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Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:25 pm
by Swedishblue
Dear Suzette, Let us assure you not all is lost!! Please rest your weary mind and when you have slept and recovered, set to task on this Appeal process by reflecting and clarifying (ie, write) why you want to be a nurse. This will help you to focus and to carry conviction this Friday. Do you think they are looking to see if you are committed enough or is it really down to pure exam results? Why can't you re-sit the exams again? Yes they should have supported you earlier by clarifying areas you needed extra help and guidance in.

Is it possible to have someone attend as support this Friday? Do you have a Legal Representative or Student union representative? Have you time to find one? If not try to defer your meeting until you’re feeling well/confident enough to fight the process again, which will give you time to put in place support. I think counselling would be so benefial just now so I'm hoping you will seek that too.

I am going to keep you and the drs in my thoughts and prayers, and also, that you have a good sleep and awaken refreshed and feeling more positive.
Don't feel down sweetheart....remember to have courage and conviction. :sunflower:


Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 2:03 am
by suzette2020
Thanks much. No there is no student advocate, I tried calling a million lawyers this morning, none available. So I contacted the department that certified the school. There is approximately 10 faculty members and they are all one unit. I sincerely appreciate your understandings. I passed all my exams but this class is "clinicals" in a hospital setting meaning is an objective opinion given by a clinical instructor. It will take a miracle, a miracle with the meeting on Friday at 9 am in Florida. Peace and love to all. I am greatful for your prayers. Suzette

ohh I do not have an option to defer the meeting and I cant find a lawyer, Ive called one hundred today. School starts on Monday, so it has to be clarified before then, which gives me tonight and tomorrow to get my mind in the place where it needs to be. It can be done. I know Dr. Polifko is made of stone but I hope by grace I will be able to attend school this Monday, and share the good news.


Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 8:09 am
by Sandy
Hi Suzette,
As you can see you have some people here who are praying and wishing you well. If it were up to us it would be a done deal. But since it isn't up to us we will add our prayers of support as best we can. Please know that we are thinking about you, caring about you and wishing you all the best as you meet with the formidable Doctor Polifko. I loved the ideas that Swedishblue suggested to help focus your mind. I know it has been a bit of a struggle these past couple weeks and you have to be tired and worn out but just a little more. If for some reason things do not go as you hope...please think about Sammy's post a bit because from my own experience and my own disappointments I have found it to be so true. But I am still so hoping you will be able to begin your classes on Monday. :finger:


Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 8:38 pm
by Swedishblue
You are very much in my thoughts and prayers Suzette. I’m so hoping for a reversal of their decision, as everybody deserves a second chance,
none more so than you. It will be nerve-wracking but try to keep as professional, assured and clear minded as you can for tomorrow. :finger:


Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 10:12 pm
by suzette2020
I will thanks and much love to your all.



Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 1:43 pm
by suzette2020
I've called many Lawyers, but was not successful. I did go calm in the meeting however, it was not even an appeal as I was not given a chance to defend myself. I spoke to the title IX of the school who advised that the evidence that he received from both myself and Dr. Polifko suggest that I have a case. I did not quite understand what he was saying due to the fact that he works for Remington College. However I proceeded with another appeal letter which he states he will forward to a third party. He also said the school can not hold any grievances towards me. Today is the first day of classes. I have prayed. In any case I am much grateful for your advice and help. Thanks peace and love to all.

I do have one question, is there anyone who practices stillness, and if so how successful have you been? I have been trying for many years however I am still at square one. Any suggestions would be quite appreciated. thanks


Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 2:55 pm
by 11light11
Suzette, I think it's a lot to ask for stillness with all you have on your mind . . it's hard even when you feel at peace. I have had a lot of luck getting quiet and entering into a new state, using George's CD (The Akashic Construct CD). It kind of puts you in that state, regardless of your own ability to get there on your own. And his voice is quite soothing!! :kiss:

I have the chills reading about what you're going through . . it's so similar to something I dealt with a few years back, and I was unable to interest a lawyer, either. I think you will prevail in the end (7:55) . . .I continue to send out the white light to you.

With love, Michele :sunflower:


Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 3:03 pm
by suzette2020
Thanks M, you are right. I am unable to still my mind. I'm not in school today, I'm trying my best to not think about how I feel or think. But please, the story is hard however I wish not to cause anymore distress to anyone. Thanks for your light.


Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 3:04 pm
by suzette2020
How can I still prevail. School begins today? Ohh boy.


Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 3:09 pm
by 11light11
Life has a way of surprising us. ;) (8:08) When this was going on with me, I was completely obsessed. I'd written a letter to the administration and kept re-reading it, obsessively, over and over . . . with the years and time I can barely remember the details. This too shall pass friend! And we all care about what you're going through. When you return to school hold your head high and build a giant, white-light aura around yourself . . .it helps.

With love, Michele :loves


Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 3:17 pm
by suzette2020
Strangely enough I just received a letter from Dr Polifko's boss who said he will speak to her today and email me with a response. I hope your light shines through their hearts and minds.


Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 3:54 pm
by Swedishblue
:hithere :sunflower:

Hey Suzette, I'm so pleased with the responses you've had already from the powers that be. You should be hopeful now!! Now off to school you go and have a successful least I think this is where you said you were headed. You'll be better occupied there, but in case you're not, I find movies do the trick. I hope that you've written your letters of gratitude to The Dr's boss and whoever you saw the other day.

Hallelujah, let justice prevail...thanks be to God!



Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:16 pm
by suzette2020
Not in school yet. Dr Polifko's and Dr Lanouette her superior is having a meeting about the situation. I have lots of hope. Thanks much. I will keep you posted.


Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:34 pm
by 11light11
Funny, Swedish, we're on a wavelength: I was just thinking about how reading helps! :lol: Distractions are key, when we're going through something like this. We need to escape reality for a time. . .what a blessing we have imaginations. :sunflower:

It is hopeful, Suzette, the letter you received today. I like how you said maybe the white light can penetrate their minds. . .you are picking up my wavelength too. ;) That's exactly how I send healing to a 'situation', I put the white light out to all involved parties . .if there is a way for it to soften their perspective, find empathy, get to the objective view: I believe white light can assist with that. We can each become tangled up in someone else's view of things . . and I believe the white light allows us to come to reality, and see with clarity, what the truth is. So it should soothe the people who are making decisions here . . to do what is right, and just.

We're all cheering you on! Remember to stand tall when you're actually there again. You've every right to feel confident about who you are.

With love, Michele :loves


Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:39 pm
by suzette2020
Hi everyone,

Unfortunately I won't be returning to school for this semester, according to Mr Lanoutte. This thing will take some time and thanks for everything. Love always


Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:09 pm
by Swedishblue
Hello again Suzette, What a shame you weren't allowed to resume your studies according to Dr Lanoutte, and graduate in the summer. I think you should keep writing those letters and emails (be persistent and show them you're seriously determined) to get back to school. I also advise you to record down in writing everything people have said in meetings, emails, & on the phone. Compile this information in case you later rely on it at an Appeal.

I have suddenly thought about where you should go to find extra help to reinforce your case....the counsellor. You have been under an insufferable amount of stress and strain, and I think it would serve you well if you discussed it with a professional (either your doctor or counsellor) and had it on record. You've talked about the gross negligence, bullying tactics (yes she is a bully!), her conduct of undermining and showing complete disregard for your wellbeing and education. Write it all down in list form and discuss. Perhaps the counsellor, if she's employed by the school knows an advocate who handles these types of issues. We have strong nursing unions who represent us. In addition, have you tried contacting an Employment Lawyer. I know you're at school, but wondered if you do hospital work? They may I'm sure be able to advise or act on your behalf, as they deal with bullying in the work place. If you can search your memory on all the points of grievance regarding this tutor without making yourself out to be paranoid. I think you need a back up plan just in case. You are doing really really well, but sometimes when you find yourself in a whirlwind of stress and emotion, it's not easy to see clearly or be objective with planning a strategy. So these are the important points to consider.

& please know that you are not burdening us with this. If I lived nearby I'd be over there in a flash to fight your corner. Many have been in your shoes at some point in their lives making innocent mistakes....being naive to know where to turn, and for the sake of a peaceful life, we walk away. This isn't you I sense as this has always been your dream! You have a case...well we already knew that...& now is the time to take action!! Please keep us posted.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

:loves Swedishblue


Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 2:21 am
by suzette2020
Hi Swedishblue, I have been out of it mentally. I have been so exhausted to the point where I am not able to pray. The school does not provide councellors, and I am assuming I am not allowed back on school property. I went and saw a councellor today, he did understand the situation and advise to leave the school becasue it is such a small network, there is no way they will try to cover up and protect their memebers. I cant believe in a time like this I have no one to turn to, Even the person closest to me has been giving me grief because he co signed the loan and also have been helping me out financially. This ordeal has crashed everything. I have been depressed before but what Ive learnt is when you need people the most that is when they find an exit out of your life. Yet when things are going great, everyone wants to be your friend. Honestly I dont see a way out. Not now anyways. Even Mr Lanouette has turn against me, he does not answer my phone calls anymore and told me the situation is out of his hands. Before he was different... Lets just say, I am incapable to see a way out of this mess. But I will keep you all posted. Thanks soo much for all your kindness.


Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 5:24 pm
by suzette2020
Hello everyone,

I apologize for not posting a response sooner. I alomost had a breakdown. Drove 17 hours from Florida to New York to be with family. In anycase, thanks soo much for all your support. I am no longer in school, I did send an appeals letter for readmittion, and still waiting. I am still very much hurt by the situation and hoping this will all pass soon. The situation has affected so many areas of my life but as Sandy advise of her experience, I hope I will myself out of this hole soon. Again thanks soo much for just reading and sending your prayers. Love Suzette.


Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:29 am
by Cassandra551
Suzette, I am new to this community but wanted to tell you that I had a past experience where I felt much like you. My situation resolved itself for my highest good and I truly believe that is what will happen with you. I will be praying for your highest good and the serenity of your soul. I just know you are being tended to.

((( hugs )))


Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:37 am
by suzette2020
Thanks Cassandra, thanks for all your hope and best wishes.


Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:47 am
by Sandy
Dear Suzzette,
I am glad you are not alone right now. You are not forgotten by those of us on this board as we continue to think of you and pray for you. We consider you a friend and part of our little board family and we welcome any news as to how you are doing. Thank you for letting us know where you stand right now. :kiss:
(((((((((BIG HUG)))))))))


Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 8:54 pm
by Swedishblue
Hello, You've been on my mind and in my prayers greatly. I'm still trusting in a resolution for you to return, and if not there, then somewhere where your talents and humanity can be appreciated. Possibly using your experiences and studies in another field or continuing at a different hospital.

I'm not surprised you feel let down and so discarded. But don't let this affect who you are...a kind, compassionate, intelligent person.

Still in my thoughts and prayers x :kiss:


Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:24 pm
by suzette2020
I am soo humbled by all your strengths and concerns, I really believe that you are all praying for me. I was at such a low moment. I was asking everyone to join in prayer and when I got that grade and going through the appeals and mental exhaustion was too much. However on a lighter note, today I felt a little better, I'm am leaving everything in God's hands. I know it's said that God loves Us , but I have yet to experience this bliss some people have experience. However this forum has had a tremendous impact on helping to carry me through this tough ordeal. I know today that I have to start sending out love and prayers to others because just knowing there is a network of people who truly cares and sends energy of love and light, can make a lot of difference in someone's life. I thank you all with all sincerity and will do for others what you have done for me. :kiss:


Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 3:37 am
by Sandy
I know today that I have to start sending out love and prayers to others because just knowing there is a network of people who truly cares and sends energy of love and light, can make a lot of difference in someone's life.
You are an awesome young woman Suzette! :kiss:


Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 4:14 am
by suzette2020
Hi everyone, I need help. Please pray for me please.