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Post by gypsie »

Man I had a post really to press and bang it's gone :roll:

This will be shorter, yesterday Yasmin spoke to PP on the phone, she had a beautiful light surround her PP with Amelia on her lap.

I thought about soul connention and said "I've got it" PP connects with Yasmin the circle gets tigther (always room for anyone) but we are being connected for greater work?

Mother issues are so unique and I don't wish for this thread to be about me getting healed, I said in the beginning this is so open to all.

Now something happened today in Yesterday to the secret and mothers, I have a stunning 13 years old neice, constantly she is being asked by men to buy her clothes ect, when she shyly mentions she wants to model they know someone who know someone, get the drift.

So we took this little girl to the drama school my boys go to and we sat as they spoke to her, BINGO she was signed. So family for $20 a week she gets a class, photo shoot and goes to castings, makeup is not allowed.
Her father killed himself 2 years ago and her mother (who's beauty may have been the very thing to bring her undon now has a hypoxic Brain injury,, Yes it is such a sad story but lets stay in hope, hope for Amber.

Last night my bestie Amber's Nan (we getting old) said Amber was jumping for joy, her eyes were bursting with joy and she feels someone is rescuing her (fairy tales may come true) someone cares. Little does she know Harry and I would walk hot coals to make her happy.

So $20 a week has changed a daugther who has a painful relationship with her darling Mum into a blooming flower, the princess she dreamt about, the family who were lost but in Gods time (now) it begins...

Why on the mother thread? He mother secured a very lucative modeling contract but was pulled to the dark side (it's so very sad) Lets all help this darling child have the journey, she called just before and said thank you again...I told her it's angels who are making this happen Amber! And dare I say your Dad would expect nothing less from us, Harry has cried. He said "remember the nights we had her and I put her into a bed make i made with a draw.

I guess what I am trying to say is if in deep depression look out and think of a person who's life you can change, a parentless girl with creeps waiting in the corners! I will post her photo soon and I also told her she is family here..

I am happy

Love Gypsie :D
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Post by gypsie »

can't believe i posted my post on th secret thred :duh
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Post by peacockplume »

Thanks Jill,
but it was a yr old, and in cold winter,,,,so I went hunting, and found one taken just last summer in Las Vegas at my nieces wedding...
and the winter fat on the face is gone....

now when I see this one, I'll be reminded of the "hot" nights, and 'hotter days',,,

love pp
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Post by peacockplume »

Hey Gypsie,
I don't think it's on the wrong thread at all,,,,lots of lovely secrets here...

it doesn't pertain to your relationship with your mom, so it belongs here,

we've also gotten off track on the 2012 thread, (which George said was a good thing)

and I asked Sandy to go back abit, move the stuff, and open a Secret 2 thread...

would that be ok with you....

it sounds like a good time to make a switch, then they could close off the first secret thread,,,,

maybe I'm just flappin lips here,,,,but we have talked about it,

I certainly can't change anything over,

but YOU are the author, of this thread, so maybe you have to OK the start of a new thread,

maybe, YOU have to start the new thread...

BTW, that's awesome about Amber,,,,just needs the right guidance, Auntie, and you're being able to do it.....Way to go!!!

love pp
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Post by Sandy »

Hello you dear people!

Gypsy girl, you reminded me once again why we all love you so much. (Not that it was needed!) You and Harry have the biggest and most beautiful hearts! I am so happy for Amber! I am reminded once again that love changes things...people and circumstances.

You hit the nail on the head with this and I feel it is something very important.
I guess what I am trying to say is if in deep depression look out and think of a person who's life you can change, a parentless girl with creeps waiting in the corners!
You've just given us a prescription for a happy life. Thanks sweetie. I will try to remember this when I feel darkness closing in and do as you suggest.

November.. I am not quite sure that I qualify for the "parrot whisperer just yet, but your encouragement is ao greatly appreciated!!! :D Maybe the "Parrot Entertainer" is a more apt discription. Parrots get bored so easily! It is all I can do to stay one step ahead of her. I am always scrounging about the house looking for bits and pieces.. .in addition to her toys to keep her thinking and actively happy.

Today George and I saw a baby blue tongued skink in the alleyway behind the house. He was so cute and I wished that I could get a better look at him/her but I was afraid I would scare her if I came to close. A little while later I went to hang the wet laundry on the line and there, right where I usually set my basket, was this beautiful little skink again! It is unusal. We have only seen these types of skinks several times since we've lived here....but twice in one day and in a place I always frequent? (Hmmm wonder if a Midwayer had a helping hand in making my wish come true. :scratch:) Don't know for sure but I politely told them thank you... Oh my, I just looked at the clock and got my beloved friend Mathew's prompt. yep, maybe someone had a hand in it. 8)

Jill I loved your discription of the arrival of the hissing cockroaches! They are the colest bugs aren't they? I am looking forward to hearing what the children thought of them.

I too love your new avatar photo, are very photogenic aren't you? My older sis is the same way, point a camera at her and you have a lovely picture. :D

What a perfect name for a perfect business! .."Tranquility Base" I love the way you saw a positive out of what many people would have determined a negative. (Your injury) Now as your plans proceed, many people, besides you and your friends, will benefit from your peaceful "world". Don't you love it when a "Celestial plan comes together!" :thumright:

I guess my take on "the Secret" is a little different as I will always be greatful to it for introducing me to the concept of "The law of Attraction. Look on it as perhaps you would a kindergarden primer in school. In bright and colorful ways these books try to foster a child's interest with pictures and images to stimulate the appetite and desire to learn. I think it is important to recognize the fact that all of us are trying to uplift the world each in our own way...and at times being human we make mistakes and less than ethical decisions as may or may not be the case in Rhonda Bryne's case. But even if only one person found comfort and enlightenment from following a path that led to the Secret and beyond to the comprehensive 'Ask and it is Given' , isn't that something to be thankful for? I would much prefer to think well of the author of 'the Secret', give her the benefit of the doubt and thank her and the contributers for the beginner's information they provided me.

Oh I wanted to tell Jill that I found a series of cd's by Ester Hicks covering the Law of Attraction at the library in my son's hometown. So that might be a thought for you, especially if there are time constraints as so often are for you busy teachers. My daughter likes to listen to audio books while she drives to and from work. I tried it a few times but I'm afraid I get way too distracted by the book...I find myself speeding through the exciting parts (literally) and crawling when the story slows or becomes sad and depressing. Best for me to learn from the safety of an easy chair.

Hugs to all of you...
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Post by peacockplume »

I tend to agree Sandy, about the Secret, if it did one thing, it certainly set alot of people looking farther afield,,,,and to the originators....Abraham....and the true message they put out about The Law of Attraction....

I'm not just talking about us on the board, but I know many unhappy people after they saw the Secret,,,,and were very disappointed since they didn't have the knowledge required to have all those wonderful things just miraculously happen....

What surprised me to learn, was that Esther had originally channelled The Law of Attraction from Abraham first....they had all the material, but not in book form.....then Abraham instructed her to write Ask and It Is Given first.....

I think they knew they had to not only 'catch' the public's eye,,,with a great title, but then they had to open peoples awareness to who we really are::: and I'll coin the phrase that so many have been using..

We are Spirit having a human experience,,,,,not,,,, being human and having a spiritual experience.....

Dr. Wayne Dyer speaks on 'The Power of Intention',,,,,he says the same things that are in 'Ask......" just different words...and many others are doing the same thing....The front liners of Lightworkers
It's like this "HUGE" call is going out to humanity,,,,,Hellooooo people,,,
it's time to get it together.....

and they're giving us the tools,,,,tools that we already have,,,they just need to be oiled up again.....get the kinks out...get us to remember who we really are, and what we're capable of while living here....

The Secret although successful in 'making money' did not come through with the "how to do it",,,,,Esther and Jerry were in the DVD,,,,but they pulled their support from the book, when they found out that the "how to do it" wasn't going to be that's what I call 'integrity'..after all, the Secret, was based on "Ask and It Is Given,,,and they left out the most important to do it.....the most they gave out, was things like, have a positive attitude, make a wish board,,,,all good things mind you....just not the whole enchilada...

and I guess that's why I get so passionate about it....I know it works...

they have 4 other books out now,,,,but Ask and It Is Given, is the only one, that actually, gives out the formula.

Sandy I did the same thing with driving and listening to their tapes, fast and slow, both at the wrong times.....not a good thing to do, ha ha ha...

Oh help somebody, and get me off this soapbox
:roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I think that's so neat that you've seen this little bird twice in one day, could you put a bit of food out in it's landing spots??? maybe it would become a frequent visitor....

I have a spare cat like she came to the glass sliding doors, and stood right there looking I layed down on the floor and talked to her....then she'd look towards where the other door finally I got up and went to see if there was food in her outside dish...

well with all this nasty weather, I had propped up a kids shovel so it was giving shelter to the food dish,,,,it was working too, but I saw that the shovel was down...soo I opened the door,,,to fix it, and Allan says, "She's on her way over",,,she still won't come close,,,but if I shake her dish, she waits till I come back in,,,,,actually, she's at the dish before the door is shut...

We have no idea who she really belongs to,,,I think she travels the neighbourhood......she's sweet though...a nice outdoor cat,,,I think she's keeping the mouse population down.....good kitty,,,,,keep coming....

Yes Sandy, I do love it when I absolutely know Spirit is guiding me,,,lots of times over the past couple of year, I kept wondering, well, why isn't this happening yet....and something would come my way, that I knew was another part of it,,,,and me....just wasn't ready yet...

Allan the ever sturdy Capricorn with a business head, just asked me, do you have a client list ready,,,,I'm not really sure what he thought when I said, no I don't need one, when this is ready to 'go', the people will come....and he didn't even look at me as if I was crazy,,,but he never said anything either....

Oh, I'm glad you 'think' I'm photogenic, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I just caught one good day in the winter, and one good day in the summer. My owl had to go back up today though....

loves to everyone,
pp xoxoxoxoxo
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Sandy wrote
Oh my, I just looked at the clock and got my beloved friend Mathew's prompt.
You and me both Sandy! I get them just about all the time, them and 1111's :D On my way to my first French lesson in St Amour (Great l'il town with an appropriate name, everyone is really quite nice and loving!) I saw nothing but 33's on licence plates. I was quite nervous, and suddenly as I waited at a Give Way, a HUUUGE buzzard landed next to me on a fence post. He/She looked at me, I looked back and as I drove off (couldn't sit there staring at each other all morning could we?) he flew off too alongside with me for a few seconds.
Needless to say the first lesson went jolly well. I met my class-mates and they're all women! Not men as I was told. One is Bolivian, one Cambodian and the others are Turkish. I hope to get to know them in time. I can help them with English too :D
Ihave 5 months to catch up on though, but each time I felt defeated I thought of Midwayer Mathew and the buzzard earlier and it got me through with just enough confidence.
Went to the car and two cars beside me had 33 and 333 in the licence plates, hehehe!

God bless all of ye's, Love, petra XXXX
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Post by Sandy »

Dear PP,

The law of Attraction, the "actual law" persé....if that is the way the Universe works and has forever ( and I believe it does.. mind you) does not belong to Ester Hicks or any one person be it mortal or Celestial. (Unless of course you are God) There are many teachers in this world and some are better at passing on their knowledge and information than others. Ester Hicks and her Celestial Teachers, Abraham, are great teachers...I am not debating that point at all or the fact that Ester had the material first. And for the record, I very much regret that the Secret producers left out such an important and helpful "how tos", in the book. (Can't imagine what they were thinking!) What I hold in question is the negativity surrounding the people involved in this whole "mish mosh". It is unsettling and unneccesary. It makes me uncomfortable to look negatively on these,... yes, imperfect people, who at least made some sort of attempt at some sort of enlightenment and to share it with others. It is also not my place to judge them or their motives. It was foolish and unfortunate that they chose to leave out Abraham's teachings. I think they may have realized it too in retospect and tried to make ammends with free online workshops. But my main point is this...Great good may some day be proven to have come out of their folly. I will give you an example...
The Lucifer rebellion and the later Adamic default greatly set back progress on every level here on Urantia. To all of us presently living on this world our mind wonders and contemplates with disgust what might have been... what great advances we might be experiencing now and the heartaches our world may have avoided had these things not occurred. However, it is now known on Paradise that more good has come from these happenings than could have happened without it and someday we will all see how much we have benefitted in ways such as character, strength, in problem solving..etc..( the list is enormous I am sure) from these disruptive happenings.
So all I am saying is that in the grand scheme of things the jury is still out as to the importance of the attention that the producers of the Secret in their clever marketing on this important and life changing topic has had on the ability to get the basic message talked about and researched by all those "seekers" out there....

"We are all one at our spiritual root source," is one of Chief Bzutu's sayings... So if in fact these "secret people" are brothers and sisters too....can't we simpley focus on love, forgiveness, and the more positive and valuable Teachings that Abraham has given us in this one area and quietly give "those who are a disappointment" the benefit of the doubt.

I love you, sis and I do greatly respect the passion you have for this important topic. You, Michelle, and others so versed in the Law of Attraction are helping us to understand how we can shape our lives and ultimately the world for the better. :kiss:

Warm Hugs,
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Post by Sandy »

Hey Petra!

Glad your first French class went so well !!!
Buzzards and Midwayer Mathew..It doesn't get much better than that. :D
You're past that all important first day nervousness and it will be a piece of cake from here on I bettcha...behind in the class or not. You'll catch up. No doubt!
Oh could I go for a piece of chocolate cake about now. Must settle for one of those sugar cookies I baked last night I suppose.

It makes me feel good knowing Midwayer Mathew is there with you, sis. As you well know, he has made such a differnece with his positive encouragement in my life.

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HeelllOOooo Pet :D
I'm glad to hear that class went well for you sis, we all knew you could do it :wink:

Helloooo Sunny :sunny:
I love #3 prompts...I get that one the most and I'd say it's my fav too :D :D

Big hugs,
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Anne wrote:
we all knew you could do it
*big smile* I tell you, being a foreigner is quite an ego-batterer. My self-confidence plummetted when I got here!
:( You know, some of the women came to their first lesson in September not knowing how to read or write. In the 5 months, they can now read and write a little. I didn't know this, as I handed a bit of paper around for them to write their names down so I could memorize them. But they wrote their names well enough. I'm gonna teach them some basic English, one or two are very keen. They got quite excited when Octavia told them I was English/German.

Love, pet XXX
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Pet writes:
*big smile* I tell you, being a foreigner is quite an ego-batterer. My self-confidence plummetted when I got here!
It's hard moving to a place with not knowing anyone especially when the culture is so much different than what we are used to, I can easily imagine the stress it causes. Heck, even moving to another town close by can be stressful !!
I'm gonna teach them some basic English, one or two are very keen. They got quite excited when Octavia told them I was English/German.
See Pet ? I knew you are a person with a magnetic personality.... :D :wink:

Hugs Sis,
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Post by gypsie »

Hi all
As I race around getting the kids ready for yet another day of holiday activities (we're watching Waterhorse today) I need my 11:11 fix. Addicted again, yep, but what a healthy way to go, reading positive, loving posts is like that blanket of love we all so need.

A second secret thread? Seems the only way each of us can drop in for a coffee, the worst part of being in a coffee shop is not getting one's order of chai ect... it seems if we're waiting ages then we open next door KNOK

Can I just have 2 weeks to get ink and myself organised to print it out, I sometimes start at page one and love to read the words and stories shared on this thread. I know something magical happened on The Secret thread and lifelong friendship have been formed.

We could also wait for post 11:11 which isn't far away, I am such a hopeless romantic.

Better get those boys up and race through snother day... I don't get a second alone, PP if I ring you at 6pm Aus time what time is it on your island? I am a ringing at 6pm tonight, also I had a thought if some of us have skype, we could have a conference call and se each other. I almost fell off my chair when I saw Geoff's picture, I had no idea he was such a hottie! :shock: It would be great to fun I think, but I'll let PP organise as I am hopeless...

Much love to my sisters and brothers Gypsie
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How thick am I? Harry just suggested cut and paste then save it as a file
:roll: love to all Gypsie
We are under 100 posts off 11:11 posts, it's also a thought :scratch:
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snake and roach mom/ and the Secret

Post by hamster whisperer »

The roaches are a hissing success. I put the cage up front so everyone could see them right away. Lots of flocking around it and also as far away as possible. I was amazed at how many kids, especially girls, wanted to touch them. I carried one around the room each class period, staying away from the grossed-out looks and letting them pet the roach. These kids will amaze you. I heard comments like "It feels so smooth!" "It is so shiny and pretty!" "Can I hold it please?"
On the snake front, I've noticed for a few days that Mist's eyes looked dull and her skin was whiter than usual. Signs of a shed coming up. This evening, before leaving school, I looked in at her. There were bits of skin all over the cage instead of the nice, long, body piece. She was slithering everywhere, and when she saw me she came over and gave me a really pitiful look. (I'm serious.) So I googled how to help a snake shed. Apparently her cage is too dry. So I took some paper towels and got them wet with warm water, and put them in her feeding container. I took her out and cuddled her a little, then set her between the towels. She slithered around out of them, then slithered back in and curled up for a while. I left her there to soak, then gathered up the whole mess plus snake and put her back in her aquarium. She looks happier now.
Thanks for the information on the Secret. I have the "Ask and it is Given" book. Just haven't had time for it yet.
I have tried listening to books. In the car I can either listen or drive, but not both. At home, I prefer reading. I frankly hate to be read to, because I read really fast and no one can read aloud like I can read silently. Not bragging, it just is.
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Sandy,
Yes, and thank you,,,
Great good may some day be proven to have come out of their folly.
and I do realize, they are not the 'personal authors',,,

I think I sometimes get a tad 'tunnel visioned',,,,so I really appreciate your ability (whether you know it or not), to help me to step out of it, and see the over all picture....

what you wrote about the Lucifer rebellion, was an excellent example, that immediately, set my thoughts into a different perspective...

and I do see good things come out of it....
can't we simpley focus on love, forgiveness, and the more positive and valuable Teachings that Abraham has given us in this one area and quietly give "those who are a disappointment" the benefit of the doubt.
including the more 'opening' of my own heart...

I thank you,,,,and love you too,,,,

blessings and love pp
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Post by peacockplume »

hey gypsie,

that time's great....

in case anyone else is interested in knowing what time it is anywhere in the world,

here's a great tool

have fun...

love pp ... 1=0&p2=256
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Post by gypsie »

Waterhorse was great, kids laughing watching a slipery creature cause havoc in Scotland. I told the children proudly when my father was a boy they lived near the lake. They were travellers and one night he saw Nessie out on the loch.
I loved the story as a child and the kids watched closely as the countryside of Scotland shone beautifully....

How cool, so you have a snake and hissing bettles, you are such a wonderful teacher, my boys would love you. They had silkworms in yr 1 and it was such an important part of that year. They still talk about them and wonder what happened to the silk... heee heee


Can I have your world, just for a few weeks??? PLEASE you are so wonderful the way you dive into life and just enjoy it. How are the kids? Is their school french speaking? You must tell me where on the board you posted the early parts of the journey, it's all so exciting.

I am calling you very soon, just got dinner ect done, sounds like the kitten needs a home? Do they go feral over there? We had a feral cat at Crystal Creek and it was huge, my Charlie Buttons ran for his life one night.

I totally agree about the storm around the secret DVD. For me it kind of woke me, gave me hope and I think if it changed some peoples lives for the better then, well done. I am not well read on the others so I will try and make a point of finding this book. I know in the Dali Lamas book 'Guide to Happiness' he talks about having compassion for everything which grates you, I am thinking about it so much this week. Thinking how easy it is to become lost in the forest of emotions and think there is no way out. I watched the secret this week and thought 'All I want is to feel safe and loved, to feel people anxiety leave my body'
Seeker sent me the most amazing PM today as many have so I took the time to read them all, think about them and one thing was there in every message 'WE LOVE YOU'.... so the law of attraction worked when it was so needed.

Any thoughts on getting to post 11:11?

Hugs Gypsie
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Post by gypsie »

Just looked at the clock it's very late PP lets give it a go AM

Love ya beautiful woman
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Post by Petra Wilson »

GypsieDebs wrote:
Can I have your world, just for a few weeks???
Yeah, all right!
Hey, wouldn't it be great to swap bodies for a while? Erhem! On second thoughts, that sounds too weird doesn't it?

The first time I was here Gypsie, I basically cowered behind Phil most of the time. And that isn't like me, being all quiet and shy. So, for 3 odd years I was this shy creature, making null effort to learn the lingo. So, this time I decided to climb that language mountain, no matter what...knowing what it's like not to. Lilaslight gave me the confidence to give it a bash straight away, so I must thank her again personally.
They are in seperate French schools Debs! Manny & Mathi in one village school, Thalia on her own. Getting there though. Surprisingly, it's Manny who's taken to his new school well. He says it's great doing work and facing challenges. He told me this lunch time that he has made 8 friends. "That's 6 more'n I had in Wales!" :lol:

Jill, Thals was here a while ago having lunch, (back at school now) and I read her your post. She definitely wants a snake. There are some adders sleeping in the piles of wood on the South side of this house apparently...but she knows not to go looking for them. I'm hoping she's not going to get too friendly with the snakes down South. I saw a black adder hereabouts one summer's day. I knelt down to 'a-coochycoo' it under his chin and phil suddenly rugby-tackled me metres away from it. I was well peed-off. Until he told me they're deadly and they don't take kindly to 'a-coochycoo's' under their chins. :oops:

Love You All, Pet XXX
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Post by gypsie »

Your doing so well, I said to Harry imagine doing that with the kids for a year :shock: he said we're still unpacking :lol: :lol: but oh I love how you dive into life Petra you are a diamond. So may I ask (because I missed this section and have tried to find it but can't anywhere) what was behind the decision to go to France? See again I just want to jump out of this chair when I see whole families doing a move like that as one.

It's really where the answer is hey? family and by that I mean our babies, animals and partner. i have also been a single Mum and it felt no different, because it was us together. Harry tired to join the Foreign Legion when he was a lad. Unfortunately he had a BIG weekend when he went for the physical and did the 50 push ups, Doctor listened to his heart and that was the end of his dreams of marching through jungles :lol: :lol:

Sandy, our parrot is beautiful, did you ever have another sighting of Boyd? I loved that story of how Boyd came back to show you all was fine.

Much love Gypsie
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Not to bore anyone Gypsie, I'll PM you in a bit, seeings as you're keen to read all about it!
I never really discussed it on here much. But the decision to move boiled down to the Children's health and education.

I'm supposed to be re-writing a Jacques Prevert poem in present tense using a good translation website and thought I'd pop on here for a sec...only 'popping on here for a sec' is all but impossible isn't it? :lol: Sec? More like hours!
So, I'll PM you after I've re-written that poem about some fellow having a coffee and cigarette outside a café and some love-lorn girl watching him and then crying into her hands at the end! It's enough to make me wanna start smoking again! :lol:
Give us your email addy again, so I don't take up too much space on this MB.

Love you, Love You ALL, Pet XXX
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Post by gypsie »

It would be logically impossible for you to bore a soul :lol: :lol:

Your life inspires and fasinates me.

I am looking at starting a business with my oldest mattie Importing from China ect, ect we have a great product and believe it will work. Sitting in depression for this long is beyond a joke. I have a sales history which I know I can kick start again. It's just that old believing in ones self and going for it. I thought about getting paid work but Harry said you always make others successful why not go out on your own? Yer, right after 11years of twin tiger cubs but he has an idea and Petra believe it or not you are inspiring me :love

lots love Debs
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Post by gypsie »

Actually on post 555 I am going to be really really sucessful, I just know it.

Looked at your valley today and visualised you there, even sat next to you in the car, did I drop into your mind?

I am enjoying googling the places you all live I did Nova tonight, I had no idea you got snow as well girlfriend! See we learn from the site as well..

What would 555 be a prompt for Pet?

Love to all :cheers:
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Why...according to Ms Virtue's opinion on it, (and I sometimes share it), the 5's mean CHANGE! You can make it work Gypsie. I KNOW you can and I will be rootin' for you every day. You CAN do it Debbie. Like your hubby said, stop making other's successful. How can you not? Where's that Gypsy spirit?
I'm inspiring you? My Goodness me! That's made me feel braver now 'cause deep down I've been a bit of a mess and Phil's only gone and hired 3 ponies and 2 horses this avo! He said: "Show that horse who's boss! They have a tendency to go wherever they like and fast too!" Your compliment has made me all brave now! (Last time I sat on a horse, she galloped off and then threw me off her back like a dolly!) :shock:

Love, Pet XXX
ॐ LOVE Petra
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