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Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:17 pm
by Twinstars
Hello Dear Friends,

Today, just now, I received my first 11:11 prompt in months. Something I felt I had to share. And although I have popped in now and again to do some inspirational reading, I have truly missed not being here and sharing with all of you. Since I last posted I have gone through a much needed physical, and very necessary Spiritual cleansing. Finally realizing I could never be a guiding Light to others if I could not even help myself.
Three years ago I had an accident, which lead to a four level cervical fusion two years ago. Was left with some interesting hardware in there which my body is now trying hard to reject. Since the surgery I have been taking heavy-duty prescription meds, existing on a meager insurance compensation. Although the meds do dull the pain, I began experimenting with recreational drugs as well, to the point where over the past year and until recently, I’m not sure I ever drew a straight breath. From morning until night I was under the influence of something, alcohol, marijuana, or both, and along with the prescription drugs.
Now it’s green tea and fresh air for me, and only a bare minimum of prescription meds.
It has not been an easy thing, getting clean and staying clean. And although at times I felt myself pulled to the depths of despair, the angels and midwayers have stood by me. Prompting me at just the right time, every time. Allowing me to catch a glimpse just when most needed.
When I first began posting here a midwayer visited me. I knew he was there, standing next to me, but I never seized the opportunity to acknowledge his presence. A mistake I hope to never make again. Later I overheard the same midwayer in conversation, saying that, for the time “…we would treat this one as invisible…” And why not, that was precisely how I chose to treat him. Like I was somehow superior?
Three weeks ago I lost my only income when the insurance company stopped paying in order to force me onto disability. I’ve begun selling off my personal property, and now also frequent the local food pantry. I might even lose my little house. But none of it matters, which to some might seem a bizarre attitude. But, lately I have been finding feathers in my house, and in the most peculiar places. I have found four in two days. J
I interpret dreams and have for many years. So I pay particular attention. So few people understand dream symbols. I see them as messages from my higher Self, and the fog has lifted.
In every dream lately I am being told to let go of the past and let go of the worry. Also, for years I kept a photo of my dream home in my pictures folder, a beautiful Pastel Yellow Victorian country home. Recently I deleted that photo when the insurance cut me off. Last night I dreamed of a terrible twister coming (A period of mental confusion). Only the closer it got to me the faster it began dissipating. I was running from it, being buffeted by the wind when I saw it begin to dissipate, so I stopped running to watch. (Running has Spiritual overtones.)
When I turned again, there in front of me was my dream home with the number 218 on the box. (CHESHIRE GRIN) Nice way for the Father’s emissaries to choose to communicate (Don’t give up the dream!) Don’t you agree? I see only clear skies ahead, expanding my prayer field.

Love to All, and many, many Blessings.

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 2:42 am
by jfarris
WOW, John!! Kewl post, no doubt! 8)

It is quite hilarious to myself reagrding the timing of some of the prompts that I receive. Mostly like triplets (3's, 4's, etc) but occasionally the old 11:11 humdinger, you know? One of those where you can't possibly imagine the 11:11 prompt as anything other than what it really is: from the midwayers. One where your mind doesn't even have time to formulate an alternate excuse before you are convinced that it is of celestial origin.

In the past, while very depressed yet oblivious to the fact, I can recall that negative energy which came my way really clouded around me and just sort of hung there. I'm saying that I could be having a 'good' day and then something of very little consequence, say spilling my coffee in the floorboard, would just sort of nag at my attention. For hours!!

Not so anymore, especially thanks to prompts! Presently, some randomly stupid thing might distract me from a mindset of real, contented joy. But in the same instant, I receive some prompt from the Midwayers. And before I know it, I am laughing a laughter that is not normal to me. This one I speak of is basically an involuntary response which bypasses the conscious mind, as it happens before you can even think of it. I consider it to be a small serving of joy absolute, that bubbles up and over as a result of 'smiling down deep inside'.

And those fleeting moments sometimes do more to maintain a positive mindset, in like 3 seconds, than any conscious effort on my part that spans hours or even days.

Anyhow, thanks for your post. Because today it is what has given me a boost.

Much Love,
:P :roll:

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 9:10 am
by Sandy
Hello John,
Good to see your face again my friend! It sounds like you have had a very difficult three years... yet as I sit here thinking about your lovely posts still occupying various threads... I remember the inspiration, optimisum, and encouragement that flowed from them dispite the pain and problems in your life. Your deep concern and caring for others always took the forefront and please know you have been missed. In fact, I was just thinking of you last week after coming across a former post... wondering where you were and how you were faring. But everyone needs to step back and re evaluate and clense those various parts that make up our wonderful selves from time to time.
I am so greatful that you popped on and made contact with us again. And with all my heart I will pray for your health and welfare.
May all your dreams to be fulfilled. :kiss:

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 12:51 pm
by Petra Wilson
Hello John, Jody, Sandy... thanks for sharing so honestly John, I know it can be hard to.

I experienced very difficult times too concerning home. We were homeless (living in a plastic wendy house bungalow in a camp site out of season) but I had often dreamed of this fantastic apartment. I would wake up and become anxious because we were still holed up in the damp wendy house. Anyway, my daughter, my dreams and the Angel prompts, (not to mention a shed load of white feathers along the way) helped me through the more uncertain months.
I'll pray that everything will work out perfectly for you!

Love, Petra xxx

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:20 pm
by nasra1996
Loved reading your post John..... :kiss:

I hope and pray too that everything works out for you and you dont lose your home....

all the best,


Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:48 pm
by Twinstars
Hello dear friends,

Hmm, just on my way out to my Doctor appointment. Sat down at my desk deciding if to log on for a minute. Almost decided not to when I saw a tiny dot of light in the center of my monitor. I focused on it for a second to see if it really was there when it popped like a tiny flashbulb. :shock:
Okay then! I can take a hint.

Jody, my friend, it's all good. I know just what you mean about "laughing a laughter that is not normal" to me either. But I do it all the time lately too.
Your inner peace is showing...Thank You for the boost.

Sandy, my friend, good to see your smiling face again too, you all have been in my thoughts as well. Yes, it was my concern and caring for others that caused me to, as you say, "...step back and re evaluate and clense...". When I found that I was trying to manufacture the words instead of letting them flow.

Petra, my friend, sometimes I can't help feeling that when we overcome the adversity in our lives that it is all just a test, of sorts, to see if it will harden us or make us stronger, in a peaceful sense of the word, to give us a better understanding of the human condition. Good to know you never gave up on your dream. As hard as I work to understand dreams, I can't help feeling sometimes they are there only as a way of helping us to have Faith in Faith. As I recall you live in France? I have a recurring dream of some place that I am sure is in France. Some place associated with the numbers 12350. Odd, but as I typed that a whisp of cigarette smoke went up my nose. And, just as quickly it is gone. What ever it means I am sure I will know when it is time for me to know.

My friends, everyone, Your prayers are the answer to My prayers.
Love, John :loves

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 4:46 am
by Twinstars
Thank you Sarah, one can never have too many prayers.
It's a small matter, as I am learning, everything is as it should be.

All the best to you as well,


Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 7:41 pm
by Stephen23
Hi John,

Having read your post I feel moved to have to tell you to be proud of who you are and what you have achieved. I'm so glad you shared that with us.



Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:59 pm
by Twinstars
Thank you Stephen, for you words and thoughts. I really am better now, and came up smiling.

Blessings, John :thumright:

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 5:49 pm
by Chrystalchild
Dear John,

thanks for sharing with us your thoughts and concerns. I have read quite some of your posts and many do uplift my heart. :)

I will pray for you that everything will be alright. The Angels are surrounding you and i am sure all will work out as it should.

Much love & light for you!
God bless, Vera

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 3:16 am
by Twinstars
Thank you Vera,

Your heartfelt words mean so very much. Happy to know my words have also served to help in some small way from time to time. Your prayers are so much appreciated.

Much Love and Light to you in return,
Blessings, John