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funny prompts made me do it!!

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 4:44 am
by AndiB
Just thought some of you might get a kick out of this!! I ALWAYS say I'm going to win the lotto.. ALWAYS! LOL! Not so much just because I want the money for myself, but because I would definitely pass on a big chunk to go to medical research; epilepsy and autism would be 2 big ones for me.. plus I decided I would also make sure me and my hubbys parents would be taken of too. :D But anyways, so I always say it, but I'm not one to really be a regular player and my hubby always yells at me for it and says "you wont win if you don't play". Since today is the lotto draw though I was getting quite a few prompts that was giving me the feeling as though I should play. Especially since I got a prompt and then moments later I heard "look at that plate", which said.... BET. AND was also attached to a boat that had the number 115 on it. I was getting 5's and 15's all day! LOL!!! I've definitely been putting out the abundance/prosperity vibes out a lot more lately... Soooooo just for some good measure..

I WON THE LOTTO!!!! (always better to see it as reality!!) ;)

Now I'm off to make a list of presents I want to buy and start shopping for a house! ;)


Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 5:12 am
by kshitij
congs.... thats such a nice incident....

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 6:52 am
by AndiB
Well... it must've not been my day to win. I CAN count my blessings though that I witnessed an auto accident happen right in front of me and if I wouldn't of slowed down, it probably would've been me that was hit!! At least I did my part and called 911 to report the accident to make sure help was on the way! This was right before I bought the ticket... maybe they were telling me to watch out for that instead of the lotto!? Who knows... better luck next time I guess! At least my car isn't wrecked! :D

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 12:46 pm
by Petra Wilson
Woah Aine, I hope nobody was seriously hurt! Glad you're okay too!

Oh, and: "YOU WILL WIN THE LOTTO!!" from me too, hehe

Love, Petra xxx

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 1:49 am
by MichelleP
Also glad to hear you are safe. Quite a story.


Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 6:26 pm
by lilaslight
Wow, you actually did win the Lotto? One day I was getting my special 3 digit prompt right and left high and low and I just thought my angels and guides were saying "Hi" "Hi, hi, hi" and I never thought to play those numbers. Of course they came in but not playing I didn't win. So the next time I thought I was getting an unusual amount of numerical activity thinking I was maybe getting a message there I made a point of playing my number. But no, I did not win.
Deep down I really didn't expect to win and maybe that is why I didn't. Perhaps you gotta believe to attract it to you. John Edward the psychic guy says all his psychic powers never worked one iota when it came to casino gambling or horse races.
Glad it worked for you though! Whooohooo....! Enjoy.