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Post by gypsie »

Oh Memaw

:lol: :lol: I will tell hubby that one :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I can read his mind already :so your going to get addicted to sex "


Stranger things have happened :roll: Love ya Gypsie
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi Beautiful Friends! :hithere

Gypsie Deb
, I see your latest humorous post (you all crack me up! :lol:) is the :colors: 1000th Post:colors: on this thread! How fitting that you were the one to achieve this cool milestone, since you are the one who started this gigantic amazing thread in the first place! :D

Hurray! We'll probably get to 1111 posts sooner than we think, at this rate!

Wow, your story of saving the little boy on the beach was heroic and amazing! I actually don't think it's too far-fetched to think that the strength of our collective energy may have helped to save the boy -- I think much more is being accomplished through these bonds all the time than we can possibly be consciously aware of!

Gypsie, Lilly, Laura, Pet and PP, as I wrote earlier on the mothers thread (there is so much being discussed there -- I want to go back to it and reread some of it and post more when I get the chance), I, too, have had difficulty making friends easily with women in my life, and frequently felt like an outsider in group settings, but these boards really do help so much, and I think they're helping all of us to heal this and so many other issues! Each of you, as well as all the others on this thread, are diamonds, and I'm grateful to know all of you! :colors:

November, thanks for your information on how to find those animated bars like the cool one you have in your signature -- it'll be fun to go look into it once I have the time! :D

PP, I'm glad to see that great avvie of you back up again (though all your avvies are great)! Wow, your life is sounding busy lately, with all the computer issues and moving furniture and what-not! What a great business idea, to have a healing retreat place on your property, and to call it Tranquility Base! Interesting, in America, the term "Native American" is currently still the most-politically-correct one (as far as I know, at least!) -- this is the first I've heard the term "First Nations!"

Speaking of tea-tree oil for warts, it also works well on zits (American slang for pimples, in case it's not a common term elsewhere!), but you're sure right about that turpentine smell! I had a big zit right under my right nostril last week (eew! :x), and put some tea-tree oil on it right before bed -- quite the intense olfactory experience :shock:, but it did clear it up pretty fast! :D

Pet, I love your newest avvie, and it's true, fortunately, you don't look as sad in this one! I'm glad to hear that you're having a great experience with all the women in your French class! Even
though I love animals, I never became comfortable around horses, for whatever reason -- they're just so big, and I didn't grow up around them as a kid or anything. Once, several years ago, a friend with horses invited me over to try riding one of them. She put me on the calmest one, and even so, I was kind of scared (which I'm sure the horse could sense), and I kept accidentally moving the reins the wrong way and giving her the wrong signals, so she'd sometimes stop all of a sudden, and at one point, she went from just walking to trotting or cantering (not sure which is which), at which point I said "Woah, this is too scary for me!" :shock: so we stopped. That's the extent of my experience with horseback-riding! :lol:

Paragliding, I'd be even more frightened about trying that! :shock: But I'd love to hear how what your experience is like when you try it! :D

and all, I know what you mean about the bathing-suit thing! :roll: When I gain weight, I tend to gain it mostly on my stomach, so I end up with narrow hips and a big round belly (I like the idea that it is protective and a sign of ascension! :D), so I've had several different phases during the last decade or two when I've been embarrassed putting on a bathing suit as well! In the past couple months, though, due to the new eating plan we've been on, I'm at my lowest weight in a long time at the moment, so I'd be less embarrassed than usual, except of course it's winter here right now, and the beaches here are a usually a bit cold for bathing suits anyway! :roll: Of course, the ideal for all of us would be to be accepting and non-judgmental towards ourselves, and to just be our beautiful selves just as we are and not worry about how we look to others anyhow! :D

I had to think about it a little too for a second :lol:, but I do think we've got 50 states here in the U.S! :D

Sandy, we had been getting a lot of pouring rain for days on end here as well, except it's finally been sunny for two or three days now -- a nice relief, and it's made me notice how much the weather has subtly been affecting my moods! Your image of us in spandex swimsuits looking like brightly-colored petits-fours to the sharks, that cracks me up! :lol:

Well, it's midday here and time to go make lunch, so I gotta run for now, but I'll be back! :D

Lots of Love All LUV2,
Aqua Deb
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi ya'll,,,,,trying out a new accent....well, just for a moment...

Aqualeaf, you're absolutely RIGHT!!!!
Of course, the ideal for all of us would be to be accepting and non-judgmental towards ourselves, and to just be our beautiful selves just as we are and not worry about how we look to others anyhow
so feel free to get into that bathing suit and trot around the house in know, just for the time spring comes, you can wear shorts over it,,,,just to get the feel, and get some sun on your legs.

oh,,,,I forgot, you already live in California....hmmmmm I need another vehicle.....USA, not so far away, within driving distance....we may just start short hop visiting.....and just how do I think any of us are going to just pop that into our already over busy schedules.....hmmmmm

where there's a will, there's a way,,,,and it's always worked for me...

now I'm only a Canadian,,,(Canuk), but you have 51 States,,,, check out your area code list in your phone book, it lists all the states,,,,and I repeats....(so that's how I found out) :wink: :wink:

We have 10 provinces and 3 territories,,,,,easier to keep track of.. :lol:

GETTING CLOSE GYPSIE,,,,,better keep those sharp eyes on this thread...
1000 and counting down,,,,,minus 1, minus 2, (109 togo)

Yes, then we need to 'book it'.....and start off with The Secret - Part 2...

should be fun to see the wind up.....last 5 countdown....

You know Gypsy that during ascension your going to gain weight and look like a buddha with a pot belly, I know this may not make you happy but I guess its necessary to protect you thats what I read. Well than what happened to George he dont look like no Buddha
that's why you can't believe everything you's not necessary, and is why George doesn't look like a Buddha either.....

if you want to use the ascension idea (excuse), the whole body expands, not just one area.....

ok so I'll be the meanie on this one, only because I've been there, (and I also have a buddha belly starting again)

the only way to lose weight, is to burn more calories or carbs however you want to look at it.....than you take in.....bottom line....
no matter how you fancy it up with special diet or exercise clubs,,,,it's all a matter of 'energy' burn more than you take in....

so guess I better get my exercise bike dusted off,,,,I don't walk fast enough anywhere to make a difference,,,,,and I learned when I dieted, that it's not how much you eat or what you eat, but the amount of energy you expend......(it's scientific fact).....ta da!!!!!

Did I tick everyone off with that.....????? xoxoxoxoxo

Yes, Aqualeaf, the creative energy is bursting out all over.....and we also got the tail end of that snow storm and got almost 2 inches....I'm hoping I can get to town to the Post soon as the slush and junk is off our back roads....should be soon though, it's supposed to go up to 8 today or tomorrow,,,,which will clear the roads... that's about 48 to you guys down south,,,,,then it will drop again...usually around Feb we're up in the low 50's,,,,since I used to ride the sprayers in the orchard that early in the year....

spring's just around my corner,,,,,we'll be doing the flower count soon...

that must be my 'energy' spring fever....

:lol: :lol: :lol: yes, we get zits too Debs :lol: :lol: :lol:

the tea trea is incredible for drawing out the pus, sorry ladies,,,,but I have noticed that if something is bleeding,,,it keeps it bleeding...funny stuff it is.....just remember to put on a touch of moisturizer after it soaks in...or your face will be peeling.....

Oh I've typed my way through two prompts,,,,1:11 and 2:22,,,

think I best go...

love ya all....xoxoxoxoxo
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Post by memawlaura »

:loves Aqualeaf,

You wrote:
I, too, have had difficulty making friends easily with women in my life, and frequently felt like an outsider in group settings, but these boards really do help so much, and I think they're helping all of us to heal this and so many other issues! Each of you, as well as all the others on this thread, are diamonds, and I'm grateful to know all of you!
I know this message board has been a healing for me because the only women I've opened up to is my female family, but even there trust became an issue "you know gossipy stuff". So, I have really opened up to all you loving souls and I would never change any of it.

WHIST Gypsie,

You wrote:
I can read his mind already :so your going to get addicted to sex "

Wouldn't all husbands love us if that were our addictions :lol: :lol: .

:kiss: PP,

You wrote:
that's why you can't believe everything you's not necessary, and is why George doesn't look like a Buddha either.....

if you want to use the ascension idea (excuse), the whole body expands, not just one area.....

ok so I'll be the meanie on this one, only because I've been there, (and I also have a buddha belly starting again)
You are probably right I'm just making excuses and you are certainly right when you say we cant believe everything we read. I would hope that one day I could quit lugging around more weight than I'm comfortable with. :lol: :lol: .
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by peacockplume »


You will,,,,,keep visualizing yourself as such,,,,

and say, I am thin, and I love me, at least 3x a day for a month....and slowly watch yourself changing your habits..... you'll get there...

LH at her best,,,,

love pp
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Post by Petra Wilson »

AquaDeb wrote:
Each of you, as well as all the others on this thread, are diamonds
I'm more your zirconia!
Diamonds are a girls best friend?? Well, cubic zirconia keeps pretty good company too, hahaha!

Image I wish I could say that's me! But it will be one day!

Image The groovy gang reay for the ride!

Love Pet XXX
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Post by Sandy »

Hello you precious gabby souls,

I just wanted you all to know that George and Geoff have come to the conclusion that there is no harm in the Secret thread staying just the way it is, all 40 and future plus pages of it. I guess when someone brings it up on the computer it still only loads one page at a time so it won't interfere with the message board regardless of its size. So how about we leave this darlin "monster thread" just the way it is in case we have some very brave and patient newbies who are willing to wade through the whole wonderful thing. I believe it is their concensus that it is unnecessary to knock out a productive and viable thread. So it looks like the original Secret thread in all its glory is here to stay. :cheers:

I chuckled at this...
that's why you can't believe everything you's not necessary, and is why George doesn't look like a Buddha either.....
Well.....he and I could be little Budda bookends...especially after that plate of cookies I made a few days ago. :P (It's not my fault I couldn't find anybody to give them to! :wink: ) It's time for us to get on some kind of regular walking schedule. We never seem to be able to stay with it long enough to make it a habit.

Oh I used to use a Tea tree oil medication for healing aquarium fish when they had fungus. I always thought it smelled a little "piney" but now that I think about it, the smell may have been more like turpentine. It worked great. Never knew it was used on humans until just recently.

Aqua Deb wrote:
Each of you, as well as all the others on this thread, are diamonds
And Pet:...
I'm more your zirconia!
Well, I often feel more like a lump of coal...But if you think about it...that's really not so bad is it?...In a million years or more (probably lots more...sigh...) I may very well be that diamond I so want to be...As for now..I'll be lumpy ole Smudgey ole sandy. What y'all see is what y"all get! :lol: (As a born and bred southern lass, PP, I must say we never really talk like that.)

I love all you "jewels" out there!
:kiss: Sandy
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Post by gypsie »

If it means newcomers will find comfort in reading this entire thread then I say, lets see where she goes (the thread)..

I believe the newcommer is the most important person in the room ckikey I need sleep I typed bedroom, I could have scared off all our future members :oops:

love to all
namaste Gypsie
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Post by SheraX »

I really need to read this from the just keeps getting bigger and bigger... lol :lol:

Mabey tonite after the lil one is in bed,make a tea or 5 and read read read.
Then I can contribute to this great topic! :)
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Hello Heather,

You'll find this thread will change its topic dozens of times, but yes it does have some very interesting content. Enjoy yourself and have a good read.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by peacockplume »

and a big

way to go, we are one

in Spirit and THREAD....

that's awesome,,,,,

the neverending International Coffee House....

the best kept secret on the planet....

thanks for the info Sandy,,,,that was so good to know that it doesn't matter how big it gets....

kind of makes sense when you only load one page at a time, Duh...

but I did read somewhere once, about dumping old messages to make room.....

I'm sure we'll get plenty of warning if that scenario ever came about.

however, Deb and Sandy, since you both talked about printing it off,

that JUST IN CASE of INTERNET FAILURE :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

it would be good to have it, at least on disc.....somewhere...

I stayed up to late last night,,,,and must take a nap....I'm moving more furniture tonight......and need my strength.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sandy, I'm sure you southern bells would never talk like that....

you're much too refined.....

now what does that say about coal......turns it into the diamond you are.

loves. to all

pp xoxoxoxoxo
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Post by lilly »

Hi Everyone,
Haven't been on the board that much in the last few days, at least I've been meditating quite regularly, thinking of everyone growing and helping one another. Sometimes I do close off and have a rest from the computer.
It gets on my nerves....Lol Not you guys, just the whole screen thing and the keyboard. I've been painting and unleashing my pent up creative energy....
I got caught in the street yesterday by my neighbour who has had an ongoing problem with her sister spanning decades and felt a little mean after telling her she was no better than her sister if she resorted to mud slinging and spiteful stuff. She was off to post a letter to her sister which was a response to some awful remark she had made. I looked at my neighbours contorted, angry face and thought, please never let me be like that, God.
My neighbour acts spiritual and writes beautiful poetry, I told her to go and read her poems over and there she would find the answer to her own dilemna, in her own words. Lol She sucked the life out of me like a vampire, it was terrible, I couldn't get away from her, she almost made me late for an appointment....Feel a little fragile at the moment and that was a tidal wave of fast talking which exhausted me. Her husband is a gentle soul and her behaviour drives him batty.
This is what being human is all about isn't it. We're not perfect and may never fit to everyone's template of what 'right' is. As long as we try to be helpful, make amends when we wrong someone and do the best we can to have understanding when we are wronged then we are on the path to enlightenment.... In the situation I was in, after fifteen minutes or so had no choice but to almost run off....Lol I do feel for her but how much can one help someone like this.
I'll have to really remember to close myself off before I go out in future.
Anyway, Love to you all. lilly xxxxxx :loves
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Post by Sandy »

Oh Lilly, I know how you feel and not just with the getting fed up with the computer screen.. the negativity I feel sometimes walking out in the world sometimes almost feels as if it is smacking me in the face! It is so easy to allow it to affect my emotions and send me running for cover! I don't know if this had something to do with the negativity... but just yesterday I was a bit of a basket case, I felt felt low for no apparent reason and so very "soft." where everything made me cry. For example: I looked out the window and there on the fence outside the house was a large group of sparrows preening themselves. In the middle sat a lone dove who looked back and forth from one side to the other wanting very badly to fit in. As birds often do, one decided to move and off they all went, including the largest "sparrow wanna-be that I have ever seen. But it so touched my heart..maybe because I have seen that same look in so many other human faces and have felt it at times in my own heart. Everyone just wants to be loved and fit in somewhere. So how do we accomplish this grande feat? The task seems too large at times!

Sometimes the ones closest to us can push all the wrong buttons and cause us to behave or misbehave in the awfulest of ways...There may be some buried resentments this neighbor of yours harbors against her sister that truly need to be brought to light and resolved..I believe she would feel worlds cleaner and clearer although she might resent that message being so bluntly presented to her "to forgive somehow"...Love finds a way though...and hopefully a way of gently helping her will be made known to you. If the problems between the two of them are too great and seem irreparable than it might be best for her to let it go and save it for the mansion worlds. But I guess only she will know that for sure. In the meantime arm your self with a blanket of light around you when you go out. Oh I just thought of something... I read somewhere...where you can not only surround yourself with light, but also, with your strong intentions, have the negativity aimed at you bounce right back to the person who is sending it in the first place so they can feel it...experience it for themselves. And perhaps cease and desist in the future. I must say though I have never tried it myself.

Anyway, I love what you told her...and hopefully it will cause her to think and rethink her relationship in a positive and loving way.
I loved these words of yours...
This is what being human is all about isn't it. We're not perfect and may never fit to everyone's template of what 'right' is. As long as we try to be helpful, make amends when we wrong someone and do the best we can to have understanding when we are wronged then we are on the path to enlightenment....
Absolutely! Wise words to live by. :happy Thanks Lilly for sharing that!

Hi Heather, You will find among other things of importance on the thread (we actually did discuss important things every once in awhile :lol: ) some tall tales, great recipes, wonderful ways to change the color of your hair, our favorite restaurants and foods and lovely sharing moments taken from the life we all lead. It isn't important that you read the whole wonderful mish mosh if you don't want too, just jump in with both feet. Just by being wonderful you, you have already contributed to this thread and the message board in general. :D

Love and warm hugs from a somewhat soggy New South Wales,

P.S. Good news! The sun is out and blue skies are all we are seeing right now over this rain drenched country. :sunflower:

PP, You are such a sweetheart. Thanks for your encouragement in my dreadfully long quest to become a diamond some day! :love
Oh and I will continue I think with the plans I have made to copy this whole thing and as Aqua Deb said in another post then add future pages every once in awhile. Just makes good sense...
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Post by SheraX »

There are alot of dimonds on this board, inculding you Sandy.


Sincerely Heather :)
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Hello Lilly,

You wrote:
My neighbour acts spiritual and writes beautiful poetry, I told her to go and read her poems over and there she would find the answer to her own dilemna, in her own words. Lol She sucked the life out of me like a vampire, it was terrible, I couldn't get away from her, she almost made me late for an appointment....Feel a little fragile at the moment and that was a tidal wave of fast talking which exhausted me. Her husband is a gentle soul and her behaviour drives him batty.
This is what being human is all about isn't it. We're not perfect and may never fit to everyone's template of what 'right' is. As long as we try to be helpful, make amends when we wrong someone and do the best we can to have understanding when we are wronged then we are on the path to enlightenment.... In the situation I was in, after fifteen minutes or so had no choice but to almost run off....Lol I do feel for her but how much can one help someone like this.
I know what your feeling, I have the same experiences with those that are family because I feel their negativity. It sure makes one want to just stay in and protect themselves, but we would be missing that opportunity to shine and spread our love. You did what you could for your neighbor by pointing out she should read her poetry to see why she's feeling her dilema. So you did a wonderful thing, but finding away not to get sucked up into it to where it leaves you drained appears to be the challenge.

I have a sister that when I go to visit I see such negativity towards her son because he's not living the life she feels he should be living. So, when he leaves I normally tell her to remember where he was a year ago and he's really made some major changes. Normally she gets on the defense, so I know to leave it alone and let her mull over what I said I just hope one day the lightbulb goes on and she can see her part by feeding into negativity. I can only pray that she can forgive him for not being who she feels he should be and accept him for who he is and help guide him with a more loving presence.

:D Hello Sandy,

You wrote:
Oh I just thought of something... I read somewhere...where you can not only surround yourself with light, but also, with your strong intentions, have the negativity aimed at you bounce right back to the person who is sending it in the first place so they can feel it...experience it for themselves. And perhaps cease and desist in the future. I must say though I have never tried it myself.
Sandy if you ever find it again let me know how to do that so I can join the real world. I know that I've been growing stronger everyday with the help of Our Father and this most loving and giving family, but I know I need to get out and apply it soon.

You are a Diamond in our eyes and I ask why you think of yourself as a Lump Of Coal? :kiss: .

:D Hello Heather,
I hope you realize that you are a beautiful Diamond to all of us. I see you shining and glimmering brighter and brighter everyday.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by SheraX »

:love thanks Laura.

Me-----> :D
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Post by memawlaura »

:D You know Heather that smiley face has the same big beautiful smile as your avatar.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Ladies,

Well, I know one method taught by Sylvia Brown...and it's to imagine that you have a one way mirror, and you imagine placing it in front of you,

the idea is, that when negativity 'sees' itself, it turns away...

The other image I use, (sorry I can't remember the source although probably Doreen Virtue)

is to place Archangel Michael in front of you, with his flaming blue sword, and ask him to cut any negativity away from you....

when you come home from a particularly tiring day. You can ask him to do the same thing,,,,to please cut any negative cords that you have picked up during the day.....

every person you come in contact with, creates one of these cords....
whether negative or positive....

I release them all (well when I remember ok??) and ask that they be sent back to the owner with love....

That's all for now,,,,

love pp
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Post by peacockplume »

Just to let you know, I managed to get my furniture moved back to where I wanted it, last night with the help of a friend....

by the end of it, we both, could hardly move...

two old ladies,,,well almost....huffin entertainment centers with their butts and anything else that would work...was a funny sight...

but since I had somehow disconnected our computers from the server???

don't ask, I have no idea, but if it can be done....I can do it...

so I had to wait for Allan to fix it this morning....then I had to forward all my mail from that computer to this one.....(is it worth it????)

so now I've spent all day catching up.....

cooking a pork roast for supper hmmmm I can smell it, must be near done....

and tonight is card night....also going out for the day tomorrow....

going to visit a spiritual church with a couple of friends....then we'll spend the afternoon together....

so have a lovely one or two folks, I probably won't be back on the board till sun night (Mon for you aussies) or even tues...

loves to you all
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I am alive to beauty, to laughter, to wonders within and without.
I am free to live and to enjoy life.
I accept divine presence as the fulfillment of my needs.
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Petra Wilson
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Laura said:
You are a Diamond in our eyes and I ask why you think of yourself as a Lump Of Coal?
..a lump of coal, anthrazite, emerald? Is a glittering piece of 'diamond' any better than a lump of blackened dirty coal?
A sparkling diamond can only fascinate and hypnotise.
A lump of coal can heat, cook food and warn off predators. Oh, and many other things. :)

Petra xxx
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Well Petra, I never thought of it in that context :wink: .
Love and Peace Always,

It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.
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Post by Jacob »

'The secret' is all very well and good however be very careful not to fall into the trap of shifting your attention into the future, in other words remain here, in the NOW. Be positive but do not let your attentions override the needs and wants of others.

And remember that "you're going to reap just what you sow".
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Jacob,

We're all over that one, you can bank on it...we've got it covered...

We live in the Law of Attraction on this thread....


Daily Affirmation:
I am alive to beauty, to laughter, to wonders within and without.
I am free to live and to enjoy life.
I accept divine presence as the fulfillment of my needs.
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Petra Wilson
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Jacob wrote:Be positive but do not let your attentions override the needs and wants of others.

And remember that "you're going to reap just what you sow".
We already know that one Jacob, right up there with the We are All One speech!
“Lord heal me” is the only legitimate prayer. This also means “Lord atone for me,”
because the only thing man should pray for is forgiveness. He HAS everything else.
Now take this personally, and listen to Divine logic: If, when you have been forgiven,
you have everything else, and
If you have been forgiven
Then you have everything else.
So, what if you believe that you have NOT been forgiven? You fall into that cave of depression.

This is my opinion of what happens when you die and you have 'sinned'...
You go to a healing place to be properly healed. Especially if you are a suicide. You are never judged. Only You can judge yourself.
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Post by Jacob »

glad to know :lol:
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