Conversations with God?

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Post by Geoff »

Dear ochre,
Why not teach people methods of getting in greater contact with their own God fragment, rather than with a channeller's subjective experience of such exterior beings? Direct, ultimate and personal truth as opposed to third-hand, exterior and lower spirit-level truth?
Boy have you missed the boat here. We do recommend stillness, and we even sell a CD that teaches folks how to reach low levels of alpha. Some see their angels, some heal, and some will hear ther TA's. We even post here a fabulous series from one TA, protected in the manner described. She personally was hounded elsewhere.

But most of all, we allow folks to find their own path. Our job here is not to ram any particular Truth down any one's throat. It is to wake up humanity to the presence of angels, and the fact that we can each get all the knowledge we desire directly from such a source. That we are doing very sucessfully.

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Post by snow_wolf11 »

George is a wonderful, intelligent and wise man who we love, and he's also very protective of our family of recievers]
As always, thank you Helen, so perfectly put. And I might add, we receivers, are just as protective of George, too :viking:
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Post by CherBear »

It is therefore possible, to communicate with the aspect of God that is yourself. (and I'm sure what NDWalshe was talking about in CWG). It IS God. Not a tiny part of it, though it clothes itself in a tiny part of Gods creation, but really it does come back to we are all one... because of that link in that we all hold a God fragment within us.
I really enjoyed your above post, Helen. THE CWG series does take it's share of abuse from people saying that Neale Donald Walsh has a lot of nerve saying that God talks to him. Yet, I couldn't believe that he could have made up these books in his head. I really didn't know if it was God or a celestial helper of some sort providing ND Walsh with that information. Your post really helped me understand. THANK YOU! (You always have great insight).
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Re: Conversations with God?

Post by Goldenserenity »

I really enjoyed the CWG book series. They helped me to understand a lot of things that were going on with Life in general. I didn't take all the words as being my truths, but the majority of of them I did.
I like to re-read the CWG books because I usually find something in there that I didn't fully understand in the past which I am now able to understand at the moment.
I believe that God will talk to anybody that is out there willing to listen.


CherBear wrote:I read the whole series, and they really resonated with me. I was searching for the meaning of life (sort of) and I just kept hearing about or reading about these books. I read them and they really answered so many unanswered questions for me. I suggested them to anyone who would listen to me. I don't think any of them followed through, though.

It's been a couple of years since I read them, and I think I'm in the mood to re-read them. These books really helped me along the road of knowledge. I hightly suggest them.

Anyone else out there have the same feelings?
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Re: Conversations with God?

Post by Yoder777 »

I am currently reading the first Conversations With God, and I've been reading the Urantia Book for over two years. Can someone please elaborate on the similarities between these two books, instead of just the differences? I would appreciate your perspectives.

If you look at the struggles Walsch overcame that led up to Conversations With God, I think you'll better appreciate where he was coming from when he wrote it:

This movie mostly focuses on the year that Walsch spent as a homeless person. As to whether or not God literally spoke to Walsch in an audible voice, I don't know. What matters to me is whether the basic concepts of the book are true, even if I might disagree with some minor details. Walsch points out that if God is in all of us, then God can use human imagination in order to impart important truths, including an imaginary dialogue.
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Re: Conversations with God?

Post by George »

Hi Yoder777

Quite a few of our receivers "talk" to God, but they basically listen to their Thought Adjuster, which is the same thing.

The lessons are soul felt, not really heard through the ears, but you will always know it didn't purely come from your own mind.

Midwayers can make you hear actual sounds, but they rarely speak to you in that fashion.

I can't tell you anything about "Conversations with God"

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Re: Conversations with God?

Post by Geoff »

Yoder777 wrote:I am currently reading the first Conversations With God, and I've been reading the Urantia Book for over two years. Can someone please elaborate on the similarities between these two books, instead of just the differences? I would appreciate your perspectives.
Dear Yoder,

There is not much I think that is similar. For sure CWG is amusing and light hearted, and the Ubook is very serious, so I think CWG is an easy read. In my view it was channelled by a spirit in the sixth Mansion World or lower. I would put money on it not being from Father. If you want to hear what Father sounds like, try any of the messages on my board from "Father" or, even better, read the book The Guiding Light within. No matter who the medium, I have found Father always sounds the same. And quite different to spirit.
Yoder777 wrote:What matters to me is whether the basic concepts of the book are true, even if I might disagree with some minor details. Walsch points out that if God is in all of us, then God can use human imagination in order to impart important truths, including an imaginary dialogue.
Sadly, if you are being tutored by a sixth sphere (mansion world) spirit, as opposed to what the Urantia Book called a fused spirit, you have to accept that you are not dealing with the highest levels of truth, and in particular this is in respect of their understanding, knowledge and even experience of the First Source and Centre. If you are unfamiliar with these terms, try reading my short summary. You could, after many months study, come up with something similar from the Urantia book, but it will take you a lot of effort to assimilate that book. The essential issue, which I do not believe is clearly stated in the Ubook, is that those in the sixth mansion world do not choose to fuse, or have not yet chosen to fuse. As such they are a long way from "Truth" and in particular the experience of Father. It is possible to be in the sixth and deny the existence of the First Source and Centre, as I believe does Buddha. In point of fact a spirit in the Fifth Mansion World is closer to fusion than one in the Sixth. They reflect quite different spiritual paths.

I abandoned the very first book of CWG when "god" told Walsch that Jesus was not perfect. Now I have no problem with someone channeling Jesus, and having Jesus tell us he is not perfect, in fact he did that very thing through James Padgett, but no fused spirit, never mind Father would IMHO EVER make such a comment about any creation, never mind one so advanced as Jesus (Christ Michael).

Then you have CWG stating that reincarnation is true. It isn't. On the other hand, it can take thousands of years for a spirit to realise that.

Well lets take basic concepts. Which ones? Love is important? Yes thats true. You find that a lot of places. What else? I am not sure I recall. I do recall hanging out on a CWG forum, where the folks there deny fusion is necessary, because they believe they are already "God". This is a serious error, and it appears to be the result of what Walsch teaches. You may know from your studies that a TA can abandon a human, if that human chooses NOT to fuse. Sadly this sort of teaching leads to exactly those choices.

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Re: Conversations with God?

Post by Yoder777 »

I am only half way through the book, but here are some similarities, and I might think of more later. Even though Walsch's vocabulary does not include the morontial life, he does say that the purpose of the afterlife is to continue our spiritual development until we've realized our oneness with God. Walsch says that a spark of the divine is in all of us, which is compatible with the Urantia Book doctrine of the Thought Adjuster. The Urantia Book teaches that our God is a God of love and forgiveness, not anger, guilt and fear, which is also what Walsch teaches about God. Walsch teaches that learning from and growing from our mistakes is more important than insisting on immediate perfection in ourselves, which is also what the Urantia Book teaches. The Urantia Book, like Walsch, teaches us not to use religion as a reason to judge others.
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Re: Conversations with God?

Post by Geoff »

Yoder777 wrote:he does say that the purpose of the afterlife is to continue our spiritual development until we've realized our oneness with God.
Dear Yoder,

How does that sit with the 300 reincarnations that NDW has apparently had?

I agree there appear to be some useful concepts, but I think you can get those a great many places.

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Re: Conversations with God?

Post by Yoder777 »

Doesn't ACIM teach reincarnation as well? Many Urantia Book readers also read ACIM and the CwG books, despite disagreeing with them in certain aspects.
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Re: Conversations with God?

Post by Geoff »

I have never found any teaching on reincarnation in ACIM. However as an example I have one person who read that book and declared its proof there is no God. Which rather surprised me. I think the issue here, is that it can be useful to read any book. But its another matter as to whether one would recommend it. I do read books that teach reincarnation, but its a red flag to me, and so I am extremely cautious in those books. Take "Letters from the Light". It has a spirit talking reincarnation, but its not surprising because the guy believed in it before he passed. However it is the ONLY source of the awakening of a sleeping survivor I ever found. And for that alone its a jewel.

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Re: Conversations with God?

Post by Yoder777 »

I just finished the first Conversations With God book, and I am happy to have read the book despite certain disagreements with it. I think the book can be very helpful to someone burdened by shame and guilt who grew up with a very authoritarian understanding of God. The book teaches that God is a God of love, so what really matters about our thoughts and actions is whether they are loving or unloving, not whether they fit a strict moral code.

I read the part of the book where it says Jesus was not perfect, and it's a point made on the larger subject on how unhealthy it is to drink alcohol. So it isn't saying that Jesus sinned, but instead that not everything he did on this earth was healthy.

I disagree with the idea that Hitler went to heaven, but if you believe in reincarnation as the author does, then the teaching is that after many lifetimes, Hitler would have eventually gone to heaven. I think it's more likely that, based on Urantia Book teachings, Hitler was annihilated after death.

Though I disagree with the author's belief in reincarnation, it's only mentioned in a few pages of the book, and this idea of the afterlife being a process of spiritual development can be applied to the Urantia Book's understanding of the morontial life, instead of to the idea of reincarnation.

There is a specific passage in the beginning of the book where Walsch asks God how he can know whether these messages are just a product of his own imagination, and God's response is that God can even use human imagination if He so chooses. Because of this, I try to learn from the concepts of Walsch's book, instead of taking it word for word as the words of God.
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