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My A.C. last night

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 4:20 pm
by alysmom
Last night I went to my a.c. and it was a great experiance. I seen an older man with long white/gray hair, a robe and sandals. I dont know what his name was but I thought he was there to be healed, I was healing a part on his back in between his shoulderblades that was glowing (my hand actually hurt a little bit by my thumb when I came out of the a.c.). So, he then told me it was my turn to be healed that I had asked for help a few nights ago (which I did) but for a moment couldnt understand that if he was there to be healed why would he be healing me. So I layed down and he started to heal me from the inside, he told me to take a deep breath and let me tell you I thought my lungs were gonna explode, I have never taken a breath like that it was amazing, I didnt feel I had to breathe but to just keep breathing in. When I started to breathe out though I had to take a couple breaths while breathing out :lol: . I asked to help clean my chakras a few nights ago and had said I was willing to let go of all the past things, but then I seen the word UNWILLING in mind I thought what am I crazy? Yes I am and again UNWILLING popped into my mind. Then it dawned on me that someone told me who is obviously smarter than I am. So the past few days I had alot of past memories pop up in my mind I had forgotten about and have been able to work through them (yay). So I wonder if this man who started to heal me (he said we werent done) also popped that unwilling into my head.
Sorry for the long book I thought I would share some of my progress like I said I would. Thanks for reading :sunny:

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 5:16 pm
by MichelleP
Hi Rachel,

What a great session. Yes you may indeed have a few blocks you are not yet willing to let go of but what a great start you have at tackling them. I am sure you will work through all of this. Awesome.


Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 5:28 pm
by George
Good one, Rachel !!!!!!!

You did Not take a step . . . THAT was a LEAP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are soooooooo proud of you !


Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 8:23 pm
by peacockplume

how absolutely wonderful Rachael,,,,now you have an incredible tool to help you keep clearing as it keeps coming up....
you may have been 'unwilling' but you were 'open'

love and many blessings

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 4:00 pm
by Sandy
Wha whoo! Rachel! !!!
I just saw this! What a wonderful Akashic experience! 8)
This sort of illustrates a point...we really cannot predict, (who would want to), what happens in our Akashic Workshops. Things sort of take on a life and purpose of their own, and best of all...we get to participate and have front row seats as we heal, and grow and help others who pass through that special place!
Bless you for sharing this with us! :D


Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:50 pm
by Petra Wilson
I love reading people's Akashic experiences! Rachel, you done good girl! I knew you would. Thank you for sharing.

Love always, Pet XXX

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 8:26 pm
by Maria L
Hi Rachel,
I am so happy for you. It is an amazing feeling to have a breakthrough, and there is more to come....
I am sure our celestial friends are celebrating everytime it happen. Good going girl. :cheers: :love

Lots of love,

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:14 am
by alysmom
Thanks everyone!!!!

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 8:39 am
by memawlaura
:D What a great experience Rachael. Your on the right track now it begins with you first.

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 2:14 am
by Prodigal_Daughter
Wow! I'm beginning to get it now as I read all these posts --- we get right with our Higher Power before being able to help others to heal.


Is it possible

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 7:50 pm
by alysmom
Well I have to say that this is a little embarrassing to ask but, is it possible to have a sexual experiance while in the a.c.?

Re: Is it possible

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 1:30 am
by ~*Star_Struck*~
alysmom wrote:Well I have to say that this is a little embarrassing to ask but, is it possible to have a sexual experiance while in the a.c.?
I think it might be possible.. but i doubt it would be "sexual" as we know it.

Great work on the AC! :wink:

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 2:03 am
by memawlaura
:D Rachael,
I cant wait to hear the response about this one :wink: .

You got it self first than others but no reason you can send those blessings and spread your light in the meantime. For years its always been everyone else and I've had to make a 360 to get going on this journey. At first I felt selfish, but I realize its for the higher good that I learn than do.

Re: Is it possible

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 3:10 pm
by Maria L
alysmom wrote:Well I have to say that this is a little embarrassing to ask but, is it possible to have a sexual experiance while in the a.c.?
Dear Rachel,

Do not be embarassed.
Your sexuality is Divine. Embrace it.
When we start meditate, the flow of sexual energy in our body
is increased. It flows more freely and we become aware of it.

This is all natural. I was not prepared for this myself,
so it was very confusing in the beginning. What I have learned
and are still learning, is to contain this energy within my body,
not let it out, "close the door", not act on, or think of, it, as we normally do,
but... transcend it, use it to reach a higher awareness...

I will promise you that the "reward", the fruit, is very powerful,
very Divine, and it will take you to a state of peace and bliss,
that is unimaginable for someone who have not experienced this
first hand.

So... instead of acting on it, which you are free to do of course,
there is nothing wrong in that, my advice is that you contain it within your
Self and use it as a fuel on your meditation journey.
Mening, do think of it as a sexual, pleasurable energy, giving joy, (do not
dry out) but use it to power yourself on your journey. You are
a "Goddess", a daughter of God.

Also, gather more knowledge of your Divine nature and focus on your
"meditation journey". I highly recommend you to do some search on the
net. There is so much more to meditation than we discuss on this board...

Use keywords as "sexual energy"; "shakti kundalini"; "cosmic awareness";
"chakra"... and whatever...comes up in your mind. Remember there is a
a lot of nonsense on the net as well...

Go for what feels right, Rachel. I have no referenses to the UB. :wink:
There are many Paths to the Summit.
And, I share it with You, Rachel, because it helps me to free
myself and to realize my Divine nature, the eternal and infinite God that
dwells inside me.


Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 2:43 am
by bethsha211
I have had that sexual energy flow when in a meditative mode. If you don't act upon it, it can take you to an extremely high spiritual place. Also, I had this unbelievable surge of physical energy come to me. Some call it the Kundalini rising.


Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 1:57 am
by alysmom
Thanks Maria and Gloria, thia was pretty confusing for me. I appreciate your input, makes alot more sense to me now. :D