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11:11 hunting me

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 12:44 pm
by ecseedah
Here it goes , I've been seeing the number 11 for some time now but lately its as if it was haunting me constantly , everyday at exactly 11:11 I look at the clock by instinct be it on my computer , my telephone , on my laptop at work (and the clock on it doesnt work corectly , have to change the battery in it) , the other day it popped up on my cars dashboard 111.1 kilometers since I last had a refuel and stuff like that . I usually am a rational guy I kinda belive in science and facts , but lately this phenomena evolved into an obsession and I am searching for an answer , I did some readings and was directed to this forum . Oh and another interesting thing concerning numerology i was born on 11.02.1984 if that means anything but add up the numbers and u get 22 , 22=11x2 , and also my girlfriend was born on 22 . nevermind , my point is im confused and im searching for some answers , so can u guys just point me in a direction ?

(excuse my spelling , not native english speaker)

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 4:38 pm
by lilly
Hi ecseedah,
Welcome aboard. If you read through the first forum which is the FAQ''ll soon find a lot of your questions answered....Try to relax with it and remember you are not alone....we're all seeing it too..
Love lilly xxx :D

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 9:57 pm
by Geoff
Dear ecseedah,

Welcome to our forum. As Lilly said, read the threads in the very first forum.


What a relief 11:11

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 3:39 pm
by sturker1111
HI Everyone

What a relief I have been noticing the number 11:11 on my clcok on my pc wow I though I was making it up untill i found this group. Almost like twilight zone one day i received email from unkbown person asking me if i was noticing this number lately. I now also notice 5:55; 6:11; 9:11 besides 11:11. This is amazing something is happening around us that is so beatifull i can just feel it so strong. I am so happy to find you all my 11:11 friends. I am so excited and speechles and would like to meet some of the people like me. I have been pointing it out to my family the 11;11 and now my kids are starting to see it more and more everyday. What a relief I though i was fgoing bananas.


Serhat Turker and his family

Re: What a relief 11:11

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 4:34 pm
by ChildofGod
sturker1111 wrote:HI Everyone

What a relief I have been noticing the number 11:11 on my clcok on my pc wow I though I was making it up untill i found this group. Almost like twilight zone one day i received email from unkbown person asking me if i was noticing this number lately. I now also notice 5:55; 6:11; 9:11 besides 11:11. This is amazing something is happening around us that is so beatifull i can just feel it so strong. I am so happy to find you all my 11:11 friends. I am so excited and speechles and would like to meet some of the people like me. I have been pointing it out to my family the 11;11 and now my kids are starting to see it more and more everyday. What a relief I though i was fgoing bananas.


Serhat Turker and his family
Welcome Turker!! No you're not going bananas :bana: This indeed is a calling for you and many others that you have a higher purpose in life.

Love and light.


Child Of God

Thanks So much

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 7:22 pm
by sturker1111
Thanks so much, I am so glad to find you all as i write this I get goose bumps all over my body. This is so powerfull. I just want to add that the other day we were at part store and my daughter pointed out the key chain that i should buy and to my amazement it had a engraving of "Never fear angels are near" now when i look at that key chain I know why she asked me to buy it. When you know angels are near as you go thru life then life becomes so joyfull and cheerfull the way it is supposed to be. I am now always smiling wherever I go. I wish you all the best in the universe and peace on earth.

I give my love to the world. Peace


Thank you all


Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 9:59 pm
by lilly
Hi Serhat,
Welcome to the message board. Love your story.
lilly xxxx :D

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 10:09 pm
by Geoff
Dear Serhat,

Welcome to our site and our world.


Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 10:53 pm
by peacockplume
Welcome ecseedah and serhat

the most unusual one I got awhile ago was on my phone,

111 111 1111,,,,

George respoonded with 'that's how many midwayers are still needed on this world"...

enjoy the journey.

love and blessings

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 4:52 am
by Sandy
Hello ecseedah!
You wrote:
my point is im confused and im searching for some answers , so can u guys just point me in a direction ?
My advice would be to look within and begin some sort of meditation practice. Meditation in itself is very relaxing and peaceful, aiding all parts of the human being. From this peaceful place within all answers to our questions can be found.

Welcome to our friendly site.
love, Sandy

Ecseedah your spelling and english is beautiful. You do so well, in fact, a person would be inclined to assume that english is your native tongue.

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 5:04 am
by Sandy
Hello Serhat,
I enjoyed your story. You wrote...
When you know angels are near as you go thru life then life becomes so joyfull and cheerfull the way it is supposed to be. I am now always smiling wherever I go. I wish you all the best in the universe and peace on earth.

I give my love to the world. Peace
That was so touchingly beautiful... went straight to my heart it did! :happy

I wish you too all the best..all the love the Universe has to offer.
It is nice meeting you, Serhat... Welcome!
Love, Sandy

Re: Thanks So much

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 3:40 am
by Blu
sturker1111 wrote:When you know angels are near as you go thru life then life becomes so joyfull and cheerfull the way it is supposed to be. I am now always smiling wherever I go. I wish you all the best in the universe and peace on earth.

I give my love to the world. Peace


Thank you all

AWESOME!! i felt the same way when i found out...everybody here is with us too! isn't it great?
nice to meet you Serhat! :hithere
good luck on your journey :wink:


Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 11:50 am
by blue nova
Hello ecseedah and Serhat, welcome to the site :hithere


Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 6:22 pm
by Nick4033
Hi, :hithere
Ecseedah and Serhat,

Welcome to the site, The first thing I did when I found this great Board
and it's fantastic members was read the FAQ, then I started reading many
of the different posts and pretty soon realized I wasn't alone in experiencing
this phenomena.

Peace and Love


Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 6:35 am
by thomas !
wow im very surprised i see other people with this, i have been seeing the number 11:11 so much this past month, i see the number at least twice a day if its either on my clock, my laptop, or anything else that has been popping up. I am 20 years old now and i wasn't very surprised when this started happening because i remember when I was around 14 years old I would see the numbers 11:11, and 12:34 all the time at least twice a day, i had it for a very long time tho when i was younger, it lasted for a good 6months, i suppose its starting to happen again..

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 8:59 am
by Geoff
Dear Thomas,

Welcome to our site.


Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 9:23 am
by peacockplume
Welcome Thomas,

read the FAQs and you'll find lots of explanations...


Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 1:46 pm
by Sandy
Hello and welcome from me too, Thomas. Nice meeting you!

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 12:21 am
by ~*Star_Struck*~
Hi, welcome to the board! :D

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 1:38 am
Dear ecseedah and sturker1111
Hello and Welcome to both of you here.
This is the place that I found,as well as you did,that felt right with the number prompts that I receive.
peacockplume wrote: the most unusual one I got awhile ago was on my phone,
111 111 1111,,,,
George respoonded with 'that's how many midwayers are still needed on this world"...
enjoy the journey.
love and blessings
Well, I'll be, I just loved this little story Peacockplume.
Would it interest you to know that just this Monday, I received a prompt from an unknown source ( Midwayers, my guess) on my cell phone.
It said I had a new message from:
000 000 0000 8)
with no new message, just the phone number of zeros.
Turning another page in my life, oh and Thank You's to all the Angels out there everywhere.
Peace and Love To All,

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 6:54 am
by blaynelannan
Welcome to both of you.

You are in VERY good company here, and should be able to find the answers to the questions you have.

Consider yourself blessed to be a part of a group of people who are all about the upliftment of humanity.

I wish you both peace in your hearts. As you walk this amazing path, you will get more clarity, and find answers to your questions



Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 2:45 am
by peacockplume
Hi Greg,

no, no surprise at all,,,,I've had it a couple of times myself,,,

and I think we've pinned it down to those calls...soliciting free trips,,and/or credit companies trying to get info....

I don't even answer them anymore,,,why wait for a recorded msg about lower interest rates...

love pp

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 2:51 am
by Lunarmaiden
Welcome newbies from a fellow newbie.

I've recently had an argument with a staunch atheist about ghosts etc, I can feel the earth change, (My punishment for being psychic and my precognition has been scarily accurate recently and experiencing a SCAREY amount of Deja vu!!)

Nice to know what the numbers mean and things are rapidally starting to happen now 8)

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 4:55 am
by travallyn
newbie welcoming newbie ;)
I saw 11:11 today myself..and yesterday my daughter said to me...MOM I know what 2=2=2 equals! (Ive been seeing 222 as well and now apparently Im HEARING it!)

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 3:07 pm
by Petra Wilson
travallyn wrote:newbie welcoming newbie ;)
I saw 11:11 today myself..and yesterday my daughter said to me...MOM I know what 2=2=2 equals! (Ive been seeing 222 as well and now apparently Im HEARING it!)
:lol: That was funny Travallyn! I like your signature.

Love, Petra xxx