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Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:48 pm
by daemon
hello friends :hithere
i'm not sure how often i dream of a specific time so i was inclined to share. thank you for any insights or interpretations

i remember someone or something telling me... maybe i read it... :scratch: that-i would be--- no, that- being receptive would come with ease if the time showed 5:48 and if there was a white spider-
i remember looking up and seeing a pretty decent sized white fuzzy spider resting on a nestled clump of web- i felt surprised- a little freaked out because i then saw a bunch of "baby spiders"(they were white/blue... the centers glowed blue from out of their white bodies- semi transparent/luminous) moving freely up and down my wall- also, i saw another bigger spider directly across from the one i was looking at- the proportions seemed even in every way- i tried to draw an image but does not do it justice lol :P


in the dream- everything felt evenly spaced and measured just right
so- 5:48...? is anyone else prompted with this time???

actually had a lot of interesting dreams last night :scratch: one being- my friend told me he was channeling a certain entity- others ranging from helping friends/talking to them about dreams(dreaming about talking about dreams? lol :P) ANYWAYS

thanks for the help

peace & blessings
love & light

Re: 5:48/dream

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 3:10 pm
by luvinlife
Daemon, I can't figure this one out. :sorry:

Love, Clare

Re: 5:48/dream

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 1:39 am
by sammy
I'm clueless...(not that that's news :lol: ) maybe John or Judy will pipe in!


Re: 5:48/dream

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:43 pm
by Twinstars
I don't know, in my experience Spiders are always associated in some way with Hidden Activities. I personally believe you might be being told to prepare yourself to meet the conditions of better understanding the messages that are coming to you.
Whereas Black spiders are associated with darkness and underhanded sayings, it would only serve that White spiders are associated in some way with Light and support for your efforts, or in other words
friends/talking to them about dreams(dreaming about talking about dreams
is called Lucid dreaming. Lucid dreams bring clarity of thought, and your personal friends are not the only ones you are conversing with when Lucid dreaming. Buy "Dreams Your Magic Mirror", by Elsie Sechrist, learn the language of the author of your dreams, your TA. Of the many dream books I have read, Hers takes a Spiritual approach to the subject, cuts through pretty much all of the mind numbing intellectual jargony.

john :mrgreen: