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The Secret of Light

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 11:26 am
by TheDoveLady
Maybe those who are here are familiar with Walter Russell who has been called "The man who tapped into the secrets of the Universe". I do so much love to read his book and have actually read them in ten minute segments on my Youtube account.
Below is the URL address for those interested. Here I have them on
a playlist for convenience.

( gone )

Also there are his Book I and Book II called "The Divine Illiad"

What I like about Russell is that he explains God in a way that takes
a scientific approach, although a higher science than exist now, a sicience that is emerging now and growing each and every day.

God speaks in these books and says such things as this portion of the book I present here.

For I say that man who senses but clay of earth in him is bound to earth as clayed image of his earth.

“Clayed images of My imagining who knoweth not Me in them are but dwellers of earth’s dark. To sensed man the doors of My Kingdom are self-barred by darkness until the Light of Me in him is known by him as Me.

“Until then he is but moving clay, manifesting not Me in him while sensing naught but moving clay of him; knowing not the glory of My Light in him.

“Wherefore, I say to thee, exalt thou thyself beyond thy sensing. Know Me as fulcrum of thy thinking. Be Me as deep well of thy knowing.”

I personally feel that I have grown to know and love God more than ever from having read Walter Russell's books.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 9:31 pm
by gjambor
Hi, I have been reading the Secret Of Light. So far many of the concepts are beyond my intellect. I am going to finish it, maybe something will click further along in the book. I thoroughly enjoyed his biography.

Thanks, God bless you,