My Story

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My Story

Post by joe2009 »

On 6/20/2007 on another website I asked "Does God Still Talk To Us?"

Well 2 things happen that day I got a job at a daycare.
and my angel was born.

At the daycare I was working in toddler 1 and it was around January 25, 2008 when I saw this girl in infant 1 who seemed cold to the world.
I came to find out she was born with crack in her system, and her aunt and uncle got custody of her.

On February 7, 2008 my aunt died at the age of 50 to colon cancer, and she was my whole world, so I was just devastated.
I was 23 at the time and everything I did was for her.

But the weird thing is god brought me to this little girl who was 7 months old.

Soon I became acquainted with her aunt, and we began talking, and soon I became acquainted with her uncle.

Another weird thing is her uncle is really a big believer in god, and he's helping me get back to my christian roots....

This little girl was born on 6/20/2007..the day I asked if god still spoke to us.

Now the little girl is 2, and her family and I are the best of friends.
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Post by Geoff »

Dear Joe,


Not only does God talk to us, pretty much all the time, but He/She is listening too. We have a very large number of messages from "God". Try this web site:

"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
said Chief Flaming Arrow.
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Post by Sandy »

Hello Joe...
Oh that was beautiful! You got your positive answer! :D God works in some strange but beautiful ways! But he does speak to us too... from within, if we will simply cut the chatter, tune in and listen with a heart full of Love.
Welcome to the message board!
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Post by lilly »

Hi Joe,
What a lovely story!! Nice to meet you.
Love lilly xx :D
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Post by justylonging1111 »

Hello Joe!

So lovely to meet you! :loves Thank you so much for sharing your story with us! That is no coincidence! Proof, you are on the right track..I hope you share more of yourexperiences!

God Bless You, and Yours! :sunny:

Love Tannis
Mortal existence must be visualized as consisting in the intriguing and fascinating experience of the realization of the reality of the meeting of the human upreach and the divine and saving downreach.

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