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Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:02 pm
by gypsie

Thank God I gave up alcohol i would be with you :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 4:02 pm
by mnspirit

You go girl :shock: I am so modest it is sickening :oops:

Alcohol certainly would put me with you too.....

Happy Day to all.


Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:23 pm
by Morning Light
You are hilarious! With my luck I would drive right through a swarm of bees'er somethin.... it's amazing how painful a bug splat can be on your face, let alone your boob-a-lahs :shock: LOL!

Oh we are going to have such a blast in Sedona! :geek:

Get those piggy banks :pig: out and write a big "Sedona Bound" on'em.

We'll have to get the bank fund going quick smart! Any advice in this regard will be greatly appreciated! :thumright:

Hugs All Around!

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 6:48 am
by Deborini
Hi Mo,

Yes, we shipped the bikes (Harley's) to Phoenix and flew out. :bike: Then the next day 9 bikes along with a huge Winnabago rode to Strugis. I rode probably 1,000 miles in 3 days. When we were tired of riding we hooked the bikes onto the trailer behind the Winnabago.

I was "standing on the corner of Winslow Arizona"...went to Strawberry and Pine Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Nebraska, Montana, Wyoming and South Dakota. It was breathtaking. I found a spot in Montana where we had cell phone signals and called my mom and dad and said the only way I could ever explain it was "oh beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain".

I saw buffalo's and bison's and fields of sunflowers and drank ice cold water out of a stream. I loved it! Not bad for a NYC girl who migrated to Florida.

Ok, the important stuff, yes we can get a bank account through a nation wide bank such as Bank of America, Regions or Wachovia. We can check with the US's largest bank to make sure they are in all areas. I'd suggest you be the "adminsitrator" of the US account. Our US 1111 family could easily make deposits into the bank in their hometown. If the bank of your choosing was not easily accessible then a check or money order could be sent to the bank in your hometown for deposit only into the account.

Tax consequences? Perhaps a small amount annually based upon a very small amount of interest earned. I'm sure none of us would have a problem if you withdrew a tax liability that you may encounter from the main account. That is something to discuss with the bank manager.

Petra you are a crazy girl you crack me up! Oh we used to ride "top free" in the wind through the mountains but now I've had to stop that...the angels are watching!!! :shock:

Time to go to sleep.
Love ya,

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 1:31 pm
by gypsie

You crack me up :lol: but girl you have a way with words :happy I could almost see those fields and ranges from Australia.

It has to be AZ (see I'm learning :lol: ) I have been surfing the net and much to everyones happiness I have saved you all from the URL's :lol: the land there is God given.

I can manage a small monthly donation and I thought i would start my own bank account so my family could come as well :bana: :bana: the twins would go off with their father while I meet everyone (you get to meet them as well :shock: but they won't be staying with 11:11's) .

I couldn't imagine George, Sandy and Geoff not being there and Geoff's partner of course.

Much love Gypsie

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 9:35 pm
by Deborini
Yes, Gypsie we have plenty of time to save some money. And with all of us contributing what we can when we can I'm sure that with our angels blessings we will have enough for George, Sandy and Geoff.

I am so excited about the birth of your grandbaby! Am I reading it correctly, the baby will be born on 11-1 @11:11am or pm? That is so exciting!

You take care.

Mo, talk to me. Did you identify a bank yet? I will look up some banks tomorrow and post the results.

Love to all.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 7:09 am
by memawlaura
:D Hi Debbie,

Whose grandbaby is being born on the date above?

I know that Bank of America is definitely not everywhere. The midwest seem to like the one branch banks, :lol: It really doesn't matter because like you said once an account is set up all we would need would be an address and acct# to forward funds. I imagine that it could be sent electronically from one acct to another.

George, do you have a non-profit status in Australia? Might be able to use that status for the acct and no taxes :wink:

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 7:54 am
by Deborini
Hi Memaw,

Gypsie's daughter is due to have a baby and from what Gypsie wrote it looks like the baby will be born on 11-1 @11:11...that is just too cool. I will check a few national banks and post the results soon.


Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 11:20 am
by gypsie
Well I think I better put everyone straight about my families desire to have this Angel arrive on the 11/11 at 11:11 am or pm. Who's controlling? :roll:

Because Yasmin is having a planned c-section due to being so tiny, things can be planned, so as I said along the way I was ammused when she asked if the baby could be delivered on that date but almost fell through the phone when Yasmin actually asked if it could be 11:11am or pm :afro: her reason given was "Mum is a bit of a hippy" great.

They then said it would be a cusp 22nd Librain oh a cusp whilst gathering the star sign books , the Doctor said he'd push for a scorpio, because he was one ......

Final details are October 25th and he will look at 11:11am it all started as a joke but now I wonder if forces greater are possibly around, or it could just just be a controlling overprotective Nanny :sword: thats my granbaby..ya all hereie

Hope it is all clearer soon I am getting confused myself and I started it all.

I have deleted my aviator :roll: accidently

I have a new picture to upload but now we have a iMac and am totally lost, can anyone help I have the picture ready but it won't work :( :oops: :lol:

Speak soon as I get fatter by the day not smoking anymore I accept my new roundness :roll: yer yer


Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 6:01 pm
by memawlaura
:D Well Gypsie, I figured it was you from another post is this your first grandbaby? I'm so excited for you all, it will be a glorious day and especially if at 11:11.

:( Sorry, I just dont know anything about Imac's and barely about the one I'm on :lol:

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 9:25 pm
by nasra1996
Hi Debs.... i don't know anything about Imac either, but i just registered with this website today that allows you to upload photies onto forums and emails: if you click on " tools" on the yellow bar, you will see "imageshack mac uploader" for people with mac computers... there is also "photo bucket" too, but never used that one... i cant seem to get this one working either on my new computer, i want to post some photies too...

Love Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 10:38 am
by Petra Wilson
Deborini wrote:
Oh we used to ride "top free" in the wind through the mountains but now I've had to stop that...the angels are watching!!!
Hahaha! But I bet They would have a right laff these days what with the laws of gravity an' all that!! :lol:
I could easily post a photie of afore-mentioned encounter but that wouldn't be right now would it? :lol: (Actually, I used to go topless skiing occasionally but not in the hooty-tooty resorts, this was back in my teens in the Harz, hehehe 8) )

Gypsie, hurry up and upload your mug, I do miss it so!!

Love to y'all, Petra XXX

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 4:25 am
by memawlaura
:D Mo,

I pm George to get a little information on the business, since no one came forward I figured I could do a little research. I was on the wrong thread (The secret) and PP was asking what was going on. I told her that I would get the information and contact some financial insitutions and also I suggested that paypal be the catalyst for donations and low and behold you have to watch this link: ... dance.html
I know all the bird lovers will enjoy it, but up in the right hand corner was paypal donations? :idea:

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 12:59 pm
by gypsie
Ok Pet got the mug shot up (what a drama that was I have to take out the garbadge for a week and you can't even see me in the photo!)

The crystal decided the photo was for it :roll: so you have a hazy mug shot of a mad pikie in the bacground, who cares :lol: it's all fun.

Baby arriving next Thursday can't wait to hold her or him as we never really know.
Love Gypsie

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 6:05 pm
by Morning Light
Hello All!

You are quite a woman :wink: I don't think the angels expect us to be uptight prudes either though :wink: All things in balance I say :lol:

Sorry I haven't gotten back with you sooner, I've been in San Francisco and busy with this play etc. The banking process is up in the air... not sure how to proceed and I've asked George for some input.

Heya memaw!
Hopefully everyone is aware that you can send in donations on this site that will go directly to George, Sandy and Geoff. I'm not sure how they want to handle that part so I am waiting to hear if they want a separate fund etc.

Glad to see that you got your photie up. Looks very festive and halloweenie! How's the little bun in the oven coming along?

Lots of Love to All!

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:31 pm
by peacockplume
Thanks Mo,

Here I am,,,,good thing there's only two pages to get caught up on...
Sedona has been suggested on 11/11/2012. However, at that time of year, weather can be a factor
I kind of agree about the weather and an idea just popped into my head if (Nov) is too cool,

How about 1 11 , or 2 11which would be April or May 11, 2012,,,,I've just read some comments about the desert being truly beautiful in the spring, and it would certainly be warmer, and less weather hassels for travelling

good deal for the Aussies, they'd be going into fall, and could repeat the 'spring' experience.....

Urantia groups established in Sedona
do you think you could check this out a bit more?????

Should we each try a few pm's in addition to your post?
since we're trying to get a msg out to 'everyone',,,do you think Geoff, or George, would have a way of posting a general msg to everyone,,,,at least to notify them that somethings starting to happen, and please check out the board for into????

great place of energy, ley lines and all.
great info like this is what helps people decide one place over another,
so we'll all be contacting you (hee hee hee) to give us the goods on ley lines, vortexes,,,,and portals, re the sedona area....

and back to MO,,,
George has suggested Arizona, so for now that will be the focus...
if George suggests Arizona, perhaps, we should just 'make it so',(to coin a phrase)...
politics surrounding TM, G&G and Urantia
sorry I'm not up on what the letters stand for, TM G&G,,,,,,,as long as there'd be no intereference for our group...

start a George and Sandy travel fund, or make donations for thiers flights here
I had these thoughts too, and was just figuring out that if I sent a measley $10.00 a month,,,,for 4 years, that would be a donation of $480 and if we multiply this by the number of people that could afford $10 a month, we'd have a good donation fund for the Aussies......I hadn't checked it out yet,,,,but Allan said it would cost an arm and a leg to fly to AU rtn,,,,,and I do believe there's alot less people in AU/NZ to come this way,,,,,,than a few hundred of us going there....

(heck,,,$10 a month for 4 years will pay for my trip to Arizona)

and if we 'overdo' it on the fund raising, there's tons of things George could apply the extra too,,,,,,like helping to pay for our space, or food in Arizona,,,,,,,beyond that I wouldn't mind seeing any left overs going into the 11 11 book fund, for publishing to get out celestial information out there.....

(just an idea folks.....)
change the month to May, June or Sept, Oct
I'd almost say, forget June, July,,and even Aug,,could be marginal, I went to my nieces wedding in June in Nevada,,,,,,and the day started out with 95 F,,and that was before 6:30 a.m. by mid afternoon we were hitting 112 F,,,,,,although, I loved it, it might be a tad hot for some,,,,,but spring, fall, I think are out best times,,,we'll have to do some reasearch on the Arizona weather patterns.....I'll run another poll on that later, ha ha ha....

Mo I'm being so paranoid on losing what I'm typing, I'm copy/pasting it to my word program.....


Now that was nice suggesting Canada,,,,,,my only vote for here (since I live here in Cda) would be in the area of the Rocky mtns, somewhere around Lake Louise........not even Banff - it's too commercial,,,,,but there's some incredible places around Lake Louise that have huge outdoor places where a large group could gather......It's also a vortex place, and I have more info on that.....

(but I think we'll be going south....)

the fall has the monsoon weather
good input Laura, thanks,,,,,,, I'm tending to more of a 'spring' event now,,,,,just thinking of the desert bloomin,,,,blows me away,,,,,I've only seen pictures, but it seems to be a most miraculous event....

how do we paste the stuff from 'The Secret' thread to this one?
this is really easy gypsy,,,,, whatever thread you're on,,,,just highlight whatever you want moved and 'copy'
then move to where you want it to go, get into the thread and start a reply, and 'paste'
you don't need the quotes or anything, it's just a simple copy/paste, but you have to have your new window open and just go back and forth...

we'll be lookin for ya....

just saw all those links,,,,,a few popped off the page for me, just by their names, but I haven't had any research time yet.....I copied the list though so I can check it out....

Pet,,,,,,I can see you parachuting down now.....delete the bus rides etc...
we'll be there to make sure you have a soft landing....hee hee hee
I just love your sense of adventure and outrageousness,,,,,which is just you.....

WOW!!! I just made it to page 2.....

but truly, guys, I think we forgot it wasn't the 'secret' thread,,,,,

so I didn't pick up much info re the reunion,,,,,well none actually,,,,,

except the info about the banks etc.....and I think we should really get George in on this one,,,,,

unless we can just make a donation straight to the 11 11 group, and I do believe somewhere, someone mentioned, that we could make donations right to it....

I don't really like the bank idea,,,,,I just got chills, and willy nilly feelings about it.....I'd rather it go directly to George's 11 11 donation fund....

just my personal opinion mind.....

so, AH HA!!!!! just found it,,,,,last post from Mo...
Hopefully everyone is aware that you can send in donations on this site that will go directly to George, Sandy and Geoff. I'm not sure how they want to handle that part so I am waiting to hear if they want a separate fund etc.
and I have a really strong, GOOD, feeling about doing it this way....

mind you, only my personal opinion.....

well,,,,,love to all I just got a reply in from the poll.....
this should be interesting....

next we'll have to collect actual names,,,,,wonder how that will work out??


Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 10:09 pm
by Morning Light
Hello Peacock!
I agree, spring or fall in Sedona would be beautiful. I've been there at both times and it is marvelous in October or May... I've also stayed there in August and it is still blasted hot at that time of year.

I'd really rather not do the bank thing, not that I could not be trusted, just that I'd rather not have the responsability of it all. :wink: The reason I was thinking of a bank account, is the interest it could accrue over the years.... especially in OZ.... it was not a well rounded idea at the time. I just did not want George and Sandy to worry about money.... things are tight enough for them as it is and, speaking on thier behalf, donations of every size/amt are ALWAYS welcome on this site and it goes directly to them. But, the point is, they could invest the money in a bank to accrue interest.... hopefully they will have lots to do that with!

I think the monthly donations is the best way to go, absolutely, unless George gets on and tells us otherwise.

Of course Australia is beautiful and I am not adverse to exploring that idea either. It's what works best for ALL, someone suggested some satelite meet up's in different countries on the same dates.... that's a possibility too... p'raps. I would never exclude anyone who truly wants to be a part of this family re-union. I was thinking a reunion is not quite the word.... but who knows.. we might have been in a different existence before this one... another mansion world... thought adjusters who know each other well.... another time/space/dimension...the possibilities are endless!

Hugs and Sweet Sunshine to All!

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 11:21 pm
by peacockplume
Hi Mo,

well just for a look see,,,,I went to Expedia, and got this,

from C$2112 Return avg/person (from C$4225 total)

2:40 pm Depart Sydney (SYD)
Arrive Phoenix (PHX) 8:22 pm Thu 8 May
Duration: 22hr 42mn United 870 / 1506
Connect in San Francisco (SFO)

and those are Cdn dollars, which aren't much different from yours, it came up that way, cuz I'm inquiring from Canada...

so that's not bad,,,,$2112 (just look at those numbers) per person

looks good hey! just wanted to get an idea of what the $$$ might be...

yes I think the donation to the site is the best go, and they can take care of the bank thing....all we'd have to do is specify that the $$$ is for the trip.

sounds good to me...


Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 11:46 pm
by peacockplume
I'm just perusing around the Sedona sites,,,,if you type in spiritual Sedona, you get more of this type of stuff....

just thought it was some info....

The Allure of Sedona’s Vortex Sites

Many people visit Sedona to explore its metaphysical dimensions, especially its vortexes.
Page Bryant coined the name “vortex” in 1980 for areas in Sedona that have highly concentrated energies conducive to prayer, meditation and healing.

Although the idea of a vortex in Sedona is relatively new, Sedona has been known as a sacred place long before that time. For hundreds of years, Native Americans have performed ceremony in Sedona, and some tribes continue to this day. “Sedona as a whole is a vortex, with the energy spread throughout it like a bowl,” says adventure guide and author Dennis Andres in his book What Is a Vortex.

Nonetheless, the term “vortex” has taken hold because it helps to explain people’s experiences of well being at the sites that Bryant identified. Some scientists, such as Pete Sanders, Jr., believe that scientific string theory can help explain what happens at vortexes in dimensions beyond ordinary perception. In his book Scientific Vortex Information he says, “Even though we cannot measure those dimensions yet, you can still experience them because you exist in them. …and so do the vortex sites. What is happening at the vortex sites is energy flow in those deeper dimensions. You have the inner ability to measure, feel, find and tap that energy.”

What is the definition of “vortex”?

The term vortex refers to its less common definition: “A place or situation regarded as drawing into its center all that surrounds it.” In other words, a vortex is a site where the energy of an area is concentrated. Because Sedona as a whole is known to be a spiritual power spot, a vortex site in Sedona is a place where one can feel Sedona’s spiritual energy most strongly. Page Bryant, a medium, came up with the term while investigating sacred locations in the area.

What are the commonly identified vortexes in Sedona?

The commonly identified vortex areas are

Airport Mesa. Closest to the Uptown area of Sedona, it offers panoramic views.
Bell Rock. Adjoining the Village of Oak Creek, it has an easily identifiable bell- shape formation.
Boynton Canyon. Still a site for annual Native American ceremonies, this vortex is off Dry Creek Road in West Sedona and offers the longest hike of the four main vortex sites—up to three hours round trip.
Cathedral Rock. Located on Lower Red Rock Loop Road, it is the most photographed site in Sedona. The cathedral-like structure rises above Oak Creek.

“We consider these four areas just a fraction of the energy sources and sites that you can tap in Sedona,” says Sanders. Other special places to connect with the sacred energy of Sedona include The Chapel of the Holy Cross, Schnebly Hill, West Fork and the Amitabha Stupa.

Are all vortexes the same?

Opinions differ. Some people say that all vortexes are equal in their ability to amplify energies; others will tell you that there are different qualities at different sites. Pete Sanders identifies some sites as upflow vortexes (where energy rises out of the earth); others as inflow vortexes (where energy flows into the earth)

Upflow vortexes, such as mountains, mesas and pyramidal-type typography, are useful when one wishes to view life from a higher plane, to develop a more universal perspective or to send a prayer or affirmation out into the world. According to Sanders, upflow vortex sites make people feel positive, exhilarated and rejuvenated. “They literally unwind you and help you tap that universal oneness and harmony,” he says. Bell Rock is an example of an upflow vortex.

Inflow vortexes, such as valleys, canyons and caves, are good for introspection and spiritual problem solving. “If you want to understand and/or heal something from your past or go inward for past-life memory, those skills will be enhanced in an inflow vortex,” says Sanders. Boynton Canyon is an example of an inflow vortex. According to Sanders, most of Sedona (excluding cliffs and mesas) is a huge inflow area because it lies in a valley cut by Oak Creek.

How do I find the vortex spot when I get to the site?

There is no “x” that marks the spot. The entire area is considered to be a vortex. This makes it much more accessible. A visitor can decide to linger at the base, take a gentle walk or climb to the apex.

How will I experience a vortex?

Each person will experience a vortex differently. Possibilities include

new insights
intense feelings of joy or release
sense of wellbeing
a physical healing
new or heightened spiritual awareness.

After working with nearly 5,000 people, Andres has observed that Sedona encourages all kinds of shifts and that vortexes are real. “But unless you trust your own ability to sense,” says Andres, “it may be difficult to tell what, if anything, is really happening.”

Why doesn’t everyone feel the same effect?

Everyone is different and so are their experiences. While one person might see colors or energetic swirls, another might simply feel more supported and uplifted.

What can I do at a vortex?

Sitting quietly and experiencing what the site has to offer is the simplest and most direct way to interact with a vortex. Meditations, breathing exercises, ceremonies and visualizations are additional ways to experience Sedona’s vortexes. In their books Andres and Sanders offer suggestions that have helped people explore the vortexes’ unfamiliar energies.


Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 12:02 am
by peacockplume
Also I get a monthly newsletter from 'The EarthKeeper' and in it was this excerpt about vortex's, which I thought quite interesting...

the whole article is very lengthy, and a Metatron channel,,,,it's in the Sedona Journal,

all I can say, is take from it what resonates with you and leave the rest...

It does mention Mt Shasta though in California, which I hear, ALOT about, as far as an energetic site.....and I don't think it has all the hoopla that Sedona has....but that's just a personal view.....

October 2007 Metatron Channel
The Infinite Geometry of Sacred Sites
Activating the Quantum Crystalline Field
Greetings, I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I welcome you.
Beloved Masters and Earth-Keepers, know you that I, Lord Metatron greet you at a geometric concavity and precise angle above your space-time, in a dimensional corridor of your choosing, one that varies with each of you receiving this message. Dear Ones, you are not here by accident! This message is given to each of you in a precise point of intersection. It is time to activate your crystalline field.
So indeed, we welcome and acknowledge each of you, within your individual vector, in a space created for each of you in golden spiral, as a unique pattern because it is, after all, geometric patterns that are significantly of interest to you and to this discussion. How this energy flows and arcs, and aligns geometrically with this point, this geology and that angle, and how one grid and leyline juxtaposes with another. Accordingly we will tell you that many of you Earth-Keepers have chosen merkabic EMF lattices that are uniquely capable of flowing in a spiraled pattern, with the crystalline activation necessary to this time of ascension. If it is that you are a spiral, we would say that you are mid-stream, both within and without the ascending spiral. And without the spiral are conscious pristine angles. You see, if you approach such understanding as a destination, dimensionally, it implies that you approach it from more than one side, and for that we applaud you. Therefore the angles become more distinct and unique to one another—more acute as you near your perspective, your interest, and crystalline destination. More acute then becomes the interest, more specific then becomes the questions, more fine-tuned the discernment that fulfills and defines you.
Indeed Beloved, I tell you, that whatsoever you seek you will find! But be prepared to work devotedly for this knowledge. When you choose crystalline activation, the realization will depend on your level of awareness, your light quotient and your will to become Divine. Then you will serendipitously discover knowledge incorporates itself in harmonic coded angles into your beingness and reforms with what you already know and knowingness becomes wisdom and wisdom refines itself in clarity. Progressively, from the clarity of understanding comes the projection of divine interest, of importance both to self, to others, and to the Cosmos. You see you are not separate from your Cosmos, you are indeed part of your environment, and environment horizon that is crystalline!
And so Beloved Earth-Keepers please consider the questions posed by the channel and the answers that are given herewith. Consider the information that has been stored patiently until this moment, for there is much to know, much to gain access to, much to bring clarity from and much yet for you to do. Indeed perhaps other sessions to be described at later intervals for those that desire to uncover not only the truth, but the deep understanding of same.
Now the channel asks about these areas of sacred sites on your earth, that we he refers to as powernodes and sacred sites. We tell you that humankind since the beginning of earth sojourn have recognized certain areas of your planet as points of power, areas that resonate with a higher frequency. Those areas on the earth you term powernodes and sacred sites are apexes of infinity. These apex points are the primary dissemination mechanism of the higher dimensional energies of the heralded Earth Ascension. It is indeed through what may be termed vortex-portal templates that the frequency of earth is maintained, adjusted and amplified. That is why humankind has always been drawn to them, for the human is also amplified, clarified and discovers doorways to crystalline beingness in their energies.
Now, it is important, as a prelude to this presentation, that we examine the greater reality of the fabric of your universe.
The earth, the universe and indeed the cosmos is composed of living conscious energy. …and that conscious energy consist of geometries, light and electromagnetics.
The Earth is multidimensional, and so are you. Twelve dimensions exist upon your planet, 356 dimensions reside in your Universe. Geometry, sacred geometry is the mosaic underpinning of them all. I, Lord Metatron am the generator of the fabric prima matre of this underpinning, and you are the weavers in a vast agreement that incorporates more of your multi dimensional consciousness than most of you understand. Accept this truth, for now, as a postulated axiom.
The channel has written about the great Greek mystic and philosopher Plato, who described your planet in a moment of lucidity, as looking like a ball with twelve sides, when seen from afar. What he was referring to was the dodecahedron. The dodecahedron is the inner triune geodesic geometry of the three in one grid complex that encompasses your planet. We have described this to you previously in detail. This grid system enables and facilitates your experience on the planet, and the fabric of reality you live. To put it in your computer vernacular, the 144 Grid System is the Windows program that enables all humanity to have this unique earth adventure expanded within duality. The 144 Grid System is the server to your mental programs in and above duality.
Before the advent of duality, your planet was governed and protected by the Divine Firmament. In this phase the earth was devoid of duality, in a nonpolar field we refer to as point-zero energy. Before duality humankind was androgynous on the Earth. The earth was a living library with all Universal knowledge present as a protective vibratory field, fully accessible to all. The earth was like one of your ornamental glass covered snowglobes, no matter how it was shaken, nothing was dislodged, it all settled quite softly. But it was knowledge without experience. Mankind chose to leave the shell, and expereince knowledge through growth, in choice, in duality. Your religious texts, skewed as they are, referred to this period in the metaphor of the Garden of Eden. The dissolution of the Firmament begat the planetary field of duality, and birthed the formation of the grid system. Duality in the meta phor of Eden is represented by the Tree of Knowledge. The forbidden fruit of knowledge, the infamous eaten apple, represented mans waking sojourns into duality and lesson. Adam Kadmon split from androgyny into dual polar halves, male and female, and the serpent represented the chakric kundalini in its application for human sojourns into polarity, duality and lesson. Mankind chose the earth expereince, put on filters, and thus it began.

Adamantine Essence in Sacred Sites
Now, we have told you that the firmament was composed of two elliptical energy fields around the earth. One electrical in nature the other magnetic. One emanated the energy of crystalline platinum, the other of crystalline gold. The two created a synergetic crystalline field that permeated the earth and allowed for ontological, fully aware, consciousness in a unified, multidimensional state.
The dissolution of the firmament created a crystalline energy particulate, an etheric plasma that was anchored and stored within the mineral composition of the planet and the indeed within human DNA. This subatomic particulate within the crystalline fields of the planet are similar in nature to what is termed Adamantine Essence. This vital essence is an etheric life force, and is in a more plentiful abundance within areas you call powernodes, or sacred sites. Elixirs of this of this potent essence indeed were mined by the Atlanteans, and used in the rejuvenation process within the Temple of Healing on the Atlantean Isle of Poseida in an alchemy process. It is now being generated in greater mass and projected into powernodes and sacred sites from within the living earth, as a result of the tectonic movements.
Adamantine essence is a multidimensional etheric particulate that has been called by the alchemical ancients as the elixir of life. Adamantine occurs in fields of natural mineral crystallization and is both telluric and etheric in nature. These fields do not exist within the field of the grid system as an evenly distributed component. But it does occur in all of what you would term planetary powernodes. All sacred sites contain to varying degrees, etheric fields of adamantine resonance, and as such they are elements of the crystalline fields that are amplified and enabled by the grid system. Do you understand?
Sacred Sites
Sacred sites in all their forms are of great importance on the planet, and this has always been so. As we have said, they perform a myriad of tasks including balancing the planet, and connecting the earth to higher dimensions. In addition to being the receptors and distributors of the energy of the planetary ascension, they are also key accoutrements of mankind’s ascension.
A sacred site can be defined as an infinity point which is of relevant importance to both the earth and to humanity, to within and to without the earth, to the celestial heavens and to the celestial body itself. It is that which empowers, it is that which evolves, it is that which affects conscious evolution, it is that which is destined to remain a part of humanity’s cellular existence. Indeed the adamantine essence of their energy is also within your DNA and synergistically melds with humankind in fully activated sacred sites.
Now, in specific points on your planet the 3 in 1 crystalline grid, the dodecahedron, icosahedron and double pentadodecahedron are unified into concentric lenses, that allow for all 12 earth dimensions to occur in a more tangible manner. This creates a phenomenon that the channel refers to as zipped space or harmonic dimensional overlay.
When you, as humankind, enter into these special areas, you become immediately affected. Your energy increases, your awareness is enhanced, and your multidimensional aspects are more tangible. The degree of personal expansion depends of course on the awareness level, or light quotient of the individual, but all are visitors are affected to one degree or another. Those seekers, who enter into these areas in reverent spirit, are given the opportunity to step up their frequency and have an extraordinary opportunity of multi dimensional experience.
The channel has classified in his study, a grouping of five categories of sacred sites:
• Natural Telluric Energies: Mineral Deposits such as gold, quartz and diamonds, mountains, rivers, oceans, volcanoes, rivers and springs.
• Man Made: Pyramids and Cathedrals Built with Sacred Geometric Architecture
• Grid Points: Points of Grid & Cosmic Alignment
• Sacred Plant Life: Fields created by oak and redwood and other powerful plant life systems
• Human Imprint Sites: Such as Tombs of Great Leaders & Sites of Historical or Religious Events
We will confirm this in broad terms. However it is necessary to add the caveat that a powernode is, in Metatronic terms, the raw basis for a sacred site, but not necessarily a sacred site. Humankind can energize and groom powernodes into becoming sacred. Let us say that a powernode, then, is an energy field that resonates to a higher frequency, originating from a geologic or telluric source. It may be a mountain, valley, or river confluence that exudes an amplified sense of balance, well being and tranquility. When it is inhabited or frequented by people who honor that land and meld their acknowledgement and reverence energetically through prayer or ceremony, then the power point can become a sacred site. In that way their energies and high intentions are melded into the energy of the power point, and it evolves into a sacred site.
Now in terms of Human Imprint Sites as sacred, we will say that the energy of a powernode can be amplified, but not necessarily created. There must first be the raw energy there. Now indeed, as the channel has classified, when what you might refer to as a great historic event occurs in a location and multitudes of people are thereafter drawn there to visit the location of the great event, the energy they amass can groom the site to a higher frequency, and a sacred site of sorts will evolve by amplification. But again we stress, a potent energy potential was there first.
Most powernodes emanate their initial energies from a blend of geological sources. Metamorphic rock, igneous rock and to a lesser degree sedimentary strata and specific water sources are the foundation of most of your telluric, geological powernodes. Particularly metamorphic mineral formations from what is termed the Precambrian period, laden with are earth pegmatite treasures. Crystallization within metamorphic and igneous rock occurs from the eons of pressure that transform any rock form into its pristine crystal metamorphism. You see even those termed the rock nation by the indigenous have their progression of growth to crystallization through pressure and time!
Now, our current science theorizes and purports that your earth and solar system are approximately 4.54 billion years in age. However, your earth's oldest rocks cannot truly be tested because they do not exist, they have been ground by the pressure of the ages, destroyed by the cyclic process of plate tectonics. We will say that the calculation of earth age is only functional in three dimensional terms. Your current science is only capable of study in linear time, and are not currently capable of understanding that perspectives of science change in multidimensionality. Only now are you reacquainting yourselves with quantum physics, and the validity of parallel dimensions. Circular time exist to you only as an enigma of grand intrigue. We tell you however, that within certain powernodes and certain sacred sites multidimensional and parallel inner and outer worlds indeed occur and are in s pecific space-time sequence conditions, become quite accessible.
Nonetheless, your geological understanding of rock phases and crystallization are quite accurate as applied to our study of powernodes. Areas of pure mineral fields, metamorphic rock and igneous rock are the most potent sources of mineralogical energy fields. The most noble of your earth mineralogical energies are from gold, platinum, and all crystalline minerals and compounds. Powernodes not only emit an electromagnetic field, they also are capable of bending, refracting and dispersing light in myriad ways. They are unique in their abilities to affect the time-space continuum, especially when twinned with specific celestial arcs, angles, electromagnetics and gravities.
Grid Geometry of Sacred Sites
Now, the channel asks about the connection of sacred sites to the grid. Sacred sites are not independent of the grid; however, they are not fully relative to it currently, you see? This is a work in progress, we will say, a work many of you Earth-Keepers are actively involved in doing. Now, the channel has noted in his book that some of your scientist have attempted to find a specific geometric pattern and grid alignment with your more notable sacred sites, and this sadly has not been successful. The points they connected did not form the dodecahedronal pattern they sought. However, they were on the right track. The seeking of geometric patterns in sacred site alignment is the appropriate concept, but your scientist do not have all the pieces of knowledge required to solve this equation. When one attempts to align to the grids or sacred sites now, they do it upon current knowledge of which ve ry little is understood of the grids, and even less is known of the technology of ancient sites from the time they were erected and brought into alignment and full power. In those times a different geometry was in effect. In most cases, the earth was at a different axis angle. Literally there were different stars above at that time and these were and are rotating, changing their position, no longer in the original power angles, you see? Indeed in ancient days the sacred sites of the planet were in a fluid geometric alignment with the grid. Additionally in the millennia of passing time, many of the ancient sites are inaccessible and thus unknown to you. Some are now below the sea, others destroyed by plate tectonic shifts, and many more under the sand and silt of ages. We tell you that below the sands of Egypt, Ethiopia, China and Turkey remain magnificent pyramid complexes whose existence are yet to be imagined by your anthropologist. Two of these are still quite active. So y ou see why the geometries cannot function in your now?
And so the patterns that are being applied for these theories do not fit, as they once did in ancient times. In order to truly understand this, each sacred site would need to be attuned to the height of its potency at the time it was acknowledged, energized, erected, honored, and aligned with each grid at that time. This process would in eons past, superimpose each site geometrically with one another and then synergistically correlate this into the planetary and stellar grid systems. If this process were understood, a distinctly functional pattern would emerge. In the present now, there is no one being, no organization upon the earth that is fully capable or prepared to do just that. There is no one computer that will compute it because it requires a consciousness, a knowledge and awareness that is not yet available.
Now sacred sites relate to one another is distinct modalities. Some sacred sites, such as Lake Titicaca in Og (Bolivia and Peru), and Mount Shasta in California, to site two such examples, are mega site –satellite complexes that contain a multitude of balancing powernodes within a distinct area. These energetically circulate around a center core and as such fully balance the energy into an enormous sovereign energy system. In smaller systems, sacred sites will triangulate. All sacred sites will communicate through energy systems based on harmonic oscillation, leylines, meridian lines and etheric axialtonal lines.
The crystallized matrix of sacred sites projects a specific harmonic wavelength through vibratory energy pulses, that communicates through harmonic energy oscillations. That is a scientific fact, understood by your academics. It is called the Law of Harmonic Oscillation. For example if one has a tuning fork in the key of C, and then one plays a c note on a piano, the musical vibration from the piano will provoke vibration in the tuning fork. The same also occurs in frequency oscillations between power points on earth and in higher dimensions. Therefore, a sacred site or powernode with an energy source composed of strata from Precambrian crystallized granitic gneiss will emit a frequency that is capable of effecting and communicating with all formations of identical type regardless of where they are located on the surface of the planet. The same applies to sacred sites in terms of their grid a nd celestial alignment frequencies and geometric projection. Sacred sites will also create axialtonal attraction linkage based on their divine purpose. Certain mountains and volcanoes project what can be termed male and female energies, these again will connect on a basis of polarity attraction. Do you understand?
Those who truly grasp this can understand the complex nuances and differing aspect of power held in different sacred sites. Again, these systems and points have shifted over eons of time but those who are adept can locate this shift, and realign these systems to the grids. But those scientists who have attempted this from an academic stance in recent times are not truly prepared to do so. It is amateurish how they go about it in truth.
Some sacred sites are aligned to planets in your solar system, some are aligned to stars and celestial bodies in other systems and galaxies. Machu Pichu for example, which is a satellite to the Lake Titicaca complex, is currently aligned the planet of Saturn. But the alignment to stellar grids and distant systems is done through and by means of the lens of your 144 planetary grid.
Not all sacred sites are equally embellished. Not all sacred sites are yet fully active, in the sense of a conscious mega complex, because not all are intended to be. When a sacred site is fully conscious and fully active, it is connected through all of the components and layers of the 3-in-1 grid system. A fully activated system of sacred sites, contains mega centers, satellite nodes, and for lack of a better term, subs powernodes. Accordingly if one sacred site were to become damaged or obsolete, others would be robustly activated to take its place. If there would be a shift on the axis of the earth, for instance, it would cause the planetary and sub planetary chakras to realign, redesign themselves, and reactivate themselves and thus relate to the grid differently.
Now in the coming decades understanding of the geometric alignments of sacred sites will be more clearly understood. This will occur primarily with multidimensional assistance. This knowledge will detail how sacred sites are aligned to differing celestial energies, systems beyond the 144 Grid. The geometries of hyper dimensions, distant of your solar system incorporate geometry of light. It is formless geometry, which cannot be understood in your current level of comprehension. Beyond your earth, coordinators of star systems utilize a navigation of light geometry. In distant star systems the grand crafts are navigated based upon this geometry. You see, if one truly understood the stars, whether they pull or repel, what is their gravity field, one could align a specific
design, a geometric operating system that would create a source of power that could propel life, through sheer geom etry. And so the star ship can travel through space via a very unique design. So we tell you that light geometry is not only another form of navigation, but also a source of immense power. Light geometry varies with velocity and dimension you see. Your visible light spectrum is but a candle to the geometric light of the Cosmos.
Teachers via the Third Language
Sacred sites are conscious teachers, and they teach in the third language, the unspoken resonance of light. The Native Americans understood this, and always made an offering and asked permission before entering a holy place. When a pilgrim enters a sacred site in reverence, an energy envelopes the auric field, and ones entire being is shifted. One learns through stillness, through quieting the inner narrator and allowing the wisdom to flow inward. The wisdom of ‘Universal Knowledge’ is activated within your ‘God Mind’, and within your very cellular DNA. Certain types of sacred sites, primarily those that emit light through an octahedronal geometric overlay, purify you. They literally force you to face your imperfections and parts of your life-patterns that are in conflict with the Divine Self. The seeker becomes purged through the crucible of deep self-examination. Other sacred sites, t hose that project light through the dodecahedronal lens, such as Roslyn Chapel facilitate your journey into higher realms. These are termed stargates. Indeed Scotland’s Roslyn Chapel, houses one of the most potent stargates on your planet….and you thought its mystery was about the elusive holy grail !
Now, some of your metaphysicians speak of activating, healing and anchoring sacred sites. While we understand the intent of such descriptions, it is in most cases the other way around. It is you who are activated, healed and anchored by the heightened energies. Seekers do imprint their energies into sacred sites, and that energy is amplified and does enhance the vibration of the matrix. But the energy you feed into sacred sites is returned to you exponentially within the quickened influx of higher energies and adamantine particulate occurring in powernodes.
In times past guardianship of certain portal vortex complexes were necessary, particularly during your middle ages in Europe and parts of the western Mediterranean when secret societies undertook such roles. Secret societies of Gnostic savants infiltrated the Catholic Church through priesthood and gilds, and in doing so played influential roles in not only preventing the destruction of what were termed pagan sacred sites, they actually had monumental temples and cathedrals utilizing sacred geometries built precisely over them to amplify them. You are more indebted to these brave souls than you may realize, Dear Ones.
However, that crisis has passed, and this role of guardianship, has now passed to one of stewardship. Even this is somewhat misunderstood by many of you. While at times certain residue energies or imbalances may need clearing, what is generally required of mankind, is simply to recognize and honor these sacred sites and powernodes in intent and ceremony for the magnificent beacons of light that they are. The valid aspect of stewardship in the present is to insure that sacred sites are acknowledged, preserved and not commercially destroyed. How sad that the many of the great red rock temples of Sedona, are now overrun with Wal-marts and the like. Masters, the earth is willing to sustain you, and willingly concedes some of her treasures, gems and resources to you, but they must be utilized with care. While many of you may not think it so, the earth is in cognizant balance, and nothing is b eing taking from her mineralogical resources that she does not willingly give. She retains her balance. It is so. In the decades to come, your exploitation of hydrocarbons will diminish, a victim of its own greed. Cleaner more economic, renewable energy sources will come to the forefront. The greatest travesty in current times is the ruthless harvesting of old growth forest and your sacred ancient redwood forest. Once these are gone, that same energy cannot re manifest itself for millennia? That dear ones is a great travesty.
Vortexes and Portal Systems
Now the channel asks about the vortex portal system. We would define a portal as is that which allows one source of energy or beingness to transfer its energy from one source to another, from one world to another such as physical or non-physical. It allows that which is a transmission, transition and transmutation of energies for purpose. Some portals through dimensions, some through, space, some through time, some through stellar arcs, some through all of these. Some portals are direct gateways to specific star groups, some portals are wider stargates to the cosmos. The adept can determine which ones are which type. The channel is well on his way to rediscovering that ability within himself. Such knowledge you have had in previous experiences, and is being activated by your travels to and from, here and there across the continents of the globe. Many of you in the past three decades, in addition to the channel have been compelled to visit sacred sites. There is great purpose in this. Do you know why?
It is because each sacred site gives you an imprint of its unique message, its unique geometry. Can you imagine that you carry within your field the energy of every sacred site, every power point, and every grid point on each continent you have visited? You all have the ability to connect them to yourself, and to one another, dear ones. Can you imagine that you might help connect them to the evolving grid, and spread the message of how this can be done? Is that not what you Earth-Keepers have chosen to do?
In every sacred sites the door to sacred knowledge is opened, and a catalystic energy exchange occurs. You become imprinted with the keys of frequencial wisdom unique to every sacred site you visit, and in kind you imbue your imprint into the energy of place. You receive light energy from the site, and you feed energy back into it. A synergetic transposition ensues as each seeker begins to manifest the impeccability of every sacred site visited, each melding and building upon the other.
You see every time a human enters into a sacred site, it becomes part of them and they are changed. This builds with every unique site visited. And when you actively involve your ceremony of connecting the sites, one to another and to the 144 Grid, indeed you and the others who do so, accomplish a great deal more than you imagine. You are connecting the dots, in your vernacular. You and many others are laying out the geometric pattern, by incorporating your energies into that of many powernodes that will indeed become sacred sites. Many of your UNESCO Sites, Heritage Sites, National Monuments, National Parks and Sate Parks are in fact sacred sites, but are in modern times only considered recreational or nature preserve areas, and not yet utilized or acknowledged as sacred sites. Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia is one of these you see. It is one of the most powerful nodes on the planet, but not ackn owledged or understood for its great healing abilities and dimensional access. The same applies to Kilamanjaro in Tanzania, Torres del Paine in Chile and many many others.
Now you have asked about the nature of vortexes. Simply stated, vortexes are swirling eddies of electrical and magnetic energies. They are a function of the gravity and electromagnetic grids. They generally spin counterclockwise above the equator and clockwise below it. This is the natural energy pattern based on your earth’s polarity. Vortexes distribute energy outward in what is termed electrical vortexes, and inward in what is termed magnetic vortexes. Some function as both. Mount Shasta, for example is an inward and outward vortex-portal complex, Sedona is an outward vortex portal complex.
Vortexes form for several reasons. The generally understood cause is the intersection of leylines. We tell you they also naturally occur at points of tectonic stress, at volcanoes, around pinnacled and pyramidal mountains, and around man made structures built to sacred geometry. Vortexes occur naturally at large mineral deposits, basalt beds, granitic batholiths, river confluences, and water falls. You see these all project sub atomic plasma, charged ions, and electromagnetic fields. This natural build of energy will spin by nature, and thus the vortex occurs.
Now, we should clarify that vortexes are not portals and they do not evolve into portals, although from your perspective it could appear as such, because all portals will attract a vortex to them you see. Vortexes can become the distribution engines for both adamantine essence and higher dimensional energies received through portals. Not all vortexes house portals, but all portals have a vortex. Do you see? The vortexes around mega portal complexes such as Lake Titicaca and its satellite, Machu Pichu have double spin vortexes, spinning both clockwise and counterclockwise. Indeed vortexes of this nature assist in the equilibrium of point zero energy fields, and create anti gravity fields that are capable of bending space time. Such vortex-portal complexes are potently drawing and distributing the higher dimensional energies of the ascension.
Now one example of an enormous energy vortex, that does not house a portal, is Niagara Falls. The plasma created by the ions released from the massive crashing of water is extremely powerful, and extremely beneficial to ones physical healing and emotional well being. A higher field of energy exist there, because the ratio of anions to cations in the plasmic field creates a very tangible sense of well being and elation. Niagara Falls is indeed a potent powernode, an enormous vortex complex spins there, but it is not a portal. This ratio of cation to anion is the same benevolent effect that makes ocean beaches with crashing waves, so robustly pleasant, and natural aquifer springs so inviting. Do you see?
Crystalline Fields
Those of you that have studied the crystalline structure of gems and crystallized metals have learned that the very atomic arrangement of gems & metals are geometric in form. Gemologist are well aware of this fact. Most diamonds form in molecular patterns of amazing octahedrons and dodecahedrons .We will add that not only do all uniform, crystallized structures emit a complex electromagnetic field, they are also conscious and capable of many other utilities including increasing your life force through balanced amplification of your energy field.
Likewise, powernodes and sacred sites emit electromagnetic fields, because the concentrated energy matrix of sacred sites is frequentially crystalline in nature. As such they have properties of crystals, specifically the ability to receive, transmit and store light energy.
Like crystalline gems, each sacred site forms an elliptical energy field that draws within the vital adamantine essence. Their field projection creates a geometrical lens is capable of acting like an etheric prism, bending, refining and amplifying light in marvelous ways.
As a result your energy centers, your chakras are both heightened and balanced. Thought waves are manifested into reality far more rapidly in these crystalline adamantine templates. The ancients understood this, and thus utilized these places for prayer, meditation and vision quest. In such reverent process, a sense of well being is achieved, and stored within the energy of the site. This sense of well being is a key part of why so many are attracted to and compelled to visit powerpoints and sacred sites. The profound spiritual links between Earth and the Cosmos help you to better understand your great yearning and mission to know why you are here. They help you understand your purpose and activate you to evolve into a higher form of consciousness. Sacred sites are cosmic cathedrals that help you unlock the great mystery.
Humans tend to assign a singular chakric focus to sacred sites. One may say, this place is a heart center, or that location is a crown center. In truth they activate all of the human centers. The focal center that a seeker may sense can and does depend to a large extent on the light quotient and needs of the individual visiting them. A sacred site which may be considered as root chakra center may be genuinely experienced by others as a heart, crown, or throat amplifier.
The channel asks if there are 12 major chakric centers for the earth, and if each continent has a sub set of chakric centers.
There are chakras, sub chakras, powernodes and sub powernodes on every continent of the living earth, but they are not necessarily arranged on that basis, although many of you classify them as such.
However, there are teams of 12 major planetary chakras. But, you see, there are several sets of these, each teamed and aligned in unique purpose. Some sacred sites occur in all of these teams. So we clarify and note that a chakra for the living planets life system is different from a chakric sacred site for humanity upon the earth. Some of them are the same, but not all. You see, the chakras of the living sentient earth, do not relate to Gaia in the same manner as the human chakra would relate to the human bodies. In other words, one that relates to the divine purpose, well being and spiritual development of humankind, may not relate in kind to the body of the earth. Many of the chakras of the living earth are inaccessible to mankind, being below the crust or below the seas. The earths spinning and pulsing inner core is the heart chakra for Gaia, but not for mankind you see.
Some of the 12 alignment sets are relative to the grid systems and to the ley lines systems, others to the axialtonal and meridian lines of the earth and to that which would be adamantine and etheric. Some are designed specifically for the living earth, elements and directions to be able to communicate with humanity. These facilitate mankind’s ability to communicate with the conscious awareness of the earth. Others are specifically designed for humanity to communicate with higher celestial energies. It is partly because of this chakric system that we have this conversation now. Do you see? There are many types of chakric systems on the planet.

Now Dear Masters, we cannot truly discuss sacred sites and powernodes without the inclusion of what you term leylines. It is a term coined to simply mean a straight line connecting two points, but our Metatronic term is much broader.
We define leylines, as being one the conscious crystalline aspect of the electromagnetic flow-lines that network the planet. Leylines are 'groomed' energy flows of electromagnetic energy currents that network the planet and in a latitude of comparison, can be said to serve as the nervous system of Gaia. The raw earth currents are called dragon lines. As they both leylines and dragon lines are electrical in nature the flow along paths of natural electrical conductors.
This electricity occurs naturally from on your earth from multiple sources. Moving water, such as waterfalls, rain and breaking waves, produce charges, as does the decomposition of organic matter, tectonic stress, volcanics, lightning solar heat and winds. The very crust of the earths surface you live on, with its electrically conducting gases, metals, semi-conducting mineral crystals, water-soaked organic matter, and electrolytes offers an excellent medium for maintaining and producing electrical currents. The mineralogy of the strata below the surfaces conducts in kind. Charged ions are drawn to the ground and high concentrations increase the intensity of earth-currents through the electrode effect.
As a result, static electricity flows parallel with the ground in an orthogonal quasi-static electric field, forming eddies and springs of current that become rivers of current that network the planet. These streams of current flow along lines of conductive minerals, such as iron, gold, copper and quartz bearing rock. Naturally it flows to mountains, volcanoes, waters and minerals and large deposits of other conductive formations and amasses through, up and around powernodes. As you are aware, when these lines intersect, a spinning vortex is created.
This electrical current, as with all forms of conscious energy can be directed. The first to do this were the scientist of Atlantis. The patterns of raw earth currents, or dragon lines were scientifically detected and mapped, and esoterically imbued and consciously willed to flow in specific routes. The scientist discovered that by flowing these energies through their Arcturian fire crystals and magnetic transducers that they could be amplified, refined and separated into a form of braided polarized crysto-electric frequencies capable of creating anti gravity fields when spun in counter balanced vortexes. In the technology of the golden age of Atlantis, these conscious crysto electrical lines became so technically refined that were used to create a labyrinth of tunnels for both communication and transport, and crossed to form energy fields for vary ing purposes. They were patterned to flow inside factories to energize the work force and in agricultural fields to stimulate plant and crop growth, by routing them in conduits relayed and amplified through crystal power stations for they were used for powering homes.
The forefathers to the sect you term as the Druids, were a branch of Atlantean Scientist-Priest. These were in the golden age of Atlantis learned men and women who understood the necessity of combining scientific law with the energy of the divine. This was termed the Law of Oneness
They learned that certain of the crysto-refined ley energies were capable of holding an intent and field of awareness. A global network of this category of ley energy was put in place, as the scientist-priest discovered how to use natural powernodes as relay and amplification stations for this energy to retain a self-generating sufficiency. When these leys became integral with infinity apex points, the divine aspect was imbued within their energy awareness. This Atlantean Priest with assistance from Acturian and Sirius B Masters, created specific divine ley energy routes connecting major chakric points on the planet. These could be programmed with sound frequencies and color, to enhance the tranquility and well being of temples. They could be crossed to create sacred energy vortexes.

So in truth there were many types of ley system in Atlantis, some were entirely used for crysto electric power in various forms, others, the ones still operate, albeit in fragments, were the leys of divine awareness.
One of the most robust survivors of this system are the leys now referred to as the Michael and Mary lines. Indeed its level of intactness is due largely to the work of the Druids, who had escaped Atlantis before the demise into existing monasteries in Britain, Europe, Egypt and Og. The most prolific were the sects in Britain and France, who used antigravity aspects of leys and sound to assist in the formation of stone circles. The Michael leyline survived for a myriad of reasons. It was amplified in stone circles and by the very Cathedrals built on its course to sacred geometry. It was not called the Michael line in its inception. Rather it was referred to as the Atlas Line in Atlantis, and Thoth line in Egypt and Og. Its pagan name was changed to that of Michael and Mary by the secret societies of savants to protect it from the Church. The Freemasons, who built cathedrals capable of amplifying ley ene rgy, utilized sacred geometry imminently. Almost all of the Cathedrals and Greek Monuments were built to phi, the golden ratio or mean, directly on powernodes along leylines. Would it surprise you to know that Archangel Michael was very much present in the time of Atlantis, but was called by a different name? You see we show our love equally to all humankind, of all eras, races, religions and creed.
Now sadly, leylines are not constant. In time they shift and dive. And so what was once a robust system is now fragmented and shorn. The ley system currently is but a shadow of its former self, and no longer completely circumnavigates the planet. However, the raw current does, and many parts of it are indeed ley in nature, and this system is currently under repair, particularly by those of Sirius B, and many of you in multidimensional aspects of yourselves. Do you see? Like powernodes groomed into sacred sites, dragon lines are quite capable of being imbued with energy from human kind and sacred sites, and become polished into leylines.
Now, leylines flow is specific manners, generally speaking. They will spiral counterclockwise up domed mountains above the equator, and clockwise below it. They flow upward in straight lines on pyramidal shaped mountains. They spiral up conical peaks. This is why mountain peaks contain very high frequencies.
Preparation for Visiting a Sacred Site:
Because the frequency within apex infinity points is at a much higher resonance than that of your normal dwelling, certain precautions are given. The energy differential of sacred sites to the energy of ones electromagnetic field can, in time, force equilibrium to occur. This can create fissure cracks in ones auric field, and an energetic bleeding can occur after one to five days. This can be helped by wearing a noble metal bracelet on each wrist and a around the neck. Gold is recommended, but silver, brass or copper can suffice. We would recommend wearing a lapis lazuli of at least 10 grams about the neck as a pendant. The access to higher dimensions can also be facilitated through use of a true vogel crystal, cut to phi. Daily bathing in epsom salts, dead sea salts or mineral bath salts can also assist. Drink plenty of water, and avoid over eating. Infinity points are amplifiers, so be awar e of your thoughts and emotions within these energies. Avoid feelings and thoughts of anxiety, anger and fear. What is in your mind and emotional field will be amplified whether it be thoughts of love or thoughts of a negative nature. Acknowledge the energy of place and ask permission to enter, and make an offering, whether it be flowers, sage, tobacco bundles, a small crystal or cornmeal. Smudge before and after with white sage.
Finally, do not overstay your time, until you are acclimatized. Those that live in areas such as Sedona and Mount Shasta City will in a matter of weeks or months, reach equilibrium. But in the interim, emotional imbalances cause through fissure cracks in the auric field can and do occur.
The Crystal Activation:
Masters, in closing this discourse, we leave you with the understanding that all of what we have discussed is around your work in achieving crystalline activation. You see it is an essential acquisition for both seekers and the planet. It is in fact occurring planetarily through myriad modalities, focally through the powerpoints, sacred sites, and leys of the earth. The vortex-portals of major power points have crystalline geometric matrixes, very similar in nature to the octahedronal and dodecahedronal crystallography of precious gems. When higher dimensional light waves are received through these overlay lenses, the planet is imbued with platonic crystalline frequency.
Man through intent and impeccability achieves the crystalline vibration. What is impeccability? Impeccability is simply walking ones talk, living in integrity, eliminating fear and worry, always doing your best, honoring others, and last but certainly not least, achieving self love. Granted, this is easier said than none, but it is essential in activating your crystalline field.
Can mankind achieve activation of the crystalline qualities without visiting sacred sites? Yes absolutely. But those of you that choose to do so, will be within infinity points amidst a crystalline field that is already there, and in so doing, the process is greatly facilitated.
You see crystallization is not just an atomic-molecular order in physical science and chemistry; it is also a vibration, achieved through the metamorphis of crystalline alchemy. A vibration of integral clarity that refines the human electromagnetic energy field into the pristine sacred geometry of the merkaba. When you accept to activate your crystalline field, you acknowledge, define and empower your Divinity of Self. You then carry the most precious of sacred sites with you everywhere you go: the human heart. Within crystalline activation ones heart emits a golden-spiraled frequency from within the merkabic star tetrahedron, and this frequency sings the symphonic song of Ascension, with the instruments of every sacred site orchestrated to crystalline perfection, and it resounds in ecstasy to the Cosmos.
I am Metatron, and you are Beloved.
…And so it is.

This Tyberonn channel is copy-righted to Earth-Keeper.Com It may be distributed and shared with acknowledgement of author & copyrights. For further queries contact : or Tyberonn

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 12:17 am
by peacockplume
Mt Shasta Info:

Mount Shasta is a 14,179 foot (4,322 m) stratovolcano. It is the second highest peak in the Casade Range, and the fifth highest peak in California. It is a member of the Cascade Volcanic Arc. It is located in Siskiyou County, California, United States of America. It is considered to be one of the Sacred Mountains on Mother Earth.

Mount Shasta is considered the most widely known sacred site of California. Towering above the Cascade foothills, Shasta is surrounded by five glaciers that hold it in place. This sacred mountain emits such a strong energy pattern that satellite photos show an atmospheric hole over its peak similar to Sedona, Arizona.


the only thing about a mtn adventure like Shasta, would be....

it should be a summer event......even spring would be too cold, and too much snow,,,,,we're talking 14,000+ feet here

the good thing about a summer event, would be it would include all the younger 11 11rs,,,,,who are in a school type setting.....


Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 12:38 am
by peacockplume
and last but not least,,,,

the only reason I mentioned Lake Louise, in the Canadian rockies, is because of this lady, and site:

sos I guess that's enough info from me anyway, for you guys to chew on for awhile.....

if everybody puts in a little info......we'll be able to make a 'good decision'

love and light

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 4:44 am
by Morning Light
Ahh Peacock,
I love your crested crown of feathers!

I haven't read all that you have posted but I did want to say that I have personally experienced the vortexs of energy in Sedona. Bell Rock, I experience as quite masculine/yang energy. I was intrigued to read what the person in your article had to say about Bell Rock being an outflow vortex. I have actually seen the energy flowing out of the top of Bell Rock like a water fountain going up and then flowing down all around it. I actually have a picture where you can see it. I tried to post it as my avatar but you need to see the actual picture in order to see the energy flow. Some people do not do well with Bell Rock. While hiking on it they may get dizzy and a few have actually fallen off from it because they could not handle all of the energy there.

Also, I experience Mesa Airport and Boynton Canyon Vortex's as Female/Yin energy, where this man describes it as an inflow vortex. The phenomenon is very real and a wonderful experience for all who are interested. These vortexs have a soothing and peaceful mother energy about them.

I've had many a magical experience on my pilgrimages to Sedona and so has my husband who accompanied me on my last trip there. I will try to list some of them when I get the chance, they are very sacred and important to me and my continued Spiritual Journey.

Well, I've yacked long enough.

Hugs and Walks in Nature!

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 8:53 am
by memawlaura
:shock: Hey PP I see you found the site :lol: :lol: I'm glad that everyone is getting more involved and I'm telling you I have the hardest time loading "The Secret Thread" so I'm just going to post here on his event.

:D Mo, I spoke with George and he's looking into a few things with his son and he's all for whatever we come up with pretty much. I agree if a site exists for donations that would be a good place to start. However, if we could get the account set up as a non profit here in the USA we would not have to pay tax on the monies? :idea: George said AJ is into Finances, so I'm going to PM AJ and just check it out.

:? You know this site is hard to find, I dont know why? I forgot what the name was, etc.

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 9:20 am
by George
I made a "sticky" out of it.

Now you'll find it easy
