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A bit of success

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 7:07 am
by peacockplume
When I started doing the meditations,,,,my visualization needed alot of work on it.....I just couldn't see the way I heard everyone else talking about it....

I got lots of help from you loving members,,,giving me encouragement,,, and helpful hints.....and I can now see my own progression from a yr ago.

I thought I had a really poor imagination if I couldn't see the rose George wanted us to visualize,,,,much less feel like I was one....I just couldn't get any pictures up unless they came from my own memory....

frustration abounded,,,,,and I finally realized that I hadn't come to that place of stillness mind was forever taking me to other places,,,,,,so I continued concentrating on 'breathing',,,,

and it's only just recently that something finally worked...

I told somone that I would send them Reiki for an injury,,,,and had decided to go to my AC.....which I haven't tried for quite awhile....

lately everytime I had gone there,,,,it was like ' it was empty' - nobody home and nobody coming.....I could imagine my rooms,,,,but I could never get the elevator to come up,,,,let alone see someone in it...

well,,,,,here's my bit of success,,,, I went rather quickly to my AC,,,
and the next thing I knew,,,,,here was this person coming out of my elevator!!!!! we got to hug and talk abit,,,,then I took her into my healing room.....and I was assisted......I don't know who was there, but I always ask for ArchAngel Raphael to be present....I was just aware of a presense.....

so if anyone's having a slow hard time,,,,keep persisting,,,it will work...

in love and light

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 11:17 am
by SheraX

Happy for you PP. :D 8)

As of late my mind is chatty,chatty. Something I have to work with. I'll get back to where I was. :)

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:39 pm
by blue nova
Good morning PP :sunny:

:cheers: Wonderful news !! :D

Hugs to you sis,

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 4:43 am
by bethsha211
Congratulations!! Woohoo!!

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 5:25 am
by aqualeaf
Congratulations, PP! :cheers: I'm glad to hear this! :D

Aqua Deb

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 7:05 am
by Sandy
Oh PP, that was wonderful! Thanks for sharing that and making my day!

love and hugs,

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 5:58 am
by Seeker13
Dear Lynn,
I guess you were ready! Congratulations :loves


Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 9:12 pm
by peacockplume
Hi Ladies,
Yes it was a surprise,,,that's for sure,,,,and now that I can look back on the whole week before it,,,,I can really see the difference in 'where I was spiritually'....

Thanks for all your words of encouragement....I really appreciate them...

love pp

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 4:54 am
by mightyonlove
Many thanks Peacockplume, just posted something regarding my frustrations and lack of vision on the AC.

Just found your post, and feel much more reassured that I am not the only one that is or has experience a slow start.

Feel more motivated to give it another go, and be more consistent with it.

Thank you God for your ever consistent Guidance.

Reema x

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 5:46 am
by memawlaura
:D Wonderful to hear PP,

We just need to let go and go with the flow, but I like that you spoke about keeping your concentration on your breathing. The fact that you realized you were going somewhere other than your intention was great awareness.

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 5:47 am
by peacockplume
Hi Reema,

Yes,,,I found it to be quite the quandry....(now that's a weird word),,,

I was told that patience and persistance/practise,,,,are the keys to eventual success....

and in fact it was dear Petra,,,who suggested to try just doing stillness for awhile and not worry about the that's what I did....

it still wasn't working,,,,,until I really started to connect with my breathing and quieting the mind....(you can never really stop it,,,,but you can get it into the background with really being focused on your breath)

then I just started chatting with Father Michael and Mother Nebadonia,,,sometimes I'd get little flashes,,,,which of course I just put to my imagination....but I said,,,that's ok,,,just go with it....

then one night,,,,I told myself to 'shut up' how could I hear anything if I was keeping up a one ended running conversation.....and I heard....
"Be Open to What Is"

at the same time,,,I was attending the Eckhart Tolle online classes with Oprah (and they're still on),,,,,and I had a huge AH HA moment,,,with the breathing and 'going into stillness'

a few weeks later I took the web class put on by Donna D'Ingillo from the CCC,,,,,and I think it was that process (7 Steps to Stillness),,,which almost completed the connection....

that's when I had the AC experience that I wrote about above,,,,when I actually saw someone come up in an elevator.....
what a surprise that was....

so I think I can vouch for practise and perseverance
(must be what the initials pp really stand for) :wink:

the other thing I realized,,,,,was that although I always felt like I had nothing to write about in the AC thread,,,,,that even writing about our difficulties,,,,will bring tons of help from our family here....

and that is what we are here for,,,,to help each other.....

so keep it up.....and don't hesitate to write...

with love and light

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 5:54 am
by peacockplume
Oh Meme,,,
you snuck in there just as I was sending my post,,, :lol: :lol:

I think it was that I even let go of the intention, not that I realized I was going somewhere other than....

wouldn't that still be having 'expectations' ?????

hmmmmm pondering.......

love pp

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 8:21 am
by lilly
Hi Lynn,
This is fantastic and I'm really happy for you.
Love lilly xxx :cheers:

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 8:50 am
by peacockplume
Hi Lilly,
Well, it is a beginning isn't it....

I took a breather for about a week,,,,, it had been so intense,,,,I had to take some time to adjust....

still staying in the present,,,as much and as often as possible...

then during this last week,,,,there seemed to be alot of negativity which was affecting me.....

it just seemed to keep mounting and taking sneaky twists and turns....

It wasn't a 'battle' within myself so much,,,,but a constant,,,awareness,

of seeing and hearing (in the physical) and thinking ---now what!!!!

and I realized I was 'battling' with my own negativity,,,,in different ways....

so I started to put some of what we've been learning into practise...

whoa,,,,,the change was 'immense'......I found that 'space',,,,,that step changed my thoughts and actions.....and feelings....there's been people issues,,,,,computer issues.....oh the list could be endless, couldn't it.......but I've been 'balancing' the energy...

anyway, I wrote about this somewhere,,,,talking with heather I think...

anyway,,,after two nights in a row,,,,,ending my day,,,in not the best energy level....I woke up this morning,,,determined to 'do something'

I did a meditation,,,,,which was pretty I said the visualization is getting better,,,,,and asked for it to be taken care of...

when I came out of it and looked at the clock it was 12:22,,,,

and I knew,,,and know,,,,quite assured,,,,that the issues I discussed, will be taken care of....

since then,,,,that disquieted feeling has disappeared....and tonight when Allan came home from work,,,,I was quite prepared to 'listen',,,,and could respond well enough,,,,to release the pain he's going through....

it's all negative energy,,,,,and he brings it home,,,,,and I open the windows and let it out....(with a blessing of course....)

so I have much to be thankful for...

love pp

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 8:50 am
by peacockplume
Sorry guys,,,

the computer is 'slowing down' (so am I)....

it posted my last msg twice....

so had to come in and delete this one...

time for some's now 10 to 1 a.m.

love pp