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Ear ringing and dreams

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:48 am
by Bobbie
Hi All!

I've enjoyed reading through the different posts. There is a lot of good information. This is my first post, and I'm hoping for some insight. So far, just from reading through the previous post I've learned a lot.

I wonder if someone could give me some feedback on a dream I had last night.

I have been reading some of the back post about ear ringing (2007) and how it might be related to the spirit realm trying to get your attention. I don't have ringing all the time, but sometimes, perhaps in confirmation to a thought or in the evening I may experience slight pressure or ringing that sounds like a chrystal bowl. It does not last long, nor is it everyday, but may last for a couple minutes.

Last night, there was a lot of ringing and I sat and listened to it as I fell asleep. As I dreamed (this is the first time this has happened) I found myself flying and sort of dropping into different places. I don't remember all of them. However, in one of the places I dropped into there was a man, badly injured who sat outside in a green area. Intuitively I knew that he had been in a airplane crash and again, intuitively I heard him say that he needed help having people find him. This morning when I turned on the t.v. - I don't always turn on the t.v. but I was curious to know if there was any news about a plane crash - the first thing I saw was a report about yesterdays plane crash in the bermuda triangle with 11 people missing.

This could be a simple coincidence, or perhaps its something else? Is it possible I actually saw one of the survivors of the crash? If so, what am I supposed to do with that information? I have sent prayers and light. Also, do you think the ears ringing before falling asleep is connected?

Love and Light,


Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 4:15 am
by MichelleP
Hello Bobbie,

It is possible you dreampt about the plane crash but it could also be symbolism related to aspects of yourself. The color green and needing a healing could be a representation of something in you that could use a little healing to help you soar to great heights. Right now there is possibly something holding you back. Who knows this gift could even be you being healer. In any event a good way to try and help pinpoint the source of the dream meaning is to try and think back to the previous days events. Usually our dreams have something to do with what happened that day. An event or thought that held our attention. If you can identify that then you have a pretty good start at getting the rest of the pieces of the dream to fall into place.


Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 12:45 pm
by lilly
Hi Bobbie,
It really sounds like you did help one of the injured people involved in that crash. It seems too much of a coincidence that you saw it on the tv. Nice to meet you.
Love lilly xox :D

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 12:21 pm
by Sandy
Hello Bobbie,
I am not a very good dream interpreter, so I am afraid I will not be much help in that area, but our Michelle is generally very intuitive about these things. When I say generally intuitive what I really mean, "spot on!' :) So I hope you find her insight as beneficial as I have in the past.
We have been told by our celestial friends that we are capable of participating in healings and even be instructed while we are in the sleep state, so it is in the realm of possibilities that you aided in some way that is yet unknown to you... :scratch:

I am happy to hear you are finding helpful information here and I whole heartedly welcome you to the message board!

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 1:31 pm
by blue nova
this used to happen to me as a kid....i remember dreaming of crashes and then seeing them on the news, usually the next day.

Sandy wrote:
We have been told by our celestial friends that we are capable of participating in healings and even be instructed while we are in the sleep state, so it is in the realm of possibilities that you aided in some way that is yet unknown to you...
i have been pondering the very same thing Sunny.....i think the probability of this is very good.

i also believe that many dreams...are not actual dreams...just memories of soul travel... :D


Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 5:03 pm
by Bobbie
Hi Everyone!

Thanks so much for your input. I still don't understand it, but I do believe as you several of you have stated that it is something that I won't understand yet. I believe some dreams really work out problems and issues we have encountered throughout the day. Usually, I have been told, that this is the left side of the brain working. However, things that seem out of the ordinary or particularly stand out for someone may come from the right, intuitive side which opens you up for communication with our spirit brothers and rather right or left brain I don't know - but time will tell.

Thanks again!

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 9:42 pm
by Geoff
Dear Bobbie,

Welcome to our site.


Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 10:11 pm
by blue nova
Welcome to the site Bobbie :hithere


same thing

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 7:17 pm
by Hatta
Hi Bobby,

I get the buzzing in the ear and when I acknowledge it it tends to go away.

Lately though it has been higher pitched and doesn't go away when acknowledged and instead of being in an ear it is all around my head. I tried to talk to it last night but it wasn't like talking to a guide at all.

I asked a co-worker and she got Archangel Gabriel which seemed to resonate with me. I guess Angels aren't supposed to kick you in the butt to get moving with your lifepath so I suppose this is as close as they can get!

Good luck!


Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 4:25 pm
by jfarris
Angels aren't supposed to kick you in the butt to get moving with your lifepath so I suppose this is as close as they can get!
If the ear ringing thing is a good-natured motivation strategy, then I must really be in woods as far as my lifepath is concerned. Then again, I knew that much already.

Of course, it could just be tinnitus most of the time. But I have experienced swells in volume or pitch that seemed to coincide with a definite thought in my head. I'm just not sure whether it was affirmative or not. But I'm sure that in time the truth of these matters will become clear.


Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:07 pm
by blue nova
swells in volume or pitch that seemed to coincide with a definite thought in my head
ear ringing , pressures, my humble opinion (outside of physical maladies)..are sounds from Home. guides, Teachers....our Creator.

just has we have a physical body and ears....we have a soul body...or soul. it also has all the senses...hearing included... :wink:

the soul...picks up or perceives 'things' going on on the soul level...just as our physical selves do.

we were created as souls first.... :wink:


Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 4:21 am
by earthangel.1111
I agree with Blue Nova.

Also, I can't remember if it was from Doreen Virtue or someone or something else that stated the ringing of the ears is your guardian angel downloading to you. I always feel warm and loved when I hear the beautiful ringing... I've read that some people are uncomfortable with the volume, mine has fluctuated but never been a nuisance or bothersome.