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Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 10:13 am
by peacockplume
Awesome Barb,

Keep looking on this forum for Sedona,,,

I'm just keeping a hand made list of names of those interested, so I just added yours...


Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 9:34 pm
by memawlaura
:D Barb,

It will be great to meet those you feel so connected to and I cant wait.

By the way I don't believe I have ever heard from you, so I would love to introduce myself and say I hope we here from you more often.

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 12:36 pm
by Earth Angel

It's very nice to meet you as well as all the other newbies on here. I don't stop in as much as I used to so you will see me every once in a while popping in and out.
This is a great family we have here and I would miss all of you if I stayed away too long.

Love a huge hugs,

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:20 pm
by gypsie
Hi All

You have to go to Amelia thread (Little Inca in miscellaneous) I have written a story to read to the children, Petra yours will love it!

Back to the meet up as you all know i can wander from topic to topic and confuse everyone even myself at times :shock:

I am still in love with Quail Lodge (see I forgot the name, maybe not ) but it's close MO you put the URL in. I read the entire blog on that place and it is beautiful.

Can you get an idea of prices? I become confused with US dollars and ours, the only thing I understand is we don't get much back in the dollar. But they are predicting it will be 90c in the dollar sometime next year :cheers:

Now another question? Has the date to meet been brought forward concrete? 5 years is ages away and do we really need 2012 for us the energy will be electric.

I must PM George in regard to the format of the retreat, I know I'm getting ahead here but many will want so much answered or taught we will be like sea sponges learning from one another.

When I emailed you about hearing your voice saying "HI DEB" in my AC meditation I could not believe my ears when I walked through the door and I listened to my message bank and here "HI DEB" through the phone.
I was frozen for about a second then did a little gig around the loungeroom.

It is such a buzz to actually hear the person's voice over the phone, when I heard George's last week I thought George who :shock:

So I'm a lucky girl I get to loose time, gain a gradnchild and hear two voices of people I have come to love. Sandy when you get home we are gonna have that lunch, it is so uplifting. If you are following this thread Sandy HI and hope your having the best time with family and friends.

There was also talk of a phone hook up about the meet up what about having our cameras on and we could all see each other????

Now that would be cool, I am happy we are not going in the heat, I think it could spoil things, I spent 6 months in the tropics last year and it was just awful.

Love to all and I'm a coming to America YIPEEE :bana: :hithere

Please and if possible try and read Amelia's story to young children in your lives for me if you can, I have been doing it for a few years now and am thinking of doing a little book on different childrens 'Special Day' like the day they were born and what led to their creation. In a childs narrative, it may work well I hope so :cheers: love ya Gypsie (she who strays off topics)

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:38 pm
by George
Hi All,

We are tentatively "looking at" Sedona, northern hemisphere spring of 2010, aiming for say 40 people at this stage, 2000 Celestials :o), and the 40 including 3 or 4 of our 11:11 (human) receivers.

Most of the nitty-gritty will be discussed on this board, seriously, after the new year.

Sunny sends her love to you all.


Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 2:12 am
by peacockplume
hmmm, that equates to about 50 celestials per person George....

wherever we stay, I hope they don't find out,,,,,they'll charge us for the visitors. hee hee...

if we haven't made personal connection by then......look they come, ready or not.

just's so awesome, I can hardly wait...

love and hugs back to Sandy too. xoxoxoxoxo

love pp

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 3:11 am
by George
Hi Peacock Plume,

About 5 years ago there was an assembly of some 200 personalities on Mansonia One -- all in the shape of a flower -- and they were looking down on a regular meet in Coeur D'Alene, ID.

Eyes closed, two of us watched it . . .

. . . and when I focussed on the center of that flower, I was looking into the smiling face of my sister, who had passed on some years earlier.

What will happen in Sedona? Leave that part to Machiventa to organize. The Celestials will be there in great numbers.

Hugs . . .

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 3:34 am
by peacockplume
Talk about dangling carrots,,,,

that was really awesome....

I've only had one visual during a guided meditation, that someone else saw the same thing....

that was nice confirmation.....but nothing like your sunflower, which when you described, I thought, Shasta Daisy,,,,they have huge white petals,,,
but how great to have the visualization come into focus and what you really saw....

now I'm even more excited......ah, I know, let go of anticipation, and expectation, and what will be, will be....

still, Allan's already looking into flights.....and prices....

FYI......Flagstaff Arizona is the closest airport to Sedona...

love and blessings,

Peacock Plumeski

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 10:00 pm
by memawlaura
:D Wow that was a beautiful vision to see all your celestial friends gathered smiling at the group. Well we all know if this is to work it will be our celestial friends that will bring us together.

Tell Sandy I said Hi and miss her posts.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 2:45 am
by Seeker13
Dear George,
Your story made me blubber like a baby. Thanks!


Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 3:09 am
by Seeker13
Was there some kind of subliminal massage in your last post or something? I haven't had this kind of reaction since reading Fire The Grid site last year! I've tried distracting myself by going to other threads. Even reading Pet's replies doesn't make me stop. Guess I'll drink a giant glass of water to stave off dehydration. I'm thinking it's going to be a long night.


Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 6:10 am
by George
There are no limits, Kim. Truly.

On the night of Sandy's and my wedding, the Chief, Bzutu, came through. Next I spoke with Machiventa. Next up I was talking to my mom, my dad, then Sandy's grandmother, Pearl.

Our congratulations from "above."

An absolute stand-up comic, that Pearl lady -- a real pearl. :lol: There was also another person, standing back from the group, and we're still trying to figure out who he was.

If you spend a lifetime talking to "Spirits," good things happen.


Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 10:17 pm
by RebornFalcon

oh me oh my. oh my oh me.
i have been mia for the last several weeks. went traveling for several wks. so, i have finally managed to check on this site after awhile. WOW. there is, of course, everyone always has ,so much to say, that i really can't read everything. soooo, this morning at 9. the dorrbell rang. it was my mum's friend who we don't normally see anymore, as she lives in arizona. i told her i wanted my mum to go back again after a 20 yr hiatus, which was the last visit. and last year i thought about going back, too. ok. sooooo..... i go on this site...... and of all the threads i have missed(unfortunately), i click on this one.... and it talks of the 1111'ers meeting up in arizona. ahhhh.. so very cool

ok, i never know what i'm actually going to do next week, BUT if there is something special/an event so special, then i know what i will be doing. and i think? Peacockplume said she is writing a tally of names down on paper, so you can add my name to that list. i have no idea where i'll be living around that time, but most probably, i would like to be there very much, for the 1111 extraveganza.

MorningLight. i've been on a few camping tours. especially those in australia, which are quite good. there are beautiful camping spots which you can either set tent OR stay in a modest cabin. sorry, i still need to click on the sites of sedona to look. i have ALWAYS wanted to go to sedona! as for food, it can be either catered OR we all do it ourselves. ahhh... SO much involved really. yikers. but sometimes, simplicity is best and i'm sure it will be so wonderful! does anyone have friends in the tourism industry that could help? let me know if i can help.

how exciting!!!!!!
-r :thumleft:

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:15 am
by George
Hi All,

Nothing much will happen on the Sedona planning until after Christmas, but we do have a business woman friend living NEAR Sedona, and she will personally go there and check out all availability of meeting places etc. as soon as we ask her to.

Early days, but this is not just another campinmg trip -- a getting to know you -- learn what you can -- channeling meet with our Celestial Buddies.

They will be "plugged into the goings on" by the thousands, I'm promised.

God bless......

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 5:55 am
by AustinRuth
It has been awhile since I checked in here to read or to reply. It is so nice that there is this real idea of a meet up with 1111'ers!

I would like to come, I probably won't make the 2008 Urantia conference in LA in July of 2008, since I am technically going to school right now. However, by 2010 or later I would be able to take a trip.

I like the Mount Shasta idea, just because I like cool mountain air. I always have enjoyed the quiet and remoteness of many mountains, and would like to find a trully awesome mountain top to view the valley below from. Maybe I would find a Shasta daisy there! Ha ha. Sounds lame but, really, isn't that where they got their name from?

Re: Sedona, AZ. It would be so nice to go right up to a big red rock and meditate. My whole idea of where to go is to find a spot sufficiently remote from hordes of people and tourists that trully helps me to connect with a quiet reflection within. If that place is Sedona, AZ, then, so be it!

I guess I can save my dimes and nickels and quarters or whatever else the sky drops my way and I can contribute same to a travel fund! I will ask my angels to show me how to "think abundantly" more.Someone once said that they knew someone who could "squeeze a nickel" to get the most out of it, and there is nothing wrong with that idea, for me. Once the nickel has been squeezed sufficiently, you then reap the reward of a wonderful trip in the future. :wink:

You, each of you here are awesome and wonderful and you are my "other" family who exist in the spiritual realm, but, are so funny and down-to-earth at the same time!--AustinRuth

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 6:57 am
by Geoff
Dear AustinRuth,

SO good to hear from you again. {{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}


Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 4:19 pm
by lilaslight
I find it difficult to plan further ahead than next month but I would be so disappointed in myself to miss this. Add my name to the list as very interested and if it is financially feasible I will be there, wherever you all decide there is.
Peacock Plume, do you need my "real" name for this possible participants list of yours?
Lila's Light

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:47 pm
by gypsie
:hithere HIAustin Ruth :hithere

Wonderful to see you back :cheers:

Love Gypsie

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 12:20 am
by Seeker13
Hey, Guys!
I kind of got stuck reading further back in the thread about the younger kids. I would love to set up some kind of activities schedule for them. If all of us pitch in and commit to a certain amount of care the kids could be fully occupied and included whenever needed without parental worry!

Let me know age needs, concerns and or questions!


Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 12:58 am
by George
Dear Kim,

Good idea! :thumleft:

That has been done very successfully by a Teaching Mission group from Florida that I am very close to.

We could confer with them.

It also means that some parents will be missing during certain functions, so we'll need video, but above all really good sound recording -- especially since one of the receivers tends to be soft-voiced.


Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 5:27 am
by Seeker13
Dear George,
I'd thought about that. Will we have some kind of itinerary? I'm not certain how this will run specifically, can only go on my experiences of attending workshops and conferences for my work. If there was a way for people to pick and choose which sessions appealed to them the most we wouldn't feel like they are missing out as much and could take a turn at daycare, the video also sounds like a good idea.

My husband Dave already agreed to lend a hand with the little ones. He's not really interested in the whole 11:11 stuff but would help if he also got to do some serious hiking. Aleah would take a turn as long as she got to attend sessions and spend some time with her Dad, they are both pretty amazing with kids. If other spouses could do the same we should be able to meet everyones needs.

I would be happy to talk to the Teaching Mission group from Florida and see how they did it. And once we nail down a site, see what the facility has available, maybe circulate a survey as to ages and numbers of kids, and expectations of families.


Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 5:50 am
by George
Hi Kim,

The "organizing" for the entire Sedona meet will start of in January 2009. Memawlaura with MorningLight and PeacockPlume are into the $$$ planning for the meet. You can confer with Tallahassee if you like in January of 2009.

An Akashic Construct participant living near Sedona will "case the joints" for the selection of a venue.

A "not-for-profit" organization on the US eastern seaboard will be meeting soon to discuss a grant to help keep us afloat, and they are discussing other ways to help us.

I already know exactly "where I'll be going" with my talks and likely channeling -- been there, done that. We will hear from Michael, the Scribe, Machiventa, Samuel, Bzutu and more.

Millions of Celestials and former humans will be zooming in to welcome visitors and channelers alike.

Right here and now, however, there are 5 lots of book editing to do -- all to be done by year's end.


Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 12:54 pm
by gypsie
My husband is very happy to be involved with hiking alongside the spouses, the twins will be old enough to do it. I am happy to offer some time with the younger ones so everyone gets to experience the sessions.

I see fairy dressing, pirates, making magic flowers out of coloured paper for our magic forest and of course a time capsule. OH all of the above is for the kids not the grown up :lol: and of course GYPSY DANCING


much love Gypsie

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 1:03 pm
by George
Gypsie writes:
OH all of the above is for the kids not the grown up
:shock: My heart had already skipped a beat.

Thank heavens for small mercies. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Love you, Kiddo......

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 3:06 pm
by AJ
This meetup is sounding so wonderful. I am already excited even though it is so far away right now.