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Re: World Views

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 10:37 pm
by Amigoo
Re: ... he-market/
"European Union Approves Introduction of Worms as Food on the Market"

:idea: "In the market" also works! And worms on anything except hooks
is certainly a new way of fishin' for protein seekers at the market! But ...
humans aren't the only protein consumers in some open air markets. ;)

:scratch: Best guess: Give them a two-jab test to see what happens.

Who can tell?! A bag of worms might substitute for other jabs!
Just advertise that they help limit what you're trying to avoid,
like premature consumption of faux foods ... since worms
are real food (relative to lab creations). :roll:

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Thu May 06, 2021 3:29 am
by Amigoo
Re: ... ible-idea/
"Michio Kaku Explains Why We Shouldn't Contact Alien Life"

"Once we find signs of alien life (well, if) we will have to grapple with a new question, presuming that they haven't made the first move: should we make contact? Renowned physicist Michio Kaku has made himself clear on the topic over the years, stating that he believes we will find alien life, and if we do we should be wary of making contact. In a new interview with The Guardian, he has gone further, calling it a 'terrible idea'."

:idea: Alien life is probably so distant that "contact" would be limited to observing what existed thousands of years ago! And if aliens had "made the first move", humans then living on Earth had no technology to prove (via distant observation) that they existed. ;)

:scratch: The greater question may be: "Will humans survive long enough
to make contact with an alien race, considering the state of the world today?" :roll:

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Thu May 06, 2021 11:28 am
by Amigoo
Re: ... avels.html
"Amtrak story about hitting 1.5 million miles unravels" :o

:idea: Actually, this is just a good example of why anecdotes
are not necessarily scientific evidence. Bon Appétit !
... but go elsewhere for facts (and science). :roll:

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Fri May 07, 2021 2:01 am
by Amigoo
Re: ... index.html

" 'It's a lot more labor intensive,' she said. Consider the carrot: 'I have to wash the carrot, I have to peel the carrot, I have to dice it, I have to roast it. There's just so many more steps that go into it.' Meat, on the other hand, is straightforward, she said. 'You put it in a pan and you put a delicious sauce on it. And there you go.' "

:scratch: There seems incentive to price a vegan meal higher, but not because of labor! The labor of preparing meat for market is hardly the same as carrots. The real cost is preparing a "designer" meal to justify a high price and to compete with the long-popular meat-focused meals.

Steam a package of baby carrots, drizzle on virgin olive oil, sprinkle on salt
... and there you go! Garnish with fresh parsley to raise the price. ;)

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Fri May 07, 2021 2:16 am
by Amigoo
Re: ... clamation/
"President cuts 'God' out of Day of Prayer proclamation"

:idea: Interesting (and typical) media spin to create news-selling controversy! :roll:

The Proclamation ends with "I have hereunto set my hand this fifth day of May,
in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-one"

Is not "Lord" much more faith-specifc than "God"? ;)

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 1:13 pm
by Amigoo
:study: Be informed without others knowing you asked ...

Re: ... 03192.html
"Liking a finger in your butt doesn’t change who you’re attracted to"

:scratch: More problematic may be ...
"Liking your finger in another person's butt"
or "Disliking someone's finger in your butt"
or "not always knowing where your head is"
or "The Covid swab now twisting therein"

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 1:22 pm
by Amigoo
Re: ... 986298001/
"After a stock transfer from Bill Gates, Melinda is a billionaire"

:scratch: Today's wild 'n whimsical conjecture ...
They're isolating some of the billions from Gates Pharmaceuticals
and its appproaching complaints and/or competition. :roll:

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 1:48 pm
by Amigoo
Re: ... comes-king
"Prince William hopes to ‘modernize’ the monarchy when he becomes king"

:scratch: Some terminology may have to change since "king" and "democracy" seem to conflict. :roll:

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 1:57 pm
by Amigoo
Re: ... vid-study/
"Bald men are twice as likely to suffer severe Covid" :o

"Scientists say men’s Covid vulnerability largely comes down to male sex hormones called androgens.
Men who are genetically more sensitive to androgens appear to be more likely to suffer severe Covid."

:scratch: Males have sex hormones called "androgens" and can be sensitive to these hormones?
Is this hinting about some mysterious linkage to the new types of sexual identity? :roll:

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 4:42 pm
by Amigoo
Re: ... hurch.html
" ‘You can’t swear in church!’ Outrage as Andrew Yang says ‘sh*t’ during campaign town hall in Brooklyn church"

:idea: What's fascinating about swear words is that substitutes ("stuff") and euphemisms ("stall carpeting")
are acceptable, yet still communicate the swear word! Apparently, God permits the substitutes ...
knowing the intent (attempt) to not swear in church. ;)

:scratch: Best guess: Your real swearing of these words outside of church deducts points (from whatever). :o
Not reported in this story is that Andrew had probably learned from the Bishop who once taught (privately):
"If you really want to get your congregation's attention, don't give them stall carpeting - give them asstroturf."

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Mon May 10, 2021 8:05 pm
by Amigoo
Re: ... yle-purge/
"Military Institute To De-Person Stonewall Jackson, Re-Attribute Quotes"

:idea: This rewriting of history to "correct" past racial injustice seems premature!
It will soon be possible to erase memories, whereupon any written material
will just be considered "creative writing", or "agenda", or whatever:

"How to forget unwanted memories"

"They found that a person can suppress a memory, or force it out of awareness, by using a part of the brain, known as the dorsolateral
prefrontal cortex, to inhibit activity in the hippocampus. The hippocampus plays a key role in remembering events." 8)

:idea: The unfortunate part of rewriting history is that lessons learned
are effectively erased (there's no "Before" for the "After"). ;)
We could write that Eve didn't eat the forbidden fruit! :shock:

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 12:51 pm
by Amigoo
Re: ... index.html
"Starbucks has a new Frappuccino for the summer"

"The new menu item taps into the trend of customers 'turning to nostalgic flavors inspired by past experiences' including fairs and amusement parks, the chain said in a statement. The Strawberry Funnel Cake Frappuccino blends strawberry puree and a whipped cream swirled with funnel cake flavors, which is then topped with powdered sugar funnel cake pieces."

:idea: This suggests older customers and their distant past ... before some of them became diabetic. :roll:

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 2:16 pm
by Amigoo
Re: ... 023378001/
"24/7 pizza 'vending machine' opens in Rome, Italy, creating a new way to enjoy pizza"

See also:

"A small pizza is sometimes called a pizzetta."
"A person who makes pizza is known as a pizzaiolo."
:idea: A machine that makes a pizza is known as a pizzonu
... to those who prefer traditional quality pizza. ;)

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 8:05 pm
by Amigoo
Re: ... study.html
"Forests the size of FRANCE have regrown around the world since 2000"

"Trillion Trees project, founded in 2016 to protect and restore forests worldwide,
found that nearly 145 million acres of forests have grown back globally in 21 years."

:idea: While plant-based diets can help reduce climate change, there are other ways
to compensate for the cow patty (meat patty - not field patty, which helps trees grow). ;)

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 8:32 pm
by Amigoo
Re: ... -popsicles
"Noah ordered 51 cases (918) of SpongeBob SquarePants popsicles
from his mom’s Amazon account, which cost her $2,618.85."

:bana: Makes a good "Pop" Quiz:
- How many SpongeBobs in a case :?:
- How much did each SpongeBob cost :?:
(for extra credit, do math in your head)

:roll For double extra credit:
- How many of these popsicles (not in a case)
can be stored in your mom's freezer :?:

:!: "Brain freeze" is not an acceptable excuse
for poor math (and creates a variable). ;)

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 4:10 am
by Amigoo
:hithere Fast foodies probably know all about these hen-to-rooster ratios:

Re: ... index.html
"chicken volumes have been low in part because the roosters it uses for breeding are not meeting expectations."

See also: ... r-rooster/
"The generally accepted ratio is 10 hens for every 1 rooster. 8)

"Breeds that are lightweight and active (such as Leghorns and Fayoumis) can have a higher hen to rooster ratio (12:1).
... these roosters are more active and will be able to service more hens because of their higher energy." ;)

"Certain breeds that are more mellow such as Silkies or Orpingtons should have a lower ratio (6:1).
This gives the rooster a better opportunity to cover the hens in his flock adequately." :roll

:arrow: Naturally, this inspired late-night research about the bull ratio:

Re: ... ng-season/
"One rule of thumb is that a bull can service about as many cows as his age in months." :o

Rod (retired after meeting yearly expectations! ... which were decreasing) :roll:

Re: World Views

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 9:27 pm
by Amigoo
Re: ... inary.html
"Dawson's Creek vet Busy Philipps reveals her child Birdie, 12, is 'femme-presenting nonbinary' "

:idea: This suggests the three Ps of sexual identity: -presenting, -preferring, -predicting. 8)
e.g., "Female-presenting, Male-preferring, Asexual-predicting" (Asexual when older)

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 9:45 pm
by Amigoo
Re: ... 16315.html
"Goldman Sachs director reportedly quits after striking it rich in Dogecoin" :o

:idea: Since bitcoin is just unique digital numbers with arbitrary value,
many "investors" probably contributed (lost their investment)
for this director to "strike it rich". He should thank them! :roll:

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 11:14 pm
by Amigoo
Re: ... index.html
"When people get desperate they stop thinking clearly."

"Images have surfaced on social media recently of drivers using nontraditional containers to store gasoline."

:roll: Then there are those who are not desperate who do not think clearly! But the real message
is that early preparation is always advised for expected shortages of anything! Of course,
one man's "preparation" (if he boasts about it) could be another man's "hoarding". ;)

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Thu May 13, 2021 9:09 am
by Amigoo
Re: ... oblem.html
"Chicago releases 1,000 FERAL CATS onto its streets to deal with surging rodent problem"

:idea: The surging feral cat problem is tomorrow's headache,
perhaps solved with alligators (or pythons) ... at which time
"Chicago In My Rear View Mirror" becomes a popular tune. :roll:

Or a vaccine might solve the feral cat problem :!:
(re: controlled fertility) ;)

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Thu May 13, 2021 7:33 pm
by Amigoo
Re: ... giant-flop
"China's Digital Yuan Is Turning Into A Giant Flop"

"There is just one problem: nobody can figure out why they need to use a digital currency which allows authorities
to snoop on their every activity, when existing alternatives offer everything the digital yuan can do." :o

:idea: A snooping feature that is probably inherent in all bitcoin technology,
despite any claims that this does not and cannot happen. After all,
governments cannot permit such secrecy ... which brings to mind:
"Locks are for honest people - others always find ways to enter". :roll:

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Fri May 14, 2021 4:31 am
by Amigoo
Re: ... 234952715/
"actress is selling a video about something that's definitely non-fungible"

"An NFT is a digital asset that represents art, music, videos and other real-world items. They’re typically bought and sold with cryptocurrency. Each is considered one-of-a-kind even if it can be copied ... The appeal is that the owner holds what might be considered a definitive digital 'official' version of an item that can then increase in value."

:idea: Well, everybody expects their digital assets to increase in value
... at least until the market provides realistic feedback. However,
an NFT might keep increasing, depending on its popularity. :roll:

:scratch: Best guess: NFT Appraiser will be a stimulating career.

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Fri May 14, 2021 11:55 am
by Amigoo
Re: ... index.html
"Prince Harry says growing up as a royal was like being in a zoo"

:idea: Historically, royalty (in any country, as viewed by outsiders) is indeed a zoo.
Royalty wants to be isolated from the populace, admired, even "worshipped".

Interestingly, extreme "upper class" lifestyle is similar to "royalty",
relative to the lifestyle of lower classes. Easy identification:
gated communities, private schools, designer luggage. ;)

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Fri May 14, 2021 5:03 pm
by Amigoo
Re: ... 1620991557
"Rather than ‘Will cryptos drop to zero?’, investors should be asking this question"

"instead of wondering whether cryptocurrencies like bitcoin could tumble to zero,
investors should ask 'What comes next?' The answer? Artificial intelligence! "

:scratch: What's missing from this comparison is that AI is a real thing ... digital intelligence programs with real linkage
to mechanical and electronic devices. Cryptocurrency is just unique digital numbers with "pyramid popularity" value;
essentially (by current usage) a "no thing" just waiting to be traded. :roll:

Rod :)

Re: World Views

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 3:38 pm
by Amigoo
Re: ... 1620937095
"IRS Is Coming for Crypto Investors Who Haven’t Paid Their Taxes"

:idea: Not to worry ... if your cryptocurrency is "anonymous" as oft touted.
And even when somewhat anonymous, transactions that convert it
to traditional money and consumer goods are not so anonymous!

:scratch: Using a credit card and/or other online communication? :roll:

Rod :)