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Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:46 pm
by luvinlife
For the past week, both morning and at night, I have been prompted to see 711. Any thoughts?

Thanks. Love, Clare

Re: 711

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 4:37 pm
by hmm
Could be time for a slurpee! :bana: :sorry:

Re: 711

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 5:50 pm
by luvinlife
That's hilarious! I actually did wonder if it had something to do with the store! It happened again yesterday, sure enough...prompted to look at the clock at 7:11.

Love, Clare

Re: 711

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:40 am
by Sandy
Hiya Clare and hmm!

Oh 7:11 has a special place in my heart. It was my very first prompt and my birthday to boot! :D I won't get into it again because all those who have heard it over and over over the years are saying oh no! Here we go again!... :lol: But anyway...a slurpy sure would taste good to me right about now! Been so hot here! :D

Love to you both, :hithere

Re: 711

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:05 pm
by luvinlife
Hi Sandy! Welcome back! I have been prompted with 711 consistently for the past two weeks. I would love to hear about your 711 story, if you want to pm me or post on the board again!

Love, Clare

Re: 711

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:19 pm
by sammy
Sandy, I dug through old posts and found your 711 story...Sa-WEET!

Hmmm...My favorite drink when I was MUCH younger :baby ....was a grape slurpee with vodka :mrgreen: :lol:

Clare - sorry for the distraction...just couldn't control myself. :kiss:


Re: 711

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:43 pm
by luvinlife
Sammy, you are too funny! Speaking of Vodka, after quite a morning getting my teenagers off to school, I was driving to work and called a friend of mine and (jokingly) asked her "Is it too early to start drinking?" (It was 8:00 a.m.).....Her answer was even funnier, she said "it's 8:00 somewhere!) Can someone lead me to Sandy's 711 story?

Love, Clare

Re: 711

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 5:44 pm
by sammy
Funny Clare! I've had those mornings too!

and here ya go: ... &hilit=711


Re: 711

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:02 pm
by hmm
Sandy wrote:Hiya Clare and hmm!

Oh 7:11 has a special place in my heart. It was my very first prompt and my birthday to boot! :D I won't get into it again because all those who have heard it over and over over the years are saying oh no! Here we go again!... :lol: But anyway...a slurpy sure would taste good to me right about now! Been so hot here! :D

Love to you both, :hithere
Hey were you in Tennessee? I want to go to Gatlinburg either Christmas 2010 or 2011. :bana:

Re: 711

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 8:00 am
by Sandy
Hiya Everyone,

Awh thanks Sammy for digging through my old posts to find it...Bless you!!! Your poor mind must be nearly numb after all that! :lol: I've been offline again here. :( Internet trouble... but thankfully this time it wasn't us and was further up or is it down the lines :scratch: . Still ... makes it hard to get back in the swing of things again...

Yes hmm I was in Tennessee not even an hour from Gatlinburg. :D I have heard that is a lovely place to visit for Christmas. There is also some fabulous hiking to be found in the Great Smokey Mountains too! We did a winter hike there just after the holidays. The whole family..including my parents. what a blast. And the strange thing...I think I enjoyed that even more than a summer or fall hike. With the deciduous leaves gone you could see so much more...things like every nuance of the many, many creeks that criss cross that gorgeous National Park. Course as my sister would say, and I can just see her wagging her knowledgable finger at must be dressed for it. Very important to wear layers and leave the cotton at home! Oh gee...I'm off on a tangent again aren't I. :oops: makes you realize what a saint our Sammy is! :D

Love to all of you from this "motor mouth!" :loves
XX Sandy

Re: 711

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:38 pm
by sammy
Sandy wrote:
Oh gee...I'm off on a tangent again aren't I. :oops: makes you realize what a saint our Sammy is!
That's right!!!! It's MY job to do the derailing around here and I am VERY good at it! :lol:



Re: 711

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:07 pm
by luvinlife
I love being derailed :bike: :bike: :bike: :bike:

Love, Clare

Re: 711

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:25 pm
by roxiedog13
luvinlife wrote:For the past week, both morning and at night, I have been prompted to see 711. Any thoughts?

Thanks. Love, Clare
When you figure it out let me know as 711 was everwhere yesterday and again today . Also ,all of the other numbers
members have referred to were also showing up . 1111, 2222,313,444,1212,333 and so on . Not sure what it means
or am I going :roll

Re: 711

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:50 am
by Sandy
Hi Roxiedog, I don't think I have met you yet. Welcome aboard!
You wrote:
When you figure it out let me know as 711 was everwhere yesterday and again today . Also ,all of the other numbers
members have referred to were also showing up . 1111, 2222,313,444,1212,333 and so on . Not sure what it means
or am I going
Well...I think that the numbers we experience can be somewhat personal at times. What I mean is a number we receive can be a number that may not have a strong impact on someone else but to you it jumps out like bright beacon. For instance... me and my first prompt of 7:11. The number 7:11 is also my birthdate so when I saw it over and over on that long ago day...I couldn't help but notice and be enthralled by it. Other dates might have impact for other people, such as the number 313 that you wrote about on another post.

Generally and in the beginning the purpose of the various prompts is essientially a great big "Hello" from our Celestial friends. They want to get your attention because they wish for further communication with you. You have abilities in some way that will aid these wonderful beings, the midwayers, in their work of spiritizing and lightening our world. It could be even a simple desire for the earth to improve that initiates them to include you in their promptings or perhaps the wishes of a passed on loved one that you be a part of this great effort.

I can see you have been here awhile and have probably already done some reading in these areas on the board. But here they are just in case you have missed them.

11:11 Background and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What it really means

11:11 More questions about number sequences.

As you know we recommend meditation and believe me many of us have trouble in the beginning trying to settle down and quiet our raging thoughts. Often times it seems the quieter we try to be the noiser our mind grows. With patience with ourselves this gradually changes though and we begin to notice interesting and positive shifts within us. Little things that may mean nothing to someone else... but with that said I would also like to say that meditation comes and even begins in many forms. Sitting quietly and recognizing and enjoying the beauty around us...reaching out to the Creator with gratitude for His/Her great Presence in our lives....Writing journaling is also an excellent way to connect because often times even the busiest of minds can focus on the subject or task at hand when they journal. Lytske, a beautiful channeler of Celestial messages began manyyears ago simply by writing letters to God. There is something very peaceful, very comforting in expressing what is in your heart to the One who already knows it and loves us beyond measure.

Anyway, please forgive my rambling... I hope you continue to share your thoughts and life with the rest of us and that you find the answers to your questions in due time.

It is nice to meet you Roxiedog. :hithere


Re: 711

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:53 am
by Sandy
Hiya Sammy!
Everyone is gifted at something... ;) Celebrate those gifts darlin!
Right back atcha!

Re: 711

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:57 am
by sammy
:bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :roll

Re: 711

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:25 pm
by roxiedog13
Sandy wrote:Hi Roxiedog, I don't think I have met you yet. Welcome aboard!
You wrote:
When you figure it out let me know as 711 was everwhere yesterday and again today . Also ,all of the other numbers
members have referred to were also showing up . 1111, 2222,313,444,1212,333 and so on . Not sure what it means
or am I going
Well...I think that the numbers we experience can be somewhat personal at times. What I mean is a number we receive can be a number that may not have a strong impact on someone else but to you it jumps out like bright beacon. For instance... me and my first prompt of 7:11. The number 7:11 is also my birthdate so when I saw it over and over on that long ago day...I couldn't help but notice and be enthralled by it. Other dates might have impact for other people, such as the number 313 that you wrote about on another post.

Generally and in the beginning the purpose of the various prompts is essientially a great big "Hello" from our Celestial friends. They want to get your attention because they wish for further communication with you. You have abilities in some way that will aid these wonderful beings, the midwayers, in their work of spiritizing and lightening our world. It could be even a simple desire for the earth to improve that initiates them to include you in their promptings or perhaps the wishes of a passed on loved one that you be a part of this great effort.

I can see you have been here awhile and have probably already done some reading in these areas on the board. But here they are just in case you have missed them.

11:11 Background and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What it really means

11:11 More questions about number sequences.

As you know we recommend meditation and believe me many of us have trouble in the beginning trying to settle down and quiet our raging thoughts. Often times it seems the quieter we try to be the noiser our mind grows. With patience with ourselves this gradually changes though and we begin to notice interesting and positive shifts within us. Little things that may mean nothing to someone else... but with that said I would also like to say that meditation comes and even begins in many forms. Sitting quietly and recognizing and enjoying the beauty around us...reaching out to the Creator with gratitude for His/Her great Presence in our lives....Writing journaling is also an excellent way to connect because often times even the busiest of minds can focus on the subject or task at hand when they journal. Lytske, a beautiful channeler of Celestial messages began manyyears ago simply by writing letters to God. There is something very peaceful, very comforting in expressing what is in your heart to the One who already knows it and loves us beyond measure.

Anyway, please forgive my rambling... I hope you continue to share your thoughts and life with the rest of us and that you find the answers to your questions in due time.

It is nice to meet you Roxiedog. :hithere


first of all God is a Woman, which is why I , being a man am doomed!! My middle boy told me this ( God is a woman)
at the age of 3 1/2 after being in a coma for two months. He told me that "she" told him that he would get better and come
back. I asked who is she and he replied, God Dad . So there you go, from the mouth of a 3 1/2 year old child .
Thanks for comments and suggestions, guess I'll have to try meditation. Not easy for me, I gravitate towards loud
noisy and rough situations. Last night for example I played floor hockey for 2 1/2 hours and I do this, or something like it
every evening that I am free, I never take any down time. Rarely do I escape injury, yet , I love the intensity . When I do sit
and try to clear my mind I have a thousand thoughts racing through my mind. Personally I think its a coping mechanism and I do not want to rest or think . I lost my oldest son to cancer 5 yrs ago and remembering the details of this two year process
is tough. My wife never sits either she is constantly on the go and multi tasking at that. When she is too tired to keep the
pace she just sleeps. Anyway, it was after this ordeal that myself and my daughter started seeing 1111. Must go find some
IBprofen as this older body is suffering from the punishment of 25yr hockey players. :?

Re: 711

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:40 pm
by sammy

Wow, I can understand why you would need all that to cope!

Since you've been seeing the prompts since your son passed, maybe it is a "sponsorship" (from my understanding, when a loved on passes they may request that you receive prompts).

I have been blessed (knock on wood) with a relatively emotionally pain free life, so I say the following with hesitation:

Perhaps by stilling the mind and meditating you will eventually find peace, perhaps even a silver lining to the loss of your beautiful child.

{{{{{{{{{{{Roxiedog}}}}}}}}}}} (bigger hug)

Sending you peace and love.

Re: 711

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:11 pm
by Sandy
Hi Roxiedog,

So God is a woman? I love it! :D should have known... ;)

Never tried hockey, having grown up in the southern states, but I sure loved playing soccer. I remember relishing those parent/kids matches our coach held every season at the group picnics. Also remember the aches and pains afterwards but it was such a wonderful feeling of abandon that I hadn't allowed in ages. You have me I said meditation takes many forms so maybe you feel a connection while speeding around the ice doing something you love... interesting... of course generally you are focusing on the game and there is no time to drift freely huh? Still I bet many athletes experience some sort of spiritual communion as they work and concentrate using vast will power from within. :scratch: hmmm... I think God..."She" can reach us no matter what we're doing. ;) Just a matter of us acknowledging the presence around and within us. Being aware perhaps..

My heart goes out to you, your wife, and daughter. Loosing a child...I can't fathom how one must carry that pain. And does make sense...a coping mechanism ...
I can't imagine how it would get easier with time. But I hope the memories do become easier to bear. God bless you all.

Re: 711

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:45 pm
by oneworld
Tearing up while reading your posts and the responses. (Of course, I cry over McDonald's commercials, lol!) My goodness how I love you all here!

Roxiedog (great screen name!), Blessings on you and your family.

In Light & Love,

Rebecca :loves

Re: 711

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:53 pm
by luvinlife
I am also learning a lot from these posts. I always thought in my heart that God had a "masculine" and a "feminine" side. It makes sense to me. When I feel the "feminine" God, it's the mother nurture and comfort. I agree with Sammy about the prompts, and also Sandy had some very good advice. I don't always meditate in the dark in my house, etc. I go to the beach where I find my solace.

Love, Clare

Re: 711

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:41 pm
by roxiedog13
sammy wrote:{{{{{{{{{{{Roxiedog}}}}}}}}}}}

Wow, I can understand why you would need all that to cope!

Since you've been seeing the prompts since your son passed, maybe it is a "sponsorship" (from my understanding, when a loved on passes they may request that you receive prompts).

I have been blessed (knock on wood) with a relatively emotionally pain free life, so I say the following with hesitation:

Perhaps by stilling the mind and meditating you will eventually find peace, perhaps even a silver lining to the loss of your beautiful child.

{{{{{{{{{{{Roxiedog}}}}}}}}}}} (bigger hug)

Sending you peace and love.

Thanks for the hugs and advise, time for me to give meditation a try I guess. Maybe I need a grape slurpy and Vodka
to calm my racing mind, I heard that was a good combo somewhere ;)

Re: 711

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:59 pm
by roxiedog13
Sandy wrote:Hi Roxiedog,

So God is a woman? I love it! :D should have known... ;)

Never tried hockey, having grown up in the southern states, but I sure loved playing soccer. I remember relishing those parent/kids matches our coach held every season at the group picnics. Also remember the aches and pains afterwards but it was such a wonderful feeling of abandon that I hadn't allowed in ages. You have me I said meditation takes many forms so maybe you feel a connection while speeding around the ice doing something you love... interesting... of course generally you are focusing on the game and there is no time to drift freely huh? Still I bet many athletes experience some sort of spiritual communion as they work and concentrate using vast will power from within. :scratch: hmmm... I think God..."She" can reach us no matter what we're doing. ;) Just a matter of us acknowledging the presence around and within us. Being aware perhaps..

My heart goes out to you, your wife, and daughter. Loosing a child...I can't fathom how one must carry that pain. And does make sense...a coping mechanism ...
I can't imagine how it would get easier with time. But I hope the memories do become easier to bear. God bless you all.
the boy that came out of the coma is not the one who passed away, it was his older brother that had cancer and passed away at the age of 17. The boy that was in the coma is in his second year of university now , he was only three.
when this happened. He was not supposed to be alive as he was sent home to die . I can see how you misunderstood from
my post .

"I can't imagine how it would get easier with time. But I hope the memories do become easier to bear."

Few people understand but you are as close to being what reality is. Time does not bring closure what a parent
does is develope a new normal for themselves. I still have two beautifull children and they deserve the best life
can offer so for them I try my best.

Anyway , back to the grind the boss is a slave driver. :( Of course I am self employed. ;)

Re: 711

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:16 pm
by Ang
I've just read "what it means" thread and nearly jumped out of my skin. After I had listened to the Akashic Construct, I stayed where I was as I was quite comfy. Then, I got a female distant voice, saying "help, help". My first thought was, hang on a sec, aren't you meant to be helping me (self indulgent I know) and dismissed it as some sort of error. Now I've just read that thread I realise that was quite arrogant of me. I did respond though and said - how can I help you but haven't had anything since. I'll be more trusting in future.

Re: 711

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 8:52 am
by Sandy
Hello again you hardworking Roxiedog, :)

You wrote:
Few people understand but you are as close to being what reality is. Time does not bring closure what a parent
does is develope a new normal for themselves. I still have two beautifull children and they deserve the best life
can offer so for them I try my best.

I saw something on the news recently that speaks of what you say here...They were reporting of the discovery of a hospital ship that was sunk and lost during World WarII. and in the process of the interviews with relatives it was evident that the pain was as fresh today as it was at the time their loved ones passed on so many years ago. They were grateful at least for the closure the discovery gave them but their hearts were still broken. Somehow Life goes on and thankfully Love lives on! We will see our loved ones again. :happy

What a wonderful miracle you and your family experienced when your son who returned to you from the coma years past. I get goosebumps when I imagine the joyful reunion! Thank you for sharing this beautiful part of your life with us. Is he enjoying his studies and university life?
