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Post by hamster whisperer »

We have fifty states. Plus one territory: Puerto Rico.

I lost about 100 pounds over the course of a few years by giving up food as entertainment. I ate when I was hungry, and didn't eat when I wasn't.

Then I got really sick and didn't eat for about a month and lost thirty more pounds.

Then I got well and went off insulin and onto pills for diabetes and gained about fifty again. Now I have lost 16 of them by having my classroom moved downstairs. I go up and down the stairs probably ten times a day.
How do you lose weight using the Law of Attraction? Somebody told someone, but I blew right past it.
All is possible.
Save the earth! It's the only planet with chocolate!
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Hello Jill,

Well thank you for clearing up how many states we have, I felt kind of dumb. I thought it was only 50 states but I thought we had two territories. So much for my college degree :lol: :lol:

Did a great job making your body healthy, I guess those steps really helped quite a bit.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by gypsie »

Well, I thought you had 52 States :roll: I have been saying that for years, so I had a look and yep, 50 States and then it get real confusing for an Auzzie. However, i discovered Mexico has 31 States.
Jill how we can keep our weight off :shock: walk and then walk a bit more.

I have gained alot of weight from giving up smoking, but I thought last night. People told me I would gain weight from giving up smoking, so I did.I
Maybe the 'law of attraction put on the weight' Imagine if we started saying "give up smoking and the slim you appears".

I lasted 22 hours on my no sugar, dairy and wheat life, gobbled down a waggon wheel on my way home Friday night :oops:

I am day 2 on my hormone medicine, the monster should leave me in about a week the Doc said :twisted: then back to happy me :lol:

Oh Petra you crack me up, I thought coal has kept us fed and warm for many years but give me a big diamond on my finger any day. Imagine a lump of coal :lol: I really like your picture at the moment, the fire in the background looks warm (well I hope there is a fire) you look lovely Petra.

Now PP Sandy warned you about moving furniture :stars: so does that mean the furniture has gone back to where it was?

I had my darling little grandaugther today, oh she is so fat, she gobbled her mother's expressed milk like a posessed little thing :twisted: then screamed her head off, I dashed to the chemist in desperation, bought formula, made a bottle then she gobbled that down.

I said "Miss Amelia you will explode" then she burped so loud, a truckie would of been impressed. She spent the next 2 hours laying on pillows moving her arms and legs, unable to move anything else. She smiled her little head off, the house looks like it's been turned upsidedown and shaken, babies :baby cute but i am so happy to be in menapause, AMEN..

Big Hugs Gypsie

PS: Oh Aqua Deb it's amazing we hit 1000 posts and to think I was almost thin when this thread started! WHIST
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Post by Sandy »

Hello everyone,

Glad to see we are getting this little Geography problem figured out...but don't forget The Capital of the United States in Washington D.C. does not reside in any state. So the U.S has one district too, the District of Columbia. Maybe that was what PP was alluding too...
Memawlaura I had to giggle at myself when PP mentioned 51 states...I thought..."Lordy me! I must not have been paying attention in eigth grade Geography class!" :oops: :lol:

Aw Petra, what a neat way to think about coal! Whmmm I guess when your "hot your hot!" :wink: (Sorry...very bad joke time!) :oops:

Hello Jacob, nice to see you posting on this monster thread.

I must admit that it sometimes upsets me to hear someone speak of a judgemental or angry God. This is not the God I speak to and interact with during meditation. It is almost like they are insulting or speaking demeaningly of my best friend. It's silly, I know... :oops: If God doesn't mind and comes to us in whatever way we will accept him...Why should it upset me if other people perceive him differently even a bit negatively? God knows in time..eons of it...we will all come to know and understand him in ways none of us can begin to imagine at this time in our human evolution. Seems we all have lots to learn in this pre-preschool eternity class. :lol:

Oh Gypsy, I love to hear your Miss Amelia stories....Nothing like babies to bring joy and disarray into your life. Bless that sweetie of yours... :happy

Jill I sort of remember what your talking about..loosing weight the secret way but it has been awhile since I read it...Seems I read something in Louise Hay's book about that too but I have just been looking and can't seem to find it. :scratch:

Okay I'm seeing double... time for bed...
I love you all.. good night..
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Hello all you wonderful people,

Sandy, Louise Hay states that weight gain is an insecurity and a way for us to protect ourselves. So once a person begins replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations that weight loss will begin. She has no belief system in diets and states they do not work.

I could only remember 50 states, but territories and the District of Columbia I did not even pay attention to :oops: . I liked the way you say that Washington, D.C. doesn't reside in any state and instantly I thought to myself does it really even reside in America :lol: :lol: .

Gypsie, see thats what happens when you try to diet. You believed you were to gain weight because everyone said so, so just put an affirmation up on your mirror and tell yourself everyday you are beautiful and thin. A wise ole' owl (PP) reminded me of that. Gee if your going to spend time dieting just spend it making more permanent change. You should PM Jill, she had a post above where she lost quite a bit of weight and it seems she made dietary changes and exercise on another thread:wink: .

Jacob, thank you for your input and we all work at living for today. Glad to have you joining in on this thread. We discuss many topics so just let her rip.

PP, I hope you have that furniture where you want it because your giving me a hernia :lol: :lol: .
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by nasra1996 »

Hi all..

I always thought that there were 52 states too...

Gypsie, i am a bit over weight at the moment too, i love my chocolate that's why... I've started a new diet with some friends around the country, we contact each other by email. weigh in is on Wednesdays.. whoever loses the most weight in a month wins a prize sent in the post.. up to now i'm the one who has lost the least, :( don't know why, i don't eat anymore... No i don't like diets, i think the best diet is simply cutting down your portions, not eating in between meals, and eating whatever takes your fancy... no need to suffer munching on spinach leaves, which i have been doing for the past few months..., because the weight always comes back on again, if you deprive yourself... :?

Anyways i wish you luck with your weightloss....I love this thread... :)

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Post by Seeker13 »

Ladies, you make me smile.

I never get reminders of this thread anymore, so it's up to me to make the connection. I'm so glad I did tonight.

I was just thinking that I missed you, and there you were! I think we all need to stop and realize how beautiful we are. I personally hate to have a camera pointed at me. Why, because the camera that just captured my rhino butt, didn't even try to show what radiates from my heart? We are so much more than a two-dimensional photograph that will get shoved to the bottom of a drawer anyway.

Even though I will never squeeze into a size five. I still love throughly. I know I need to be healthier, but how we treat others is where our real beauty lies. Don't you think? I believe that you all are an amazing assortment of people.

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Post by peacockplume »

Oh well, this is no fun at all....

when I opened this thread from my computer, I didn't notice that I clicked on page 41, not 42, and at the bottom was the last two posts from Jacob and Pet....

(I must say, you got guts Jacob.....good on you, welcome...)

but,,,,since I thought that was the last page (silly me), here I was posting a reply about Jacob and Pet....

went something like this...

"OK Pet and your jets....

and lets sit down and have a coffee,,,,,us three,,,,

sip sip sip,,,,,mmmmmm that's much better isn't it....

then I got on to eating chocolate,,,,,and commenting that although we do sometimes speak seriously on this thread (you have to look for it though)

that we keep the real serious stuff for other threads....

then I scrolled down and what!!!!!!! where did that conversation go...

that's when I discovered page 42.....

ok,,,,,more milk please,,,,,and a dob of that nice cream and chocolate sprinkles...

50 states you all say,,,,,better check my phone book again....honestly I always thought there was only 50 also.....then I remembered the addition of "who knows what,,,,,I'm only a Canuk afterall...

so I thought ok, then there's 52,,,,

we had the same confusion up here, I lived the greater majority of my life thinking we only had the 10 provinces, which is of course correct, but didn't know they added these 'territories',,,,

now that's government for you.....keep those people confused, they don't have a clue.....

yah!!!!! you wanna bet!!!!,,,,,

just wait till they find out who's really cutting those underwater cables???

I think it was Bing or AJ, who found the real culprit.....Squid.... :lol: :lol:


back to page 42

camera's, well just think of them as reflections of the we're all smiling at our new svelte figures,,,,,

I think you got the LH quote right.....

and no, all the furniture still hasn't been moved, a set of shelving still has to come down (which means moving all the stuff on it) and my desk still has to come downstairs (which means cleaning that out)

but no hernias in waiting, that's why it's taking so long....I only do things in small bits....

but the entertainment center is NEVER BEING MOVED AGAIN....

so you can breath easy now....

it took me two weeks to recover from the first move of that thing, and will now take me another two weeks to recover from getting it back in place.

Had some FUN today though,,,,a friend and I went to a spiritualist church, she got a lovely msg from her gran.....then we went for lunch, with a zany dear lady friend....then we came to my place for a hot tub....

then ..... she had bought a stand that lights up in the center and turns, that you can put..... whatever on it..... so we started putting some of my crystal points (that stand) on it.....WOW was that ever a treat....we saw things in those crystals that we never knew were there.....and what a focal point.....(now I have to find my little one I packed away when I started moving THAT STAND....)

well here it is.....past midnight once again....

so I'll finish my garble,,,,for tonight....wishing you all well,,,and happy days....and sending all my love....

pp xoxoxoxoxo sip sip sip
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Post by peacockplume »

Oh Gypsie dearest,

how could I forget.....the vivid mental picture you just sent of Amelia, playing the beached whale...

kind of something like a turtle when you flip it over hey!!!!

anyway, I really got a good chuckle.....

thanks sweetie, you can always bring a smile to me....

love pp
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Post by gypsie »

Hey PP I loose time and you loose pages :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

PLEASE tell me what is all the moving furniture for? I am worried about your back :shock: girl that hottub sounds amazing OH I'd love to be there. Did you bring the zanny lady back from the spritual church? I love the spritual church, they do flower readings in ours. I'm sure we're playing tag :roll:

OK much love right back at ya, Miss Amelia is in size 1 around the belly and she is what 15 weeks? You would love her she is SOOOOOOO Cute and really has a conversation, she has no idea we can't understand a word she is saying. Had an amazing experience with the AC, it's good to be back :lol: :lol: :lol:

Love my secret friends a nice coffee at the moment YUM

C YA Gypsie
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Post by nasra1996 »

Oh hi Gypsie, i will post here...

The Avvie picture is lovely isn't it, i love all his paintings... It's a John Williams Waterhouse - "Boreas".... A British artist i think, from the Pre-Raph/romantic days... Boreas is a greek god of wind, as you can see she is being blasted with it... :)

thanks, take care...

Love Sarah xxx
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Good Morning All,

PP, it sounds like you had a wonderful weekend ending with a great soak in your hot tub. I've been thinking about attending a Spiritual Church in my area, but I have not acted on the feeling yet :?

Well, I'm glad that you are done moving the heavy stuff and you need to let hubby get that desk downstairs :wink:.

I really liked that table and your crystal description, it sounds very beautiful.

Sarah, I like your avatar but I still dont know what you look like, I missed the only post you made, for what 10 seconds :roll: .

Kim, so glad to have you stop by with your Rhino Butt :lol: :lol: you need to treat and love yourself just as you do others. IMO we will just spew of love to others when we truly accept and love ourselves. Since, I began this spiritual journey I now can see how much I neglected myself the same nurturing love and care I give to many others. I will not stop sharing my love and light but I need to bring that same healing inside. :wink:

Gypsie, Amelia sounds so cute and lovely I sure do miss having those beautiful plump babies around me :happy :happy
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by peacockplume »

Good mornin ladies,

Ah, yes, a break at the coffee house is just what I need....

Gypsie, I'm moving everything around, so I can accommodate doing some of my Reiki practise, and teaching in the house...

The way it was set up was 'jammed packed', and I needed to just shuffle everything I could have a meditation/healing room as a separate place.....then come into the other area downstairs, and have my 'office' handy, then as you turn a corner you walk into a two couch, seating area where we can watch videos, or sit together and talk...
then behind a beautiful blue celtic hanging piece of material, is the sleeping area and a walk through to the bathroom....

I just have to keep in focus that I want it done by say, spring solstice...

dont worry about me. I always have help for the real heavy stuff, but it is tiring........and today I'm tired....

I just had a 2 hr hassel with this computer which was sending my mail to the main one and not to mine, but I 'think' Allan's got it fixed now...

whatever, I'm actually to tired to care anymore,,,(well for the moment)

You'll have to update us with some Amelia pictures soon,,,,next thing, we'll hear she's off to school.........ok, not so fast....

We had about 3 hrs with the zany lady,,,,she's a gem really, she call's herself a pythagorian astrologist,,,,,,,,ancient astrology,,,,and she lives it in every no I didn't bring her home yesterday...sometimes you can only take so much....


Thanks for letting us know who the artist's an awesome picture...

I've been thinking about attending a Spiritual Church in my area, but I have not acted on the feeling yet
(procrastination at it's best).... :lol: :lol: :lol:

I did the same thing over the weekend,,,,,now can't remember what it was, but I realized I was procrstinating, and it made me think of our conversation, and gave me a good laugh, and a move in the right direction.

yes hubby is going to have to move the desk,,,,I was talking to him about it this a.m. but there's a set of shelving that needs to be cleaned off and dismantled and moved before that happens, so I'm looking at a couple of weeks down the road....once he gets on to days, and gets his sleep pattern sorted out....then I'll nab him...

so all, I'm going today, is answer 4 more posts, then go for a hot tub, (I take short ones about 15 min, and sometimes up to 4 times a day), however this year, when it was freezing out, I'd only go out in the day...

I do hydrotherapy exercises in it for my neck and's such a relief, then I usually do some reiki, and a bit of stillness while I'm out there,,,,,communing with nature,,,,,at least now the birds are singing...

Hopefully, soon, I'll have it organized and my crystals back out...I brought some special ones out last night,,,and it feels good to have them back around...

have a lovely day/evening/whatever it is for you in the here and now...

love, and blessings
pp xoxoxoxoxo
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Post by memawlaura »

:D PP,

You enjoy that wonderful soak in the hot tub, I can just imagine how very peaceful and beautiful it must for you.

Yes, I've been working on my procrastination :wink: , but as far as the church goes I'm meeting my sister and friends for an evening out. I will get her to write it down for me the name and directions to check out and see how I like it. I'll give you an update when that happens.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by peacockplume »


sounds great, remember, open mind, open heart, no expectations. and no limitations...

then enjoy..

love pp
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Post by gypsie »

PP your hot tub sounds like heaven and I was walking with you as you described your healing space, sounds like heaven.

Yes, Miss Amelia is growing i will get yasmin to upload a photo of those two little gems. I went to 'Waterhorse' with Ayden, had a special Nanny Ayden day. I'd already seen it but have vivid memories of Scotland as a child. I said (with such depth)

"now your Grandad came from that special place and so did Nanny"
His Answer
'I want popcorn, Nanny I want pocorn Pleeeese'

It's all good I'll give him a book on Scotland for his 10th birthday then we'll see what he wants :lol:
You will love the church, nothing like a cuppa and a reading for a good night out I say!

Sarah what an amazing artist, just beautiful..

OK I need to go turn the TV off the twins are watching 'Family Guy' I don't think so 8)

Big Hugs Gypsie
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Post by Petra Wilson »

PP wrote:
"OK Pet and your jets....
I did not mean it to sound as if I was having a go.

Dearest Jacob, please accept my humblest. I come across as a mouthy bint at times, but on this occasion not. However, since rereading it, I sound either pissed or mad! I can barely remember writing it.

I will concerntrate living in the NOW.

Love you, I am sorry. Very sorry!! Now, NOW, I will love and leave you and take a time out.

I love your posts.

OK, this gobshite is off, :oops:

Love, Pet XXXXX
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Post by AJ »

If you really want to get technical about the US then this is the current structure:

46 States
4 Commonwealths: Kentucky, Massachusetts, Virginia, Pennsylvania


3 Commonwealths that are unicorporated territories:
Puerto Rico
Northern Mariana Islands
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Post by peacockplume »

Oh wonderful AJ.

Just what we needed... :lol: :lol: :lol:

at least we're back to the commonly known 50 states...

I won't even ask how the word 'commonwealth' gets in the picture :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

How's baby doing.....sorry I've forgotten her name....but it's so lovely to see her sweet face when you post...

love pp
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Post by peacockplume »

Oh Pet,

how we can all just 'say something the wrong way' or it comes out that way, or you go back and read something else into it....

I certainly didn't mean to make it sound like I was having a 'go' at the both of you either,,,,but reading it, it is what is sounds like....

well, we are all forgiven to each other....

on to more chai and chocolate (for me)

hey!!!!! hows the french escapades going?????

how's school????

any weekly outings, you should be reporting for those of us who are yearning for adventure?????

or do you have another thread going and I haven't spotted it yet....

well, I'm STILL having computer glitches.....decided to just get a second tower and set me up properly,,,,so more disturbance coming in the weeks ahead....

now I am MOTIVATED though,,,,,to get the last remaining space cleaned out.... I'll get rid of all the little stuff, and ask my friend to help me dismantle the set of shelving though....and get it out of the house,,,,then it'll be MOVE the desk down, and I have to admit defeat there,,,,and won't even consider trying to move it,,,,,by myself or otherwise.......

but you know,,,,where there's a will,,,,,,there's a way......

I really should have taken before and after pics,,,,,,just to remind me not to do it again....

but I really do want the inside 'set' and ready, so I won't feel guilty when I decide to go work outdoors on the property....

well, February, a leap year, so I've got an extra day this month, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

love pp
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hey Lynn, no! nothing like that...sounds like I was sounding-off on one egoistic trumpet-blasting-Listen-to me-everyone twit commentary!

Wharrawally! Now...less said!! and all that...

This area is about as reliable as british rail and I cannot get on-line as often as when I lived in... *soppy face on*...lovely Wales! So, I'm unconnected for like...3, 4 days and then connected for 2 (if I'm lucky) so forgive me for being sporadic and unpredictable.

I watched Whale Rider tonight with the kid's and it is right up there as one of the top 10's in my personal favourites.
The bit where she's saying and sobbing out her poem for her Grandad in the school concert...not to mention the New Zealand country.
Thalia told me about a documentary she watched at her Grandparents 2 nights ago...a group of dolphins suddenly swam up to a pair of swimmers in New Zealand, and circled them, getting closer and closer to them.
A witness in a boat wanted to join in, jumped in and realised the reason for the dolphin's odd behaviour...there were 2 great white sharks close by!!!
Thalia's new ambition...(like I once had) work with dolphins instead of being a vet!

I've been obsessing about that tale ever since I was told it!! Why? Why did those dolphins act that way? Do dolphins have personalities? Do some whales have personalities?

ॐ LOVE Petra
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Pet,

Nice to see/hear ya!!! I'm having my own computer problems too,

guess it just means we should be doing other things at the time :grrr

I think there's alot of dolphin and whale awareness going on,,,scientific studies and all,,

but I have heard many stories of dolphins either protecting or downright saving humans, in dire times of need....

and boy, if you read some of the metaphysical stuff there is about the dolphins,,,,well,,,,you'd probably never wonder again....
Thalia's new ambition...(like I once had) work with dolphins instead of being a vet!
well, since you never lived your 'dream', nows your chance to guide your daughter into living her dream....keep her working on her sciences, and maths,,,,and steer her towards aquatics.....gently of course, like of course there's no other way but gently.....with kids....

start looking up stuff on dolphins on the net with and research on dolphins is a huge industry....

but I often thought, what or who would I have been today, if I would have had to proper guidance while I was going to school....

really, back in those days, most parents didn't give a hoot,,,just get to grade 12 and get a job,,,,,or grade 9 and sent out to get a job....or less...

kids today have so much more advantage,,,,and all dreams are reachable....

oh....sorry about the rah rah rah.....

loves pp
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Yeah, I will them Beauts to their dreams!! No matter how mad they might feel to me.
Mathilda's dream?? To have kids. GREAT! But there you have it!
Manny's?: "Hmm? I think I'd like to be a parrot" :? "Noo! I mean a pirate!" :shock: Me: "Get knotted! A pirate is a thief Manny!! And sometimes a murderer!" Manny: "Oh no! I'll be a kind pirate, you know? swinging around the rigging..." Bloody Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom!! *Pet shakes a fist at imaginary Bloom and Depp* :lol:
Seriously. He would very much like to actor!! (Bloody Johnny and Orlando!!) :lol: Whatever!!

Love, Pet XX
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Post by peacockplume »

So cool Pet...

Since we can't see down that road, very far, who knows, within your future generations of children, may be a very important person in the new age coming.

Well, I didn't mean 'important' egotistically,,,,,but you know what I mean??

those generations of children who's only purpose is to want to have children,,,have to be applauded....

somebody's gotta do it......I didn't.....

and Manny, a kind pirate,,,,(just remember Robin Hood....) perhaps Manny will be will be the kind pirate, who helps those less fortunate too, and probably a really good lightworker....

we just have to start thinking differently for the generations down the line to come.....things will be very different....

ooooooooo I just got the willies.....wish I could see it...

love, pp
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I am alive to beauty, to laughter, to wonders within and without.
I am free to live and to enjoy life.
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Hello Pet,

I think your children's aspirations definitely show each one's personality. If you asked me at their age I would have replied, "I dunno" :lol: :lol:.

:D PP,

Do I see your brain conspiring to get that desk down without help :wink:.
I've been meaning to ask what does the Celtic divider represent, I recently have been seeing irish things and people in my AC.

:( Tough day today, it started out glorious with a great meditation and beautiful spring weather (almost). I went to help two elderly friends at the Social Security office. There married and the wife is older and is very sick and we went to check on getting her social security and medicare. They denied her because she only earned 38 units of the required 40. I tell you I'm so ashamed of my country that it sickens me.

The husband will have to take an early retirement so that she can have medical coverage, he's worked his whole life and will not even get enough to pay rent or utilities :cry: :cry:. I asked them today that after we try all avenues that with their blessing I would like to pursue this and publish the outcome for all in this country to see. I explained it may not help them but it could help those in the future. I was heart broken to see this woman as fragile as sick as she was to be scorned by the same country she gave her tax dollars to help those that received these benefits in the past. Anyways thanks for letting me vent. It just needs to change and soon!!
Love and Peace Always,

It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.
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