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Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:52 am
by jemcdlv
I've been seeing 55 a LOT, 333, 444, 555. I see these now much more than I see 11:11. Ever since I found out what the 11:11 means, I've been seeing it much less. Now I just see these other numbers all the time, 222 also.

Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:38 pm
by Jaroslav
happyrain wrote:still getting the :03's- this morning i had a dream- i forget what it was all about... i remember asking something like how many? he answered 7- then the number 7 repeated itself and i heard a very loud, "Eric" which woke me up- i rolled over to look at the alarm clock- it was 7:27am i went back to sleep and woke up at 9:39 heh
I am differing bettween the false and true prompt. With an expectation of incoming one is possible to see own mind genereted synchronicity, typically when I am thinking on it . I can saw the inaccuracy +-few minutes.

When I am doing my job or concentreted to something else and this prompt coming unexpectedly, this is true prompt. No matter, if the clock shows the correct local time. And I have different feelings about it, inside me is coming something as "tick" saying me "Hello, greeting you." :)

Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 2:50 am
by jemcdlv
Hi Jaroslav! I agree with you about the prompts. The unexpected ones always felt like someone "tapped me on the shoulder" and made me look, no matter what I was doing. That's what made me realize there was something very unusual going on, especially when it happened every day and, lately, several times a day. It's one thing if you look for it but a totally different thing when it 'looks' for you! By the way, my grandparents on my mother's side came from Bratislava and Slanitza (I think I spelled that right)! :hithere

Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:25 pm
by Jaroslav
Hi, jemcdlv, your writing style sounds me nice. My brother-in-law sometime jokely says, that all people ("all" means Czech and Slovak ) know each other at least over three persons. I visited Bratislava shortly for few times, it were the pretty times. :hithere

Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 12:04 am
by jemcdlv
Hi Jaroslav! Your brother is probably right! My grandmother's name was Katarina Drobniak and my grandfather was Vincent Noczsko which he changed to Nosko after coming to the US. I love the way you write also! You're definitely one of the Lightkeepers like I am, getting the time prompts unexpectly. Who knows, we may even be related!! I've always wanted to visit there. My sister and her husband were there a couple of years ago in Prague and Bratislava. I'm so glad you found this site! Take care, my friend!

Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:43 am
by dtw331
does anybody know the significance of 81, 18 (or variants) or 1090, 119, 911? just I have been seeing these more lately but not quite enough to realize if it is significant or not.

Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:08 am
by dtw331
jemcdlv wrote:I've been seeing 55 a LOT, 333, 444, 555. I see these now much more than I see 11:11. Ever since I found out what the 11:11 means, I've been seeing it much less. Now I just see these other numbers all the time, 222 also.
i actually rarely see 11:11... I see combinations of 1's and 2's, 3's, 4's, etc. been seeing 117 frequently too.

anybody else here Dutch?

Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 2:44 pm
by kernal312
I need someones help. Last night was the first time I've ever heard of this 11:11 stuff. For the last 2-4 years I've seen the number 1111 along with 911 multiple times weekly and often multiple times daily. My family started thinking I was a little whacked when talking to them about it. I started to get a little freaked out when I found some things on the web about the book of Urantia, and how much it is identical to my way of thinking. The crazy part is that I'm not religious and only believe in Karma. After that, a little more web research starting turning stuff up about the numbers 312 and 222 associated with all of this. Being born 3-12 at 2:22 AM I really got weirded out. Like I said before, I'm not religious, so I dont need any "holy roller" comments, but would like to know if anyone has any intelligent thoughts on what these numbers mean.

Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 10:12 pm
by Geoff
Dear Kernal.

Welcome to our site. These numbers get to anyone, no matter whether they have some beliefs, nothing, or even if they are atheistic. Frankly angelic beings smile on us no matter how silly we are.

The place to start is in the first forum - FAQS.


Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:25 pm
by happyrain
i'm not sure i understand what you mean by holy roller comments... personal insight is jut that- be it from the heart- need you label it anything more?
...beliefs- much like us, are always changing. some- we cling to with fervor while others are tossed aside or shaped forming new understanding.
it's best to keep ourselves open with one another regarding the 11:11 phenomena or be cast off- labeled... "whacked" ...not that it really matters- but for the sake of growth amongst the community- wouldn't you want an open ear? an approachable heart or lending hand...?

welcome. this forum is just the place! here- we can share our experience and grow as a collective.
to answer your question... i don't know for sure what the numbers mean because i believe there is more than just one meaning.
i believe it's a calling. do you feel there is more to life than what you're experiencing now? there is more... you are more and to me, these numbers help bring about a deeper sense of spirituality within the individual so as to accelerate progress... increase compassion... understanding... revealing, finally- who or what we truly are.

i also believe with many things the FAQs list- such as- "you are fair in your handling..." "you are receptive..."(i also heard 11:11 has something to do with our DNA) if we truly want help- well... "you get what you ask for." you can be spiritual without associating yourself to any one religion. it's about heart. there are teachers, behind the scenes- guiding us... but- this isn't about waking up for them- it's about waking up for you- to awaken the teacher within yourself! you have your best interest at heart and i think these numbers are also saying- live life the way you see fit.

there's so much! (meditate. be aware of your thoughts... do you like dreams? get into it! :D)
i could tell you, when i see 11:11- it means "hey you. go play outside and be in the sun" the only way you'll ever know is to truly start looking within yourself... pray- maybe you don't believe in prayer- but ask yourself- "what is prayer really anyways?"--- "why do people pray?"
your happiness is of the utmost importance and i wish you the best in your journey. may you find what it is you are looking for and may it bring peace and comfort.

i think it's cool that you were born at 2:22 and think there is much waiting for you


Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 12:17 am
by Macker
Hiya kernal , yeah as Geoff said ... you dont have to be religious for this to happen to you , i dont believe anything till i see it happen with my own eyes .
These 11:11 prompts have a deep meaning ... what the answer is only time will tell , well thats what i'm thinking .
But the thing is ... when people see the 11:11 prompt , they search for the meaning of it ... it always leads them to this site were most of the answers are in the FAQ ( as stated above ) but not every answer you want to know is in there for you .
i've only been on these forums a couple of months and i've found them really helpfull , so i hope you stay around and find the answers you need :mrgreen:

Take care Dave .

Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 9:38 am
by jfarris
kernal312 wrote:I need someones help. Last night was the first time I've ever heard of this 11:11 stuff. For the last 2-4 years I've seen the number 1111 along with 911 multiple times weekly and often multiple times daily. My family started thinking I was a little whacked when talking to them about it. I started to get a little freaked out when I found some things on the web about the book of Urantia, and how much it is identical to my way of thinking. The crazy part is that I'm not religious and only believe in Karma. After that, a little more web research starting turning stuff up about the numbers 312 and 222 associated with all of this. Being born 3-12 at 2:22 AM I really got weirded out. Like I said before, I'm not religious, so I dont need any "holy roller" comments, but would like to know if anyone has any intelligent thoughts on what these numbers mean.


No intelligence here. :P :|

Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 10:14 pm
by Judy
Hey kernal312 ,

The FAQ's here pretty much answer it all but there is nothing wrong in looking beyond that and finding other applications to our number prompts. I love the fact that 1,111 loyal midwayers were given the job of getting our attention via the prompts. It thrills me and thrills me even more when I see a new person finally paying attention to them enough to actually investigate the phenomenon.

As to the "Holy roller" stuff, well, it bothers me when anyone says anything negative on someone else's current belief system, no matter what that system might be. Beliefs change as understanding grows. There are some here on the board that would have once been labeled with that term. They understand now that it was all a stepping stone to greater understandings. Personal spiritual growth takes a different course with each individual. It is the choice to keep seeking that counts.

Many people use various number systems for these prompts, and since the Angels and Midwayers are so brilliant they seem to go along with the game. Anything to get and keep our attention. Numbers, mathematics, are the Angels thing anyway. I am sure that they have fun too with whatever process or method we apply to these prompts. I know my Angels do anyway and the midwayers as well.

Don't know if this is in anyway helpful. I am glad you found us. We are a fun, varied, and interesting group I think.

Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 2:28 am
by Halo Radio
:bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana:

Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 12:28 am
by Geoff
Dear Halo radio,


I was frankly not sure of what this was about. I must be a bit stupid?


Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 2:49 am
by happyrain
halo radio

hello you

lol :mrgreen:

Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 9:10 pm
by Halo Radio
Hello, it pops up everywhere. May know what it is. The number sequence is 11-22-33, but read
it from below and up. and look at it as symbolism refering to something. Same things as messages
from songs and videos, words or pictures landing on someone at the right time,
if you know what I mean.

Rising signs, who placed that song on youtube with that logo and lasting 11:11 seconds.
Listen to the words in the song. There are no accidents. The answer is Monad, the Monad
is doing it, persephone. :)

Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 9:25 pm
by Halo Radio
Just adding another snapshot.

Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:10 pm
by NikkiDOll0812
I saw 11:11 in the morning and nighttime yesterday? What was trying to be said to me?

Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 11:48 pm
by Geoff

was probably the message.

Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 6:06 pm
by Vlad
Hi friends
At first I would like introduce myself, because my mom taught me that being polite is very important :) My name is Vlad and im from the czech republic, central europe. Just before than I start tell I should appologize for my english which isnt well, but I hope that I advance my abilities. Me just like you I see everywhere and everyday numbers 33 22. It begins when I wake up for example at 7:22 or 11:33 often I can see at numberplates or I can hear these numbers in TV or in radio. Or when I open magazine, book newspapers. In short talk these numbers follows me. But that isnt all. Once upon time I saw Germanic runes in the sky. Really I promise. I saw rune Sowulo (sun) which is the most positive rune and Hagalaz it means storm. Hagalaz predict „storm“ which will come suddenly it is out of human control. Both of the runes I saw for a several times . but The prophecy meanwhile didnt realize. I dont know why i see these things. What I know sure, is that something will happen. But I dont know what and how get ready for that. Please help me. If someone already wrote about it so Im sorry but it would take a long time when I should translate all forum. Im sorry. Thank you. Yours sincerely Vlad

Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:50 am
by Geoff
Hi Vlad,

Welcome. I have removed your email address. Folks can private message you if they want to contact you. Posting emails on these sort of public boards just gets you spam.


Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:11 am
by Sandy
Hello Vlad,

Welcome to the forums and it is nice to meet you. :hithere

I wish I could answer your question and help you get ready for what is ahead but I'm afraid I do not know. The future is still an unwritten book for all of us. I think the best way to prepare for the future, though, is to make the present time as happy and beneficial as possible. How do we do that? Well, many of us ask that same question and the answers will be varied, but in my opinion, a good way to begin is to simply learn to know yourself and understand why you think and act in a particular way. In time this helps develop appreciation even love for yourself. I know this sounds strangely simple but it is amazing the number of people who truly do not find anything to like about themselves (myself included at times) Learn what makes you who you are, enjoying your fabulous qualities and allowing the good within to color what you see in the world around you. This appreciation will grow as you observe the beauty within those you meet. In doing this simple thing you open the door for wonderous God derived "qualities" to manifest in your life.

I must say too that some form of meditation helps this process as meditation in itself is an opening yourself to the flow of the Universe, the Great Source of all, God.
As humans we tend to complicate every issue and often try to fit every experience into little boxes of understanding. But if we can refrain from this and allow the flow of God to move our lives, to teach us, to direct us then we will be amazed at the many wonderous directions and possibilities that open up for us. Our paths as people who see the number 1111 and as children of God know no limits except those we put on ourselves.

It begins gently and simply with the numbers you are seeing as they are a hello, a beckoning from our angelic celestial siblings encouraging you to find your spiritual feet. As you do, the world will be better for it and the future no longer something to fear but rather something to embrace as each day arrives.

God bless you,

Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 4:16 pm
by Vlad
Sandy wrote:Hello Vlad,

Welcome to the forums and it is nice to meet you. :hithere

I wish I could answer your question and help you get ready for what is ahead but I'm afraid I do not know. The future is still an unwritten book for all of us. I think the best way to prepare for the future, though, is to make the present time as happy and beneficial as possible. How do we do that? Well, many of us ask that same question and the answers will be varied, but in my opinion, a good way to begin is to simply learn to know yourself and understand why you think and act in a particular way. In time this helps develop appreciation even love for yourself. I know this sounds strangely simple but it is amazing the number of people who truly do not find anything to like about themselves (myself included at times) Learn what makes you who you are, enjoying your fabulous qualities and allowing the good within to color what you see in the world around you. This appreciation will grow as you observe the beauty within those you meet. In doing this simple thing you open the door for wonderous God derived "qualities" to manifest in your life.

I must say too that some form of meditation helps this process as meditation in itself is an opening yourself to the flow of the Universe, the Great Source of all, God.
As humans we tend to complicate every issue and often try to fit every experience into little boxes of understanding. But if we can refrain from this and allow the flow of God to move our lives, to teach us, to direct us then we will be amazed at the many wonderous directions and possibilities that open up for us. Our paths as people who see the number 1111 and as children of God know no limits except those we put on ourselves.

It begins gently and simply with the numbers you are seeing as they are a hello, a beckoning from our angelic celestial siblings encouraging you to find your spiritual feet. As you do, the world will be better for it and the future no longer something to fear but rather something to embrace as each day arrives.

God bless you,
Good day Sandy !
Im very thankful to you for your help and kind words. I thought about what you said and maybe you were right when you talked about enjoying my qualities. My friend had told me it already. I have try know myself. Even I study my dreams which are very strange lately. But sometimes I am confused of these numbers, runes and dreams. I feel as if someone would say to me something. For example that runes. When the rune will appear again in the sky I take a photo and send to you. It is just paranormal ! And sometimes I feel that everything around me miss the point. Maybe just I think about it so much and Im overload of it. I dont know. And how can I let the God move to my life ? Meditation ?

Re: 11:11 - more questions about number sequences

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 4:21 pm
by Vlad
Geoff wrote:Hi Vlad,

Welcome. I have removed your email address. Folks can private message you if they want to contact you. Posting emails on these sort of public boards just gets you spam.

Good day,

I understand and thank you. Have a nice day :-)
