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check this out!

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 3:14 am
by lost
hey everyone!

this is just a fun little number thing i just noticed. ok here goes-if your cell phone says 9:06 it will read the same time upside down, except for the position of the colon between the 9 and the 06. it will then read 90:6. i only mentioned this to save others the time of having to point that little discrepancy. i just realized the same goes for 11:11. funny coincidence. it has nothing to do with this forum but i thought ya'll would like it!
peace and love

lost :D

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 3:12 pm
by Sandy
Well, I'll be...I never noticed that lost.. 8) Thanks for that bit of info and a warm smile. ..been a chilly night here in New South Wales. :D