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Hesitant about Asking For Help?

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 7:52 am
by aqualeaf
Hi Friends,

This may sound silly or surprising :oops: (and this type of question may have been covered elsewhere; I apologize if I've overlooked it), but recently I've come to realize that this question has been subtly nagging at me for months, so I thought I'd finally try to articulate it, and ask you all about it:

Perhaps I'm asking for some reassurance -- I think I've been worried about whether I've been doing enough or contributing enough to merit asking the Midwayers/Celestials for too much help (though there are several issues I could benefit from asking for help with). I'm also a bit slow in trusting others, so I've also often had trouble asking humans for help as a general rule as well, so that's probably part of it too. I have often freely asked angels for help throughout my life, however (after reading a lot of Doreen Virtue's books in which she says that the angels are always delighted to help us with anything, no matter how small), so I'm not sure why I seem to be somehow mentally putting the Midwayers and some of the other Celestials we discuss here into a different category in this regard -- It may be because it seems I remember reading on these boards something to the effect that they can only help us as much as we help them. So maybe my question is, how do we know when we're contributing enough ourselves that it's appropriate to ask them for help?

It seems I remember reading in one of the recent Celestial messages (I can't find which one anymore -- does anyone remember which one it is?) something to the effect that it's not the job of any one person or group to change the world, but instead, for each of us, it's our primary job to work on our own personal and spiritual growth (and this is what the group of beings known as Abraham, channeled by Esther Hicks, says too). This I know I'm doing for sure, on a daily basis, so I found that message reassuring. Besides just general personal and spiritual growth, one of the main things I've been working on lately is beginning to do my art again and dare to bring it out into the world (after having buried my artistic side for about 20 years), but I've otherwise always been pretty quiet and introverted (though I've managed over the years to develop sufficient social skills to function acceptably well in the world in spite of that -- I use them when necessary, but as soon as I'm not in a situation where those skills are required, I tend to become rather hermit-like), which I've been pretty hard on myself for for most of my life, and worried that it's kept me from doing much of great importance in life, although intellectually I think I know differently. It was comforting that recently, while thinking about this issue, I saw a few different posts on these boards where folks were telling others that they feel it's perfectly okay to be a quiet introvert, and that one can still make valuable contributions being that sort of person (in fact, I've reassured others of the same thing myself before on these boards [!], so why do I still have that same doubt about myself? :roll: We must each have a life's purpose that we're perfectly suited for just as we are, no?) Overall, I've come a long way and made a lot of progress in my development in the past couple of decades, but it seems I still have a long ways to go. And lately I think I've been going back and revisiting some core issues, such as this one, on a deeper level than ever before.

I was also reassured when I recently finally went into my AC for the first time in weeks (I have great resistance to it, it seems, and I think it's in large part for the reasons I'm discussing here), and among the Celestials I encountered there, I kept hearing the name Athena, and thinking to myself, "Athena? Is there a Midwayer named Athena? No, I don't think so! I must be thinking of the Greek goddesses -- good grief, I must be just imagining this!" But then later I looked in my List Op messages and saw the recent message from Andrea and Athena, who it turns out, is a Celestial Artisan, and among other encouraging things, she said "Do call on me at any time. Learn how to apply my intuitive input to all your projects. You will find that I will be available just about at a moment’s notice to help you be co-creative with the Creator of All, to use His materials to turn a blank space (page?) into a picture is doing God’s work." The boldfacing of that last line is mine, since I found this very reassuring.

At any rate, how do you all feel about your relationships to the Midwayers and other Celestials, your comfort level in asking them for help and relating to them, your own perception of where you are in your self-development and/or discovering your life's purpose, and such? I'd very much appreciate your feedback. Thanks everyone!

Debbie/Aqua Deb

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 2:57 pm
by Seamus
Hi Debbie,

Each morning I ask God, among other things, to guide me to serve others in whatever capacity He wishes. It could be any number of things... a smile, giving someone directions, helping a friend in need, holding the door for someone...

And then everything else works itself out.


Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 3:38 pm
by George
Hi Superhero AquaDeb,

You wrote:
I was also reassured when I recently finally went into my AC for the first time in weeks (I have great resistance to it, it seems, and I think it's in large part for the reasons I'm discussing here), and among the Celestials I encountered there, I kept hearing the name Athena, and thinking to myself, "Athena? Is there a Midwayer named Athena? No, I don't think so! I must be thinking of the Greek goddesses -- good grief, I must be just imagining this!" But then later I looked in my List Op messages and saw the recent message from Andrea and Athena, who it turns out, is a Celestial Artisan, and among other encouraging things, she said "Do call on me at any time. Learn how to apply my intuitive input to all your projects. You will find that I will be available just about at a moment’s notice to help you be co-creative with the Creator of All, to use His materials to turn a blank space (page?) into a picture is doing God’s work." The boldfacing of that last line is mine, since I found this very reassuring.
One of Athena's advantages is that she is far away, and can get through to folks all over the planet when she "links up with a local Midwayer. Still as prolific as she was in human life, any of us 11:11'ers can ask for her help in creative projects.

I knew she was around in the 1950's already, helping me with lino prints and charcoal drawings. I never knew her name.

In 2000 there was an email from Utah, "George, do you know a Celestial called Athena?" I wrote back, "Not a clue."

A year later, when I was driving late at night to pick up a friend from a meeting, I heard, "George, this is Athena. I've been with you all these years!"

Go to and type Athena into the search engine. You'll find a few dozen of her transmits.


Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 4:04 pm
by MichelleP
Hi Aqualeaf,
So maybe my question is, how do we know when we're contributing enough ourselves that it's appropriate to ask them for help?
Its not about doing charity work as a means to show your level of worthiness. We are all equals, no one more worthy than another. Anything we do that helps our fellow man is noble and makes the world a nicer place but you are accurate that no one person will ever save the world. There is a very good reason for it to be that way. So its not about giving in order to get back. Your statement:
they can only help us as much as we help them.
Means there is not one soul, spirit, entity or whatnot that can ever help us unless we make the effort first. Meaning we have to truly set our heart and soul to growing in order to be helped. Heaven helps those who help themselves.

You are doing just beautifully as you are, moving along as you should but I like the acknowlegement you got that maybe art is indeed your way of sharing yourself (the beauty of you) with the world.


Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 4:24 pm
by George
Michelle writes:
Means there is not one soul, spirit, entity or whatnot that can ever help us unless we make the effort first. Meaning we have to truly set our heart and soul to growing in order to be helped.
Machiventa in 2000: "They (the Midwayers) can do no more for you than you do for them."

It seems to say, "no credit extended," and, "they might do less for you than you do for them."

The latter might deal with "universe credits" in reserve. :?:


Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:02 pm
by joshua291185
hi aqualeaf,
i think they are lining up to serve and assist us. it is their honor and pleasure. i think you should get in the habit of keeping an open line of communication and asking for anything you desire. i think it was yogananda that said one must be like a child asking parents for what is needed. never does a child second guess and rationalize and analyze. the child says "give me this." guilt, and shame, and karma, and and all that is out the window. these are new times and you deserve and will get anything you want. you are holding yourself back. dream up your wildest dreams for yourself and ask for that and imagine yourself achieving accomplishments that are seemingly beyond your grasp. nothing is beyond your grasp. release your self imposed barriers and take it all. the world was put here for you.

love, joshua

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 9:21 pm
by AustinRuth
Dear aqualeaf,
A quote to inspire you in your creative quest (bolded emphasis is my addition):
"Inner creativity contributes to ennoblement of character through personality integration and selfhood unification. It is forever true: The past is unchangeable; only the future can be changed by the ministry of the present creativity of the inner self." --from Paper 111, The Adjuster and the Soul, Urantia Book, p. 1045, Uversa Press edition 2003.

I had another thought that came also from the Urantia Book, but I cannot find that quote right now in the huge tome. :study: It says that we come close to some sort of resonance or something with our higher self (aka thought adjuster) when we are involved with a creative project.
If someone can find that quote, I would appreciate it, also! - Hugs, AustinRuth

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 5:45 pm
by MichelleP
Hi George,
Machiventa in 2000: "They (the Midwayers) can do no more for you than you do for them."

It seems to say, "no credit extended," and, "they might do less for you than you do for them."

The latter might deal with "universe credits" in reserve.
I guess from a literal standpoint I can see how one might come to that conclusion but I guess from my viewpoint that would say to me that their help for us comes with conditions. And if it comes with conditions then that means they are not working in a state of unconditional love. Now maybe they are judgmental but if they are then that would say to me that they are not really all that advanced themselves because from my understanding of it for a soul, spirit or entity to be advanced one would perceive that they have grown past judgment. So I still perceive that the line can be interpreted as just another way to say Heaven (The Midwayers) Help Those Who Help Themselves (You have to put the work in to help me help you). Or in yet some other words, If you are really diligent about working at it they can possibly take you all the way to the promised land but if you only put in a half-hearted effort well then their hands are tied and there is only so much they can do. Now of course I will admit that I could be wrong but I personally like to believe that the true path to salvation holds no conditions judgment or guilt.


Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:03 pm
by AustinRuth
Hey Michelle,
Let me put my 2 cents worth in; my interpretation of the "credits" thing.

I do not see any judgement or conditional love by celestial teachers regarding our requests for help in an area. I think it is that we at some point in our spiritual development are here because we have progressed to a point that we would be somewhat responsible already and already helping others or whatever the criteria of "helping others" or even ourselves would be. So, it seems reasonable to me that to expect help from celestial beings in return is just based on our motivations, intent to do good, not absolutely based on what we have already done to "deserve" help, but what we will do in the future.
I think that is what Machiventa Melchizedek meant.

I am sure Machiventa and the other celestials know so much about love that they could for sure amaze us. I am sure they love us, and if they are in charge of our education, we are in good hands. I do not fear their estimation of my worth, because I am probably more critical of me than they are. They probably see so much potential in us that we cannot even see. They can help us to see it, too, and teach us how to develop our potential. If what we request is in line with our best interests, we will get a "yes" and if it is not or we are not to the point yet of being able to handle whatever we are requesting, then it will be a "no." It does not hurt to ask. After all, maybe they are waiting for us to ask. :?: :!: :lol: Be sure to listen for the answer!!!

:colors: AustinRuth

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 5:10 am
by George

For George Barnard
October 2, 2000
Rockford Bay, Idaho, USA

Received by T/R: Mark Rogers

MACHIVENTA: It is not surprising you come to us. We have been waving our flags and trying to get your attention for some time now, and I thank you for making the effort to meet us in this fashion. This is Machiventa.

GEORGE: Good to meet with you, Machiventa.

MACHIVENTA: My dear one, I, more than any, desired this contact as a means to open the lines of communication between us.

GEORGE: There have probably been very many misunderstandings, and I would say they are probably all on my part. I’m … almost sure.

MACHIVENTA: I sorely regret the … misunderstandings as well; however, I am committed to you, and I will see you through, as I have the time to do so. I just desire that we share a different relationship. I must express my sincere and great appreciation for all that you have done to reach beyond your normal boundaries and push and reach and push. We have so much enjoyed this opportunity.

I would desire even a personal relationship with you, and I would make every attempt to meet you in this fashion more than half way.

GEORGE: I would much appreciate that, Machiventa.

MACHIVENTA: There is much we might do together to more harmoniously serve our Master.

GEORGE: I would like some advice as to where I go from here when the American job is over and done with. Whether I should organize something back in Australia. I do not now see myself as a receiver, except perhaps in emergency situations, in a clinical environment, but perhaps I can teach some in Australia and find a group that can organize their own affairs, and perhaps be of some use within that group, even though I do not see myself as a receiver.

MACHIVENTA: My friend, I would bring you confidence. I would bring you peace. In this process you are about, there are numerous profitable directions spread before you like cards in a deck. You have a trait I much admire, in that you are willing to go where your heart leads you and where you are sent with full abandon and attack the assignment with complete focus. I have every confidence and have every reason for my confidence that when the appropriate assignment next materializes in which you may be of service, you will be made aware and you will readily accept this new assignment.

You are now involved in a great shaking up of the cup, a great mixing of the many options, possibilities, circumstances and conditions that exist to … cause this turmoil, this mixing up. It has not yet settled out, my friend. The soup is still in spin and there are many potential activities in which your services may be useful, perhaps even critical. Whether or not you have embraced me in your framework, we have been working together and you must realize that those who work for me also work for the Father. It is often possible for the influence of one such as myself to be felt in remote locations, but I tell you, I certainly know of you, my friend, and I am quite certain that we shall experience before us the opportunity to embrace on the spiritual plane.

GEORGE: I have no greater wish.

MACHIVENTA: I would convey to you my sense of profound respect for you and the mission of your life’s work. Your diligence to causes unfamiliar to you has made you an invaluable player to many on my side, and one day the true recognition of the many and varied ways you have been helpful to your spirit brethren will be made clear to you, as to all those who view the universe records.

We are engaged in this great mission together, and it is in the service of Michael. It is as mandate from him that we take our action, that we proceed forward, and that we will use you and we will use others and we will use many to increase the few. And with the allegiance of those of my order and Michael and his mandates, the results are of a certainty.

GEORGE: That is good to know. I would like to know if, at some time in the near future, I might be able to bounce some theories off Orion. I am hoping that the theories will then be the property of Urantia and that others may develop them where I feel I may not be able to bring them to a conclusion. I am hoping that will come about, specifically the theory of a low all-or-none firing threshold of the cerebral neurons being responsible for some aspects of schizophrenia. I’m not really too sure whether this is in my realm and perhaps I should work on that perpetual motion machine … but that still seems a long way off. Perhaps I’ll just wait until Bzutu has a few more things to say to me, and when the pudding is about to hit the fan. I’m not too sure at this stage, but let fate be my fate.

MACHIVENTA: Indeed. And stay true to your character, my friend, and continue on. Say on. Do on. Be on. Continue forward in your efforts and make your contribution to the great pool of wisdom, which may change humanity. Every contribution to this pool of wisdom sweetens the entire pool, and when a time of critical mass is reached, realizations are made and advances are the result. You are guided to make this contribution and you do well to see this task through as it represents more than just the accumulated wisdom of your endeavor, but also represents the nature of your character and the steadfastness of your being.

GEORGE: Thank you for those kind words, Machiventa. We will do the best we can. I am sure that the rest of the Platoon will definitely back me up, whatever happens.

MACHIVENTA: They could do no more than you do for them, my friend. And they look forward to the opportunity to interface with you and see you as quite worth the effort.

I would like that at this time you be granted a message and allow me to step aside for you to receive the comments of your Creator.

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 10:02 am
by aqualeaf
Hi again Friends,

Thanks for everyone's input on these questions so far, and thanks in advance for bearing with this long post -- asking about such things here is rather new for me -- during the time I've been on these boards (just over a year now), I've kept my conversations here mostly upbeat and positive (as well as mostly staying away from potentially controversial or negative topics), which is the primary outlook and focus I've been working on for many years. During some periods of time, I've managed to stay focused primarily on the positive for long stretches (although this orientation is something I've had to gradually acquire through lots of study and practice over the years, since it didn't come naturally to me after growing up as the scapegoat in a dysfunctional family and being made to attend fundamentalist bible school in the summers as a kid :roll:), and I've transformed my life and progressed greatly over the years as a result. This positively-focused self is the me I've tried to keep in the forefront in my life as often as possible, and to share most frequently on these boards. But it seems that human growth and healing processes are so organic, progressing non-linearly and unpredictably, sometimes in fits and starts, sometimes in layers, sometimes cycling around again in certain areas and temporarily regressing in a "two steps forward, one step back" type of pattern. And there currently seems to be a general movement on these boards towards greater honesty and authenticity (as well as some processing of the remaining baggage we've been carrying), as we've all continued to build trust within this supportive 11:11 community (some prime examples can be found on the Secret thread and Gypsie Deb's Mothers thread in the Miscellaneous forum) -- and the bravery of some of our dear pioneers in this regard has inspired me to do a bit of the same. Hence the sharing of some of my deeper doubts and what may sound like negative, self-limiting thinking, stuff I would have at one time kept hidden, but I hope I'm not inadvertently coming across as less positive overall than I really usually am -- I'm just hoping to simply come across as a "real person," who, just like everyone else, can sometimes contain a paradoxical mix of the positive and the negative simultaneously.

Thank you, George, for the information on Athena, and for the link where I can read all the transmissions from her. I haven't yet read any of the Urantia Book, nor more than a tiny percent of all the transmits available on this site from all the different Midwayers and Celestials, so I still have much to learn about the Midwayers and other Celestials in general, and about each of them as individuals, their specific personalities, and so on. The quote you cited from Machiventa in 2000 indeed sounds like the one I read somewhere that got me wondering about this in the first place. And I'm guessing, from the question mark you added to your post, that you are not wanting to claim to know for sure exactly what Machiventa meant, but are just trying to offer your best guess. In the case of Athena per se, at least, it sounds like, since she has outright stated, "Do call on me at any time...", I can feel at ease about doing so.

Seamus, Michelle, Joshua and Austin Ruth, thanks so much for all your upbeat, positive, encouraging comments, all beautifully stated. In a general sense, I very much agree with what all of you have said -- this type of positive orientation is exactly the kind I am always aspiring towards. Thank you, also, Michelle, for your bravery in mentioning this regarding George's post on the Machiventa quote:
...I guess from a literal standpoint I can see how one might come to that conclusion but I guess from my viewpoint that would say to me that their help for us comes with conditions. And if it comes with conditions then that means they are not working in a state of unconditional love. Now maybe they are judgmental but if they are then that would say to me that they are not really all that advanced themselves because from my understanding of it for a soul, spirit or entity to be advanced one would perceive that they have grown past judgment..."

I mean no disrespect or anything negative towards any of the Midwayers or any other Celestials in saying this, and it's quite possible, probably likely, that this has been a misunderstanding on my part, but I think this is the very point I haven't quite been able to put my finger on until Michelle just articulated it so well, that has given me an unconscious (until recently) feeling of dissonance -- and I think I've been wondering how to reconcile even the possibility that the Machiventa quote might have meant something like this with all the other highly positive, unconditional-love-type teachings, such as you all have mentioned, that I've been working to absorb.

George, as I finally refreshed my screen in the middle of my writing this, I now see that you've posted the entire 2000 session from Machiventa (assuming this was the same one you referred to above). Reading this in context now, it sounds completely different to me, in fact. Machiventa sounds quite compassionate and loving here, and in the end, where he says, "They could do no more than you do for them, my friend," it sounds to me like he's simply expressing his great appreciation that you've done so very much to help them that there's no way they could possibly do any more for you than you've been doing for them (it may indeed still speak of "Universe credits," but your case, it sounds like Machiventa is saying you've already earned a surplus of them :D). This is a good reminder for me to try and view the larger context in which a comment occurs before making any assumptions, consciously or unconsciously (if it's possible to consciously hold off on making an unconscious assumption, that is :lol:).

I'll bet the best approach would be for me to just go to the AC and/or do stillness meditation more often, leaving behind the worry (after all, that's why we take a shower in the meditation before we go into the AC, no?), and thereby just make myself available for contact, simply see who shows up, and just listen and learn, trusting my own intuition even if I'm not sure of it at the time (since it actually often seems to be validated after the fact anyway :D) and in that way, just form my own direct relationships with them and develop my understanding from my own direct experiences over time. Sometimes in the AC, without my asking for anything in particular, various Celestials have just had me sit down as soon as I arrived, and started working on removing tension from my body, giving me medicines to drink for some discomfort I've been having, and so on, so they've in fact been helping me already when they perceive that I need it without my even asking. And other times, they have automatically brought me "patients" to work on without my having to ask or decide anything first. So perhaps I just need to relax, trust the process a little more, and just see where it goes.

Sorry to be writing such a gigantic post, but I do have one more question (well, maybe a small list of questions, more like! :roll:). From reading Doreen Virtue and other sources, it sounds like the angels (with only a couple of exceptions) are beings who've never left the heavenly realms to incarnate as mortals, so their vibrational energies are very high and pure, higher than that of beings who are, or have ever been, incarnated, and that they have the capability to be in more than one place at once. George, it's been my impression from reading your first book (I've got your second one now but haven't started reading it yet), and some of the other information on this site, that the Midwayers are at least somewhat more like us, in that they seem to experience a range of different emotions, including negative ones at times, is that right? And it sounds too like they cannot necessarily be in more than one place at once? This might also account for any difference in what an angel and a Midwayer might expect from us, or in what way it would be most appropriate to relate to each of them.

While I'm still not completely sure of the full answer yet, I do feel much better about it than I did before, and this discussion has really had me pondering the question and synthesizing a lot of information, which is resulting in a lot of growth for me. Thanks again to all of you for your input! :happy

Austin Ruth, thanks also for those quotes on creativity from the Urantia Book. How cool that it's paper 111! :colors: I'll put that on my list, along with papers 77 and 114 that George recommended to me earlier, to start off with, when I finally do begin reading the UB! :roll:

One more little note: just today I read yesterday's transmit from Samuel of Panoptia on journaling, which I've done prolificly almost daily for over 30 years. Hence, it feels to me like further validation for yet another of the activities that I'm most naturally inclined to do -- hurray! :colors:

Love and Hugs to you all LUV2,

Aqua Deb

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 10:17 am
by aqualeaf
Hi again George,

I find it touching that you addressed me as "Superhero AquaDeb," since it so perceptively gets right at that core of what we each seem to be trying to do down here as developing beings, striving to put our best selves forward, to continually grow, change, learn, do good, become our authentic selves, and be of service the best we can with the level of development we've attained at any given time. Sometimes we really do manage some "superhero-like" accomplishments, and then at other times, we can feel overwhelmed, like Superman in that touching song by the group, Five for Fighting (the one that was adopted by the New York City firefighters in the aftermath of 9/11): "I'm only a man, in a silly red sheet..."

I've always found myself surprisingly touched by the illustration below, which really captures that feeling. (I hope it's okay to post this, as long as I give credit to the source?) I came across this drawing in the book, Graphic Novels: Stories to Change Your Life by Paul Gravett. Graphic novels are another art form I've been looking at as a possible way to combine art and writing, two of my favorite pursuits. The caption given for this drawing in that book is: "Superman ponders how much even he can do in Peace on Earth, art by Alex Ross." (Sorry about the largish size; I wanted to leave it big enough to at least somewhat preserve the emotional impact of Superman's facial expression):


Wow, it's getting awfully late here :shock:, so I'd better sign off for now!

Love and Hugs, LUV2

Aqua Deb

Hesitant about asking for help

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 4:26 pm
by MichelleP
Hi Aqua Deb,

Yes, yes I agree with you totally that it makes a lot more sense now that we see it in the whole context. I agree with your assessment. I will defer to George on the Midwayer vs Angel question because I think I am as much or more so in the dark about them as you. I would however like to make a comment on Ruth's post about intent because I do think she hit on something here. I do agree that the more we grow the more we will find we wind up helping others. I think it is just a natural progression because the more love we experience ourselves the more we will naturally put out. They kind of go hand in hand. But I don't think the Midwayers help is based on us now or in the future having any specific intent to serve. I think the serve part is irrelevant. I think as we grow spiritually we will just find that we naturally serve because we want to but the help we get has nothing to do with us wanting to or not wanting to serve now or in the future. The help comes simply from us wanting to become better people. From the intent of wanting to grow by us simply asking a question. It really is plain and simple the law of attraction at work. It’s not based on any goodness level and as a matter of fact it may very well come into play more so when I am acting at my worst. For example at some point in my life I might find myself acting selfishly. My higher-self wishes to overcome that trait which means my intent is to do good, get past my selfish behavior. So at my request, my intent/wish to overcome my selfish behavior at that point in my life when I am acting selfishly I might find I come across more signs, symbols, or messages helping to guide me to understanding what it means to not be selfish. A by product of my overcoming my selfishness might be that I become more of service to others but it is really only about me growing not whether I will serve or not in the future. If it was about my intent to serve then that puts conditions on my worthiness. But if it is totally based on my intent to grow then there are no conditions because it simply becomes a matter of my either asking or not asking for help.

What I will say is that I will concede that I don’t really know what a Midwayer is. I could conceivable see that if a person has the intent to serve, they want to serve, much like George stated in his transmission, that the Midwayers are the specific spirits who help us accomplish that. But regardless help is available to all of us at the asking whenever and how much we need it. It just might not be the Midwayers who are helping us but rather Angels or our personal spirit guides. But someone is always there to help us at a moments notice without any strings attached.


Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:30 am
by George
aqualeaf writes:
George, it's been my impression from reading your first book (I've got your second one now but haven't started reading it yet), and some of the other information on this site, that the Midwayers are at least somewhat more like us, in that they seem to experience a range of different emotions, including negative ones at times, is that right?
They are incable of forgetting things, and the busy Chief is not always impressed when I forget things. Negative? I don't think so.

The worst treated IMO was Midwayer Gorman. I spoke with him after people messed up three of his huge projects in a row. He was happy enough to come visit me halfway across the world and away from his regular beat.

And, no, other than Creator Sons and Daughters (and TA's), I don't know who can be in two places at once.


Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 1:58 pm
by SheraX
So..midwayers and ourselves are like a team..when everyone does their part it gets done. They know we are not as bright as them,so they would have to have paitience. Like we are with our children,teaching them as we grow?

All of us are in this together,Us,miswayers,angels,to get this place back to where its suppose to be?

Sometimes I just lay in bed and think,I just say I don't understand all of this and why...the whole process of God stuff... I just thank them all I can be a part of it and be in this great journey that has just begun.

My penny thought. hehehe

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 2:28 pm
by George
SheraX writes:
So..midwayers and ourselves are like a team .. when everyone does their part it gets done.

That's about it, and they are patient. Think of it: They are 37,000 years old, and incapable of forgetting anything they have learned in all that time.


Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 3:03 am
by aqualeaf
Hi Everyone,

Michelle wrote:
I do agree that the more we grow the more we will find we wind up helping others. I think it is just a natural progression because the more love we experience ourselves the more we will naturally put out. They kind of go hand in hand. But I don't think the Midwayers help is based on us now or in the future having any specific intent to serve. I think the serve part is irrelevant. I think as we grow spiritually we will just find that we naturally serve because we want to but the help we get has nothing to do with us wanting to or not wanting to serve now or in the future. The help comes simply from us wanting to become better people. From the intent of wanting to grow by us simply asking a question. It really is plain and simple the law of attraction at work. It’s not based on any goodness level and as a matter of fact it may very well come into play more so when I am acting at my worst. For example at some point in my life I might find myself acting selfishly. My higher-self wishes to overcome that trait which means my intent is to do good, get past my selfish behavior. So at my request, my intent/wish to overcome my selfish behavior at that point in my life when I am acting selfishly I might find I come across more signs, symbols, or messages helping to guide me to understanding what it means to not be selfish. A by product of my overcoming my selfishness might be that I become more of service to others but it is really only about me growing not whether I will serve or not in the future. If it was about my intent to serve then that puts conditions on my worthiness. But if it is totally based on my intent to grow then there are no conditions because it simply becomes a matter of my either asking or not asking for help.
Michelle, these are excellent comments on Ruth's excellent comments. As I'm thinking about everything everyone's said, all of this makes a lot of sense, and fits right in with everything I most want to believe, and, plus, it feels good and right to me (as Abraham says, our "emotional guidance system," how good or bad we feel about something, tells us whether it's in agreement with our higher's self's [or TA's?] knowing or not, respectively), so, I totally agree. Similarly, I also agree, as you said, that "someone is always there to help us at a moments notice without any strings attached."

George, from what you've said, it sounds like the Midwayers are at the very least extremely tolerant of us and our humanness. After all, look how patient, loving, understanding and helpful all of you have been toward me as I've been exploring these questions, and we're all just "mere humans!" Considering that they are 37,000 years old with IQ's in the 1000's, it's just common sense (even for humans :lol:) when I think about it, that the Midwayers, being so much older, wiser and more experienced than us, and so committed to the good that they refused to participate in the Lucifer Rebellion (if I got that right? Like I said, I'm not too well-read on these subjects, so am still a bit ignorant in this regard :roll:), could only be many, many times more so. :happy

Plus, if they never forget anything they've ever learned, and they've been hanging around on earth helping us for so long, they must know so much about us by now that they know the nature of our minds better than we know our own. As you said, Heather, it makes complete sense that "They know we are not as bright as them,so they would have to have paitience. Like we are with our children,teaching them as we grow." Besides, we know they have a sense of humor as well, from the time they actually commented on that joking discussion several months back about whether or not the Midwayers are the ones who steal all those socks that always seem to disappear when we do laundry! :lol: ( link lost Click here[/url] to see that thread if you haven't seen it! :lol: :lol: :lol:). Good grief, how much evidence do I need before my "inner doubters" finally fully get it and stop coming back? :roll: :duh :lol: At least I do feel better and more sure all the time as this conversation goes on! :D

Last night I had a dream that I immediately knew was related to this whole topic as soon as I woke up: In the dream, I was temporarily away from home and unable to return because some unseen antagonists had seized control of the house, as well as my phone and mail. In order to get everything back, for some reason, I had to transfer funds between some different bank accounts, including a foreign one that I temporarily opened in the dream just for the purpose of making the transfers. In the end, it turned out, due to some perfectly-orchestrated timing of all the transfers, I somehow ended up with a surplus of extra funds (more than I'd originally started with) in the foreign account. Since there was now a net balance remaining in the foreign account, this meant that the account would remain permanently opened for me. In the dream, I knew immediately that Celestials had orchestrated this, and I was very grateful. Then in the end, I got everything of mine back, including a huge load of packages that arrived in the mail for me, which had been piling up waiting for me until I could access them. In addition, since the bank was foreign and I had no information on how to contact or access it, I was wondering in the dream how I could get the money out if I ever happened to want to. Then when I woke up, I realized, maybe it means that once the balance is there, it cannot be removed (i.e., you can never lose it :D)! This dream seems to at least partly be commenting on my musings over the idea of "Universe credits" (whether or not there actually is such a thing), and suggesting that, if they do exists, maybe I've got some! :D

At any rate, I took this dream as yet another validation that I've been doing something right, and that, just as we've been discussing, someone is indeed there to help me. :happy And, to top it all off, as soon as I woke up and looked at the clock, the time was 8:22! :colors: :colors: :colors:

Thanks again to each of you for listening, and for all your great insights -- I really appreciate it! :kiss:

Love LUV2,
Aqua Deb :baby :sunny:

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 7:35 am
by George
Aqualeaf writes:
George, from what you've said, it sounds like the Midwayers are at the very least extremely tolerant of us and our humanness. After all, look how patient, loving, understanding and helpful all of you have been toward me as I've been exploring these questions, and we're all just "mere humans!" Considering that they are 37,000 years old with IQ's in the 1000's, it's just common sense (even for humans :lol:) when I think about it, that the Midwayers, being so much older, wiser and more experienced than us, and so committed to the good that they refused to participate in the Lucifer Rebellion (if I got that right? Like I said, I'm not too well-read on these subjects, so am still a bit ignorant in this regard :roll:), could only be many, many times more so. :happy
I've given them a hard time more so than anyone I know, I guess. On a few occasions the Chief threw up his arms in despair, more often he rolled his eyes.

It's Dr. Mendoza who gets to the point about health, "I'll be Frank" who will "let me have it" on psychology.

Not a bad word from any, tho. They are patient. Their tasks are their journeys.


Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 1:02 pm
by SheraX
That topic on socks was too funny. :lol: Thanks

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 3:06 pm
by George
Not just socks. :shock:

One day in 1994 I packed up my manuscripts, checkbook, and a few changes of clothes and walked right out of my life for good.

A few days later, a large box with clothes that fitted me well appeared on the doorstep of my flat.

They weren't mine, but they all fitted me. 8)

No one knew WHERE I was . . . except the Midwayers.

Not just socks, uh-uh! :shock:


Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 3:13 pm
by SheraX
Time for a new wardrobe,they were thinking...

Hmmmmzzz..were they new? lol :wink:


Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 3:20 pm
by George
They were all used, but clean, good clothes.



Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 3:32 pm
by SheraX

Time for a change!
(pun intended...heh)

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 4:21 pm
by George
Conquer the scruffy man with clean clothes.

Pun appreciated.


Say goodnight, George.

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 4:23 pm
by SheraX
