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Re: "Near Death" Experiences

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 8:14 am
by iceprincess0001
I hope that I am not too late to share mine as I have many.... :roll

Fourth of July 2010 I was in the middle lane about to turn left into a gas station when a Ford Explore came Driving directly towards me at 40-50mph; showing no signs of slowing down. He barely missed me when my instincts kicked in-I swerved to the right with no thought whatsoever (which I could have been hit by on-coming traffic on the right side of me). The 2nd vehicle behind me also swerved to his far right. The truck then somehow flipped up in the air, directly hitting the next on-coming car finally landed up-side-down on the ground. A slew of men rushed to both vehicles rocking the SUV back & forth until they were finally able to turn the SUV right-side-up again, and opened the door to the SUV.

The young lady was not so lucky she was pinned inside of her car. It took fire fighters to use the jar-of-life to cut off the roof of her vehicle and pull her to safety. I am told she was in intensive care with a fractured neck and spine. Both vehicles were totaled and I walked away with not even a scratch to me nor dent to my small sport car. Police officals could not fathom how an entire truck could flip into the air the way it did with nothing in its way or on the ground (snow, ice, wet roads, a rock, etc) to allow the weight of this vehicle in order to do so…so what could have caused such a thing??? And the kicker is the guy was diabetic and fell asleep behind the wheel…he had no recall of anything that happened but only to awaken to find men busting out his window and yelling at him.

Me. Well I was dressed from head to toe ready to tackle a full day of events to spend with various friends…after all it was the Fourth. Hair, nails, makeup, smell good, nice, pleasant dress attire for the fellas and in high heels and did I mention walked away with not even a scratch or hair out of place to me or my SPORT CAR. I was told at the speed he was going and no protection of the type of a vehicle I have I would have died instantly upon impact.

Needless to say I was too shaken to ‘celebrate’ the 4th. After spending much time with the various detectives, police, etc I went home…removed the dress, heels, etc…and had a good cry because I could not ponder ‘why me?’ This is one 4th I will never-ever forget.

Until next time
