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Post by blue nova »

I am enjoying googling the places you all live I did Nova tonight, I had no idea you got snow as well girlfriend! See we learn from the site as well..
AH HA Gypsie ! I thought that was that you visiting, it was not my imagination !! :D :wink: Next time you visit I'll make us some tea, sit at the fireplace and have a chat ! :wink: EEWWIE it's freezing here in my part of the world....we're in the single digits here, I think the high will be 17 degrees sometime this week, can't wait for that warm up :lol: :lol:

Pet, you inspire me too !!
Get right on that horse and show 'er who's da boss !!! Lay low if she tries to throw ya :wink:

Big hugs to all,
~*~* Live in Om! *~*~
.. ~Swami Rama Tirtha~
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Post by memawlaura »

:loves To all my loving family,

Gypsy, good to see you up and about with some positive direction. You will be successful at your venture because your contagious and have such a wonderful spirit. I have sure missed you lately and I will pray for your new aspiration.

Petra, I cant believe your not a brave soul with so much zest for life. I think you feel like a duck out of water in your new home, but your really a wise old soul and no matter where you are your home. I envy you learning another language and making such a great move for your family. As far as horses go I had the exact same experience but I still love them and would love to have a horse and some land to ride on. Just use your great gifts and give that horse a good talking to and you will do just great. I loved the picture of your family and I wish you all the best new year.

Sandy and PP, all I can say is thank God for "The Secret " because thats what got me here to my 11:11 family. I saw the more commercialized broadcast and right after the program I saw something on The 11:11 phenomena and here I am :D . I realize that the Hicks acknowledge the information coming from Abraham which to all of us means so much more, but for others maybe the commercialized verson was necessary to get others started on being more positive.

To everyone I have not included and those I have included may your day and the future hold joy, love and spreading your beautiful spirits across Urantia.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi Everyone,

Jill, wow, I think you're right about a second orb in the turkey vultures photo; thanks for pointing that out! :D I love crows/ravens too, and there are a lot of them here as well. How cool that you got an actual hawk feather! I recently bought some pheasant feathers that have lots of cool stripes and spots on them to use as a substitute for the real thing in future bird power shields.

Did Mist have an easier time completing her shedding after you added the moistened paper towels to her aquarium? Glad to hear that Gandalf's tumor may be getting smaller -- she has an advantage over most humans, in that she just keeps living her life and doesn't sit around and risk making her condition any worse by dwelling on it!

Those hissing cockroaches sound pretty cool! When I was a kid, I used to carry around grasshoppers (even though they spit brown juice on you :mrgreen: ) and small frogs and such, so, back then, I'd have been like the girls in your class who wanted to pet and hold them. It seems like I've gotten a bit more squeamish about such things as I've gotten older though -- so I'm not sure how I'd react if one was set right in front of me nowadays! :?

November, thanks for that bit of information about how to tell hawks from turkey vultures when they fly -- I've been watching the turkey vultures flying outside, and, now that you've pointed it out, I see how they do "wobble" a bit! :D I haven't seen a hawk fly by recently, but next time I do, I'll try to notice the difference in how they fly. I've also been meaning to mention that that's a cool animated gif you've added to your signature line, by the way! 8)

Pet, those are great photies of you and your family! That was cool about the buzzard and the prompts from Matthew right before your French class! Buzzards are pretty similar to turkey vultures, aren't they? -- that's a pretty cool sychronicity! :D I'm glad to hear it's all women in your French class instead of all men -- it sounds like you're beginning to make some friends there already! I knew a guy a few years ago, a really smart, capable person like you, who lived in France for a year for his job. When he came back to the U.S., he told me how surprised he was at how much living in a foreign country affected his self image and self-confidence. I was astonished when he said it affected him so strongly that he, of all people, sometimes literally couldn't even get out of bed for whole days on some weekends! So you're not alone in feeling a bit less confident than usual, and you ARE a brave soul! :D

Black adders in the woodpile, yikes! :pale: We had lots of rattlesnakes around when I was a kid (near Yosemite National Park here in California). Really big long ones used to slowly cross the road, and they extended completely across both lanes, so people driving in cars just had to run right over them! :shock:

Sandy, regarding the visit from all the turkey vultures, you said, "Don't you wonder sometimes if these things aren't Celestially orchestrated..." Yes, I do believe that these things (as well as
many other things) are, and I'm always so glad to see it happening; anytime I witness it, it feels so comforting to know that we're never alone! :happy

Rats the size of dogs, that sounds kind of scary! :shock: It sounds like you're doing such a great job of training Lacey - it indeed sounds like you're well on your way to becoming the Parrot Whisperer, as November said! I googled "blue-tongued skink" since I'd never heard of it -- what an interesting lizard-like creature, to my surprise, and with a blue tongue! They are kind of cute! :D You've got some exotic (to us anyway!) birds and animals over there in Australia! I agree with your thoughts on the Secret too! :D

PP, Your "Tranquility Base" business sounds so cool! Keep us posted, and let us know if you get some batches of those ointments and oils ready for sale! "First nations" people; that's similar to "Native Americans" here in the U.S., no? That was a characteristically nice answer to Jill's question about the Law of Attraction on your part, by the way! I liked both of the "avvie" photos you put up of yourself too; I agree with Sandy that you're photogenic (but the current owl one is also great)! That time-and-date tool you sent in the link to is also very useful! :D

Gypsie Deb
, I've done the same thing, looking up people's locations on these boards, using Google Maps, which has gotten so amazingly cool now that you can look up any address or location on the globe and it will show you actual satellite photos, and you can zoom in! I've also recently looked up the small village I used to live near Yosemite as a kid, and zoomed in close enough that I could see where they've now added extra streets and houses where an open meadow used to be, where we used to play "Little House on the Prairie" (the popular children's-book series and later, TV show, here in the U.S., about pioneers that came "out west" in covered wagons, "way back when" in American history) as kids. :D

Your story of your niece Amber and what you and Harry have done to help her is wonderful, and is just as appropriate on this giant-coffee-table thread as it would be on your Mother thread. Speaking of that thread, there are some powerful stories being posted there, and there's a lot of energy around that topic (and of sisters and other bio family too) for lots of people, I'm sure :roll: -- I've been following it, and thinking about posting to it myself at some point, despite the fact that it'll inevitably stir up some feelings... (:cry: :grrr :bomb :silent: ).

And to everyone on this thread who I didn't address by name, I've been enjoying reading all your comments and seeing you here too! :D

We finally got the treadmill moved into the house (though we almost couldn't get it through the front door :roll: ), so it's time for me to go exercise and then resume painting silk hoops and scarves (I've been having lots of fun making some really colorful ones this time around! :colors: On the 31st, we're all supposed to go to the Gallery and completely change out our old work and put in all-new stuff -- to keep it ever new and changing and fresh to keep customers interested! :bounce: :compress: :colors:)

Lots of love to all of you LUV2,

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Post by gypsie »

Hi there Aqua Deb
I love my Raven, last night I brought it upstais and I am going to keep it close for my AC meditations. You are amazing how you get everyone, I just can't with all the kids ect..I am puffed out...

Nova I love to google where everyone is, I can't believe last week you were in snow and I was sunburnt :scratch: what a world. Your so pyscic I did my AC after and yes went over snow...

Well as this is about power of positive thought and I am one for if the Secret helped one person to get hope then it worked.

I agree it opened eyes for some that had maybe never had a spritual path ect...
So, I am looking at a import business, today my friend and I laughed at our idea ect on our business. I will need to go to Twian (can't even spell it) and find a good supplier, our idea is a great one. We have both let things slip through our fingers for years and she almost pulled back again because Amber went missing for 1 night, that was a tough morning could we please have some prayers for this little 13 year old :happy

Anyway I said to my mate, listen we watched the Secret together for the first time just over a year ago, the idea has formed, money is possible lets just run with the wind. Well do you know how hard it is to find a factory in China or Twian????? (sstil can't spell it)

The secret is back in my life I had to turn myself around, life was going to a dark place, thank you for the love I so needed to start to heal and now I will get back in my woman strength and finally do something..

PP - I am so happy you found this coffee shop but i really want to get to 11:11 posts on this thread, I keep hearing it in my head, it's like I'm being directed to say it :roll: no I won't go off on another tangent we have all been there with Miss Gypsie :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Big Hugs anyone been to Twian? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by November »

aqualeaf wrote: I've also been meaning to mention that that's a cool animated gif you've added to your signature line.
Hi! I learned about the userbar on another message board I used to visit. If anyone is interested, these are the sites -

This is what makes the animation -

This is where I got the "bars" from -

In the second site, I went under archives, but if you pick a category like "sports", not all samples come up (not for me anyway), so I typed in "Beach" in the search box and clicked the search button.

The bars come up with an address like: under the samples.

I copied that address and pasted it into the first site (the animation) at the bottom (where you can have 10 bars).

After you paste all your bar addresses in there (I chose 10), you pick the way you want it to move and how much time and then click create.

I copied the final "address" it gave me when the animation was complete (starts with http) and pasted it into my signature here between [img]and[/img].

The 11:11 and cockatiel bars I made myself under the second site - where the bars are - under Designer. It took me awhile to figure out, though. If you want to play around with that, I got the "11:11" and cockatiel pictures from Google or Yahoo search images (I can't remember now). I believe if you type the word "message" into the search box, it may come up. I can also just send you the "address" for the 11:11 bar to go with your other bars that you may pick, I don't mind sharing.

I hope my directions work for anyone interested! You can have anything form coca-cola lover to corvette driver
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Gypsy,

Do some research on your computer for what your wanting. I would not do any business on the computer make sure there done in person. Also, if you have to sign anything you may want to have a corporate attorney look the agreement over. Let me help you with the spelling Taiwan, just put one foot in front of the other and when you feel puzzled find a mentor in that area.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by peacockplume »

Oh man, how am I going to catch up on this past week, nigh impossible,
but it feels more like 2...

Last Thurs night, was the beginning of a 4 day soul search,,,,,so Fri, I wasn't connecting here too was just like this big whooosh experience......I don't think I've gone through something like that so fast..

Friday it continued, until 'life intervened' with my neighbour/friend, coming over rather late and helped me hang a beautiful Celtic piece of material as a room divider,,,we were up till 3 a.m. that's all right, I couldn't sleep anyway, at 6:30 a.m. I was thinking, well I can still get 4 hrs sleep before I have to drive for an hr up island to send a pkg off...

that's when I got an 1:11 prompt on the way up, then as we were having lunch I asked for the time and got a 2:22, then think I managed to post it at 1:33 a.m.

I barely got home in time to take Echo out, stuff the stove, and make some supper for Allan,,,then go to cards. now, couldn't miss cards right??

we're not out late though, always home by 9:30,,,,so still had alot of thinking going on, clearing, clearing,,

Sweat Lodge on Sunday,,,,,very interesting,,,and it was kind of the 'finale' of the stuff I had been working on...
I felt like I had gone through the 'fire' and came out refreshed....

Monday Allan decided to set up the wireless connection for the laptop and have it connected to the main computer,,,,it's all in preparation for me to have my own business area, etc....

that's about when I went 'off line' he was of course, hmm hmm, doing it himself, but there were too many glitches...I managed to do a couple of posts between sessions,,,,finally he called someone to come in, it took a half hr....he goes to bed, saying, it's up and running for you... HA!!!

well I froze it up in about a half hr, so went upstairs to the other computer, and proceeded to freeze that one up....

he was not too pleased.....well,,,,,what can I say...

I still can't access my files properly,,,,and trying to save stuff is ,,,,,well,,, very difficult at this point, but it is coming along, I've been on it all night, sending out new e-mails addresses,,,,got my own now, and that's progress for sure.... but the point is, I haven't messed up yet, and it's still all working.... eeeeee haaaaa!

Pet I have to say with your buzzards, I wanted to look it up for you, and it was 5 pages long....but pretty cool bird there,,,,it's power time is summer and winter,,,,and one of it's keynotes is New Vision

I'll write more of it later....

The temp just dropped in here, so I got up and checked the stove, just coals left,,,,so stoked it up, and it should still have coals when Allan gets home....

as George would say, 'That's Good',,,,

well, as much as there's so much to write in answer to your ladies posts, I just can't do it.....and tonight feels like a 'sleep' night...

I have a drawing of how I want to re-arrange this whole downstairs area, and the slow way I move,,,,it'll take me till the end of Feb to get it I can't let up, even in my slow motion...

loves to you all,,,,I think of you all in your special places, learning new things,,,,experimenting with new projects,,,,

there's a wonderful energy building,,,,,2008 is going to be very special for us all...

blessing and love,,,
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Post by peacockplume »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

just one more thought,

ok Gypsie, this will be post 957

which means 154 to go for your 'record'

I think we have awhile yet, but we could start a countdown on the last 50,,,

now that was a useless piece of information wasn't it....

good night lynn

ok pp
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Post by gypsie »

Oh Laura can you understand that language?? I am so excited it's going to work....

YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I know PP the post count is closing in :roll: but I'm co-pendant and can
t spell :lol: :lol:
Love gypsie
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Lynn,

Glad you back on the board and I know that changing your computer system has probably ruffled your feathers :lol: :lol: . I could not understand you the other night when I tried to email you and it was two technology challenged 11:11 ers :lol: :lol: .

:wink: Gypsy,

I did learn a few things at college, I just wish I knew how to apply them to help my career. This year I plan on evolving my knowledge into some passionate venture and with time both our dreams will be reached.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hiya Guys, AquaDebs wrote:
I'm glad to hear it's all women in your French class instead of all men
You and me both Deb!! I were shittin* meself about the prospect! Then in came these Arab women, a Cambodian and a Bolivian. Sheisse...still can't remember their names, they are quite unpronouncable. Oh! But I love 'em already!! They love a good laugh, and een though the mutual language is broken French with a bit of Arab and English thrown in, we have a right good chortle every lesson! The girl I sit next to is so lovingly friendly...she sometimes leans in so close that she's resting on my arm, or shoulder. At first I was a know..."err, back off my boundarie sweet-cheeks!" but after a bit, I quite liked the closeness. The women who cover their hair are the one's who giggle and laugh the most! (In my class, at least!) I am learning some Turkish phrases and they eagerly repeat my English.
It's a strange, yet wonderful be included with these strange women and learning their habits and being included with their humour and little idiosynchracies. I love their expressions too, and they seem fascinated with mine! The only thing barring us, is the bloody language! I reckon we'd be getting on like a few houses on fire by now!!

The horse-riding expedition was fine... considering the horses were the most mild-mannered mares you could ever find yourselves upon. Only time I had a mild heart-attack was not when my little chestnut number had enough of walking and did a little trot, followed by a brief spurt of cantering...Nay (or should i say 'NEEEIIGHH', :lol: ) It was when my son Manny declared: "I'm bored Mam! I wanna gallop a bit..." and a few minutes later, he and my daughter Thalia high-tailed it yonder toward the green fir-tree-lined fields hollering: :'yeehar!' like they were starring in some Spaghetti Western, and poor Maud (the horse-lady) was running like a champion after them before they either killed themselves and her ponies, or fell off...the latter being the preferred option!!

I'm gonna fly! I have got the ball rolling to learn how to paraglide off Mont Myon (just a stone's throw away from where I am) for a fraction of the price I would have paid when I was living in Wales!
That's my latest little stint. OBE's are all well and good, but paragliding has got to be the bee's knee's whilst living on Urantia, eh?
Call me a nutter! But I bet you would do it too, given half a chance? Well, the chance has come for me and I'm a-taking it!!!

GEEERRRONNIMOOOOOOO!!! I'll let ya know, Petra XXXXX
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Post by memawlaura »

:wink: Hi Pet,

Well looky here when you took on the french language you got a two fer one deal and meant exciting ladies.

I'm glad your horseback riding went well that was my last experience with it, as well, my cousins took off galloping (better yet running) and my horse apparently wanted to race. The next thing I knew I was ran into a limb and I was eating dirt :lol: :lol: . You know but lately I have been wanting a horse :roll: who'd figure that one :lol: :lol: .

Flying, I'll just wait until I ascend thank you very much. I have fell from one too many heights. Absolutely no desires but you go for girl and have a blast. I will live vicariously through you :wink: .
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by peacockplume »

this is the only way I could delete a double of the next post of mine,

it must be the time of day,,,things are going slow, and I just kept clicking.

so I just cut this one, and will replace it...with..

hi Memawlaura,

sure was funny the other night wasn't it.....mine just up and died, then I went upstairs and killed the other one, Allan was not impressed. :lol:

I only ruffle feathers now, to keep warm, just thought I'd let you know,

anytime I feel feathers ruffling, I'll change avi's.... :lol: :lol: :lol:


you mentioned First Nations/Native American, all the same people,,,up here they don't like to be called 'native' it's now, politically incorrect...
they are First Nation, since we all live in North America,,,,there's no difference for them USA or Canada, all north america, so all First Nations.

(that's only what I've been told,,,,what do I know,,,,) who knows maybe there's even separatists in that group,,,,,sorry folks,,,,lousy sense of humour sometimes...

My soon to be off the ground, hang the shingle time, business, isn't all about oils and lotions, it's actually a very small part...
someone just asked me what it was about, and this is what I told them:

My business,,,,well, it has developed since I physically hurt myself,,,, 4 yrs ago,,,,
it's called "Tranquility Base" it's first idea, was a place for people to come,,,,to heal,,,physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.....I'm a Reiki Master and also practise Quantum Touch, and most of the time, the two meld into one...
I teach personal and spiritual development,,,,and want to do actual courses on Chakra's,,,,, teach and attune Reiki...and facilitate more workshops on Quantum Touch...since I am an intuitive, or clairsentinent ,,,,,I do spiritual readings, with quite a few different soul cards....and I also do crystal healing. This past summer, I made herbal oils to use for aromatherapy while doing Reiki,,,and am broadening out into making special lotions and creams for a clients specific needs...they're called "Tranquility Basics",,,,,and there's more,,,,over this last year, we've planned to put up our own sweat lodge, but it's not a traditional lodge, overseen by a Shaman,,,but it's for ladies (only), to sit and have a good purge, then jump in the lake afterward to cool off......we're calling that the "Tranquility Tent", but it will be built like a lodge...

So I have that side of it handled, but being hurt and not able to 'weed' or make my meditation paths, things are starting to look a little more natural, with oregon grape and salal growing everywhere you don't want it to,,,,and that included alder trees,,,,then there's all the winter blowdown, that tends to wreck whatever spot you were just working on...I used to run a small chainsaw,,,,and would happily go at clearing the trees that had come down.....not any I just look at it and say, hmmm,,,wonder what I can turn that into....

gotta find me some young strong, able bodied 'men',,,,,all us women need to be attending to their ills and woes,,,, :lol: :lol: :lol: ,,,,

so getting this computer set up for myself, and TB,,,was a huge undertaking,,,,,no, re-organizing the whole downstairs was the huge undertaking.....some fun hey....

well, now I must see if this post is going to replace the duplicate....

love pp
Last edited by peacockplume on Fri Jan 25, 2008 2:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by peacockplume »

Oh Pet,

Keep it up girl,,,,ain't it grand....
Yes, the eastern ladies are much more friendly than one would imagine. well after all, they can't get that close to boys or men,,,so they share with the ladies,,,,a confidence made there, stays forever...they are such beautiful people....and you being such a 'breath of fresh air for them', or should I say a tearing'll loosen them up in no time...

mind the Sheisse though, it's merde in french,,,but still, don't be teaching those 'ladies' the wrong words to take home and maybe get a beatin with...course, if you let them know it's a secret word, they'll never say it in front of 'the men'....

When we moved up here, friends of ours had horses,,,,4 of them, an arabian "Holly" a carriage horse "Pride" a morgan and another one.

well you can tell who I rode most, Pride at first, cuz he was so calm, but my back wouldn't take that carriage 'trot', so I tried Holly, and just loved her,,,she was a grey arabian....tall, proud...beautiful....we'd go over to their place,,,,ride back through the woods, and through the gravel pit, over the Koksilah River and down the road to our place....tether up the horses to various trees, have a camp fire and a few rums and beers... Milly would drive out, take us back to get vehicles...the next day...

we did this quite a few times,,,,the river crossing in summer was good, but it was the steep sides going down to it that would get me....the first time was incredibly frightening, going downhill, but I'm standing upright in the stirrups, my head is almost on the horses behind it's so steep... and just hoping and praying that horse wouldn't stumble,.....then we had a few more just local to this one stretch, and the tree branches were really low,,,,,well, unbenownst to me,,,,,holly was rider trained...if you bent over it was her signal to 'go'. I'm hanging on for dear life, just wettin the end of the stretch, I said to everyone, well when you talked about getting your saddle wet, I didn't think you meant that way. :oops: :oops: :oops: ....when we were on the back roads though, I'd give her, her head, and off she'd go, just lean forward and squeeze those knees, and you'd think you were in the Derby....just a flying....galloping is so cool,,,,it's the slowing down that gets you all 'shook up' :lol: :lol: :lol: and I don't like to canter or trot, it's a walk or gallop for me....

so just remember Pet, find out what the horse reacts to before you ride.. it helps,,,,immensely.....glad I did it when I did it, cuz I can't do it now...

I too, will live vicariously through you when you go'll love it....I can see you now....remember you said you'd parachute into Sedona,,,,well now you'll be paragliding in...

oh just take care,,,,,we're sure you will, but just take care...
and have a ball.....good on you Pet...

love pp
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Post by memawlaura »

:lol: :lol: Hey Lynn,

How's your computer or you you double poster :lol: :lol:
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by peacockplume »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

no I got that one fixed up Laura,,,,,just edited it with another post...

wonder how many saw the double post,,,,, :lol: :lol: :lol:

probably just you, ole eagle eye..... xoxoxo

you know that post you put in about depression, you should have put it in the one 'about mothers',,,,it would have fit right in.......and it's amazing how the feedback is working...well to me it seemed right for it...

well dear, what's it doing down in Oregon,,,,we've just got a freeze going on the Island....even my lake has a skiff of ice on it,,,,water buckets froze, water hose everywhere, froze....that'll be good on my connections...
crack, split,,,,,,garbage....

we were supposed to get snow,,,,oh yeah, that's tonight, but I haven't been watching the news or the weather,,,,,just experience it as it long as I have my water jugs filled for emergency power outages, (when Allans not here) otherwise we have the generator...

and to make sure there's enough wood up at the house for a day or two...

well, it's 5:30,,,I should be getting some snack to eat...allan won't be up till 8:00,,,and we won't have supper till 8:30 or so...and I'm feeling abit peckish....

love pp
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Lynn,

I know after I wrote it that it would have fit quite well, but perhaps this will help some identify with there depression and some reasons for it. Also, I have several times wanted to give information on that thread, but I have the darndest time finding it :roll: or I'm not suppose to refer someone?

Well, its pretty cold but not near where you are. They do expect some freezes on the valley floor for tomorrow and we have had a frost for several days. I did not go out and exercise like I planned so I was dancing to this great Indian music my sister burned for me. Sometimes, I feel like I have a seasonal depression, as well, because I hate going out in the cold and I dont like the dismal gray skies.

I'm cooking me some eats right now as well, so I'll talk with you later.

I will try to email you again and I did not send any spam last time so I don't know what that was, but eventually I gave up re-writing my emails :lol:

Love ya sis,
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by peacockplume »


well I just watched the weather, by this weekend we might get 1-3 cm of snow,,,so far its only just below freezing where I am, it's the interior that's going to get the brunt of this storm coming,,,way up north they're looking at 30 below by Thursday, and that's celcius...oooooglad I'm not up there. back east is down to around 17 below C...
so I think the Island will get off easy..

,,,but I can feel it on the ground floor....the cool sneaks in across your feet...time to stuff the stove again...yep,,,just some coals left....well, I guess tomorrow will be wood day, perhaps I'll even stuff the shelves in the garage, get it stocked up, make sure Al's got gas for the genny....I've got plenty of candles,
bad weather here and for sure the power goes out. it's a never fail...

I've got enough food in the house except for milk, and I'll get allan to bring that home tomorrow...

I was hoping our paulina tomatosa (the Empress tree) might have blooms this year,,,,the blooms are all set, but the freeze will destroy them...pooh.

it flowers before the leaves come out, and sets blooms for next year after all the leaves drop,,,,kind of like a foxglove bloom pale lavender...

saw a few last year....but this year I have my doubts...

talk later,,,,now it's 630

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Post by gypsie »

Oh I can't imagine how cold it is over there PP :shock: I have been away for the long weekend and watched the boys in the ocean not mastering their boogie boards. Billy was caught in a rip (Copacabana Beach Central Coast Aus) and I was doing cherades on the sand yelling paddle more Billy, here comes a massive set. Jack came in but then my heart beat very fast he came off his board and his little head started to go under in I went jeans and all, screaming at the life guards "HELP HELP :roll: " when will this drama leave me? The second best looking man on earth (Harry's first :lol: ) dives perfectly past me and has little Billy back in under 1 minute.

He then explains (as I stare at the bluest eyes a girl has ever seen) how one should go with the rip and then put your arm up for help rather than paddle madly, get panicked and tired out very fast :oops: "MUM SAID"

But I will quickly tell this story of Angel intervention on Thursday, Cate my friend and I went to the beach (Coogee) and I was having a swim for a change as I am focoused on enjoying life instead of the dark place of the past two months. I actually started to say "I feel so happy" very loudly to her when something to my right caught my eye, I watched as this thing was being thrown into the shore. I could not believe my eyes when I saw it was a little boy, laying on his side with people walking past him. I ran over and he was unconcsious, the lifeguards were busy stopping teenagers jumping from the rocks so this man and I went about clearing his airways and calling out to him. Cate and Billy ran to the base of the guards but couldn't find a soul, so over the loudspeaker we hear "Could all lifeguards return to base" Billy then got on the raido and sent out a message a child needed them (very proud).

The boy was about 8 and finally started to open his eyes, his mother had not seen any of it and had no idea, his cousin walked pass and realised who the child was, then she came screaming down the beach. Why I am telling this story is because I was thinking of many of you at the time the little boy washed past my legs. I was thinking where does this all go? Why were we as a group brought together, only to open our hearts on a the Angels Message Board. PP had asked me why I mentioned a few months ago when women get closer I feel a need to run. Yet as I stood in the water I thought these people only give me unconditional love and support, it is me who places conditions on myself.

Is it really happening that lifelong friendships are being formed in this strange new world called the internet? I thought 50,000 hits on this one thread alone, is it possible this board brings comfort to some who are not ready to post but have grown to know and understand us as friends themselves? I hope so, actually I pray so, because if you are out there alone like that little boy in the water I want you (all of you) to know there is a purpose for you being here. I feel it like an energy and this site somehow heals us, all of us as we read or post it does not really matter because the energy is oneness.

Thank you for coming into my mind on Thursday and sending me in the water, can it be to far fetched we all collectively saved that little boy who was taken off in an ambulance? I whispered 11:11 out loud as it drove off and have no idea why? What I do know is I love and care for you all as I type this post, for those I know and for those I don't. Something special happened didn't it? Would love to hear some thoughts on that experience.

Much Love Gypsie
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Post by memawlaura »

:shock: Wow Gypsy,

What a story and revelation, it seems you definitely received a message from the incident with the young man. How wonderful your weather is so beautiful right now. It sounds like the ocean beaches gave you a run for your money on the days you visited.

We are family and we do heal one another by communicating on this message board. I just came to the realization that most on hear probably have no one to trust with their experiences, but they have this big loving family. We are telling sometimes our deepest hurts and pains or something were experiencing which is not of the norm. Anyway girl I'm glad your living your life joyfully.

I have not seen PP on the board for quite a few days, I guess she got hit with this storm were having out her in the Pacific Northwest, I know she was preparing for it. We usually get a few days in the winter we have snow but we've had 6" already and its still snowing. Pretty much its an indoor day and no traveling because unlike states that are accustomed to snow our area is very slow at plowing the roads. I'm sure the children dont mind because their having a SNOW DAY from school 8) .

Well my husbands home and we plan on snuggling up, I'm going to have him work on some meditation. When he's working he's gets so stressed I would like to give him the tools to change that negative energy. Hopefully, it will help him and both of us.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by peacockplume »

Hi guys,
yep, I've been preparing for it all right, we were supposed to get it Sat, but it didn't come,,,,nor sunday, nor monday, just freezing weather..

so far lucky, however, the news tonight said we'd get 6 inches, ha, the last time they said that, we got 2 feet....

and tomorrow I'm supposed to drive a friend to Victoria, for a heart check-up....well, we'll see,

otherwise, computer's been up and I busied myself with moving furniture...

sorry company just came in, but I wanted to let you know, I'm here...

will talk later, after she leaves.

love pp

See Gypsie, you were the 'local angel' for that little you.
and yes we're all here for a special love each other.

pp xoxoxo
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Post by lilly »

Hi Gypsie Deb, Laura and Lynn,
I must say Deb, that was definitely an experience you won't forget any time soon. God Bless you, the others that helped and that little boy.
You girls are all so precious to me. I've felt real comfort and support from you all. Sometimes I used to feel like an outsider, but that is just a silly old, worn out, thought pattern that I've broken through. Being too close with females on an emotional level at one time would have me running for the hills.......Close off, stay quiet, you can't trust, what will people think,
you don't air your dirty laundry in public, what would I know, keep things to yourself. That old programming was ridiculous and I'm glad it's gone or just leaving now, some of it sticks like chewing gum on your fingers.....Lol
Thanks for being here all of you on the message board....... you are all so much appreciated. Love lilly xxxxxx :D :D :D
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Post by gypsie »


That was post 666 for you girlfriend

Love ya too Gypsie
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Well Lilly,

I just wanted to let you know that I have had that old mind set for many years as well. It always seemed that I was making the connection to keep people in my life, so I felt like no one wanted to be around me. In all honesty it was me feeling like I was not good company or trust issues because I've been hurt in the past by several girlfriends. It was just easier to withdraw from society. I have had so many bad situations occur over the last 4 yrs that I almost completely withdrew from society. I have to thank Our Father for never leaving me and my sisters, husband and children for helping me through the worst of times. They never gave up on me and always tried to pull me out of my shell that I created.

I thank you all for being my friends and I cant imagine a day to go by without interaction with my fellow brothers and sisters.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by gypsie »

Hi Memaw

you are a diamond

Much love Gypsie
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