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Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:50 pm
by inlikeflint
Sandy wrote: Hey Flint,
:lol: Naw!!! NO Way! :mrgreen: Your chocolate habits prove you're just as normal as the rest of us holiday over-eaters... Or maybe you are going through another growth spurt! :P


Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:22 pm
by jack6251
Well, first thing I saw today when popping the tv on, was a game show called "Have I Got News For You" on a channel here in the UK called "Dave". It's a comdey/quiz with guest hosts, today was London Mayor, Boris Johnson.

Anyway, first thing I saw once the tv fired up was the scores, each team (2 teams of 2 members) had scored 11. 11 on one number panels and 11 on the other, both on the screen as...11:11.

Gotta love it! :)

If you live in the UK you'll be able to catch it.

Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:54 pm
by nasra1996
Hey i'll be able to watch it, but isnt Dave tv barred to all women folk lol, jk.. will take a look today

much peace


Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:18 pm
by jack6251
nasra1996 wrote:Hey i'll be able to watch it, but isnt Dave tv barred to all women folk lol, jk.. will take a look today

much peace

Haha yeah, if you get navigate passed all the "Top Gear" and blokey stuff, you might catch it. It's only a momentary thing, I synced nicely to the scores it seems :)

As a side to 11:11, seen a lot of 11:12's over the past fortnight.

Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:19 pm
by peacockplume
Hi y'all,,,

a friend of mine and an 11r, have been reading the UB together alot lately, and we get the 11:11 everytime...

I'm also getting 333 everyday, along with 555,

and things are happening....

our stove/oven decided to pack it in, and we put an ad in kijiji,

we got 2 replies, but both stoves were older than ours and in terrible condition.

I'm wanting a working stove to go with the house,

we got another email 2 days ago and went to see this stove.....perfect....we just had to wait till the peoples new stove arrived before we could pick this one up.

since we don't have a truck (just got the 11:11) we were trying to think of who we could get to help us bring it home...

yesterday, we got a call from the couple,,,,we'll drop it off they said....jimminy crickets !!! and holy cows !!!

same colour, same size,,, a step up from our old one as this has self's GREAT!!!!

must go, when I get the prompts, I am now gratitude, and new visualizations....

blessings to everyone, and a G R E A T New Year...

pp :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:41 pm
by jack6251
An easy one for me today. I'm currently taking a basic IT College class on Fridays to boulster better job chances since many things are ICT related these days. Anyway, I was feeling a little fatigued with the work (bored if honest) and wondered when break would be, we usually have one at 11:30 am. The time I checked was...11:11 :)

Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:05 pm
by Krystalshard
Ya know, I lost my guy almost two years ago coming up this February... And as I have reached out for new connections and new people in my life, I met a fella a few months ago. He is fast becoming a close friend, and maybe more??? So, we took the commuter down to Minneapolis a few weeks ago to the night-time Christmas parade "Holidazzle", where we went hoofing around the downtown metropolis in the freezing wind. I was having a swell time, feeling so happy with his company, and each time he might squeeze my hand, or put his arm around my shoulder... or look at me and smile; I would glance up and the 111, 11:11 would pop out at me... the building number, the street sign, etc. I was so overjoyed at the thought of my guides cueing me in all evening! Besides, who doesn't want to think romance may be just as important a path as any other that may present? I took it as a good sign to get to know him better, and to embrace the possibility that this kind of love can be in my future again.

I think that's pretty cool. :loves

Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:23 pm
by jack6251
Krystalshard wrote:Ya know, I lost my guy almost two years ago coming up this February... And as I have reached out for new connections and new people in my life, I met a fella a few months ago. He is fast becoming a close friend, and maybe more??? So, we took the commuter down to Minneapolis a few weeks ago to the night-time Christmas parade "Holidazzle", where we went hoofing around the downtown metropolis in the freezing wind. I was having a swell time, feeling so happy with his company, and each time he might squeeze my hand, or put his arm around my shoulder... or look at me and smile; I would glance up and the 111, 11:11 would pop out at me... the building number, the street sign, etc. I was so overjoyed at the thought of my guides cueing me in all evening! Besides, who doesn't want to think romance may be just as important a path as any other that may present? I took it as a good sign to get to know him better, and to embrace the possibility that this kind of love can be in my future again.

I think that's pretty cool. :loves
Yeah, this is one of the best things I've ever read actually, anywhere ever! It's very very nice!

Makes me now think if I was actually supressing my inner love for ICT in a boring moment at College when I spotted my 11:11 haha :D

Nice post! :)

Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 2:43 am
by Sandy
Oh Jean, I have tears in my eyes as I read your post. I am so happy for you and ever more grateful to these hand holding Midwayer friends of ours who are there for us in thick and in thin. :kiss:

... and Jack, then I got a chuckle at your post and the thought that flashed through my mind, " Okay, where were you guys when I was young and bored beyond words in one of those higher math classes! (not the brightest brick in the wall where math was concerned. ;) )

Love to you both, LUV2

Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 9:56 pm
by jack6251
I had 2 very good prompts today, both related to exercise and fitness actually. Strangely, the first was an 11:11:11, which are very rare for me (I think of these as a "Hey you, YES YOU!" lol or a "YES AT LAST" with whatever I'm doing). I was doing my stretches before setting off to the gym, I happened to look down and the time on the digital display on the phone and it was 11:11:11, so I thought hmm, I'll keep stretching then hehe.

The second was at the gym itself. I was on a jogging machine, happened to glance at the time left on the setting I was using on the machine, and it was 11:11. I kinda wanted to stop prior to that and was wondering why the heck I was doing it, then once I got the prompt, it gave me fire to keep burning :)

Groovy! :D

Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 4:20 pm
by LurkerAbyss
Mine today: After making a post explaining my personal thoughts about the nature of God in relation to free will and eternity, I submitted only to "notice" right away that the post went through at "11:11" am. I love those ones, because it seems like they always happen right after a post that I get really into or is perhaps informative, helpful, or meaningful, etc.


Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 7:54 pm
by jack6251
Today coming home from the gym, totally shattered and wishing I'd got the bus back instead of the 25 minute walk (but I was in a healthy mood, more fool me hehe). Got to the bridge over my city's river and only 10 minutes from home, a taxi whizzed passed with the taxi registration permit number of: P1111.

Teasing or what lol :)

Jack :pig:

Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:52 pm
by infinity
Here's a weird one i had last night ;)

My daughter woke me up last night(here nose was bleeding)
Once I finish to clean her and put her in bed , I went to the kitchen the i saw 2 .22 oh! fascinating coincidence ;)
then i felt asleep...
I woke up at 4.44!!! what a double coincidence hein ;) 2 time in the same night!!!


Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:19 pm
by Shredder
This one felt sooooo neat.

Today, My son says "Da..... " I cut in and say yep it's 3.33 pm isn't it - I don't wear a watch or had looked at the time in hours ... he was about to reply "how did you know" but stopped himself ... 8)

Love :loves

" I'm a traveller of all kinds of space" - Robert Plant

Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:51 am
by jfarris
Shredder wrote:This one felt sooooo neat.

Today, My son says "Da..... " I cut in and say yep it's 3.33 pm isn't it - I don't wear a watch or had looked at the time in hours ... he was about to reply "how did you know" but stopped himself ... 8)

Love :loves

" I'm a traveller of all kinds of space" - Robert Plant
I thought is was "I'm a traveler of both time and space.." :P

Nice to meet you, welcome to the board!

Love and Light,


Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 1:32 am
by Shredder
jfarris wrote:I thought is was "I'm a traveler of both time and space.."
Gidday :hithere

Yes indeed I managed to quote it wrong :oops: Thanks jfarris :) so I'll redo it 'cause we were both a tad off ...

"I am a traveller of all time and space ..." Any other variations ? :lol:

Love, everyone :loves

Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 3:30 am
by jfarris
:lol: :roll :mrgreen:

Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 4:06 am
by Sandy
Yes indeed I managed to quote it wrong Thanks jfarris so I'll redo it 'cause we were both a tad off ...

"I am a traveller of all time and space ..." Any other variations ?
:lol: Well at least you guys haven't mistaken the name of a benevolent Ninja master rat for an evil doing scary dude, Shredder! :lol: :oops: (The rat was Splinter by the way...Master Splinter.) I am using "oldish age" as my excuse. :mrgreen:

Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 4:39 am
by 11Prizms
Got 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888 today.

and multiple 11s.

what's the dealio?

(Also, anyone catch that one of the quakes that hit on 4.11 in Mexico was at 5:55 pm Mexi time? I've had 555s hitting a lot...this sometimes feels like the scene from Close Encounters of the 3rd kind...where they play notes quicker and quicker and quicker and you're scratching your head thinking, 'wtf?')

anyone else? if you have a greater clue on it all...sound off...would love feedback!

<3 Namaste,

Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:18 pm
by Shredder
Sandy wrote:Well at least you guys haven't mistaken the name of a benevolent Ninja master rat for an evil doing scary dude, Shredder! (The rat was Splinter by the way...Master Splinter.) I am using "oldish age" as my excuse.

My mum says she's "practising altzeimers" , I on the other hand am still working on my excuse :P

To todays prompt - although I wouldn't call this one a prompt ...

Over the last week or so I had been trying to organise a "play date" for my youngest and a friend who happens to live only a few streets away. I had run into his parents this afternoon at the supermarket who told me "yeah we're at number 40" ( I know, nothin' spectacular there ;) ) I had mistaken it for 50 ( good old seive of a brain happening again ... sooooo armed with new information we ( my 2 sons and his girlfriend ) thought we'd drive past there on the way home after having dinner out later on tonight. As we drove down the street looking at house numbers in the dark :roll: we slowed down to what we thought was the place but found it wasn't, I was about to say lets just go home and right then a lonesome streetlight came on ( all the others were already on for about 2 hours + already in town )about 7 houses up, we looked at each other and said well that must be it and sure enough there it was, talk about lighting the way !

Love :loves

Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:27 am
by Rosethompsonful
Hi there.

I think most of you will think this is pretty neet! On Sunday my patients blood pressure was 111/89. On Monday it was 111/76. Monday I also turned on my car and the time was 11:11 and the temp was 11. The next day Tuesday I turned my car on again and the time was 11:11 and the temp was 11. I don't work regular hours and it was just by chance I got into my car at that time.

Lately I have been having odd things happen to electrical devices. Street light go out all the time and things in my house turn off or on without anything controlling them. It's starting to freak me out. Anyone have the same thing happen?

Thanks guys.

Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:46 am
by Sandy
Hello Rose,
I smile when I read your post as I too think it is neat the way our angelic friends prompt and guide us...beginning the conversation perhaps with those lovely numbers you are seeing! Many of us here can identify with some of your experiences. In fact, Shredder, in a post just above you shares a pretty cool streetlight adventure that helped them locate his son's friends house in the dark... and I suspect you will find others as you get to know the other friendly people who share here.

Here are a few thread URls you may find helpful...

11:11 Background and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

11:11 signals are driving me nuts!

11:11 - more questions about number sequences welcome to the message board

It's nice to meet you Rose. Welcome! :hithere

Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:56 am
by Sandy
I enjoyed your street light story, Shredder! I was just thinking back after reading your post and that of Rose if I had ever had a street light go out or on for me. Believe me they had their opportunity as I used to live underneath the streetlights as a kid in the summer looking for toads and watching the bats the bats swoop with both critters looking for the bugs drawn there. But no...nothing I can think of.
By the way, hows your tooth ache?

I've been seeing 555's Rebecca and just earlier when pming Eric a 444 But rarely have I been bombarded with so many triples all in one day. 8) LOL just got another 555 as I posted this...

Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:58 am
by sammy
HI Rose!

Nice to meet you! And yes ~ most of us get quite a kick out of these experiences!

Welcome to the board!


Re: Have you had your cool 11 prompt today?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:46 pm
by Rosethompsonful
Wow thanks guys :hithere

I'm new to message boards so I apologize in advance if I do something. Is anyone magnetic? I can stick spoons to myself, c batteries, watches ect. I'll post one to my profile.

I feel like I'm home.....