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11:11, what's next?

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 5:19 am
by dandan
I have been seeing 11:11 for a while now and I always thought it was just a coincidence and then later on it started freaking me out and that it can't be just a coincidence anymore but I ignored it. Then later on I heard someone on the radio saying that she and her boyfriend used to see it often but I still ignored it. Lately I told one friend about it and everytime I saw it I texted him and just few days ago I saw 11:11 on his car's clock while I was with him. So just today I decided to google it and it's something about 1,111 spiritual guardians or angels and that many others do see that too...

I found that "they are 1,111 fun-loving Spirit Guardians, or Angels, and the 11:11 prompt is their way of using our innate ability for pattern recognition to let us know that they are here."
and that "The Spirit Guardians are noted worldwide for their 11:11 AM and 11:11 PM time prompts, and other digital prompts, at which time their human friends receive subliminal spiritual input, which later surfaces at the appropriate time as d้jเ vu, or plain intuition."

So now that I know what it means, what's next?

Will they still show me the same number?

It says they offer us guidance and their IQ is great etc.... What guidance can they offer? And what do they want us to do for them?

And the reasons for them choosing us sounds right...

This is quite interesting to me but I don't want to talk to them like some pages say that they prefer talking rather than numbers, I don't know how they look like and I would be scared from talking to them, it just doesn't sound right.. But they are fun-loving?! so they should be nice and they are called angels!! mmm confused... Is that all true?


Re: 11:11, what's next?

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 2:48 pm
by Sandy
Hello dandan,

Welcome to the message board. You asked a few questions that I will touch on if you like...first...
So now that I know what it means, what's next?
Well, of course that is totally up to you...there is no hurry to communicate with them until you are 100 per cent comfortable. So perhaps a little more research into the beings behind the number prompts might help contribute to your knowledge and comfort level. I'm not sure if you have noticed the FAQ's. It is the very first forum on the board index. From this forum much basic information is found. I did say basic though and I understand we all want to know just how this really affects us and our lives where ever we call home on this planet. Well, it helps a great deal to know that the Midwayers not only are somewhat fun loving...(that isn't their greatest attribute by any means) but they are very loving and have observed life which includes human development on this planet for 500 thousand years in the case of the Primary Midwayers and about 37,000 years for the Secondary Midwayers. This world is their home too and the long to see it the shining jewel that it should be on every level...with spiritual advancement and peace between nation's, cultures and individuals is at the top of their list of desired accomplishements . But we all can contribute to this effort in our own unique way, whether we have gifts of understanding in the sciences and medicine, in the teaching fields, industry, social services or possess love and gifts of compassion and empathy with our fellows in such a way that we bring comfort and encouragement. All of us have ways of being and even inner gifts that are condusive to this great endeavor and all of us can bring about this change in global conciousness one person at a time. The Midwayers encourage us...nudge us...give us gentle hints towards obtainable goals for humanity but we must do the work ourselves, otherwise it will be like a school child be given the answers for the upcoming test. With no real work required there will be no long term education acquired.
This URL may give a bit more info...
What are Midwayers...
and from the Urantia Book... Paper 77 The Midway Creatures ... -creatures

As I said there is no hurry no rush to communicate with these beings but if and when ready, learning to quiet your mind through some type of meditation technique is beneficial in many ways and on many levels. This URL in th FAQs speaks more on this subject. and
Will they still show me the same number?
This URL speaks a bit more on number sequnences...

I hope you find this place a comfortable place to share as you continue to explore the 1111 number prompt and what it means to you personally.

Re: 11:11, what's next?

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 2:54 am
by LolaandLight
Hi and welcome. I like to think of the number sequences as prompts to pray. I am still a bit new to this idea of the Midwayers and Angels (they aren't the same) myself. I am not new to having them talk to me. If you come from a Christian background (that's all I have detailed knowledge of), the idea of talking to "spirits" is spooky. But, these are not spirits in the traditional sense of the word. What I do, is pray. I think of it as a prompt to pray for those I love, pray for the world, pray for my neighbors, etc. It is a call to come closer to God. How we go about doing that is up to us--free will and all.

Will it stop if you ignore it? It has been my experience that they do not stop trying to get us to respond. You see, we have been picked. Everyone is called to God through the internal spark of God within us. However, not everyone is called directly through prompts or some other device. So, consider yourself blessed. No better or less than other members of mankind, but blessed.

Also, the way I think of it is what if Noah ignored the voice of God calling him? It is no different, except I doubt you will be called to build an ark. Then again, who knows? We all have different paths and purposes. Take care and don't let it freak you out too much.

Re: 11:11, what's next?

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 3:10 am
by Geoff
Dear DanDan,

Welcome. We call these 11:11 folks "angels" to soften the blow a bit. They are not really "angels" for one reason only, they are of the material, unlike real celestials who are not.

Have a look at the first forum - FAQS. Lots to read there.
