power outage. Since that day my dreams and sleep have been altered, I feel as if though I am working at night =)
I was immediately scared and decided to forget the 11:11 thing and focus on school, which for the past 2 years I have. Funny thing is I ended up studying History/Anthropology with a focus on Atlantic/Caribbean histories. I found out me and my wife are having a baby which we had been waiting for a long time. Everything had been going great until this past year when I began searching for a house and began feeling I was being punished for not doing something right (still have that feeling). I began encountering hurdles that I would expect, but not at the intensity and magnitude they came at me. I felt blessed and protected, but I complained and complained. Then I ended up here one night and decided to give myself up to whatever I can do to assist in any capacity, but again I got a little hesitant and did not buy the CD.
Lately whatever has been guiding me has let me a little loose again (I felt like I was a leaf in the wind for 2 years good grades etc). My transmission on my car went out, medicaid rejected my wife for me making 50 dollars more than the 150% poverty level, and just an overall feeling of being lost.
Boom the 11:11 5 times last week, and I am like "what?" and today when I check my bank account, my trans bill (parts) in a single charge for 2,222.22 - This is shortly after I had a conversation with my aunt about God, Job(from bible), and patience. Somehow I feel like I am on the right track again.. but like on my last straw with people who have either vouched for me in another level or are tired with me.

So I guess the long story short.. Appreciate what you have, be patient, and help others.. our society is so overcrowded with people ready to swindle others just to get ahead on earthly posessions. It is so sad that we fail to take care of each other with the capacity for love and consideration we have.

to be continued if allowed

A leaf in the wind

Re: New, but not so new.. =)

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:21 am
by Sandy
Dear Moises,

Welcome to the message board! It was nice to listen to a short summary of your life over the past few years. In reading your post I can see that you too, like most of us here, flow with the ups and downs that make up our time on this planet. Yet we must keep in mind that what happens around us in our lives is up to us even though it doesn't seem like it at times. The Midwayers are electrical being and can give hello prompts on many human devices and in many other subtle ways. They can also warn us if the Powers On High allow it but they are in no way allowed to interfere in our lives...make decisions for us or punish us if we do not follow inner urgings. They follow Love just as we try our darndest to do and whiles they are learning just as we are, they have had much more time to observe this earth and all its inhabitants as they have been here for over 500,000 years in the case of the Primary Midwayers and over 37,000 years for the Secondary Midwayers. They have amazing IQ's (in the thousands) and so they understand our complex problems and cosmic citizenship far better then we do...yet despite this, they are not allowed to give us all the answers. Otherwise the human race will truly not learn anything. It would be like giving us a cheat sheet for a test. And while at that moment it might feel good and seem like the right thing getting us over an immediate probem, in the long term our troubles would never end and lessons would not be learned on an individual basis as well as a world population basis because we have not done our own homework.

And so we love and we learn to quiet our minds so the deeper lessons and answers will come forward as we evolve ever more towards what we are at the soul level... beings of Love.

You wrote:
Then I ended up here one night and decided to give myself up to whatever I can do to assist in any capacity, but again I got a little hesitant and did not buy the CD.
The cd is not necessary to get closer to our celestial cousins and an ever deeper understanding of the Loving Source of the Universe. It is a tool, a good one, like many others that can help with the process of stillness, quieting your mind and overcoming inner obstacles placed there over the years by each of us as we deal with the "make ups" of our lives. Our intent, dedication to spending at least a little time each day in stillness, our desire to grow in love and caring for others as well as ourselves all contribute to soul growth...and we as individuals and world as a whole moves a tiny step closer to a time of harmony and light.

It is very nice to meet you, Moises. I look forward to hearing more of your life and spiritual adventures.

Re: New, but not so new.. =)

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 2:49 pm
by luvinlife
Welcome from me too, Moises. Your story was very interesting to read, and I totally understand what you have gone through and are going through. As Sandy said, life is "ups and downs". I was brought up Catholic, and the religion of my childhood was big on the "punishment" thing. There was a point where I was afraid to even get out of bed in the morning because I was afraid of "sinning" and being "punished". I prayed and prayed, and I was awakened. Hence, the prompts, and this site. Since you've been looking at this site, I'm sure you have read all of the beautiful, inspiring posts. We're here to learn, to love, and to help. I wish you well in your journey.

Love, Clare

Re: New, but not so new.. =)

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:18 am
by Geoff
Dear Moises,

Welcome. I am wondering what it is you thought I might do? We are strict about folks breaking rules, you did not. By all means tell us more. I do wonder why you seem so reluctant to "get with the program" because by all the signs, they are on your case.


Re: New, but not so new.. =)

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 4:18 am
by hazed
Thanks for the responses Sandy, Clare and Geoff :hithere
I still feel a little nervous, but I know I need to be here having this conversation with you guys because it is 11:11 right now (started this sentence and looked at my computer clock while I typed "you guys" at exactly 11:11, it is AMAZING -plus the rest of this post was written before I decided to write this)
Geoff I really wish I knew what keeps me from going further, it is almost like a mental block towards proceeding further. Perhaps its my life experiences, but in this case I have yet to encounter any negative energy around this board (you guys really seem to have a strong family growing). I have also read a number of stories here that only strengthen my urge to give myself completely to the task, which I believe involves helping people who do not understand the true complexity of the universe. Where I live (Miami), there is a dark cloud of ignorance that has encouraged the people here to continuously wrong each other.

Words cannot explain the hurt I feel now when I see people act the way they do, its almost like a spiritual de-evolution.. they worry more and more about the material and less about the greater scheme of things.
(this is something I myself have had to grapple with, and I know my priorities have been I guess I am giving myself a lecture :roll :roll )

Regardless, it is time for a change so I have decided to order the CD and begin working towards whatever the creator wishes.

(sorry if this post is a little wacky, the whole 11:11 thing has been way too intense lately.. I just wish I could know exactly where I was going --- I know patience. :duh

Oh and Geoff I still have not gone over all the rules, that is why I wanted to be safe I was not breaking any rules in the OP, and pre-apologized if I did :mrgreen:

edit: forgot about this from your post Geoff:
5. Fear. If you are fearful, don't start. Wait, even if it takes years, till you are ready. Fear is a spirit poison. Fear attracts that which you fear.

I am fearful, but I have waited too long. I know that I have protectors, and I feel/know there are others out there who would jump at the chance to bring me towards something else which I feel very conflicted about.

Re: New, but not so new.. =)

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 2:29 pm
by luvinlife
Hi Moises. Yes, fear is a very big block. It's very hard to let go of it, though. I know exactly what you mean about the "materialists". I wrote a post in the current events section about how upset I am about what is happening in the Gulf with the oil gush and how people are so apathetic. It seems that so many people are just on their hunt for the material. Okay, enough "venting". We'll just have to keep throwing out our positive energy and light.

Love, Clare

Re: New, but not so new.. =)

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 3:27 pm
by Sandy
Hi Clare,
We'll just have to keep throwing out our positive energy and light.
Absolutely :D Throwing out positive energy and Light has more power than we can imagine at this time. Beautiful Helen and her Divine Self just reminded us of that.
Northhamptonshire, UK, June 29, 2010.
Divine Self through Green Tara.
Subject: “The Beauty of it All.”

Received by Helen Whitworth.

Divine Self: “Any which way you turn, you will see wonders if your eyes but allow you to see.

“There are amazing sights in every moment of this world, in every space and in every time.

“The opening of your heart to another is one of these moments, and it should be embraced regardless of the possibilities of its outcome, without being encumbered by misgivings or thoughts of how the future will unfold.

“It is a moment that is special, and you should sit in each moment and embrace the beauty of it all alongside the beauty of yourself.

“When you are feeling buoyed by spirit then those are moments in which you can decide to make change, to make love to yourself and to the world around. It is through this outpouring of love from beings into their surroundings that mass change can occur.

“Be still little mouse, and rest in me.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.

You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
:lol: I think this one struck a chord with Sammy too on another thread. Yes..positive physical work is required on all our parts but lets also remember the work we can do every day in sharing our spirit self and the love within for the benefits of our Earth Mother ...Urantia... Gaia. It is very much needed right now.


Re: New, but not so new.. =)

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 3:44 pm
by Sandy
Hi Moises,

I love the photo avatar..It's great to see your face! :D

There really is no hurry to rush into anything that you are still a little uncomfortable with. It is better to work through your conflicting feelings and determine the whys... No one will think any less of you for either holding back or even if it goes the way of pulling away completely. Granted I will be a little sad as each person leaves a mark with us... something special of themselves that I cherish. (yeah I'm an odd bird.. ;) )

So please take your time and perhaps just be with us for awhile, reading posts, sharing your experiences, contributing with your own wealth of acccumulated life knowledge.. When you feel absolutely comfortable and know that your way is clear ahead maybe you will spin that cd that I put in the mail for you today. :) And when and if you do, remember many of us have been there as well at this exciting point in the center of the road... wondering which direction to go...wondering where this will lead...wondering what is down the road for me?... Take it slow...take it one day at a time, following the path with the most love and you won't loose your way...


Re: New, but not so new.. =)

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 5:22 am
by LolaandLight

I get the fear thing too. It isn't fear like being afraid of what will go wrong next in life--it is fear of an unknown known. Does that make sense to you? I have this as well. It is like I am skipping class or putting my hands over my ears because I don't want to hear what is being said on a particular subject. This is what I believe, or have been lead to figuring out about myself thus far--within me, within all of us, there is a knowing that we aren't completely in touch with. We sense and we know that there is so much more to this world of our's and our true life mission is not completely for our own purposes. The world teaches us do this, do that, to succeed, get money, get educated, be smart, buy a big house, fancy cars, have kids, be on top of it at all times. But, heck, we know, down inside of us, that we would really get more out of this existance if we just sit still and forget the world, if we look deeper inside of ourselves and open ourselves up. We put it off like putting off doing homework, or cleaning the dishes, or doing the laundry. We put it off because the scale of it, we sense, is beyond our senses, yet we sense it. I put it off because of a fear of failure--what if I didn't "make it" to where I was supposed to be according to the standards of the spiritual realm. I also put it off because I just wanted to have the white picket fence and be normal. Knowing you are surrounded by protectors, hear the whisperings of angels, these things are not "normal" in today's society. But, if you search the Bible, if you are of the Judeo-Christian traditon, there have been many before us that are now considered heroes, in that tradition, for which walking on Earth was taking a walk with God at all times. Read up on the story of Elijah. It is normal for humans to live this way. It is why we are here--we pull the spiritual into the physical.

Then, there is a simple explanation that goes with all of the others as to why I put it off--as a human, one of my personality traits is that I tend to put things off as if I could hold back time by doing so. It is okay, they know you. I have found when they keep screaming at me it is because something has opened up for a major change in my life. Or, I am likely to make a mistake because of a misreading on my part of my life situation. So, I have learned, especially as of late, to just stop and listen.

Re: New, but not so new.. =)

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 12:33 pm
by Petra Wilson
Hello and welcome Moises! I loved reading your intro. I could relate to a lot of what you said.
I get a bit upset about materialism too. My family feel a bit sorry for me, they tell me when
they visit. e.g: "Your home is quite bare, Pet! Here have this!" or, "Oh, mum got you a load of
nice clothes Pet, here you go!" I don't want it, but they're always bringing stuff when they stay
and I'm supposed to be grateful too. I know they mean well though, so I chuck it out once they're
gone, LOL! (I mean give it to the Red cross, of course!)
Divine Self: “Any which way you turn, you will see wonders if your eyes but allow you to see.
Woah! I heard something very similar while I was waking up, the day before Helen got back in touch with me, Sandy!
I heard this: "you will see the beauty in All if you will allow it!"

Love, Pet x

Re: New, but not so new.. =)

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 6:21 am
by Sandy
Hi Pet,
"you will see the beauty in All if you will allow it!"
I love it when we get double confirmation... :D

I need to have this message tatooed to the back of one of my I will see and remember. It is so easy to get wrapped up in the business of life that sometimes I forget to just plain enjoy the moment, completely missing the wonder of what is.

I love your sunset Avi.. what an amazing color-filled sky!

Re: New, but not so new.. =)

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 8:29 am
by Petra Wilson
Yes, I love the double confirmations too!

That was sunset in Sardinia late last month.

HUGS, Pet xx

Re: New, but not so new.. =)

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 2:06 pm
by blue nova
Moises wrote:
Words cannot explain the hurt I feel now when I see people act the way they do, its almost like a spiritual de-evolution.. they worry more and more about the material and less about the greater scheme of things.
(this is something I myself have had to grapple with, and I know my priorities have been I guess I am giving myself a lecture )
all souls have 'lessons to learn' while 'here'. a big lesson to overcome. you are spot on have recognized materialism.



Re: New, but not so new.. =)

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:13 pm
by luvinlife
It is so easy to get wrapped up in the business of life that sometimes I forget to just plain enjoy the moment, completely missing the wonder of what is.
Yes, thanks, Sandy! I'm really enjoying this thread!

Love, Clare