I'm so sure this site exists... this is really wierd.

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Post by purpletaurus »

Ok..... lol. I wasn't saying that Geoff is a "bad guy", or even that I disliked him... ;)
It taked a little more than that. lol. I'm just not really sure what to think of all of this, its all kinda overwhelming.
I meant no disrespect, I'm also brash, but I read over what I write before I post it to make sure that it can't offend someone. Not a Big deal :)

Anywho, hello all, who've welcomed me, I appreciate it...
Didnt get a chance to meditate, surprise surprise, 3 kids.... u know how it is... hope everyone is well... ttys. I'll keep you posted on my interesting & unique 11:11 prompts. :D
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Post by nasra1996 »

No problem purpletaurus... :D

We look forward to more of your posts.... i know it is very difficult to meditate with children, and when night comes the only time you get peace you are too tired.....

Take care,

Love Sarah
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Post by Petra Wilson »

I missed this! Purpletaurus:
I meant no disrespect, I'm also brash, but I read over what I write before I post it to make sure that it can't offend someone. Not a Big deal
I don't think you offended anyone at all!! Blimey Purple, I bet I have in the past, one of those people who doesn't often think before she opens her gob or taps away at the keyboard!

As Sarah said: we look forward to more of your posts! Please don't be shy about asking questions and definitely not about sharing any experiences??

I have kids too, the youngest doesn't ever shut up! He voices his thoughts too often and talks in his sleep, but I miss him when he's away all day long at school!
I think I'll try and get him to meditate with George's CD tonight!

Love, Petra xxxx
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Post by AJ »

Welcome Purple. I love when people share the experiences. It always makes it that much more real. Here is a good one.

The other day I was at the auto store getting parts and when the clerk gave me back my change he said $66.1111. I thought it was cool at first and just walked out the door not even thinking how strange it really was until I was driving down the road and stopped at a red light. At this point I pulled the receipt out because I always like to see the 11 11. So to my surprise of course there was no 11 11 on the receipt it was just $66.11. i do not know why I did not catch that earlier but apparently the clerk must have had eleven eleven on the mind because he verbally added the extra eleven when repeating my change back to me. Too bad I did not catch it then and say something to the effect of "Eleven Eleven ehh?"
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Post by purpletaurus »

Ok, now I'm seeing other combinations like, 3:33 and 4:44... I guess they're switching it up. A lot of "lucky" things have happened for me this year... I've had a pretty good one. I wonder if they have anything to do with "luck" and "chance".
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Post by ~*Star_Struck*~ »

purpletaurus wrote:Ok, now I'm seeing other combinations like, 3:33 and 4:44... I guess they're switching it up. A lot of "lucky" things have happened for me this year... I've had a pretty good one. I wonder if they have anything to do with "luck" and "chance".
I'm glad to hear that you've been having some luck lately, isn't seeing the prompts the best luck of all? :D :cheers:

The 3:33 indicates that the Ascended Masters agree with your thoughts and feelings, negative or positive. As you might know, 4:44 indicates love and support from your angels. It means that they are nearby, loving you.

If you are seeing those combinations repeatedly.. personally i would conclude that they agree with the direction you are taking, and that you may be on the correct path. :) Just my thoughts.

Now i know the answer to the question:
Do dreams come true?
Still staring at the world
Through my rear view.
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Again & again & again...

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I keep seeing 11:11 everywhere still. I know that I need to find time to meditate, but I have 3 children & run a daycare... my boyfriend sees it too since he lives with me. LOL
I see it in the weirdest places... theres a counter on my computer at the bottom, LMAO I dont even know what its counting.... right now it says 1280, and it keeps going up one number at a time, I havent really even looked at it before and something told me to look at it & of course, when I looked at it, it said 1111.
Honestly, this stuff is hallarious, when I think, "I havent seen 11:11 in a while" ... I'll see it the next hour or something.
It makes me think that something or someone is watching me.
Is that accurate??
I really need to meditate dont I? Do you think something miraculous is going to happen if I do?
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Post by Twinstars »

Hello purpletaurus,

I havn't a clue as to what your counter is counting, however, being that it is electrical, and being that the Midwayers are electrical creatures, they simply are useing it to get your attention.
I wouldn't say that anyone is actually watching you, more like watching Out for you. Waiting for an opportunity to help you grow into a more Spiritual minded you is all. Which is where meditation comes in. Not only is it a good stress buster, but, it also clears out all of the mind chatter so that your Midwayer siblings can begin a line of communication with you on a level that is personal to you. Once you begin to acknowledge the 1111's then, at least in my experience, the numbers will begin to change. Good that you already appear to have an open mind about it. 8)
What you wrote:
Do you think something miraculous is going to happen if I do?
Miraculous, no. Will you be taking a first step toward joining a global phenomenon that appears to have only your/my/everyone who are seeing the prompts best interrests in mind? Yes!

Hope this helps,
Love and Light,
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Hello again.... long time no talk PLEASE READ

Post by purpletaurus »

Thanks so much to everyone for the replies. Its good to see that I'm not alone.

I have something freaky to tell you though & I'm actually going to see someone about it.

As I said before, I have three sons, they are now 8, 5 & 13 months.

One morning a couple days ago, I was making lunches in the kitchen before school, and my middle son was playing his 'gameboy' on the window seat. He said "1111" loudly out of no where. !
I dropped what I was doing and went into the livingroom and said, what did you say?? And he said quieter with a weirded out look on his face, 1111?

I said, why did you say that? He said he didnt know.

Oh My God, was all I could think of..... what is going on? They can actually prompt a human to say words??

FYI: This is my same son who says that he sees ghosts in our house at night when everyone is sleeping. I believe him.

Yes, so ............................ take that in & PLEASE reply.
Holy freak me out.

If any of the 'ELDER spirit talkers' can ask their angels what on earth they want me to do, that would be great.
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Post by Sandy »

Hello Purple,

It is nice to see you back!
You wrote:
One morning a couple days ago, I was making lunches in the kitchen before school, and my middle son was playing his 'gameboy' on the window seat. He said "1111" loudly out of no where. !
I dropped what I was doing and went into the livingroom and said, what did you say?? And he said quieter with a weirded out look on his face, 1111?
I said, why did you say that? He said he didnt know.

Oh My God, was all I could think of..... what is going on? They can actually prompt a human to say words??
Yes I suppose the Midwayers or lower angels, as some refer to them can prompt us with other humans. You see, they are beings who are over 37, 000 years old and have IQs in the thousands. But still they follow the will of the Creator and love and always have our best interest at heart so there is never anything to fear from these beings. They work closely with our own fragment of God within (our Higher selves) and our own Guardian angels who also only have our best interst at heart so you see it is really more like you have a team around you encouraging ...sometimes prompting you for various reasons. Often it is a show of love and support in our often confusing and challenging lives.

I too have seen an enormous increase in the prompts the past few weeks... I welcome them, every single time. Let's try starting at the beginning with one small step. The next time you see 11:11 or other prompt numbers. Pause for a moment ( I know as a mom of three there isn't a lot of spare time... God bless you! :) ) But just stop for a moment and take a few deep breaths Innnnnnnn....and OOOOut. Do it at least three times and longer if you have the time. Just relax and feel...releasing any stress or tension you feel in your body. Don't necessarily worry about calming your busy brain yet...just concentrate on the way you feel at that moment. Are you stressed? happy? angry? thankful, etc... Or perhaps just step back for a moment from life and appreciate the gifts around you. It may seem like a small and insignificant thing but it is a good start and I think may lead to further undestanding down the road. (Hope so anyway.)
FYI: This is my same son who says that he sees ghosts in our house at night when everyone is sleeping. I believe him.
It sounds as if your son has some psychic gifts. It is good that you believe him. :) Many of the members here who also have experienced these early innate gifts have had a rough time because no one believed them or even tried to understand and help them understand it as children.
If any of the 'ELDER spirit talkers' can ask their angels what on earth they want me to do, that would be great.
Truly what the angels want does not need to be complicated or difficult... Every friendship whether human or celestial usually begins simply..a very basic getting to know each other which gradually leads to long talks over lunch etc... :wink: Try to appreciate the moments in your day...slow down and really appreciate them...remind yourself to be grateful, and be aware of needs of others around you. Basically this is the messages we get from the midwayers.

Those of us who see the prompts have the abilities to affect those around us in a positive way and move our world forward in small ways or large ways...Large or small they are both equally important. And you as a day care provider have a most important job. Working with young wonderful little souls is a blessing and these early experiences in their lives can easily affect how they view themselves in later life...So by reflecting a loving, caring, accepting and peaceful attitude with the children in your care you can do much in influencing the way they view themselves their own precious self esteem in later years... Good and loving youth workers are priceless in my book! :wink:

Anyway, dear purple. It is obvious that you definitely have abilities and are in a position that is very important as I mentioned above. Perhaps your childen or the children in your care will grow up to do wonderful things for our world. :cheers:
Oh, if we can just teach our children to believe in themselves , to allow them to soar in heart, mind, and soul, armed with the knowledge that They truly can become anything they dream to be... If we can just teach them to love and respect all life...the world will change!

Please forgive me for rattling on so. Not sure if this helped any dear lady, but at the very least I did want to tell you hello and welcome you once again to our friendly living room.
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Post by sammy »

Hello Purple-

Wow, I don't think I can add anything to what Sandy said - fabulous explanation!

I've never run into anyone that has had a negative experience from seeing the numbers. I am certain they are just trying to gain our attention and help us grow spiritually...and if I'm not afraid of the...no one should be...I used to be a great BIG CHICKEN!...so know they come in love.

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Post by CutieKenge »

Nice to meet you Purple! :hithere

I get voice prompts like that all the time. Not always with numbers, though. It's a great thing. Sometimes it's just a way to get your attention. Such a great feeling to know they are always near by - even when we are not paying attention. :D

Welcome back!

A wise man once said, "Today, let's try to be grateful for the small things..."
And at that moment, all was okay.
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