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Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:10 pm
by karodee
Sandy I must admit that I have been guilty of rushing through my life too and always either ruminating about the past or worrying about the future.
There are so many wonders we walk past that go completely unnoticed as we become so wrapped up in our busy, busy lives...
I am reading Eckhart Toole's the power of now and I think this is what I am learning from my granddaughter.
She lives very much in the now as to her there is no past or future.

She applies herself to the task at hand and she puts everything, there's not one bit of hold back, into everything that she does.

Even the act of eating is so thoughtfully carried out and concentrated on till that little bit of food gets on the spoon and that spoonful gets into her mouth and then her face is sheer delight as she finally tastes.

How can you beat that kind of dedication to getting the job done, to living life fully? I usually eat while watching tv or while I'm on the computer and don't hardly even notice that I am eating.

It is sad that we forget how to live with the passion of our true selves.

It was just a while back that I was saying that I need more joy and laughter in my life so I agree I need to slow down a bit and be open to the possibility of the joy of every moment.

Take care

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:27 pm
by jfarris
Karodee said:
I agree I need to slow down a bit and be open to the possibility of the joy of every moment.
Well said and AMEN! :D :cheers:

That is what its really all about for me!



Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 9:22 pm
by karodee
Pet what a view you have from your shower!! It sounds just wonderful. Sometimes I think that I would love to travel and see the marvels of the world and I'm sure I am missing some great sights but I have always been content to discover my own back yard and I know I will be kept busy here for many years yet. It is nice to hear about other places though and it makes me feel good.

Hi John your home sounds just delightful....a lagoon!
We rounded the curve at the inlet of the lagoon and there directly in front of us was a Huge owl sitting on a post. Think we both were speechless for a few it was So unexpected and Beautiful.
Your owl gave me goose bumps and I am always amazed when nature gives us a taste of its glory. I have a special place in my heart for nature and especially for birds as I seem to be drawn to them and them to me.

I even had a little nest of junco's nest right on my balcony only about 5 feet from where I sit in my living room so I had a close up view of all the goings on with the baby birds and watching them grow and finally leave the nest.

I was feeling pretty low as they fledged one after the other but I knew that this was their purpose and I had done my part. I gave them a safe place for their beginning and they gave me wonderful entertainment and knowledge into the inner working of their little family. I think that I got the better part of the deal.

Hi Jody it's wonderful to meet you. I guess we do get to a point that all the other stuff just doesn't matter. It can be nice to have in one way but I've found that I really need very little to be happy and everything else just takes to much of my energy. To me finding joy is only as simple and as hard as desiring it to be so.

Take care

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 2:11 am
by welfki
hello karodee and welcome friend

i like what you said here
To me finding joy is only as simple and as hard as desiring it to be so.
i went back and read your first post
something you said had me thinking,
She said that my thoughts had power and they would come to be (something like that) and she said again to remember my power
with this in mind, do you think- like attracts like?

sometimes when driving home from work- i feel i get worked up and undergo some nasty thoughts-
it seems the faces i come across during this time- look/feel the same way
usually angry people driving in traffic

i remember one time i had a lady come out from her lawn and start shaking her fist at me-
i didn't do anything, but wonder now if perhaps the thoughts that had been going through me(in no way pleasant)
link with what happened

i remember once, driving back to work from my break-
i don't remember what i was thinking-but i was staring at this person
i guess i forget its rude to stare at times
he approached me
he was in his car, i was in mine- just about to pull out from the stop sign- he abruptly stops his car
he rolled down his window and asked if i had a problem
i remember saying, "you're the one slamming your breaks"
perhaps it was wrong of me to turn it around as i did

these are the instances i am reminded of when asking,
does like attract like?

i work with kids and feel that- children are receptive
when in a good mood, the children are drawn to it- and beam down their loving grace
when ancy- i notice a similar impatience amongst the group

sorry to drag this out like i did but as mentioned earlier
it gets me thinking
thank you for that :]

again, welcome
take care



Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 6:17 am
by karodee
Hi eric It's wonderful to meet you.

Do I attracts like?
I think there are opportunities and depending the situation it can go either way......
If you are angry and putting that out to the universe you will probably eventually find someone else who will be angry too and want to fight because that's the way the world reacts to anger.
It would be interesting to find out what would happen if you drove the same way home after work happy?
You may still find the angry person cause lets face it rush hour drives home are not exactly a fun time but you may be able to defuse their anger with you happy attitude.

I agree children are especially sensitive to emotions and will react in a way depending of what is going on with the adult leading them and I believe it is similar for adults.

I remember being told that if you go to the party thinking that you will not have a good time....well, you won't because people will stay away from the negativity but will you necessarily attract negative people.....maybe.
If on the other hand you go saying that this is going to be fun and I am going to meet people etc.....everyone will be drawn to your laughter and will want to be with you.
In this way we do make our own reality.

I hope this helps cause I do have an unusual way of looking at things sometimes.
Now if you are asking me if we can create anger with our thoughts where there was no anger before...... or if you are asking me if our thoughts had the power to pull anger out of the universe.....that's a little out of my league, sorry.

Take care

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 5:06 pm
by welfki
i like your response and am generally thinking the same thing
It would be interesting to find out what would happen if you drove the same way home after work happy?
You may still find the angry person cause lets face it rush hour drives home are not exactly a fun time but you may be able to defuse their anger with you happy attitude.
i've done this- but usually when happy, my head is up in the clouds- or brushing off the angry glances by jamming to some music in the car

i look forward to sharing much with you
until then

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 6:20 pm
by karodee
Hi eric

Ever since you asked my that question....does like attract like? I have been thinking about it.
At first I wondered what you really meant and how I would answer you then that didn't seem to matter any more cause the question took it's own life within me.

It just showed me again how connected we are and how we do really need each other because we are all a special part of the Oneness.
I needed to ask myself that question too so thank you for helping me remember.

Take care

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:44 pm
by dulceki
Welcome Karodee! :D I love the story you posted.Looking forward to hearing more. :)

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 9:52 pm
by sammy
Hi All!

I was thinking about Karodee said about driving home happy.

Back when I started getting inundated with 1111 and all kinds of synchronicities...AND watched the DVD of the Secret...AND an almost stranger handed me a copy of "Celestine Prophecy"...I heard a story (or maybe I had read it...anyway) About a woman driving her child home from school. She was running late and in a major stressed out rush. Every slow poke driver in the world kept pulling out in front of her. Long story short, had the slow pokes not been in front of her she would have been in a deadly accident....Hmmm..Angels???

I used to be little miss road rage until I heard that story (around the same time I read Celestine Prophecy). Then I would think of circumstances that might be causing them to drive like butt heads, and have empathy and send them love.

Anyway, sort of tied into that, I used to take my son to karate lessons 3 nights a week. He would be a total butt head the entire ride, arguing about why he had to go.

Now my son is an energy vampire. Sucks the life right out of me, and I was HATING those 6 minute drives to karate. One day I thought...I wonder if I can force the universal love into him? So as soon as we got in the truck I started sucking in universal love and feeling it pushed into his heart chakra.

He was SILENT the whole LONG 6 minute drive. He opened his door to get out, I said "I love you", he quietly (with a tiny pout) said "I love you too". :grrr (He had to go because once he got there he had fun, and he didn't do ANY other form of exercise.) We would get there, he would get out of the car, I would say "I love you" and he would SLAM the door shut.

I had been practicing meditating and sucking in "universal love". I was walking around in the bubble of love. People would actually do double takes...they could sense it.


Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:28 pm
by karodee
Hi Delceki
Welcome to this 11:11 message board too.
Thank you for your kind words. I have read your thread and I am glad that you are finding calm and peaceful moments. They are indeed a blessing to experience however fleeting those tastes of freedom. I too have this need for serenity and quiet and it seems to be very important to me at this time of my life.
Take care

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 10:01 pm
by karodee
Hi Sammy
I have read "Celestine Prophecy" a while back and I do wish I could remember what it was about but the book is long gone so I guess I better get myself a new copy as the memory isn't what is used to be!

I really like how you think Sammy about dealing with the negativity of your son. I remember thinking about this even years ago when my children were can you teach love with anger and pain? You might be able to get the behavior to stop but at what cost?
Sometime when my children and grandchildren were little and doing things that was upsetting to me, I would just hold them or touch them and let some of my love go into them to strengthen and help them and calling for the universal love is the same thing.
I would think it would be better to get the consent of the person who is misbehaving and have him or her want to change because it's the right thing to do.

By your actions and intent you gave your son a chance to be react in a positive way and take the higher road. I would think it's pretty difficult to argue when someone says 'I love you' and by saying that you let your son know you love him even the way he was so there was nothing left to argue about anymore. Wow! I'm happy for both you and your son.
take care

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 1:24 pm
by sammy
Good Morning K!
I would think it would be better to get the consent of the person who is misbehaving and have him or her want to change because it's the right thing to do.
You have me thinking deeply now....I do not disagree, but I am wondering...why would it be (not exactly sure what word to use here...) incorrect to send love (or even healing) without the person's consent? I am sure there is a reason, but I am not coming up with one at the moment. Can you help me understand this?


Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 7:14 pm
by karodee
Hi Sammy
I can see what you are saying and I apologize if that statement....
I would think it would be better to get the consent of the person who is misbehaving and have him or her want to change because it's the right thing to do.
was confusing.

I was comparing behavior change through love and the consent or our will to do good versus forcing a person to change behavior by fear or punishment or even reward.

What I mean is if you send the love, the love will heal and change the person and now he or she will be different because of that love and it will change him and in this way he will now consent to change out of his love.

On the other hand if the person is forced to change in this case of a child by 'reprimand' or just 'putting up' with him/her or even if a reward is offered, they are not changing the behavior with a real consent or willingness to do the right thing.
They are only reacting to the fear of consequence or punishment or the promised pleasure of the reward. To change from with in by our own will out of love is the purest reason to do the right thing.

I never considered that we should have to get the person consent before sending them love or healing as I send love and healing all the time and think that this is one of the most beautiful and loving things that we can do for each other but now you have me thinking too.......
take care

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 1:40 am
by sammy
K - :lol:

Don't think too deeply. (That's what I just heard:lol: )

Wonder if that's my TA?

I had another occassion when I was thinking too deeply...

I was out in my yard thinking about pulling weeds and trimming hedges. I started thinking about a study that proved plants have feelings...meaning they can experience pain!!! So I was debating if I should let my yard turn into a jungle and started wondering about cooking veggies (how bad do green beans feel when you dump them in boiling water?). Then I thought (talking to God) "why did you give them feelings?" Instantly I heard "your NOT supposed to know that." :lol:

So, K--Don't think too deeply! My guess is sending love and healing are always a good thing.


Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:57 am
by CutieKenge
sammy wrote:K - :lol:

So I was debating if I should let my yard turn into a jungle and started wondering about cooking veggies (how bad do green beans feel when you dump them in boiling water?). Then I thought (talking to God) "why did you give them feelings?" Instantly I heard "your NOT supposed to know that." :lol:
LoL :lol: Oh Sammy, you are too sweet! :sunflower:

And this is a great thread, everyone!

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 12:59 am
by ChildofGod
Hello and welcome dear friend to our 1111 family.

Love & light


Child Of God

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 1:22 am
by Bluebelle235
karodee wrote:
I never considered that we should have to get the person consent before sending them love or healing as I send love and healing all the time and think that this is one of the most beautiful and loving things that we can do for each other but now you have me thinking too.......
take care
When I did my Reiki courses, we were told that when we send distance healing, to ask (mentally) that the healing be accepted if it is for the recipient's Higher good. It may be that part of the recipient's Soul Contract is to experience the particular illness as part of their journey, and 'forcing' healing on them, no matter how well intentioned it is, is not for their highest good. - hope that makes sense.

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 2:46 am
by sammy
hi Joy!

That was in my head at some point, but when I went to put it down the thought was gone!

It makes PERFECT sense!!

Thank you!


Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 4:03 am
by dulceki
karodee wrote:Hi Delceki
Welcome to this 11:11 message board too.
Thank you for your kind words. I have read your thread and I am glad that you are finding calm and peaceful moments. They are indeed a blessing to experience however fleeting those tastes of freedom. I too have this need for serenity and quiet and it seems to be very important to me at this time of my life.
Take care
Thank you. you take care as well:D

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 10:55 pm
by karodee
Hi Sammy
I agree with CutieKenge as that 'deep thinking' can quite interesting where it takes you. I do talk to my plants though and before I had my own children and my rubber plant grew a new leaf, I really did feel like a proud grandparent especially as I so tenderly took loving care of it and it took almost a year for anything to happen. That was my first experience with a plant under my care and I took my responsibilities very seriously.

Thank you for the welcome ChildofGod I am finding my way around better now and really enjoying reading all the wonderful threads.

Bluebelle235 I like what you posted about sending healing to someone and it really just confirms what I have talked about with my daughter about my own healing. I have felt that the issues that I have right now are necessary for my purpose and they are not a burden as my daughter thinks but a blessing. Until I feel otherwise I think it is best that I continue the way I am, doing what I am doing. You have no idea how I felt when I read your words as no one else has understood my feelings on this and I didn't know how to put it into words either before. I too will now be more thoughtful when assuming my wishes on others and ask for their permission as well. Thank you for this insight.

Dulceki as we are starting out on this adventure kind of in the same place, where are you concentrating your reading as there is so much here and I find I can only absorb only small amounts at one time? Are you practicing the meditation yet? Every time I start to do the breathing, I start panicking as has been a problem in the past for me to do this. I find it better for me to just go and sit somewhere and just be there.


Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 2:41 pm
by luvinlife
I'm a bit confused about sending love and healing to someone. I can't imagine how that wouldn't do someone any good? It's natural for me to send love and healing to anyone (especially my kids).


Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 3:29 pm
by George
Hi Guys,

deals with the subject.

God bless.....

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 9:29 pm
by CutieKenge
George wrote:Hi Guys,

deals with the subject.

God bless.....
Thanks, George. That was very helpful.


Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 1:18 am
by dulceki
karodee wrote:
Dulceki as we are starting out on this adventure kind of in the same place, where are you concentrating your reading as there is so much here and I find I can only absorb only small amounts at one time? Are you practicing the meditation yet? Every time I start to do the breathing, I start panicking as has been a problem in the past for me to do this. I find it better for me to just go and sit somewhere and just be there.
I start to panic as well.On October the 7th (one day before my birthday) I felt myself itching to meditate.So I did and I tried to picture myself in a boat on a peaceful lake with someone/an angel rowing the boat, and then arriving upon a forest.I got this idea from a meditating online radio station, and the lady that was guiding everyone into meditation was saying that how the forest looks,smell,if someone comes out from the forest and/or etc that it could reflect how you're really feeling,what you're fears are, etc.But I couldn't concentrate long enough to actually see what happens.I came to the conclusion that maybe i'am just a person that likes to talk face to face (even though for some reason I get a funny feeling about the unknown)since I don't really socialize with other people too much b/c of being a little anti-social. :? :scratch:

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 3:36 pm
by George
Hi Dulceki,
I don't really socialize with other people too much b/c of being a little anti-social.

You're with us on this board !

Must be VERY little a.s.
