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Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 1:09 pm
by SheraX
Hi and welcome. :hithere

(lost my net for a few days,from high winds,I have alot of catching up to do!)

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 1:46 pm
by Sandy
Glad your up and running again Heather. Was there much damage?
Love, Sandy

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:12 pm
by nimi
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Nimi x

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:14 pm
by nimi
:lol: :lol: :lol: ....waz for Pet.

Nimi X

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 5:10 pm
by purpletaurus
so... you just meditate and spirits will talk to you?? how does that work?

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 5:10 pm
by purpletaurus
and whats the point of them giving you signals through 11:11 anyway, just to let us know that they're there?? there has to be a bigger reason.

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 9:32 pm
by Petra Wilson
Hi Purple, No, you don't just meditate for the 'spirits' to talk to you.
how does that work?
Well, it works by your own efforts. If you really want to communicate with your Guides, Angels, Spirits, God, you start by stating the fact to yourself, get rid of your doubts, and go from there, usually with the Stillness exercise.
and whats the point of them giving you signals through 11:11 anyway, just to let us know that they're there?? there has to be a bigger reason.
I dunno Purple! Maybe They just want to show us They are around, 'specially in our hours of need! To warn us in moments of danger?
The point is, These Beings are there, though we can't always perceive them, except through simple signs like number sequences?
This is a read about this whole thing; this Site!

Love, Petra xxx

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 11:58 pm
by Geoff
purpletaurus wrote:and whats the point of them giving you signals through 11:11 anyway, just to let us know that they're there?? there has to be a bigger reason.
Yes, they are trying to change the world, one person at a time. We are in the correcting time, and its time for humans to learn truth, and stop destroying this planet at the same time, because we are so misguided.

Learn to listen to your own guides, and you will hear what you need to know.


Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 12:01 am
by justylonging1111
Hello Dear Geoff!

Did you feel that? LOL We just posted at the same time and I believe a Hello is in order from this Saskatchewan snow-fallen place, which is where you are Geoff and all who read this!

God Bless Everyone!

Love Tannis

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 3:21 am
by Sandy
Hello Tannis,
Thanks for bringing me into your beautiful snow covered world. Love it! :D

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 11:39 pm
by lilly
Hi Taurus,
Welcome aboard.
Love lilly xxx

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 7:59 pm
by purpletaurus
Ok.... heres another for you guys...
My middle son has something called a Nintendo GameCube. He has a game called crash bandacoot for it. He was playing the game, as he always does, and he wanted to save his progress on the load/save screen.
He went to the bathroom, I went to get my youngest son out of his crib, came back in the livingroom, and glanced at the still screen in save mode.
You have to know that the internal clock and date on the GameCube is not correct. I looked at the screen for a split second, and what does it say??
"11:11 11.11.08". ! No word of a lie. And the funnier thing is that Until you save it, which he haden't cause he was still in the bathroom, the clock keeps going. So a few seconds later after starring at the screen in AW, it turned to "11:12 11.11.08". These prompts are becoming unreal!

George, if your spirits talk to you when you meditate, and convey messages to you, can you ask them why me?

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 8:07 pm
by kshitij
thats and interesting story.. and dont think "WHY ME??"... think "LUCKY ME!!!"

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 9:43 pm
by purpletaurus
I do think "lucky me" but I also think "why me". Whats so special about me, that I keep getting prompts like that. And not only by clocks, but in other ways, like the nintendo and my first story I wrote on here about the baby pictures. I'm just wondering what my duty is supposed to be... maybe inspiring people? I'm not sure, but I will find out. I'm going to meditate tomorrow for the first time... I'm just not sure what to listen for.

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:47 pm
by Geoff
purpletaurus wrote:George, if your spirits talk to you when you meditate, and convey messages to you, can you ask them why me?
You will find the answer in the FAQs. As also the fact that there are many many millions being prompted, so don't feel too special about it.
Why Me???????????

Well we only have theories on this. They have not yet explained who they pick. It could be as simple as

a) because they can prompt you, and others are not receptive. It does seem that most contactees have excellent latent psychic abilities. This follows - if they can trigger your brain to look somewhere, or at a clock at the right time, then they can impress a wider range of thoughts into your mind too.

b) or because you have unique skills or abilites that they would like to utilise

c) or because you are either already in an important role, or will be in an important role. We are not suggesting you are running the country, but you might be a teacher, or a painter, or a musician - someone who will influence many people. The Correcting Time will be a time when orthodoxy fails, and folks will be looking for answers. And they will be fearful. They will need reassurance. You may thus be the leading edge - the early adopters of new paradigms.

d) There are a lot of special kids being born, and many of the folks getting prompted with 11:11 are simply being prepared as good parents to these special children, who will require understanding and nuturing of their gifts. So maybe its not about you, but your children, or chlidren to be.

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:45 pm
by purpletaurus
Oh ok..... LMAO.... you have a uncommonly brash way of saying things...
Wow. Anyway, I dont feel "super special", no one that I know gets them, as far as I know anyway, so there cant be that many. Maybe its becoming more common, but I've been seing it for about 17 yrs.
Whenever I write something "Geoff" you're ALL OVER what I say, and if I didnt know any better the last comment before this was sarcastic. Did I say something wrong? or is that how you talk to everyone?
Anyways, I'm meditating tonight, so I'll let you guys know the outcome.
Oh, and I already read the "Why me???" section. Theres a lot of vagueness so I wondered what other people thought.


Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:18 pm
by Geoff
Dear PurpleTaurus,

If folks don't say they have read the FAQ's, we assume they haven't. And I guess we mods do sometime get a little terse, when that happens. If you had said you found it "vague" then we could have asked why, instead of re-pointing you to the FAQ. Sorry if it upset you.


Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:37 pm
by Petra Wilson
Hey you two! Geoff & Purple, I almost pressumed you two fancied each other the way you were bickering! And there's me getting jealous!
Oh ok..... LMAO.... you have a uncommonly brash way of saying things...
That he does! I like his brash way these day, though I didn't used to!

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 12:32 am
by nasra1996
Geoff has hormonals from time to time..... :lol:

Joking, i like people who do straight talking... best way to be... :D

Love Sarah

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:10 pm
by Sandy
Hi Purpletauraus. I must say, I like Geoff just the way he is. If you would withhold judgement for awhile, perhaps you too will see he is a very caring person, a healer, and a good person to have in your corner when in need. Unfortunately, it is easy to take what someone says the wrong way on message boards. Many people often formulate an entire opinion of someone from just a few posts...a few mere words. People are much too complicated for that.
You wrote:
no one that I know gets them, as far as I know anyway, so there cant be that many. Maybe its becoming more common, but I've been seing it for about 17 yrs.
This thread is a collection of Celestial messages related to the 11:11 number prompts...
We are told millions of people are being prompted, but unfortunately few are paying attention, care, or even notice the prompts. This doesn't perturb the Midwayers at all...It is the people like you who notice and care after seventeen long years that can make a difference in the world if they so choose.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 4:17 pm
by AndiB
nasra1996 wrote:Geoff has hormonals from time to time..... :lol:

Joking, i like people who do straight talking... best way to be... :D

Love Sarah
Hahahaha!!! Geoff must be a Sagittarius! :wink: My hubby is the same way!!! Sometimes it makes me want to stick my head in the sand.. and other times it comes in handy!! I think partly being truthful in your words or even just straight front with things is something we all learn through time. Think about it, when you're young you lie about dumb things; the cat ate my homework, I was spending the night at Kelly's while I was really out at a concert, etc,; then as we get older it's so much more less about the drama and just wanting to keep things real and in perspective! My grandfather is one of the most cantankerous (and I say that lovingly!) people I know... He'll tell ya EXACTLY what he thinks of you! I just tell people, until you've lived as long as he has, you still have more to learn and at least he's being honest in his opinion, and we're all entitled to our opinions! :D


Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 7:05 pm
by nasra1996
It was just a joke really....

Geoff is actually one of the most interesting, loving, caring and spiritual people i've never met....

Love Sarah

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:10 pm
by justylonging1111
Hello Purpletaurus!

Welcome to this most loving place! So very nice to meet you my Dear, I too am a Canadian 11 Sister!

I have lived in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan all of my 33 years and I too don't believe I will leave Canada!

I too have 3 young children, and I am very pleased to meet you and look forward to hearing from you soon!

God Bless You and Yours! :sunny:
Love Tannis

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:51 pm
by Petra Wilson
Hahahaha!!! Geoff must be a Sagittarius!
Hey hey hey! Guess who's a Saggy-bottom person?? <--- roughly translated as, "I'm a Sagittarian too, didn't you know?"

Hmm! Geoff has left the building, aww! Bleessss!!! He hates compliments and flirtinies, eh?? :lol:
COME BACK GEOFF!! We'll behave! No more nice sentiments, promise!!

Petra xxx

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 12:11 am
by nasra1996
I wasn't flirting..... :oops: :o so weird there is a man who just popped up on tv called Geoff..

I got a good prompt today, my youngest daughter is playing a angel in the nativity play, so i was slaving over the sewing machine tonight making her a dress, after i finished i hung it up, took a look at the time and it was 22:33 pm..... closing on 11:11.... :D

Love Sarah