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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

:lol: :lol: :lol: ((((((KIM)))))) I rolled in the floor picturing you deep breathing while peeling an onion... Hmmm a good safety point to remember for all of us. :thumright:

Where did you go for vacation this year? Would love to hear more and as I suspect some of your spirit filled experiences along the way.

it is a lovely warm day here today. but the clouds are moving in as I type for the week or so of rain being predicted. I will soon be in my element rain and cool temps! :bana: but making the most of the warmth with three loads of laundry on the line.

We have been super busy with home rehab exercises, doctor appointments, tests, and official rehab appointments and it may not let up for a month
but we can face anything together... (You know what I mean) I am just so happy to have George home. I am trying to remember not to take him for granted again...

Okay...balance and breath...balance and breath... the two "Bs" :)
Have a fabulous week end, sis.

love all of you!
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi, All! :hithere

It was a wonderful road trip out to Breckenridge Colorado and back. Dave and I enjoyed ourselves tremendously! The it was slam!!! "Get yourself working!!!" In my extra time I'm digging like a fiend on 'Clementine's, Grandma Kim and Grandma Jeannie's Garden.' :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: There's little animal and fairy statues, that were Jeannie's, placed about so Clementine can talk to them and put in special spots. It is the most perfect kind of love seeing her walk about discovering, awed in the wonder. :happy

Today I literally bought a truckload of hanging baskets and flowers to plant at the motel. "Ah, the toil of love," Only have one larger bed closest to the water and two small ones in the back to rescue. It's so rewarding uncovering blossoming little treasures among the quack grass!

Sandy, I'm so happy for the both of you George is back home where he belongs. :loves

Love you all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim,
I can't believe a week has passed since I read your post here. I hope it has been a good one and despite the busy hotel season you can still enjoy your passion for gardening, writing and the best of all, experiencing life with your little grand daughter.

Today I am looking out the window at my slightly unkempt garden beds. Oh before I forget, we have the absolute strangest cucumber growing in the garden. it was a volunteer, most likely from compost which had a viable seed in the mix. I am thinking it might be a base version or old form of cucumbers...I suppose everything was wild once right? ;) Anyway they are about 4 inches long and have pointed bumps about a quarter inch high popping out all over them ending with the little prickly bits that most cucumbers sport. these however, were extremely sharp, making them hard to touch in their early days. (A little like, but not as bad as Prickly Pears.) Anyway since we aren't a hundred per cent sure what they are we are a little afraid to eat them but I would bet my money (if I had any) that they are in the cucumber family as their leaves are a dead give away.

I may head out in a little bit and dig up a few peanuts and maybe a couple Jerusalem artichoke if I feel brave.

Some day please post some photos of your handy work. I bet the hotel/motel looks fabulous and all the guests appreciate the beauty you cultivate. A little beauty is good for ones soul eh?

Love to you and the family,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Good Morning!
The rising sun is shining brightly in our little slice of heaven. Peanuts and artichoke? That sounds amazing! Don't be afraid Sandy, you have to show them whose boss! Yesterday I faced off with a very aggressive bush, it must be at least fifty years old, not even sure what it is, may have even started out as a vinca vine? Now it's a vinca monster! Tore into it last year and it must have loved it considering all the new growth. "Back! Back! You crazy tree bush monster!" You remember I was a preschool teacher right? There's a story in everything.

The guest are being so appreciative! Many discovering us for the first time. It really is a little slice of heaven. A lot of work, but that's what a fat farm is for right? Started working on a backyard playground for Clementine..., well and me. I have a cedar swing and put up a toddler swing for her. Mowed down all the weeds and thinned out the center of a thicket of young saplings for our, "Wild Cherry Tree House" Once the leaves come on it will be just like walls and a roof! We have some big old chunks of wood, to large for splitting, I'm going to use for climbing on, we slice up a log about three inches thick and make 'tree cookies' for walking on. Oh, yes! We've got big plans...I wonder if I could make an underground tunnel?

Well, right now I'd better get to work! Aleah had her wisdom teeth pulled last Friday and is having a terrible time. Both her and her fiance' are home taking care of each other. He has kidney stones, Yikes! Oh, the cucumber like plants were probably a hybrid of some kind, don't know if they're edible or not either. Love you guys!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Well good afternoon! (after 12:00 noon here) ..don't you think good afternoon always has a serious ring to it? Unlike a cheery good morning or a sleepy good night? I feel like a banker getting ready to look over your housing agreement...

LOL ahum... "(clearing throat)" I see here Mrs. Kim that you have been criminally attacking an elderly bush in your abode recently. But you have not listed proper permits or noted the approval of local governing forces for such aggressive confrontation. To what ends might I inquire is such action required? What has said bush ever done to you?
And have you any experience in building... "lets see,... it says here..."Wild Cherry tree houses?" We will need your accredited "imaginative building apprenticeships certificate" from the "Three Little Pigs Pty LTD before any approval can be granted.
I see you list no collateral as well...tisk... tisk... Well, no matter, I will give you Rumpelstiltskin's business card and he will set you up with some low cost straw, perfect for "gold spinning". I'm sure his terms will be to your liking... as first born children can be terribly over-rated." ;) (spoken by a middle child of course :mrgreen: )

Oh Geez...I could go on and on but I'll spare you. LOL I'm in a very strange mood today. :roll: :oops: Still once a preschool teacher always eh?

Please, please, please share a few "photies" as Petra would say when you have a spare moment or two. :mrgreen: There's really nothing quite like creating a little natural wonderland is there? ...It's so good for your soul. :bana: (If not your back muscles :shock: )
Have a wonderful time over there...I am practically green with jealousy! ;) :D :lol:

Love you,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Amigoo »

:sunny: Graduation from "The Secret" permits consideration of "The Recipe",
advancing from "thinking positively to create life-changing results for oneself"
to "doing positively to help create life-changing results for others":

Subject: “You’ve Been Given the Recipe.” :roll

"Many of you have been indwelled with extraordinary Thought Adjusters (TA) — highly experienced Fragments of the Creator-Father who have come to Urantia at this most auspicious and crucial time in its development — to realign the collective consciousness of its people — to guide, enlighten and teach universal truths — to reconnect the disconnected souls to their true selves — to awaken a sleeping planet from the illusions born out of centuries of confusion and self-serving delusions."

:idea: "Your immediate mission is to understand the Still Small Voice within you — the One who speaks to the heart — the One who gives that little ‘nudge’ in the space between thought and action."

"Have you not realized that you are the farmer, the cook, the server and the host? The guests are all those souls who are searching and staring at an empty plate. Only in service do you find purpose." ;)

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Hi Rod,

Graduation from the Secret??? hardly I think....

but I thank you for the reminder of 'The Recipie" and actually it seems like confirmation of the mission, that I sometimes think we aren't doing,,,but we are...I should be speaking for myself,,,and really I am, although I know others feel the same way.

I'm not sure as this thread is appropriate for such a message, especially not in its entirety. It made it sound stern and like a finger was being shaken.

I read the original (by clicking on the link) and wonder why you took pieces from it,,and posted it here.

I hope my thoughts are not offending anyone.

Blessings, pp
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Re: The Secret

Post by Amigoo »

Hi pp,

Subject: “You’ve Been Given the Recipe.”

My minimal understanding of The Secret is probably the reason for the seeming discord in the postings from these Forums (Miscellaneous: The Secret, and Messages From Celestial Teachers: The Recipe). My understanding of The Recipe is that our celestial caretakers - even divine presence within - expect (at least, hope) that we'll also "be about our Father's business" during our lives on this planet; to be just as caring for others as ourselves. I didn't sense any "shaking finger"when reading the Recipe.


"It is based on the law of attraction and claims that positive thinking can create life-changing results such as increased happiness, health, and wealth."

I reviewed this article before posting my previous comment and ignored the negative perspectives about The Secret. But, as I review the article again, I see that I should have been more aware that The Secret does not focus much on the unseen world of living beings (angels, et al., in all of their hierarchies even to the portal of Paradise).

Thanks for your feedback. I am enlightened! ...
and will learn more about the attraction of The Secret.

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Hi Rod...

Thank you for your reply,,,I see we need to discuss this a bit...and get a bit of understanding I'll give you some background that I know of...

"The Secret" thread,,originally did start off when The Secret Movie came out and was very loosely based on The Law of Attraction....the movie was supposedly based on the channellings of "Abraham" brought forth by Esther Hicks about The Law of Attraction, which was made into a book called "Ask and it is Given".....

however,,,unless you had read Ask and It Is Given,,,,you really did not get the teachings of Abraham through watching "The Secret".....

so,,this "Secret" thread developed into a very general thread,,,,discussing family and life problems,,and yes sometimes there was discord (ever seen a family without some?)

but we told stories of our adventures,,,,shared favourite recipies from desserts to diets, and we eventually called this our "Secret International Coffee House"..

kind of like our 11rs social media thread.....

I hope this gives you a better understanding of this thread,,,it wasn't meant for spiritual discussion per/se as we have all our other Topics and threads for that purpose.

There is also a "UB Recipie Thread" which might have added to the confusion,,,,,perhaps all those (3D food) recipies should be moved,,,,and keep all the non-spiritual in a different place,,,,maybe here....I didn't know about the UB Recipies until I stumbled across it one day....

I totally agree with you about the Celestial Message "The Recipie"[quote="Amigoo"]My understanding of The Recipe is that our celestial caretakers - even divine presence within - expect (at least, hope) that we'll also "be about our Father's business" during our lives on this planet; to be just as caring for others as ourselves. I didn't sense any "shaking finger"when reading the Recipe.

and I confess,,,,I took your excerpts from The Recipe on a personal note......(my sense of finger shaking)

feeling that I am not doing enough,,,,or what I think is expected of me...I also realize those 2 statements come from an egoic perspective...and old beliefs...
so,, delete, delete, delete....

I will look at the wiki link since you included it, but I would be more inclined to suggest reading Ask and It Is Given, written by Esther and Jerry Hicks. It is available as an on line pdf....and there you will find what "The Secret" was supposed to be about.....the Law of Attraction,,,and how it is applied....

The movie really ..rather ticked me off, and I wrote rather extensively about the facts,,,,that they didn't give the facts,,nor the method, and there is very definitely a method.....which they just hinted about and suggested to do vision boards,,,but neglected to go into what the LoA is really about!

Anyway,,,I best stop here and wish you a wonderful day...

love and blessings,,pp
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

OH ARGHHHHHH :duh :duh :duh

I just checked out the wiki ref and for some reason they don't even mention "Ask and It Is Given" although I do believe in the orig movie there is some credit given to Abraham and Esther and Jerry Hicks.

Well really!! I guess thinking of it in a strict materialistic sense of things,,,if they let it be known that it had come from a lady channeling a spirit (celestial being) that they'd make no money on it at all!!

my grama always said,,,Fools and their money are soon parted! (and no I never bought The Secret,,,movie or book)

sorry,,,just had to vent that bit!! :roll

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Re: The Secret

Post by Amigoo »


"Ask and it is Given" reminds me of a college dormitory discussion decades ago about "The Widow and Her Unpainted House". The widow neither has funds nor ability to paint her house, but the house is in serious need of painting. And she desires that the house be painted (this occurs later).

Long story short: The house does not paint itself - another human being(s) must arrive with supplies and do the work. The "secret" (even today) is how/what motivates, inspires, encourages, requests, ... another human being(s) to become part of the delivery mechanism for this one person's material desire? ... especially when she does not ask another human for this gift.

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »


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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi Rod and PP,
Gosh it has been a long time since we talked about "The Secret" on this thread. :lol: Been an interesting discussion between you two.
Now how about a recipe, Rod? :) Seriously, PP he is a man on fire in the UB cooking section... yummy healthy stuff too...not like my Fresh Apple Cake which I am ashamed to say I made last week. I halved the recipe though and put it in a small bundt cake pan. Of course, didn't half the brown sugar caramel glaze. No surie, ..that's my favorite part! :mrgreen: sooooo evil! My mom still chuckles about us doubling the glaze recipe. She actually wishes she had thought of it years ago. But seriously... the secret recipes can stay where they are, mostly because I don't have the heart to search for all the recipes among all this thread's pages. Yes, this thread is sort of a free for all where we can speak about what we want to when the urge hits us. Just must be nice and civil about it as with all the threads on this forum.

Anyway, awesome discussion you both. I remember thinking the Secret was the cat's meow.... and PP trying to set me straight :lol: ..remember? Now I take it all within my life experience... take what helps and leave behind what doesn't. I do think "The Secret" probably disappointed a lot of people. Wish they had given "Ask and It was Given" as a "go to book" if you wish to learn more. :cry:

Well I had better get a move on if I wish to get some "Rabbit Work" done this afternoon. (long story)
Love to both you wonderful spirit-filled "servers."
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: ooooo I remember making that cake that disappeared within 24 hrs and had to make another so I could enjoy it

unfortunately, I call my cooking days ...pretty much gone...that pinched nerve in my back prevents me from standing for too long. Occasionally I give something a go, then Allan finishes it for us.

Looking forward to the rabbit story

yikes,,it's 3:25 am....wha???????

nite lovely ones...

pp xo

ps,,,hi Kim,,,and Sammy,,,,sorry I didn't reply to your last post Sammy,,,but I really understood how you felt...don't fret it kiddo,,,,you are always in our heart(s).....

and Kim,,,,more anecdotes of the grandbabies pls,,,,next month I hopefully might be able to write about my new Great Nephew..

loves to you all xoxoxo

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi ... did I tell you we are having mice troubles? It actually has been going on for several weeks, that is when I first noticed a scratchy kind of noise and could have sworn I saw a little tail disappear behind one of the book cases. I didn't mention it to G as I didn't want them hurt. But as of the past few days the "secret" is out as we have had mice (small youngsters) chasing each other across the living room while we are sipping our coffee. (Not good! :shock: ) so I buckled down yesterday and started making some live mouse traps from plans on Utube...
It looks simple enough, right?
hmmm well it took me all afternoon and early evening but I did manage to complete 2 of them and this morning I was rewarded with one adorable young mouse in one of the pop bottle traps. (The other trap obviously had a balance problem since the peanut butter bait was eaten and no mouse inside)
The thing was a little young I thought to be turned out on its own so I now have it in a large cooler with a cute little Kleenex box house and water, food and plenty of litter. NO, I am not keeping it... no matter how cute it is! :finger: I am just hoping to collect the rest of his family before turning them all out on their ears.

I'm off to check my traps and maybe nibble a little peanut butter myself (from the jar not the traps :roll: :hithere )

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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

:hithere PP and All!

Sandy! I looked at the video of the trap...How in the world did he escape? Where do you place the peanut butter?

Years ago we had mice - I took the inhumane route. 6 traps with cheese - they feasted but none were caught. Moved on to peanut butter, they feasted again. Then dad suggested partially cooked bacon (so they have to really tug at it)...that did the trick!

By the you know how to save a drowning mouse? Mouse to mouse resuscitation.


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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: toooo funny Sammy!

Sandy,,,good luck with the mouse population...remove them as fas as you can....

but it does remind me of a story.....

so off to the coffee house we go.......

cough, cough cough,,,,we haven't been here in awhile (windows open,,brooms mops and dusters are flyin :bana: :bana: :bana: )

and our favourite drinks are being served up now out on the sunny balcony....ahhhhhhhhhh good huh!!!

been a long time gals,,,,now where's that Kim????

ok,,,so I was about 11 yrs old and my sister was 8,,,, and one day a Willie's Tobacco can shows up on our doorstep.

we look inside and it's a little mouse....

so of course we had to make a pet out of it and we called it Willy.

I'm not sure how we convinced Mom and Dad to let us get another one (fro a pet shop) so Willy would have company!!!

heck, nobody even knew what gender we had, but the shop owner convinced us that we got Willy a brother....

as things turned out,,,,one day Willy's brother ran away

and Willy had babies and became Willemina.....then she ate her babies....then she died.

I do remember having a funeral for her though, in an empty box of matches, out in the yard....

and that's my story of a mouse in the house!!!

so be quick there, dear Sandy!!!! and mouse proof your house!

have a great day/evening everyone...

we've been invited out for dinner, going down to the Mill Bay Marina,,,the restaurant is actually on the jetty over the water and really good food!

see y'all later

much loves,,pp xoxoxo
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi Sammy and PP,

Well, I checked my traps this morning and there was no mice in them and the peanut butter's gone again. sigh The only way I can explain it is I was the one who built the silly things and even though they look simple in the video, Dang! it's a tricky thing to get the balance just right. It could be (Just had this thought) that I haven't put the peanut butter far enough back into the neck of the bottle. Soooo maybe tonight I will try once more. I caught another one yesterday but it had absolutely nothing to do with the traps I made. I heard a rustling in the recycling can we have in the kitchen and when I realized there was a mouse in there, I upended it unceremoniously into the make shift cooler-prison with the other one. It promptly ran for what probably seemed a mouse's Thanksgiving dinner and looked up at me with those adorable little eyes. ( Never look a cute little field mouse in the eyes!! It gives them the upper hand) I did try to tell him (Yes, I gave it my best shot to speak telepathically :roll: LOL) that they were being evicted for safety sake and they needed to high tail it out of these digs before I unleashed "the Beast" (George with his finger-snapper traps. :roll: ) But to be honest, he or she (having the same trouble as PP with this gender thing) didn't not seem phased in the least. Probably because the imp knew that after eating a full meal he would be able to leap like superman onto the rather convenient stack of "important files" next to the cooler. The last I saw of the little darling she was off to tell her family and friends about the "new restaurant" she had discovered. sigh again...
By the you know how to save a drowning mouse? Mouse to mouse resuscitation.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Good one! And to tell you how far I have sunk, at first I didn't realize it was a joke and was imagining what I would do to resuscitate a mouse. :shock:

PP, Thanks for cleaning out this place! I should have, myself. But to tell you the truth, I was just up to my eyeballs for a couple weeks cleaning for our flat inspection. That reminds me, I still have that rabbit story... so here goes. The day of the inspection (let me tell you, this place was clean!) I look out the window and there sitting in the yard was the cutest little young rabbit... fawn colored with dark brown ears, face, legs and tail (sort of like a Siamese kitty but the overall fur color is more...well fawn colored :scratch: ) So I thought to myself...Aye Yi Yi and promptly closed the blinds and pretended "I saw nothing... nothing!" But I still had to take Stuart bunny's breakfast out to his daylight hutch and as I knelt down to open the hutch door there at my feet was the "adorable thing" and to my great surprise he walked right into the hutch and started eating Stuart's food) What was I to do? Nothing else but close the door? I keep telling George he was "heaven-sent" (don't think he is buying that though...go figure?) But it was a good thing he came when he did as we had severe rain and flooding for several days and he probably wouldn't have made it through it. So anyway, as you can imagine Stewie has a brother now... at least until we find its owner. ( I am having one of those moments? Have I already posted this on here? Lordy Mercy! (My Grandmother Pearl's favorite saying!)

Enjoy your moments! :albino:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Good morning 'Secret' friends!

Lots of conversation to catch up on! It's nice to see others contributing. For me 'The Secret' video is a faint glimmer in my memory, but The Law Of Attraction and Ask and it is given a daily contemplation! It's a well worn tome, every time something new seems to jump out at me. Whenever I plummet off the precipice of life(which during the summer seems to be a daily activity), I give the book a quick peruse to center myself again.

The only problem we have with mice is not stepping on what's left of them walking out the door, sometimes thoughtfully deposited behind the office chair. Remember our gorgeous cat Sparkles? He's a hunter to his core, nothing is safe from his cunning skills even though he's an old man and doesn't even have front claws! He's certainly cured of my phobias of seeing dead things and mice!

By the way Sammy, "Good one!"

Time to do my grandma thing! Sandy I've been taking lots of flower pictures! Love you all!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Good Morning/Evening Kim and everyone else too! :sunny:
I had a feeling you were busy busy over there.
I was just thinking this wouldn't have been happening (Mice) if our next door neighbor hadn't moved along with their very efficient cat-hunter. Been good for the poor lizards though. They didn't stand a chance with her around. Their numbers are finally rebounding and we are starting to see good sized ones again. (for their species anyway.) I didn't catch a thing last night so I am pretty much resigned to the fact that unless I can "talk" them out of here...George may have to set out the dreaded traps. Well, it will probably wind up having to be me. G shakes too much. Bless him.

Love to all you guys,
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Oh ya poor dear!!!

My only worry for you is.....

was that wak in bunny a male or a female? probably a female .....

otherwise you would have had one big and rather deadly fight by now!!!

which brings up another only takes 6 weeks for new bunnies!!!

best you find that home it belongs to...or donate it,,to the nearest bunny shelter,,,pet store,,or whatever!!

wow,,from mice to rabbits in less than week :shock:

too bad your nearby resident cat moved out,,,,they will eat rabbit too...I know all about that!!! (experience can be a rough teacher) but I won't tell that tale!

Nice to see you Kim!!!

just to change the subject a bit....I went and got about 4 inches cut off my hair today,,,more layered like,,,,but it's still not how I want it and I wasn't really impressed with her skills..

oh well,,it's still quite long as I wouldn't let her shorten the bottom length,,,,,sort of have bangs to 'sweep' off to the side,,,,

but you know what??? since I had my operation, my hair lost all it's curl and wave....and it's like I'm wearing someone elses head of hair!!

dead straight!!!! and I just can't get used to it.

I just about lost this post,,so I better stop complaining!!!

loves to everyone

xoxoxo pp :loves
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Hello Everyone!
The thing about mice is they keep multiplying and don't know anything about realizing they're wearing out their welcome!

Lynn I can tell you all about dead straight hair! I like mine pretty short, finally broke down and put some product in it to give it a little fluff and style. As I've gotten older and it whiter, it has a little wave to it. I don't know any woman who is completely satisfied with their looks. Think it's the grass is always greener kind of thing.

Yesterday Aleah and I had our Clementine fix and all is right with the world! Well, except for the dead bird Sparkles brought into the living room.... vegan niece Josie, who works and lives with us during the summer, is ecstatic about the daily..deposits. :shock: Seems he's on a rampage lately.

Was anyone aware I'm completely geeked about being a grandma and Aleah about being an aunt? :sunflower: :bana: :sunflower: :love :sunflower: :bana: :sunflower: Yesterday was all about nature and the arts. First thing she does is grab my finger, pull me outside to say, "Good morning!!!" to all the flowers... it takes us awhile. It started raining really hard, so we had a music and dancing session inside. Fortunately the resident musician had her ukulele and guitar on hand! Tiny had her battery operated guitar, grandma was on percussion. Of course we all sing. While coloring Clementine kept trying to color her hand, looked at it then tried again. Aleah asked, "Clementine do you want to paint?" We got out the blue finger paint. She is so lucky I was a preschool teacher! Artists are born when finger painting can be a full body experience! Its amazing a half ounce of finger paint and a puff ball can last so long. Forty-five minutes later we spent a half hour trickling a stream of water through our fingers, washing the paint off in soapy water. We made peanut butter cookies, then got out the bubble wand. It was raining outside, so of course we did it in the living room. The exquisite look of pure joy and wonderment radiates from her little face,.. leaves quite an impression on an already squishy grandma heart! After reading books her and my son were getting ready to leave, except,.. grandpa got home. Sorry Daddy! Time for thirty more minutes of tickling, getting tossed on the bed and reading more books. :mrgreen:

Well! Better get the lead out. Taking a truck load of recycling in today. Motels are so wasteful, drives me crazy! "MMM," was just delivered an Aleah McBagel! Best daughter ever!!!

Love to all!
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Sounds just wonderful Kim,,,
In 3 wks I'll get to see my 5th newly born great nephew and one that's 5 and maybe the other 2 if their not out on the coast on Grama and Grampas sailboat.
it's kind of funny as Mom had girls, my sister had girls, but her three girls all had boys...fortunately the last ones husband has a 3 yr old daughter, so now I do have one great niece (on my side of the family) .
Lots of good ideas though if I do get to spend anytime with the young boys.

thx Kim,,lots of love,,pp :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

You all get grand babies and great nieces and nephews and I get bunnies an mice. :roll: ;) :mrgreen: sigh...It sounds like so much fun sharing your day with Clementine, KIm.... and PP I suspect you will thoroughly enjoy rockin and ooowing and ahhhiing over that precious newborn niece of yours. That's something to savor and remember for sure.

My hair (so far) still has it's curl if and when it is a bit short. But for years, like you, PP, it has been at least shoulder length and longer. Right now, though, I feel very frumpy. Seriously can't do a thing with it since it was cut ...geez, I just realized it has been four or five months already...LOL No wonder I can't do a thing with it. :roll: Well to be honest, I couldn't do much with it the week after it was cut either.( just not good with hair) I look at all the lovely women out here and wonder how they keep their hair nice and civilized in this sea coast wind. So I asked one a few weeks ago....and the spray!... a generous helping of it too. I guess I am not ready to shower my head with sticky chemicals so I will just put up with my wild hair a while longer.
But isn't it strange how how hair changes texture as well as color as we age? This is becoming ever more evident to me this year. You see, ther lighting in our bathroom is so dim I really can't see all the"gray". So I was blown away a few weeks ago in the brightly lit dressing room to see the change in me. I still sport much of my reddish brown colour but time is marching on and I am taking my place in the wise (wise crackin) ole lady section of life. Don't get me wrong...I'm not lamenting this change what am I doing? hmmm lol move over PP let's have a "pity party" :lol: Awe life is good. Right? :D

Kim I love how Clementine says good morning to the flowers. she's a natur sprite for sure. And if she isn't now she will be with her fun loving grandmother introducing her to the wonders of the natural world. And singing! I see you all sort of like that family in The Sound of Music.

Well I am off for now but wish each of you a day full of blessings! :sunny:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Oh Sandy,
I didn't mean to make you feel bad! Just want to share my happiness with my friends. If we were neighbors I'd invite you over for finger painting, flower greeting, singing and definitely bubbles!

The best toys for any age are water, bubble, balloons too ifs and boxes. Even better if you cut doors and windows in a box and they get to decorate it. Aleah made a box house for Clementine over Easter, I can't get rid of the thing because she plays with it every time she comes over! We even got rid of a couch to accommodate it. I was feeling a little claustrophobic.

Duty calls, start of a busy weekend. Hope you all have a great time!

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