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Do we have the power to spread it?

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 2:13 pm
by ashbernie311
I have been posting on here for a while now, but I have always forgotten to ask.

So...I started getting prompts March 2009, and I have literally been living through love and light (trying, even in hard times) and towards the end of the year and now - my friends are now getting prompts. I can honestly say (INCLUDING my boyfriend) that five of my close friends (the only ones I hang out with really) are getting prompts.

I'm not just talking clocks. My closer male friends are getting numerical prompts, while my boyfriend and best female friend get more sound and visual prompts. They are not as frequent with me, though increasing!

I'm just curious, is it something everyone is missing out on noticing, or is this spreading the awareness?
I am loving it. I have so many times when prompts occurred it's unbelievable.

The funniest was when my boyfriend tried to go to the bathroom with the door open and the tv says as he 'begins' "PULL YOUR PANTS UP" we had a good laugh over that one. ;)

There was another time when I got a prompt from my Great Uncle Ronnie (he came through at a coming-thru event...truly amazing). One night my boyfriend was going outside to get my dinner carryout I left in the car - for some reason I walked to the door too. When he was walking to the car I was staring at the lights....BOOM the transformer exploded! (SO scary at first!) I kid you not - so the power didn't go off, but my tv did, and switched back on to play Bob Seeger's Old Time Rock N' Roll! - only to change back to what we were watching. LOL. All that night I was getting "52" after that, which is the number I get when Ronnie is around. It's just so astonishing the stuff that has happened. Hah!

Has anything happened like this? Sorry for rambling, I'm curious. Also curious if your friends are part of this group. :sunflower:

Ashley :)

Re: Do we have the power to spread it?

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:56 pm
by roxiedog13
ashbernie311 wrote:I have been posting on here for a while now, but I have always forgotten to ask.

So...I started getting prompts March 2009, and I have literally been living through love and light (trying, even in hard times) and towards the end of the year and now - my friends are now getting prompts. I can honestly say (INCLUDING my boyfriend) that five of my close friends (the only ones I hang out with really) are getting prompts.

I'm not just talking clocks. My closer male friends are getting numerical prompts, while my boyfriend and best female friend get more sound and visual prompts. They are not as frequent with me, though increasing!

I'm just curious, is it something everyone is missing out on noticing, or is this spreading the awareness?
I am loving it. I have so many times when prompts occurred it's unbelievable.

The funniest was when my boyfriend tried to go to the bathroom with the door open and the tv says as he 'begins' "PULL YOUR PANTS UP" we had a good laugh over that one. ;)

There was another time when I got a prompt from my Great Uncle Ronnie (he came through at a coming-thru event...truly amazing). One night my boyfriend was going outside to get my dinner carryout I left in the car - for some reason I walked to the door too. When he was walking to the car I was staring at the lights....BOOM the transformer exploded! (SO scary at first!) I kid you not - so the power didn't go off, but my tv did, and switched back on to play Bob Seeger's Old Time Rock N' Roll! - only to change back to what we were watching. LOL. All that night I was getting "52" after that, which is the number I get when Ronnie is around. It's just so astonishing the stuff that has happened. Hah!

Has anything happened like this? Sorry for rambling, I'm curious. Also curious if your friends are part of this group. :sunflower:

Ashley :)
You must have open minded friends cuz I don't speak to anyone about prompts except my daughter. Like I said on
another post, I think we all have the gift, but not all are willing to accept it. If I were to go on TV today talking about
Christianity the majority of the population would be accepting. If I were to go on TV speaking about 1111, prompts etc.
I would be considered :roll :roll :roll ........nuts.


Re: Do we have the power to spread it?

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:56 pm
by Geoff
Dear Ashley,

The answer is simple. But WE don't do this, the angels do. They are open to every opportunity, and yes it spreads in waves, very often to people you could or will talk to about this.


Re: Do we have the power to spread it?

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:20 pm
by ][nfeRnaL
I returned a phone call that I just missed from a friend. He said "Damn you and your numbers" . I LOL @ him and asked what's up.
He replied man I only see 12:12 11:11 1:11 on clocks since you started telling me about it and its getting worse and driving me nuts. He said microwave 12:12, go to my truck it's 1:11 and last night I went to a bar and left at exactly 12:12. What did you do to me?
I LOL so hard @ him and asked again, Do you really think I have that power over your mind,...really? He said no, but doesn't get it.
Not sure if we spread it,but is wild.

Re: Do we have the power to spread it?

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:15 am
by luvinlife
My son sees prompts. My daughter once in a while says she's drawn to the clock at 4:44. I have shared the experiences with my friends. One of my friends told me she would love to get prompts, but she never has.

Love, Clare

Re: Do we have the power to spread it?

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 11:21 pm
by happyrain
hi :hithere
a friend of mine made an interesting observation-
"i see 11:11 more, when i am around like minded-people"
like minded being... open/loving or heart felt-

yes. increase in awareness. this is happening :loves

Re: Do we have the power to spread it?

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 3:28 am
by Macker
Well i tell everybody about this ... mainly Family and Friends because i know this thing is soooooooooooooooo real :D

Re: Do we have the power to spread it?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 3:35 pm
by AJ
When I have told people about it they begin to notice the prompts but most of them do not take the next steps and begin to ignore them. I am thankful though that they never give up on us though like so many give up on them.

Re: Do we have the power to spread it?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:06 pm
by imraan

something funny happened to me as I signed up for this site today.
as i sent the confirmation for my account...i hear the song "What if God was one of Us?"
from the tv downstairs. i have a tv on in my room and a telephon headset...and i still managed to hear it
as i recieved the Welcome...instantly.

Re: Do we have the power to spread it?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 1:06 am
by luvinlife
Welcome aboard, Imraan! You're definitely in the right place!!

Love, Clare

Re: Do we have the power to spread it?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 4:17 pm
by happyrain
:hithere imraan,
i read your post yesterday and have been eager ever since in being granted the privilege to get online and welcome you
as i sent the confirmation for my account...i hear the song "What if God was one of Us?"
from the tv downstairs. i have a tv on in my room and a telephon headset...and i still managed to hear it
as i recieved the Welcome...instantly.
i really felt something-
something beautiful... it made my heart jump and i really think you're being helped/receiving guidance :)

welcome to the forums friend :happy

Re: Do we have the power to spread it?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:19 pm
by LolaandLight
Welcome Imraan! :D

Re: Do we have the power to spread it?

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 1:11 pm
by Petra Wilson
imraan wrote:hi

something funny happened to me as I signed up for this site today.
as i sent the confirmation for my account...i hear the song "What if God was one of Us?"
from the tv downstairs. i have a tv on in my room and a telephon headset...and i still managed to hear it
as i recieved the Welcome...instantly.
:lol: I was hearing and singing this song very often when I first joined up here.

Well with me my daughters and son see number prompts, more often Manny see's them, 1111 or 111 everywhere he goes.
Husband see's them and takes heed if they are constant. Last time he had constant number prompts he had a clear
audio warning before almost being pulverized by a wreckless driver.
Two of my nieces and most of their friends, so I'm told. My sister, most of her friends since she started shouting
about them. Her boyfriend thinks she's nuts so she only see's him two weekends a month, :lol:
That's about it...

Love, Pet

Re: Do we have the power to spread it?

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 1:16 pm
by jfarris
Hi Pet!! How are you and the family?

Re: Do we have the power to spread it?

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 2:26 pm
by luvinlife
I have a friend who desperately wants to see prompts or get messages, etc. I have tried to give her some guidance. Is there anything I can do to help her?

Love, Clare

Re: Do we have the power to spread it?

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 2:38 pm
by ashbernie311
luvinlife wrote:I have a friend who desperately wants to see prompts or get messages, etc. I have tried to give her some guidance. Is there anything I can do to help her?

Love, Clare

All I tell my friends when were all together and get a prompt or something is 'you genuinely have to know that it's not something false'. Doubt is the first thing that leads us off of our path IMO and our true callings. A couple of my friends want to believe but do not receive prompts...they are also more closed off to believing as well ;). It's more of something from within yourself I think, so it depends how willing and open your friend truly is. That's how I feel it is anyhow.

My two cents. :roll

Re: Do we have the power to spread it?

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:19 pm
by Petra Wilson
Love the new avatar ash, sweet!
I reckon what ashbernie wrote sounds about right, Clare.

Jody, family's fine! (Hah! Just after I wrote that the teacher called me to ask me to pick up Manny as he's got a temperature.
10 minutes before school finishes...)

:loves Pet

Re: Do we have the power to spread it?

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:41 pm
by jfarris
he'll be fine i'm sure


Re: Do we have the power to spread it?

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:01 pm
by Geoff
Saw my sister last night. She is not into "spiritual stuff". She complained that she is getting woken at 3:33 most nights, and even sees 11:11. This is all my fault, of course, thinking that she only sees this cause I mentioned it. LOL. Said she sees 22's too. I said "Way to go Matthew and Bzutu", and, "well you haven't yet figured out that its not you doing this, so they will have to redouble their efforts."


Re: Do we have the power to spread it?

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 12:38 am
by janievh
I think it depends on the folks you are around. Some, you just know they are not on the same page. The ladies I work with are nice, but quite set in their ways when it comes to beliefs, so I don't go there, and they haven't figured me out either.
About a year ago, my 3 brothers and I were up at mom's, talking about who-knows-what, when I asked if they had heard of the UB and of Midwayers, etc. oldest brother had a look on his face as if to say, 'there is something wrong with her.' The middle brother (the black sheep of the brood) said, 'Well #@!, that'd be us!' (we grew up in a little town called Midway) Yeah, I know.
My youngest brother didn't comment. But during the Christmas holidays, I started conversation with him, talked about prompts, and he started nodding his head. He is a sweetie. We keep in touch a lot more now, about anything and everything. You just don't know who might surprise.

sorry, I haven't written for a while,

Hello to all

Re: Do we have the power to spread it?

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 12:38 am
by imraan
Im so happy to see you all!!!!
Thank you there is a reason to live after all

Re: Do we have the power to spread it?

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 2:44 am
by happyrain
imraan wrote:Im so happy to see you all!!!!
Thank you there is a reason to live after all
! :loves
of course there is a reason
and i'm sure your reason is just as beautiful- (as the many. infinite!!! :mrgreen:)
personal yet all encompassing(soul growth!!! understanding :D who are you? what do you like? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:)

<3 peace and love friend

Re: Do we have the power to spread it?

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 9:37 pm
by ThaxterTewksbury
I have to say that I believe we do. At least that is how it came to me.
I worked for a boss in the casino business who had "it". For months he would every so often call me from another gaming pit and ask me what time it was, knowing it was either 1:11 or 11:11. He left the position, but it stuck with me and now for years, 6 or 7 I have had it. I would wake up for days at 11:11 in the morning. I cannot go ANYWHERE without seeing it on a license plate in front of me. It is uncanny for sure.
It freaked out my boss but I have come to embrace it and treat it as a good thing.

Re: Do we have the power to spread it?

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 10:59 pm
by Paul
Hi Thaxter,

We live in exciting times. What you have been receiving are prompts from the midwayers. The veil between this world and the next world are thinning. We are entering into a new age where this world will see the beginning stages of light and life. It just means that we will become more cognizant about our reason for living. We have the power to change this world one person at a time. We change this world by changing ourselves to more closely become like the Father of us all.

The heaven on earth that people have been longing for is here. But it is not a place. It is an awareness that when we align our will with the Father's will a change takes place. We see the big picture. We realize that Paradise is not a place, but a condition, a condition of the heart.

Take some time to read the FAQ section. You will find the answers that you seek there. You will also find hundreds of messages from our celestial family under Messages From Celestial Teachers.


Re: Do we have the power to spread it?

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 5:32 am
by Sandy
I love this , Paul!
We realize that Paradise is not a place, but a condition, a condition of the heart.