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808 = Hawaii?!? LOL!

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:22 pm
by AndiB
Ok here's the story and tell me what you think! :D Sooo 7 years ago my family had the offer of moving in with my husbands father in Hawaii. It would have been pretty costly, not to mention we had to consider that we had to get our pets ready for their quarantine policies. We then ended up moving back to my hometown in Ohio. It was a horrible decision and 3 years later we moved to FL. We figured it was almost Hawaii! LOL! FL has been OK. Our daughter has an epileptic condition and the heat is horrible for her. She was actually diagnosed shortly after we moved here. My husband had great work until December and hasn't been able to find anything since then. :( So we are at the point to where we're considering relocating again, mostly since the heat is tough for the kiddo and there really just doesn't seem to be any work coming through here (plus we tend to move cross country every few years!). This time we're considering Portland or Honolulu; again. Hawaii is sometimes called the 808 state (area code). And I've been getting 808 a TON lately.. along with 333, 444, 555, and 1234. Are my angels telling me to move there?? We do tend to regret not moving to Hawaii when we first had the chance. The only problem now is our kids are HEAVILY attached to the pets and there's no way we could bring them all... especially since Hawaii doesn't allow ferrets! :cry: Also living in Hawaii has some downsides too.. It IS an island! Things are far way more expensive!! I have been trying to meditate on it, but every time I see us moving; it sure doesn't look to be Hawaii?! But I'm just confused on why I keep seeing that number popping up and mostly during times when I'm thinking about moving. Any guesses???

Hope everyone's having a great day!!

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:00 pm
by Twinstars
Hello AineB,
Pleased to meet you, I'm John.
Firstly, it may be a little tricky getting any solid advice here. Many people might not want to take on the responsibility. That said, don't you just Love the uncertainty of it all? I mean, you Know you are being prompted, but not knowing enough about the number multiples can be Frustrating as all get out!
Anyway, since you've asked so nicely, here is what I Know so far about the numbers and their meanings. So long as you understand I am not an oracle, but, if this information helps that is great. If it does not, then this will be me... WHIST :lol:
888 is said to signify an end to a particular phase, be it emotional, relationship, carreer, or what have you, in your circle of activity.
It also is said to indicate that the time to act is now, while you are able.
808, the combination, with the understanding that 0 is indicative of the God presence, which to me indicates balance, and possibly that a certain Situation has gone full circle. Possibly, it indicates a time to step back, to have another look at the original plan.
You wrote you are getting 333=Spiritual Power, 444=No worries, the angels have your back, 555=A significant change, and, 1234=Progress, or basically, Go with God.
Sounds like your family already knows how to make a decision and then make the very best of it. As I understand the prompts are basically to let us know that the Angels are always with us, you know this. Our decisions are ours to make.
Whatever you and yours decide, I wish you all the best.
For future reference please refer to the end of paragraph two. :lol:

Peace be with you,
Love John :loves

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 1:57 pm
by Petra Wilson
Hello AineB, hmm! That's a tough one. I was in a similar situation before we moved here to the island, the very expensive island, of Corsica. However, the kid's only had a pet dog to be concerned about.
In the end, Phil and I decided to be like Jim Carey in the Yes Man, lol!
At the end of the day, it's one of those life changing episodes only you and your loved ones can decide upon; personally I'd grab it with both hands.

Love, Petra xxx