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Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:08 am
by George
Dear Nicola,

Just keep your mind clear on your very important task, and know all of us jokers are with you.


Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 12:17 pm
by nasra1996
I've always liked the name Violet or Amber for a girl, for a boy...hmmm Don't know, hey how about Michael...? :) Petra is right though, in a peculiar way, the more painful the labour the stronger the bond with the child. My mum named me 'Sally' at birth, that is what is on my birth cert.... :?

Wish you all the best Nicola...

Love Sarah

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:13 pm
by Petra Wilson
Hello Sally hehe 8) , hello Everyone,
My mother, after her 4th sprog, (me) didn't name me till she had to. No thought at all went into it! Still could've been worse, my sister Sue almost got called Ivy (my father's mother's name) but he had to go to Borneo a month before. To this day, Susan is grateful mum named her and not dad! :lol: But I quite like the name Ivy. (Mother complained that everyone would tease her by calling her poison Ivy!) When he returned he tried to change it to Ivy. Then I was born and I very nearly got named Ivy, but she wasn't having it, on the grounds that she hated her mother-in-law! Families eh??

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 3:53 pm
by Sandy
Hey Sweet Nicola,

I am so excited and looking forward to hearing from Gypsie that it's a go! :baby Oh I just got tingles just thinking about it! Well as much as you went through during this pregnancy I think you deserve an easy delivery! You've already done your "bond time!" :wink: :D

Much love to all of you dear people :jocolor: ,
xx Sandy

(By the way, I think Aqua Deb made an excellent suggestion! Sandy does have a nice ring to it don't ya think?...and it's so versatile! :wink: )

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:25 pm
by nasra1996
How is 'Sandy' versatile.... ?

Oh Yeah, it's a unisex name, SAndy... just drop the S if it's a boy... :P

Love Sarah

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:10 am
by Nicolaco
Aahh I'm sooo restless, trying to be patient, but keep looking for signs that things are gonna happen soon.

38 weeks today, I know I could have a few weeks yet or it could happen today. Have always felt I'll be early with this one, but that is probably wishful thinking.

Anyone have any 'feelings' either way?? Come on you psychics!!
Ha ha I know I need to chill out. Yesterday I was knackered, today I'm ridiculously restless.
Going to do my AC meditation today, must RELAX........

Thanks for all your thoughts, it's so exciting and I feel honoured to have all you special people sharing this time with me.

Love you all!!

Nicola xxx

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:29 pm
by SheraX
Restless,from what I remember is a sign.... :flower:

Heather xo

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:37 pm
by blue nova
Good morning Nicola :sunny:

I believe Heather's correct about restless being a sign.... :wink:

you wrote:
Have always felt I'll be early with this one
I say go with your intuition :D :D


Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 2:45 pm
by George
Nicola writes:
Anyone have any 'feelings' either way??
Only about the name: Georgette !!! :)

Much love......


Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 11:30 pm
by Petra Wilson
Hey Nickers!! Just have a healthy birth! I had 5 of them and was thinking of just one more because I LOVE it so much! The stress and whole painful experience DURING giving birth, is a bit much, but one's body and brain is releasing those feel-good feelings to counter-balance the pain...that's why IMO it's best to go natural. It's frigging painful, no doubt about it, and you know that Nicole, having a child already, but doing it natural, at least once! It is beneficial to the child more than it is for the mother. It's better to come out into the world where nature intended, than through a deliberate cut through the womb. My sister had to be delivered cesarian section, and my mum always loved her more! Said it was so much less painful than with the rest of us. So, she did give her a lot more attention.
"How much pain did I give you mama?" I asked her once. "Oh, your head was so big! But once that was out, no problem! The biggest problem was Susan! Yes! She was the second child, her head was far too big and the worst thing of all..." (I'm thinking: 'what? she screamed a lot? She was disfigured? She had the devil's red curly hair??? what??)....
.."she was so white and ugly!" :!: :!: I'm almost ashamed to say this Nicks, but that was the story, and in front of Sue, who's self-confidence was so low, she almost became a bully!
Luckily, my father counter-acted it all!

I reckon you child will be a boy! Well, it's 50/50 but I see a boy. I must tell you that I am always........40% correct at predicting baby's sex's.

Thinking of you dear Nicks, and don't fret about texting me at the birthing if you're unable to. But I'd say, another 3 and a half, maybe not a half , weeks to go!! Around end of May...June the 2nd At the very latest!
Say.....May the 12th...that's my final prediction, :lol:

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 10:20 am
by Nicolaco
Ha ha thanks for those predictions Pet!

I'm 'due' on 8th may, but they won't let me go more than a week overdue, because of my previous emergency c -section, and I can't be induced for the same reason. So I need some labour vibes if I go late so I don't have to have another section!

All in all, as long as baby is healthy I don't really care, but I would love it to happen naturally this time.

Ooh my husband Sam is in team blue too, but I'm still thinking pink......

Much love, Nicola xxxx

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 10:45 am
by Petra Wilson
Oh dear! :oops: Sorry Nicola, there's me ranting on about natural birth.

I'll be computer-less for sure then. This machine's being packed away on the 3rd-4th May. I'll be thinking of you Nicola!

Sorry for ^^^ earlier...

Love, always, Pet XXXXX

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 12:17 pm
by nasra1996
Hi Nicola, usually if you have had one caesarian, you are likely to have another, a caesarian can partly destroy all your abdominal muscles so basically you can't push.. but that is not always the case for everyone, i had 3 natural births with no pain relief except the gas, which gives you a really unatractive mans voice ... :) then i went on to have 2 emergency caesarians, but i loved the natural births, i never minded the pain either it's not so bad you know..... i must be mad... the pain is not so bad because it is well worth it to see the end result... awe, i want another now... :?

I wish you all the best Nicola... sending hugs to you and your child...

Love Sarah

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 12:23 pm
by Nicolaco
Yeah I felt cheated last time, because, believe me, I had ALL the bloody pain, 24 hrs of labour, over 2 hrs of pushing and baby would NOT come out, (big head V small pelvis I think) so they had to cut her out in the end. *sigh*

Fingers crossed this time, don't think this one's head is as big, so we will see. Very

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 12:26 pm
by Petra Wilson
Yeah and don't forget to text me sweety! {I told Phil and he said: "You whaaat??? Pet! I don't think she'll be thinking between painful contractions, 'hang on! I must text Petra to let her know!!' :lol: } I put him straight, said you'd probably text AFTER the birth.

Love, pet xxxx

Sarah, I was thinking the very same a few months back. And having a baby in France was the best experience... 4 star gourmet food, own room! The British hospital was good too, I'm not slating the NHS :oops: