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Question on listening inwardly and AC track 3

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 3:30 am
by Nikki88
I just wanted to know how does one listen inwardly or listen with their inner ear? I saw it mentioned several times and thought that I could use some advice on how to do this.

Also, does anyone else have a loud crackling sound on the AC track 3? I haven’t used track 3 much because all of a sudden in the middle of the talking it will crackle really loud cut out for a second and then click back on. Does anyone else have this is it normal? I know for sure that its just the track and not me dozing off because ive listened to it while fully awake and still get the same thing.

Thank you! :D


Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 10:25 am
by Sandy
Hi Nikki,
I just wanted to know how does one listen inwardly or listen with their inner ear? I saw it mentioned several times and thought that I could use some advice on how to do this.
We do throw these phrases out quite often on the board don't we... and with little explanation. So sorry about that. :)
Learning to listen inwardly is a matter of simply tuning out all thoughts of yourself, your life, your ambitions, the work ahead of you, your problems, what you want to eat for supper,...etc... It is a letting go of what you think and just being quiet for awhile in a peaceful place or feeling within you. For me, reaching this place of quietness within can be easy or very difficult. depending on many factors around me and my own thoughts within me at the time. But I have noticed the more I give myself the opportunity to meditate the swifter and easier it is to achieve this peace. Sometimes I am led there by visuals in my spirit vision. I watch in wonder at swirling colors and feel energy and my mind drifts into an all encompasing peace. As I continue to allow myself these opportunities things progress bit by bit and I am overjoyed when without warning and expectation something new and wonderous occurs. It is so difficult to describe what it is like as you commune with your celestial friends in your mind. When it happened to me the first time I felt as if I was dancing on air for days! It does became easier and easier to "hear" and get into this quiet state the more you practice and look on these sessions as you would look at a wonderful outing with your best friends.
Also, does anyone else have a loud crackling sound on the AC track 3?
I just opened a new one and listened to the whole thing. I did not hear a loud crackling noise but I did hear a second in and out about half way through. So that second in and out is not desired but is normal it seems.

I am sending you a pm Nikki and we'll see if we can figure out a solution.


Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 2:47 pm
by Petra Wilson
Hello Nikki, pleased to 'meet' you!

Thanks for that too Sandy! Sounds terribly easy how you've written it. I'll be tuning everything out, getting there, getting there, then:
...what you want to eat for supper...
I see the contents of my fridge and think: "Oh that cabbage needs to be eaten! And those eggs are way past their sell-by date!!" Then I feel all guilty again....

Good luck with your CD Nikki!

Love, Petra xxx

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 4:19 am
by Sandy
:lol: Yeah it can sometimes be a "little bit" harder than what it sounds on paper huh?
I see the contents of my fridge and think: "Oh that cabbage needs to be eaten! And those eggs are way past their sell-by date!!" Then I feel all guilty again....
I do the same thing Pet! I find myself sometimes answering posts and emails in my mind when I am supposed to be focusing. I stop and chide myself, which probably makes it worse because now I've added guilt and a tad frustration to the mish mosh of thoughts. Some people recommend sitting quietly and letting your thoughts play out, but it would take me half a day at that rate and my backside wouldn't hold out that long. :lol: Maybe a little exercise just before meditation would be helpful. That has a way of bringing body and mind into a pretty good balance, making meditation easier and more productive.

(I have cabbbage right now in the fridge that I need to do something with before we take off for Geoffs on Monday. Thinking maybe I'll turn it into Bubble and Squeak even though neither one of us needs the calories. :roll: )


Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 1:52 am
by Nikki88
Thanks for the responses! I think im going to need to exercise more lol, I need all the help I can get to clear my mind.

:D Nikki

Re: Question on listening inwardly and AC track 3

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 8:44 pm
I noticed a few digital glitches in my copy of the AC as well.
The first few times, I tried to ignore them but one of them
ate-up George's words so then, I decided to go into my studio
and clean the whole track up. It's better now.
I'm not sure whether the CD was burned at home or
plant-pressed but I would recommend addressing the glitches
to create a perfect master.

Re: Question on listening inwardly and AC track 3

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 1:33 am
by Nikki88
Sorry im posting this sooooo late :roll
I have the same problem DJKENZ but I don’t know how to fix the glitches. I tried downloading it instead of the disk but I still have the same problem :?

Nikki :loves