Group Meditations

This is a forum for those who want to share the Akashic Construct, and their experiences of it. The AC is a structured meditation designed specifically to enable contact with celestials, and also humans for the purposes of teaching or healing.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Group Meditation October 10, 2021

Nebadonia gave me her symbol as I was trying to prepare, had just asked Archangel Michael to cleanse and heal my root chakra. I was very happy to feel her symbol, but very surprised. It left me a little distracted, trying to remember which chakra came next and who I was supposed to ask. Nebadonia looked straight ahead, politely waiting, but remained. It seems she found my flusterment amusing, smiling while I stumbled through.

Then I felt Monjoronson and Christ Michael's symbol! I was excited, but said, “But, I'm not quite ready yet!” The one's I mention persisted as my head lit up with symbols! My Grandma, Guiseppi and Gizelle. I paused and asked Guiseppi and Gizelll if everything was alright, “Do we need to talk?” They are the pair who help everyone communicate with me, usually they come in separately, but tonight they were together. I was getting worried, they simply smiled. Then there was Metatron, Abraham(?!) He was one of my first teachers and I haven't communicated with him in a very long time. I thought we must be doing a huge healing( I thought of Shane and Melody).The symbols kept coming, some I didn't even recognize, and then my TA lit up my crown.

I felt so rushed as we walked across the bridge. I approached celestials individually and they kissed me on the forehead and motioned me forward. We reached the large crystal and I asked, “Is the rest of the group here?” Touching the crystal, and I was surprised and dismayed! We were in a hall! It had dark wooden paneling and was lavishly decorated... for a party! There were columns of balloons, and shiny decorations everywhere.

A bunch of people began crowding in. I saw the rest of the group dispersed throughout the room watching celestials who went up one at a time onto a small stage and said a few words. Throughout the giving of the speeches every few minutes I felt parts of my body twitching and jumping. Looking around the room I focused on all the different people there. “Yes it is,” I reassured myself looking at a lovely pink fairy hanging in the air as if sitting in a chair, and enjoying herself immensely!

Then my TA ceremoniously pulled a large ornate golden sword out of something in front of him(I couldn't see what it came out of because of people standing in front of me) Holding the sword high into the air delighted everyone! Golden confetti fell down from the ceiling. Everyone there seemed to understand what this was about. I wore one of those looks of, “What in the world is going on!” The speeches were done and I saw Sammyjo with the biggest smile ever(obviously understanding everything), eagerly making her way to talk to one of the speakers. George came up smiling broadly, greeted me as Sandy came up behind me. Seeing them take hands and locking eyes, I realized they had forgotten all about me. I saw Eric moving through the crowd. Spying Steve I asked him, “Do you know what just happened?”

He shrugged taking a sip of something he was drinking, said matter-a-factually, “An upliftment.” I just stared at him. Eric smiled making his way toward us. I then realized the meditation was ending. My thought was, “Wait a minute! Did I fall asleep?” It was as if I'd missed a very important segment of the meditation. I did a quick check of myself, “No I didn't fall asleep.” Reviewing what I did remember I believe then everyone from our group felt the twitches and jerks the same time I did. Maybe one of them could explain to me what just happened, as they all seemed to know, and were joining in the merriment. My last thought was, “Maybe someone will explain this to me tomorrow morning when I meditate again,” And the meditation was over.

It lasted 50 minutes. I was a little surprised at the stones I was inspired to hold. One was the very large heart shaped multi-pointed fairy crystal. The other was a very large green stone I keep in the fairy village. It's very pretty, but I've yet to identify it. I remembering thinking, “Guess I'll find out what this one inspires!” I didn't hear any music playing either, which was strange because a Beatles song popped into my head just before meditating. I figured for sure it would be in my head for the duration. Which dismayed me, because of something that happened in my teens,... I'm am not a fan.

Can't wait to hear the groups version of this meditation!


Ok, I had t identify the green stone. After investigating for a couple of hours, I believe it is a Serpentine stone. It's interesting that tonight when I first picked it up, “Serpentine,” sounded in my head. I didn't think it was, as I thought they were a very light green. So of course it was the last type of stone I researched. This is what I found about it's spiritual qualities from two sites, 'Conscious item' and ''. Go figure it has nothing do do with inciting party meditations!

-Serpentine stone activates all the chakras. It welcomes in energy from the ground, rooting you to the earth, not only by its physical weight, but also by its spiritual density. It helps bring this fresh energy up through your chakra system, passing through the heart chakra—an important energy center for this dark green crystal—and up through the throat, third eye and finally to the crown chakra.
There is a key difference between the power of green Serpentine and the power of other chakra-cleansing crystals. That difference is again associated with the snake: the kundalini snake.
Serpentine stones are excellent for developing a distinct inner peace that makes you untouchable by negative energy.
Instead of this stone “sucking up” the bad energy from around you like a magnet, it will harden your psychic “shell” and make it impossible for that bad energy to permeate. You will develop a personal strength and serenity that negativity will simply bounce off.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Hi Kim :hithere

What lovely inspiration. The snake has been working my subconscious, and most recently God has brought my attention to the Owl. I did try to take the advice of the energy card you pulled for me and relax this evening. I haven't much insights from your experience but can see the parallel between your stones and this renewal of strength and energy. Thank you- I feel the no-time is brimming with such Love and good vibrations.

I may be more inclined to dive even deeper tomorrow.

Today I am sending my gratitude with a tired and happy smile. It's a little past midnight now. I seem to be up, despite it being past bed time. :baby

Sweet regards :loves :happy
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by sammy »

Hi Kim,

I don't know the full meaning of this meditation, but your initial description of the hall reminded me of my "40 day dreams"...I've had several occasions exactly 40 days after the passing of someone that I would find myself in a large hall. Each was different - after my grandmother's passing it was a huge rather plain cafeteria setting where live family members were connecting with passed family members. Another room was an L shaped room donned in lots of red velvet and gold and we were served champagne that was mesmerizing to look at (opalescent) - they even had a buffet! :lol: :lol: :lol: . This room is where my mind jumped to reading your description.

On one hand I feel as though this was a celebration of your recent efforts and progress, on the other it seems strange that you were left wondering what was going on. But good to know that there is some part of me out there that gets what's going on :lol:

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

you know I hadn't even made the connection between the name serpentine and a snake until readig about it last night. Which is strange as I really love words and normally that would have made that correlation right away. I did think it interesting I was drawn to the serpentine stone after having it in my room for at least a year, and out in a bucket in the back yard for maybe 10 years! :o I really believe my guides used this as a way of reminding me to get back into the practice of working on the Kundilini chakra practice. Which is aso related to the Kri yoga that I've been wanting to get back into, but haven't yet. Which is related to a thread on Steve's site I saw when visiting there. I think it was yet another reminder it's time to once and for all to do that. Definately in need of the renewal of strength and energy.

I've been having problems with insomnia for several years now, since COVID, it's been worse. But hey! Gives me another chance to meditate.

Interesting about your '40 day dreams'. When was it that you made the connection? Does the number 40 hold a specific meaning for you,... well other than the timing of your dreams? The color of the paneling was one of the first things to draw my attentionwhen entering the hall, even though it was filled with shiny things! I remember looking carefully at the grain of the wood. Funny you mentioned your dreams. This meditation reminded me of the repetitative house dreams I had years ago. NIght after night it was the same house, each night discovering a new room. I'd had it so often, ended up writing a story about it.

Didn't have a chance to meditate this morning to ask about the meditation, but I really believe all of us in the group received an 'upliftment', and spirit was celebrating that with us. More and more I'm convinced it's not a 'me' thing, but an 'us' thing, especially since it happened during a group meditation. Probably my reaction is related to the fact that I have this 'need' to know everythig about all the answers! When I should be more like Steve and accept things are what they are without having to worry about them so much.
sammy wrote: Mon Oct 11, 2021 12:27 pmgood to know that there is some part of me out there that gets what's going on
LOL! At least one of us was in the know! :lol:

Love to all,
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Hello everyone,

I am curious about Serpentine and its properties so I googled it... ... properties

It is quite impressive. And to think this stone set out in a bucket for years. :lol: I laugh because I just found a Shaman stone in my own bucket here. I hadn't paid much interest in it and then discovered what it was. They usually work in pairs though so I am on the look out for another one.

I am still absorbing the meditations and all the talk around them. Wow! Not much to add from my side to add. not yet anyway... :hithere

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

I came back in the no-time this evening, the setting sun was in my minds eye after a certain point. All my anxiety started to melt away, I've decided to let go of any worry about tomorrow and instead relax. But not just relax, trust. All is well.

I have a second job interview tomorrow- there's nothing I really need to do except show up. This will be a completely new job, and they want to be able to train someone who doesn't have prior experience. I started spending too much time worrying about how I will present my self, what questions should I ask, should I try to read more and more about the company? All of this build up is going to mess me up. I think I do better just showing up and seeing what happens. God is with me, that's all that matters. What's meant to be, is meant to be. I am more lucid and able in this mind set.

What matters in these situations, is you know your worth. And don't sweat the small stuff.

Maybe that's the knowing I am feeling from our collective no-time experience, Kim.

<3 <3
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by sammy »


Have you read Tosha Silver’s books?

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Just being yourself is all you need. And breathe, don't forget to breathe. "Say this job is already mine. This job is already mine. This job is already mne, etc."
happyrain wrote: Tue Oct 12, 2021 12:47 amMaybe that's the knowing I am feeling from our collective no-time experience, Kim.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Hi Ladies,

=) Thank you for your encouragement.

Sammyjo, I haven't. What's it about?

Kim, thank you. Instead of, "this job is mine" I found my self saying, "God is with me." Whether I get the job or not, I am happy to report back that the nerves settled themselves out, that trust was placed in God and I think it went pretty well. At least, it did for me. If I don't get the job, I believe God is providing. Practicing this Faith left me feeling more comfortable than trying to manifest job security. I did find my self breathing, and I did include "I got this" a few times prior to pulling in. Not that I got the job, but that I have my self in calm and loving rapport.

On the bright side I got the rest of the day off and got to mediate in the sun! Such loving experience! When I opened my eyes, there was pink and red lava style light all over the place. Black, some yellow and green. It was neat.

:mrgreen: :happy :loves
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Re: Group Meditations

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Sending positive vibes.

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Beautiful Eric... just beautiful... :happy :kiss:
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

I just took a quick peek at shaman stones, how cool are they! I want to go back and do a little more research. Don't think I've ever heard of them before. Did you put it in your bucket at some time and then forgot about it? Did you find the other one?

Right after we moved into our house(21 years ago), the local rock shop closed down and moved. The building they moved from very decrepit, was torn down. It was on village property, so Dave was in charge of helping to clear away rubble. As he was doing this he noticed a bunch of stones that had been thrown out along the side of the walls, and some were really pretty. He collected maybe three, five gallon buckets for me to put around my gardens. We were so busy at the time, a bucket and a grape box were set behind a tree in a really out of the way spot and basically forgotten about. I liked the stones around the garden, but didn't take a very good look at them. Then a few years ago, while cleaning up the stones and resetting them, I noticed many were really nice rocks! They were not crystal points, some had been sliced in half then tossed out in the back probably when they had taken enough off of it. Over the next year, I scrubbed them up. Almost all of these were 2 to 4 pounds. Identifying a little at a time, I realized some had spiritual properties and became my meditation stones. Last year I remember the ones behind the tree, cleaned them up and and they were really nice stones! This is where I found the multipointed heart-shaped fairy stone, and it's match. They were about 4 pounds each, I gave one to Aleah. This was also the group the serpentine stone was in.

Don't know if you know this about me, but I really like rocks. :lol:

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Hello friends,

Short and heavy meditation.

Kim my mind was on you a lot, I'm feeling a heavy heart. It could just be me. Not sure, I am tired. I am sending you much light filled gratitude and comfort.

PP just crossed my mind and all those who might be meditating with us. Our new friend Vu.

I tried to breathe, enjoy the natural lighting and move slowly. Light-hearted intentions for our group. I don't normally have any stones, I thought it was interesting a unique black and grey striped stone was found at my feet before getting into position to meditate. Decided to pocket it for keeps-sake.

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Checking in before meditation. Today I've been wondering how long before you heard anything about your interview. Is that weighing on you?

Feels to me like we've cleared some big hurdle on a larger scale. I've been in high spirits this weekend, just had a wedding planning session with Aleah. Everything in our family's lives revolve around the tourism industry. This year it began in March, still going strong for a few more weeks. It's like everything else has to stop. That included wedding plans. Retiring in September means, at least for me and only me, summers are not exhausing and to be endured. So I'm very excited about what I'm going to be able to do with my time now!

More and more lately I've been calling in help and healing from the archangels in meditation and working on balancing my emotions. And resuming learning about and meditating with stones I already have. It's funny you mentioned you picked up a stone at your feet, because I was thinking tonight, "Many of my stones are 'wild ones'. Those I've found out in nature, intrigued me for one reaosn or another, then after a little investigation, realized their spiritual properties were just what I needed at the time! Tonight I'm going to meditate with a bloodstone and another one I haven't decided on yet.

There's so much in the spiritual realm available to us. It feels like I finally have the time to explore it more... on top of living in the here and now!

I truly hope your heavey feeling is a fleeting one. Going to get ready for meditation, hope to see everyone there! Oh, I haven't heard from Lynn since before COVID hit our house. I was thinking aobut her the past few days, going to reach out and see how's she's doing in the next few days.

Love to all, happy meditating,
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Hi Kim,

This is fantastic, and yes this is an appropriate word- fleeting. It was fleeting, and it was very 'out of nowehere.' I'm happy you have more time now to explore your interest! And at the same time, what a lovely family dynamic you seem to have and cherish. =)

No I am not worried about the interview. I do think it's odd I hadn't heard back, but I also don't seem worried. Did all I could and, it is what it is. :lol:

Now I am framing my mind to pursue the health, listen to the body, attempt to clean house- attempt to accept a leadership role in the family and carry it into the work place. In last nights very disturbing dream the colors that brought relief were black and red- interesting you picked the bloodstone. :D

Rogue stone is still in pocket and I'm feeling great :lol:

Wishing you magical, inspiring moments! :loves
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

It all sounds well with you! I was feeling very energized before meditation tonight, really excited what would transpire. It was,... utterly amazing.
Rogue stone, I'll have to look that up.

Group Meditation October 17, 2021

Once again before I could properly get through my preparation the whole group came together in The River. I was really happy to see Lynn here. I'd been concerned about Sandy. The first anniversary of George's passing is coming up. I'd been thinking about how best to support her. Right away George appeared standing in the center of our group hugging Sandy. It was strange to me that I could see him, but couldn't feel his symbol. I understood this meant he was here for Sandy tonight, not to help lead our group. As George was hugging her we all went in forming a large group hug, sending loving healing light to her. I don't think I could have possibly thought up a better way to support Sandy than this!

While there, I realized I'd not gotten to my chakra clearing. I thought, “I wonder if we could all experience it together? I asked permission from everyone's TA's for this and called in the Archangels one at a time. Each time one came in, all of our chakras became a glowing disc of corresponding light. It was amazing! As each Archangel finished I asked if they would like to join us, they all did. It was one very large, love, all embrassing, group hug for Sandy! We stayed like this for quite a long time, a vast pillar of light coming down from heaven encompassed us. I received Nebadonia's very strong symbol. It was apparent she had orchestrated this gathering, along with Monjoronson and a few others. (Several times throughout the meditation I could feel it's pulse.)

Then as a group, slowly we began to spiral upward. In no time at all we went to,... I asked my TA who agreed, “Mansonia One?!” (I don't know if this is at all like it actually would happen, but this was the impression in the meditation. I questioned it a few times, but I felt my TA's symbol in agreement). As we all broke away from the hug and looked around. I was gaping at the beauty that surrounded us. I'd been to this place for learning sessions before, I still questioned, “This is Mansonia One?”

(Throughout the meditation, Something different in this meditation happened. I saw the a capella group singing You Raise Me Up. Every once in awhile one of the singers appeared beside one of us, his voice growing into a crescendo, then becoming very soft, and then the singer disappeared.)
Shane's mother-in-law came up to me smiling(in earlier meditations she told me to call her Suzy. I was pretty sure that wasn't her name, but she said it was easiest and she liked it. For some reason I hoped I wasn't insulting her. I'll continue to call her that until Shane tells me her real name again), Then Shane and Melody walked up hand in hand, smiling as broadly as was possible, greeting, hugging, and shaking hands!

My eyes popped open in wonder, questioning Suzy. She continued to smile and nod. I understood that they were following through with a project we had discussed in a previous meditation. They thought having humans interact with deceased loved ones in a safe setting would begin removing the fear surrounding death. I had mentioned this to Sandy, but hadn't yet been able to talk about how to introduce this to the boards. I guess our spiritual loved ones decided to take matters on themselves.

Then this scene began unfolding before me. Our group separated to our own spaces. Deceased loved ones began appearing beside each of us. Lynn came up to me and we held hands until she spied her mom and they went off to greet her family. All of us, Shane and Melody, Sandy and George, Sammyjo(who also had Brody with her),Eric, Lynn. Vu, Steve, and myself. It was the most amazing, beautiful, heart filling event I've ever experienced!!! Tears began spilling from my actual eyes. I worried this might interfere with my connection, but it didn't. Good thing because it went on for several minutes. The love that was present was so great I felt it's intense pressure all over my body. I thought, “This must be what a balloon feels like!”

If that wasn't enough, living friends and love ones began appearing! It was the most spectacular reunion ever imagined! I saw Shane's Father-in-law, healthy and smiling. The joy was overflowing!

Looking up Nebadonia was a great gigantic almost invisible figure with her arms wrapped around us all. I felt that her love for her children is immeasurable...

My perspective changed off and on throughout this meditation. There were times I was talking with my loved ones, and other times I wanted to experience the... expansion of focusing on the feelings. Closing my eyes I grew larger almost invisible. Still the pressure of the love there was so strong. A few times I felt like a balloon starting to float away. I think it was Nebadonia that kept pulling me back to witness what was going on. I'm not sure if the word has been invented to sufficiently describe the all encompassing gloriousness of it! I'd watch the individual groups then return to my own.

I've lost so very many family members to death, and they all seemed to have wanted to be there. My Mom's father passed away when she was 19, so he'd never met in person many of his descendants. He's appeared to me in a handful of meditations. I can not explain the joy I felt hugging him. And my Dad's father was one of my favorite people I'd ever known. I credit him for the person I am today. Without him I don't think I would have survived childhood. He passed away when I was 9. I hugged him not wanting t let go. I wondered then how it was possible that some of these individuals could possibly be here. They must be so much more advanced than us. I didn't think it possible our spirits could occupy the same space.

I saw my niece's deceased grandpa give her a big hug. Her whole family there at the same time. I was so happy for her. And my daughter-in-law's mom approached us with the biggest smile on her face. She passed away before our grandchildren were born. The girls had arrived a few minutes earlier. They ran up to Grandma Jeannie and she scooped them up, twirling around in a huge hug. Joy was still spilling out of my eyes!

After a time I wandered, group members introduced me to their families, Vu was giddy with happiness. Steve quiet, but appearing so thoroughly content. Sammyjo was hugging her dad. I didn't want to interrupt the reunions, simply wanted to see how everyone was doing. Eric stood tall and proud, both arms around to elderly women. His family was situated in a loud happy circle. They were all talking and laughing at the same time.

Sandy was beaming hugging George, while the rest of her family shared stories. I didn't see her say a word, but I don't think she had to. Both she and George smiled and waved at me.
The meditation ended I believe, before the gathering did. I hung onto the feeling of elation for as long as I could.

This meditation lasted and hour., still felt the pressure surrounding my body for a few minutes after rising. I held a palm size blood stone and a tree jasper of equal size. Once again I hoped the other group members could feel the tremendous amount of loved that filled this meditation, so strong and expansive. I thought when rising, “If the world could feel this, there would be no more wars, or violence.”

I've added the link to this song before, but no harm in adding it again! ... rt_radio=1

Blood stone is another amazing stone. ... ryday-uses

Tree jasper ... 20energies.

Love to all,
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Kim, I made that up. I meant rogue as in being the lone stone at my feet. 😋
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by sammy »

Good Morning All!

Eric, Sorry about taking so long to get back to you about Tosha Silver, this past week has been quite...well, a week. Tosha has written 2 books that I recommend to EVERYONE: "Outrageous Openness" and "Change Me Prayers". Each chapter is quite concise, always an antecdote and always loaded with synchronicity, that helps you realize the Divine is ALWAYS with you, relaxes your fears and helps you focus on giving it to God knowing the outcome will be for the highest good for all. I found when I read her books (and I often return to them when I am feeling spiritually challanged) synchronicity abounds which makes me feel more spiritually connected, which in turn creates a sense of ease and love that oozes out of me :lol:

Any chance you can post a picture of your "rogue rock"? I've got a couple books on this topic maybe I can help identify it. I'm also glad to hear you are in such a relaxed space. :kiss:

Kim! What an amazing meditation! I left me tingly, relaxed and uplifted!
I'm not sure if the word has been invented to sufficiently describe the all encompassing gloriousness of it!
Sounds like it might be time to add to our dictionary! How about Omnijoygloriousness? Funny, my brain wants to change that to Omniglojoriousness :lol:

That said, when I was a teen I came made up a word because I experienced love so deep the word love wasn't enough. The word was Zava. Can't tell you why I chose that, like I said, I just made it up..... I just did a google search for "Zava" this and found:
[ 3 syll. za-ha-vah, zah-av-ah ] The baby girl name Zahavah is pronounced ZahHHAAVah †. Zahavah has its origins in the Hebrew language. The name Zahavah means 'golden'.

Zahavah has 13 variations. Variations of the name include Zachava, Zachavah, Zahava, Zahavya, Zechava, Zehava, Zehave, Zehavi, Zehavia, Zehavit, Zeheva, and Zehuva. Another English variation is the diminutive Zava.
And then the spiritual meaning of gold is:
Gold symbolises the purity of the spiritual aspect of "All That Is". It is symbolic of spirituality and development in the realm of complete understanding, allowing one to both attain and maintain communion with the source of all being. Gold has been called "the master healer".
:roll :roll :roll

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

Omnijoygloriousness might come pretty close! I like it! Although Zava is much easier to spell.

That's a relief! Lol! All I could find was a reference to a video game, which left me with a goofy look on my face. Then I did find something called rogue stone they use for pavers or somethng like that. I thought "Why would Eric want to pick up a rock like that?!! :o Which tells me I might be a bit of a stone snob. :? Something I should probably work on.

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

:lol: That's okay Kim, we all have our interest. Isn't it wonderful Spirit finds a way to communicate so personally?

Hey thanks Sammyjo, that's how I feel after meditating. Today was like a beautiful rest, I was in bliss- even after the exercise and on the way to dinner with Mom. I couldn't help but feel so good with the window down, the sun on my face- it was like the meditation brought about that comfortable knowing- God is with me. I noticed this feeling of Faith even when the ATM machine denied Moms transaction, I thought we were being held up by divine timing. She was of course, able to proceed with her transaction after dinner. You just never know huh? =)

Here's the photo as requested,
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

What an "Omniglojoriousness" kind of morning here... :sunny:
You know the kind with dramatic unstable clouds on a bright blue sky with the sun coming in and out for striking effect... It's also nice and cool after a night's heavy rain... So this duck is in heaven.

Eric, I absolutely adore the stone you found. It resonated with me from way over here. I found a rogue stone when we were in Hill End over a decade ago. It spoke to me as no stone has since. That stone brought out strong emotion when I held it and I loved it. But sometimes it belongs to someone else for a time so it is with someone very dear now and hopefully working its special charms given to its' rock species by the Creator of All.

Are you home with Brody now, Sammy? Have you been able to connect like this with other furry, feathered and scaled friends? I guess I am wondering if you have innate animal whispering skills. :thumright:

Kimmie, I got a chuckle out of the "rogue stone" thing...Yep, pavers may be the stone world's underdogs but they have energy too. :lol: ;)

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by sammy »

Eric - I LOVE that stone. I spent about an hour trying to identify it, there are similar things but not exact. It sure looks like the "veins" are made of quartz. My son got his degree in Archeology, he thought it might be granite with quartz veins.
Properties: The elemental powers of water and earth, ocean tumbled granite is a unique stone combining the elements of the sea with the deep rooted foundations of the earth! These stones are often full of shiny, light reflecting drusies. This stone is a great balancer of water and earth (emotions and practicality). Earth helps water to keep its deep emotions in check. This incredible stone works on both the Base/Root and Sacral/Spleen Chakra as it grounds unstable or unsure emotions.

Therefore, granite is wonderful for allowing for increased protection and abundance. This stone works well on skepticism. It allows for diplomacy, discretion, cooperativeness and negativity. Granite is a wonderful relationship balancer. Ocean tumbled granite in particular helps us to see and understand the big picture. So it shows us to look past the little puddles in our lives and focus on an ocean of opportunity and advancemenT!
Quartz is the Master Healer and the “stone of power”. Probably the most versatile multipurpose healing stone. It is easy to clean, stores information (energy) within, programs or amplify energy very well and is used as a healing instrument. The natural tendency for quartz is for harmony. Quartz can both draw and send energy therefore, it is effective for sending/receiving guidance. Quartz is used for transformation in healing and in all levels of change (mentally/emotionally, physically and spiritually)

Hi Sandy :hithere

Your morning sounds BEAUTIFUL! We are having a glorious one as well!

Thankfully I have the big dog home now. Poor baby! His incision is about 16" long! Waiting to hear from the vet to see if we can remove the "cone of shame" today :finger: :finger: :finger:

As far as I can recall, Brody is the only animal I have connected with. It has been an amazing experience...To see him howling in a meditation followed by a video from Katie 5 minutes later of him howling with a siren, seeing him trying to vomit and have Katie call 5 minutes later crying because he was so sick -to see them put a tube down his throat....there is so much confirmation there is no way to doubt the connection!

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Thanks Sammy,

With that first description, granite, I can't begin to explain how this accurately identifies my subconscious workings over the last few days. I thought it was the full moon. To think I'm being healed here and learning how to handle/respond to the unspoken energies shared with others is both difficult and rewarding. My ego may be taking a few knocks but all is well!

I am very much appreciative for your findings. I will pocket my rogue stone today as a companion while at work. =)

Kind regards.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Seeker13 »

That's much prettier than the ones I pulled up online! It does feel like an energy is coming off of it! My first impression was it being black obsidian and white quartz. Definately a keeper.

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Hi ladies,

I asked my Dad and he says it is most likely a combination of shale and quartz. He's a geophysicists so I didn't think he'd mind me showing him the pebbles from the backyard. =)

Sandy, if you don't mind my replying here to your inquiry... I went out to meditate and held the stone, the feeling I picked up on was calming. While at work I feel unafraid to hold eye contact, it seems I had been very self conscious in my recent past with questions of worth, and my confidence was at a low. I don't know if it's the stone but the energy feels heavy in a good way- slow moving, penetrating, an ability to resolve. Calm and courageous, open and creative. Unafraid.

Yes I will keep it with me for now.
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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