Autobiography of a Yogi

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Re: Autobiography of a Yogi

Post by atsguy »

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but one thing i did not like when reading the book was that parts of it came to me as if meditation; hours, and hours of constant meditation, and literally spending your entire life in meditation was the way. Yagananda even says at one part that you would have to spending 8 hours every single day in yoga meditation and then after 3 years you could reach self realization. When ever i read stuff like that it always makes me feel that this is not the case and although great sacrifices have to be made you don't need to do it as a hermit.
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Re: Autobiography of a Yogi

Post by Geoff »

Dear Atsguy,

I think I have some experience in this matter, even though my path is only somewhat aligned with that of Yogananda.

It has everything to do with the extent to which you are following the external "Divine Love" path, or the internal "Natural Love" path. If you are trying to improve yourself, back to the state of the perfect natural man, as initially created by God, then I think you probably will spend a heck of a lot of time in meditation. If you are following the path that I believe Jesus taught, that of "rebirth by spirit" its much faster. But I think its still going to take dedication over 30 years or so, maybe even longer. It took Jesus 33 years, as best I can tell. Don't know how many hours a day he devoted to it, because we know he also "had a life"

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Re: Autobiography of a Yogi

Post by Mamo »

:hithere :bana: :sunflower: :roll

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Re: Autobiography of a Yogi

Post by lilly »

A few years ago, During a particularly frightening time for me, having tests when I was very ill....I closed my eyes and saw his face, radiant and smiling in my spiritual vision. It gave me such a calm feeling, I was able to just drift off into a relaxed state. Feel very blessed to have had that experience!! Love Lilly :kiss:
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Re: Autobiography of a Yogi

Post by Sandy »

That was a beautiful experience, Lilly! Do you remember Petra telling us once that the face of Paramahansa Yogananda helped Manny once when he couldn't catch his breath in an Asthma attack. No doubt this wonderful man knew Love and walked as best he could, aligned with the Cosmic Source. I will always appreciate the "Love and Joy lessons" his mortal life provides.
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Re: Autobiography of a Yogi

Post by Geoff »

In the years since I last posted here, we have heard from both Yogananda and Sri Yuksteswar, his guru. Both are fused. And both totally wonderful radiant beings.

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Re: Autobiography of a Yogi

Post by Danielalderfer »

Hi Daniel here, this book has been hugely helpful in my journey, read it carefully twice, after reading the Urantia book. so broadening regarding/concerning Michael and Nabadonia's creation of beings that almost defie description, yet all are brothers and sisters embraced totally and whole heartedly by them. Yoganandas life of disciplined worship so puts me to shame, he is absolutely wonderful in his courage to come to the U.S. And to teach so effectively in a second language bringing a clear picture to the West of what worship really looks like. Over joyed to see his messages in the teaching mission archives,

by the way the teaching mission archives ( are at least five years of two hours a day of the most up to date communications from hundreds of teachers supervised by macheventa malchisidec concerning actual instructions we would receive on the morontial worlds schools. How's that for giving any one interested a leg up in our beginning career! of all, MANY, warm personal messages from Michael and Nabadonia in amazing colloquial syntax, oh my father!!!! is this ever something. Most amazing is my experience of the urantia friends I have, and that is the lack of inthusasium toward these transmissions, very suspicious about these "channeled" messages. (If it's not in the Urantia book I'm not interested type outlook. ) the teaching mission, As an aside, has been radically stepped up on all the 37 worlds, meaning millions of volunteers of teachers of all stripes rushing to assist us in the corrective time started in the mid 80's with the rapid removal of the communications blockages and the meddling of calagastia and dalagastia. Not only that, you and I, if we are interested, and Willing to transcribe, can have personal teachers relate with us directly. How's that for an opportunity for expansion. What are you and I going to do about it?

My take is that nothing is more important to father and mother for our rapidly progressing to world wide overhaul of this dis functional society then the teaching mission and of course the wide dissemination of the Urantia book. Did you know that the teaching mission is keeping us abreast of the almost momentary placement of our new planetary prince, to have an actual earthly headquarters at sites at two places here in the U.S., one to be in New York State and a sister campus to be near by in Pennsylvania. And that the new prince is called monjorason, and he will be physically present. all of this's and much more as reported by monjorason at his address, a sister site to the (tmarchives. Net) called: (serara. org.).

Thanks, and warm hugs, Daniel
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Re: Autobiography of a Yogi

Post by Sandy »

Hello Daniel,

Welcome! I love your enthusiasm for this wonderful book and the loving Guru, Paramahansa Yoganada. I too read this book after reading the Urantia Book and it was an important one for me... allowing my personal Teacher to provide some perspective on the many paths that all lead to the Divine and our Paradise home. I think it is in the details of that trip that sometimes cause us consternation, expecting everyone else's "itinerary" to be exactly like our own.

For me, Love is always the most important concept imbibing any spiritual and religious path. If it is lacking in any movement or if the leader in a movement in any way disparages on the unconditional love of God for all His/Her children, as well as the basic order of Celestial Authority and the human/Morontia/human education and assentation, something that has been in place for hundreds of millions of years...Well then, that raises warning signals for me. (This is something Lucifer did and we see how disastrous that was for many worlds)
I have halfway observed the S site you endorsed here from a distance for years now... and have been appalled at times by the leaders, RB's transmissions from the Paradise Father. I try not to say negative things about his work and stay out of the fray...but his site is considered extremely controversial within the Teaching Mission... and has been full of predictions over the years that never come true.
This is not something we really wish to bring to our own work. The Progress group has been charged by Machiventa Melchizedek to simply open the door to spirituality for those who come here and allow them to run their own race.

Please know that each person must find their own way...and some things resonate with some and not others. The Teaching Mission is just one outreach in the Correcting Time. There are many other groups working to uplift the planet that are not Ubook based. God and his celestial children works with all of them... and that gives me hope. I mean, how can we fail with so many people and celestials working to help this world of ours progress. :D Urantia will be won as we share love one person at a time. And it will be a big wonderful group effort between celestial and human alike!
As our dear Midwayer friends have told us... "We fight we win, we "all ways" win!" (meaning in all ways.) And they should know as the Midwayers at least the 1111, have been at upliftment on this our mutual home for thousands of years now. I trust their judgement on the state of affairs on our planet as I trust no others... they have never let us down. ;)

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Re: Autobiography of a Yogi

Post by Geoff »

Danielalderfer wrote: Most amazing is my experience of the urantia friends I have, and that is the lack of enthusasium toward these transmissions, very suspicious about these "channeled" messages. (If it's not in the Urantia book I'm not interested type outlook. )
Dear Daniel,

Yes its sad. Some of course "buy" the Sadler doctrine that the Ubook is NOT a channeled work, but of course it is. Others are just fundamentalist. But I never understood why you would decide, where the Ubook is silent, that that could possibly mean the new information must be false. This attitude is certainly not unique to the Ubook. You find it everywhere, in the Bible followers, Khoran, Course in Miracles etc, even amongst my own spiritual family, followers of the Padgett messages

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