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Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 6:39 pm
by daemon
i like the child that came up to you! how cool
i didn't know you broke your neck- that's really intense. i'm glad you're alright
:shock: :shock: ...whoaaaa :P


Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 3:07 am
by sammy
John was wondering why he was having such wonderful contact and other's not so much...

I know for me it is purely due to lack of commitment or effort.

Geoff mentioned in another thread that for him meditating is not effort; I would like to meditate every day, so perhaps effort is not the best choice of words. It is difficult to create a good time of day to meditate on a regular basis for me right now. I don't work outside of the house, so one might think it should be easy schedule meditation into my day...The best time for me mentally would be when I get up in the morning. But I have a son that I have to drive to needs to go through my entire day...suffice it to say that when your husband has a home office unexpected distractions are a rule. Attempting to meditate when the house has people in it makes it difficult to relax. So currently I meditate only when they are all out of the house.

Interestingly, my "coolest" contact was when I heard the voice that said (plain as day) "Give the boy extra love, he's dying from cancer". That happened prior to ever meditating.

Another factor for me is a fear that I thought I had gotten past, but has recently recurred. It causes me to not be able to relax quite enough to progress. So I will have to send some time working on this before I'll be able to progress.



Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 4:48 pm
by luvinlife
Yes, we are all on different levels of our journey. Sometimes I'll get messages even when I'm not meditating. Sammy, remember when you had the "vision" when pigs fly....and then the swine flu (something like that). John, thanks for your post.

Love, Clare


Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 5:15 pm
by sammy
Clare wrote:
Sammy, remember when you had the "vision" when pigs fly....and then the swine flu (something like that)
YA! That WAS pretty interesting! It was followed up a few weeks later with a pig wearing a straw hat and a flower in the hat (think Minnie Pearl), driving a truck or bus (huh, I just did a search for minnie pearl and ran into Minnie Driver...wonder if there is a connection there...the pig with the hat made me think Minnie Pearl, and the pig was the Driver of the bus ...Minnie Driver

...then a few weeks later a pig turned mutated into a pig with a cat face. Apparently cats as well as dogs are now getting a version of the bugger. Still not sure what the pig driving the truck was all about. I thought it meant swine flu was in the driver's seat at the time, but luckily that does not appear to be the case.



Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:03 am
by George
Hi John.

If ordered by the Divine, it's a divine mission . . . those who have read my books know that experiences like that happen. Nothing in this universe should surprise.

God bless...


Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 4:57 am
by Twinstars
Thank you George,

I understand. More all the time. Its the multiple choice, fill in the blanks yourself part that nettles me so.

God's every blessing to you too.


Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 11:44 am
by George
As they say in Oz, It will, take "Donkeys' Ages" to understand it all.

There is no Year 1, Term 1 university degree in psychic or spiritual happenings. It's a hotch-potch that will take eternity and a long weekend to become comprehensible.

Those who claim to understand it all are only to be found in fundamentalist beliefs.

Take care...


Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 2:42 pm
by oneworld
George wrote:It's a hotch-potch that will take eternity and a long weekend to become comprehensible.

Rebecca :loves


Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 3:35 pm
by luvinlife
Wow, I was just thinking that. It seems I'm always running into some people with fundamentalist beliefs who are trying to "save" me. It seems that they know everything to be the absolute truth. It gets emotionally tiring sometimes.

Love, Clare


Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 9:24 pm
by Twinstars
I have much interest in what comes out of OZ, but I am in no real hurry to learn the rest any too quickly. I understand I have all of eternity. The Universe is taking pains with me, bringing me along, while proving to me daily what a fledgling I am. It helps me to enjoy my little AhHa! moments all the more. My main concern at this time is learning to communicate better, to raise my awareness so that I can be ready to step up if and when the need presents itself. Until then I plan to just keep doing just as they tell me..."Just be yourself..." What could be easier than that?

Love All...


Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 6:27 am
by George
..."Just be yourself..." What could be easier than that?
There are some I'd refuse to be, even if that were possible. :shock:

May God bless you all for who you are...


Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:42 pm
by Twinstars
I know George, but it IS those who we
would refuse to be, even if that were possible
who help me to understand, especially when stepping away for a good look, that some lessons are hard fought. And that to "just be yourself" is only relative in proportion to the whole. There are parts of myself that I have encountered, even recently, who I would not want to be, "refuse to be" again. I learned that lesson. And so I know I never Will be that person again. I think the best that any of us can hope for is to take control, to balance what we have been given to work with. AH! a 222 prompt! Sweet! They're Here ... And it tickles... :lol: :sunflower:

Love All,
John :mrgreen:


Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 3:37 pm
by luvinlife
Hi John! I love it when I get a prompt as an affirmation!

Love, Clare


Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 5:47 am
by Twinstars
You know what, I don't know What is in store for me, but I think the Celestials are working overtime. And I can only imagine I am going to thoroughly enjoy the ride.
This morning, first thing, I was speaking with my daughter, discussing the dreams I have been having of doing more travelling abroad. In the past several months I have had four dreams of going to France, two dreams of being in Australia, and three dreams of going to Haiti. And today I learned, completely inadvertently, that it takes 58 days to ship a motorcycle to a specific destination in Europe. Which sounds like an awfully long time, but that is what I heard. And yes, I Have been wondering if I should take my motorcycle this time.
So while I am speaking with my daughter I tell her I don't want to drag my laptop all around Haiti, or Europe, Or down under, so I need to begin looking into buying a smart phone that does it all, including global email. Then thought for a second before commenting, "Ah what the heck, I'll just wait until I am sure I will be going first before I do any of that. This phone I have now is a good phone and I havn't had the first problem with it." And do you know that at that exact instant that phone locked up! Didn't turn off, but the screen turned red and it stopped working.
I took it to Verizon and the technician said "Yep, it's Toast." So I called my daughter to bring one of her old phones for me to use in the mean time. She handed the phone to me, and while I'm holding it IT quits working! My daughter takes it away from me telling me I am still stuck in the 70's and must be doing something wrong with it, "Because only five minutes ago it was working fine." :?
It never does start working again, so now I begin looking around the Verizon store for a New replacement when a young lady who did not even work for Verizon points out, "Oh you don't want that phone, here have a look at this one, it even has a global data package so you can check your email from anywhere in Western Europe. :shock: I said, "But I think I am supposed to go to Haiti first." "No problem, she say's, I have a friend there now who has this same phone and loves it." Well just about then another woman comes in with the same phone, overhears us talking, and jumps in demonstrating all the in's and out's of the phone to me. The first young lady disappears and a sales person gets in on it as well. Needless to say I now am the proud owner of a new BlackBerry Tour phone that "does it All." :lol:

Divine Missions... :mrgreen:



Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:57 am
by sammy
:bike: Off you go then!!! Where to first?



Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 3:08 pm
by luvinlife
Great, John! Things have a way of coming to us. By the way, if you read on another forum, there's A LOT of us who are "stuck back in the 70's!"

Love, Clare


Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 10:13 pm
by Twinstars
I know it Clare, won't it be funny when someday someone tells them they are stuck at the turn of the century? I'm sure glad I was never like that... :lol: :mrgreen:

Hey, does anyone else get Names while meditating? Erm...I mean that lately (even in two dreams) I have been told certain Names of people I never heard of. The first couple of times it happened I asked "Why"? And was told "For the future." So when I asked "Who's future?" I was told "YOUR future!" Well, DUH ME! :? So I no longer even ask.



Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:58 pm
by luvinlife
i don't get names as much as I get faces. Once in a while, I'll get a name, but it doesn't really seem to be anything. We'll see!

Love, Clare


Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 12:04 am
by memawlaura
:D What a very interesting thread you started ther Louise. IMO just being who you are and working towards being one with Love. The most important person to love is you first and foremost and than just let that your cup runneth over to all you are around. Being unconditional and loving all is what IMO we all are doing to be with our creator (pure love). In the meantime you will be guided and directed to be in service of our creator. Just think all that we human beings go through and experience thats a pretty big mission and one I contracted to do. For all to ascend, everyone's part was necessary no matter how big it is. Always be guided to do for the betterment of all and if it helps you as well thats just the perks of doing service for our creator.

John, if you ever find the answer why some its so easy to receive and not others let us know. In my case it was being to analytical, in my mind, expectations, fears (sooooooo many). Life conditioned me not to trust, to be a victim, brainwashed by others beliefs, it took half a century to get this way and much needs to be overcome. IMO some just making it through this incarnation loving God and themselves is a mission all in itself. We have eternity to learn lifes lessons and some have honed their gifts more than others. I too "tripped the light fantastic" in our universe and it was amazing, but I could not remember who swept me off other than it was two celestials. I get subliminal messages all the time it just takes some longer to get where we all will be eventually.

So, everyone just keep your lights burning and igniting others flames and we will be just fine.


Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 1:04 pm
by sammy
John wrote:
Hey, does anyone else get Names while meditating?
I've mentioned before that I've had 4 occassions when I've had "voices in my head"...yesterday I heard my name called clear as day, I thought "yes, someone looking for me...Hellooo?" but nothing after that.



Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 2:27 pm
by Petra Wilson
About names and voices in one's head/ear...
Hello everyone, last week I went for a lie down with my book and felt something change. Inevitably the old eyelids got heavier and heavier and at one point thought to myself, am I in alpha or theta? Just then a voice said something very clearly in my right ear but I didn't understand the lingo...could have been language from another planet it was so foreign to me. Anyway, the affect the voice had was the thing. It jolted my entire spine, and I felt a sensation at the bottom of the spine, then I felt tingly and 'knew' I wasn't alone. But as I fully woke up, doubts clouded in and the feeling of someone there was gone.

For many days I've been having lucid dreams with people I don't know but who seem to know me and really like me. They're GREAT!

Love, Petra x


Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 3:09 pm
by luvinlife
Wonderful replies, everyone! Laura --- WOW!!! Yes, I'm also among you wonderful people who hears voices!

Love, Clare


Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 3:53 pm
by Twinstars
Didn't you hear me calling you?


Love ya soul sister... :mrgreen:


Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:51 am
by sammy


Very nice work by the way!



Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:59 am
by sammy
PET!!! How VERY cool! But you have no inclination who these folks are?
