last full moon in dec

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Re: last full moon in dec

Post by happyrain »

I acknowledged uteah and the vision you requested kim.
I was really tired and made the decision to go to bed just 5 minutes into it.
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Re: last full moon in dec

Post by Seeker13 »

The thing about moonstones is they may appear, … boring. If you take the time to investigate a little closer you'll see a surprising rainbow of color buried inside. I'm so happy you shared your mom and dad's names! I've been referring to them and Mr. and Mrs. Sandy's parents. The impression of them is they are really lovely people. When I read their names, Uteah's symbol lit up! And it felt like I was going into meditation just opening this thread. So strange, many symbols have flashed in the past few minutes.

At first glance it doesn't sound great having a crocodile as a totem animal. Didn't get very deeply into the links on them( getting tired, been on the computer a very long time), but if you looked into them more closely... Ha! like the moonstones! I bet you would find some very beneficial attributes in their protection and guidance. But, of course that is up to you. Lol! During the meditation I envisioned a cockatoo sitting on your head. :lol:

I just started looking up crocodiles in my book, and read some very coincidental info on white tigers(hairs stood up on the back of my neck), but will share later, as I said, getting really tired.
Sandy wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2020 7:35 amI think I picked this up as when I arrived at the crystal I remember feeling as if there was “too much space” between us...we couldn’t hold hands.
this is VERY COOL! And the deep, deep connection felt during meditation is so intense. And your right,not with us only, globally!

The visual of your preparation is gorgeous and sounds very healing. I love Jerry curled up on your feet!
peacockplume wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2020 8:20 pmThe one vision that came thru as I was sending healing was of bodies individually and completely surrounded in a golden cocoon...I knew the first 2 I saw were Laura and Donna Lynn, probably because of my connection with them, but then I saw there were many many more
It's amazing you say this, because that is what it seems and feels like being wrapped in a cocoon. What I didn't add in last nights is, all the auras were different shades of colors.

Took off some covers beforehand knowing I was going to get hot.
peacockplume wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2020 8:20 pmI also had ancestral visitations
peacockplume wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2020 8:20 pmAfterwards I sat in a circle with us, angels, and teachers....I don't remember any conversations, but there seemed to be a tone of approval...
When I saw all the celestials faces looking down on us, they seemed very pleased.

Well, this is pretty awesome you guys!

Love to you both, :loves
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Re: last full moon in dec

Post by Sandy »

Wow Wow Wow is right. :bana:

Morning you guys... :sunny:

Reading PP's account of her meditations I feel connections there as well. So Yeah! :bana: We are making progress.

PP your special...Little Jerry at your feet...I loved it! :happy Reminded me of meditations back home with my dogs Max and Murphy and with Timothy the cat on my lap. :shock: They were often well behaved but occasionally Timmy would decide to take a bath :shock: ...sigh Those were wonderful days. :sunflower:

Okay, looking over my notes made just leaving meditation yesterday.

I began the group meditation a few hours early in no time as lately the early afternoons have been unpredictably busy and I felt an inner urge to go into stillness and meditation. Since George was still asleep in the bedroom. (My usual mediation room) I sat in his chair in the living room. I remember receiving immediate residual energy from his own meditations in this not a bad way to begin for this wandering mind, eh? :) A beautiful green candle was burning with scents of the Australia bush. I dedicated its' first and future lightings to our unity endeavours. I closed my eyes and began my grounding ritual. My connecting spirit roots grew deeply from my body into the earth until they reach Urantia's "kitchen". There Urantia greets me as her own and asks me what I have brought her. This time it is "fear" and it manifested in what seemed a small heavy spiky ball that fit snugly in the palm of my hand. There was a part of me that wanted to hang on to it...but with a nod from the Earth Goddess I threw it into her "molten cauldron" of earth essence. There to be reconstituted into positive energy.

I then felt myself travelling upwards towards the surface, much faster then usual, almost as if I had a jet pack with Divine Earth energy the fuel. I burst through where my body sat motionless in the chair and then up through the roof and into space surrounding the earth. It was actually kind of fun. :mrgreen: The energy spread around me much like a living tree that I was a part of. We glowed ever more brightly as energy from the Celestial heavens flowed through us. and then I was transported to the crystal circle of Kim's meditation. I was uncertain at first ,because we seemed too far apart but then I felt the pressure of hands taking mine and I knew we were connected.
For awhile I sat quietly allowing the energy bodies around me to do their work. They appear to me as glowing ever changing light bodies in a space surrounding us that was not empty sort of thicker then space around us on earth... very hard to explain. :scratch:

I felt as if we were being charged with Divine energy for the tasks to come and I felt this energy deep within body and soul.
After a time we began a healing session.
First our dear Laura-
then Elaine who too has become dear-
I saw each of them encased in a glowing golden bubble-like something-er-other. As they left us they were taken upwards into the energy of all that is.

Then unexpectedly I saw Eli! This was a new one! (Eli is my eldest grandson who is 8 years old.) I was over come with love as I looked at his sweet face. He too was wrapped in a beautiful bubble of love I think is its substance.

Then came Donna Lynn, a lovely woman who I felt as if I already knew.

Then came my parents. Mom glowed as if she understood completely what we were doing and the processes involved as if she has been doing this for others for years now. It was all very emotional for me. They too were embraced by the celestial heavens.

...and then I felt energies and pressures all around my body, especially at my feet (which has never happened before, PP ;) :) I knew you all were working on me. :kiss: I felt soooo much love for all of you. It was hard to contain. I reached across and grasped Eric's hands... sharing my love and gratitude for his presence in my life all the long years...but without words. ( so see Eric... you were with us. I felt you strongly in that moment.)

We were united all of us in our circle for a time before I was transported back to where it began. (George's chair) I sat in peace for awhile a prayer formed in my heart. And then I heard the chaos of magpie babies outside. I suspect even high ranking celestials would find it difficult to continue under their commotion.

And right on que...there are magpie babies outside as I type needing attention. :hithere :love

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Re: last full moon in dec

Post by Seeker13 »

What a beautiful visual. So glad you took notes! The first part reminds me of a short meditation I do for healing Urantia. I've shared it here before I think.

I was just talking with Aleah about one of my favorite pets growing up. He was a schnauzer named Max, how I loved that little guy. His very best friend was Heidi, our other dog, who was a St Bernard. Max was the boss of the duo.

My heart feels so light reading of your and Lynn's experiences in our group meditations. So very happy we started doing this!

Happy meditating everyone!

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Re: last full moon in dec

Post by happyrain »

thank you sandy,
i believe it. and although you were making a joke/metaphor about the weight lifting- i've physically/literally been adding that to my regimen. you and kim have picked up on things in my immediate life. and as i shared with a friend today, though on the outside we were having calm and pleasant conversation- i felt behind the scenes are hearts were united and our spirits were singing.

maybe the subtler realities have richer connections than our present/immediate level of awareness. i do carry a gratitude for our group at random times in stillness through out the day. maybe i do in my sleep too?
speaking of... i got a real funny ringing in my ear talking to this friend... it was a unique tone/vibration and it was while we were discussing, indirectly, the nature of spirit communication. not sure if this ringing has to do with our group, a teacher, a message for the friend or a message for myself... i've heard it before when i used to practice often and at varying degrees.
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Re: last full moon in dec

Post by Sandy »

Hi guys,

Eric...what you said... well I just felt something akin to joy rise inside. You see lately (past year or so) I have felt cut off from the world LOL Yep... a bit anyway. We have a very quiet life here with just the two of us. Would drive most people crazy but we are well suited in most respects for the physical isolation. There are times though one craves human friendship and companionship ... "a tribe." :D The funny thing is. I have had this for years and didn't fully recognise it until the past few days and big time with the sychronocities happening between us.
I couldn't pick a more lovely group of fellow "natives" if I had tried. ;) Thank you guiding celestials! :cheers: We are not alone. We are not isolated one from another or ever from the celestials that love us regardless of our our own or even the world's perceived worthiness.

Now, for all of the members of our tribe who prefer to remain quietly in the background during these group meditations. Please know that it is okay. That does not mean that you are any less a member or less valuable. We would love to know you in a human sense when you feel ready. But until then...join us in spirit and even if you do not share your own experiences of this endeavour with us... do keep notes for your own benefit. It is perfectly okay to decide for yourself your own level of participation.

Eric... I had a ringing too recently not sure which day... I think it was Kim who said in a post some time ago that it meant we were heard and supported. :) nice huh? :happy

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Re: last full moon in dec

Post by happyrain »

dear sandy
marlon says we are a trible called breath.
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Re: last full moon in dec

Post by Sandy »

dear sandy
marlon says we are a trible called breath.
Yes, I can see that is so.
We are all connected with each other, with nature, with celestials, with the God/Goddess who forms the very fabric of our universe. For me, when I breath in I feel I am breathing in the breath of God/dess and when I breath out God/dess is inhaling my breath. This sense is specially strong in meditation. ( a good reason to keep the ole mouth fresh, eh? :lol: ..sorry that was bad. :oops: :roll: ;) )

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Re: last full moon in dec

Post by Seeker13 »

Eric and Sandy,
What you both said is so beautiful! Thank you for expressing it.... made my head tingle all over!

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Re: last full moon in dec

Post by peacockplume »

when I breath in I feel I am breathing in the breath of God/dess and when I breath out God/dess is inhaling my breath.

what a beautiful description,,,,

The first breath practise I learned is called The Infinity Breath,,,on the inbreath,,it starts from the centre (can include from the throat to the solar plexus areas),,it goes up along the spine,,,out the medulla oblongata,,,,up over the head and back in the solar power centre......pause in stillness....breathe out down along the spine to the root and back up to the centre again...pause again.

now I can add a lovely visual with it...

thank you sweet sis
:love pp
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Re: last full moon in dec

Post by Seeker13 »

Good Morning!
Does anyone remember color breathing?

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Re: last full moon in dec

Post by happyrain »

morning kim!

just logged on to say hello. :lol: boy we dragged this thread out huh? before you know it it'll be dec and we'll once again be experiencing the last full moon ;P an attempt to answer your question.... no i don't remember, but we are the alchemist! breathe in love, breathe in color, let the creative powers that you have guide you to your own rewarding/religious experience!

i remember years ago learning about rooting down and more recently a golden lotus meditation... sandy also sent me one which was like being showered by light... that was a powerful one!

pray tell! :alien: :loves
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Re: last full moon in dec

Post by Seeker13 »

happyrain wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 5:50 pmboy we dragged this thread out huh? before you know it it'll be dec and we'll once again be experiencing the last full moon
That's ok! Think we hit on something important! A few days ago I saw a post from you. I thought, "How did I miss this?" Realized it was February 2019. :bana:
happyrain wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 5:50 pmwe are the alchemist! breathe in love, breathe in color, let the creative powers that you have guide you to your own rewarding/religious experience!
I love this!... could be a poem if you ask me. ;) Seems we were both in a great mood this morning! I had a really nice visualization in The River, will try to post it there later.

Please share The Golden Lotus Meditation, I feel myself relaxing just thinking about it! Also Sandy's about being showered by light, lovely!

All this breathing talk reminds of conversations on the boards from years ago… actually think it was mostly Lynn and I! At my work we had a woman come in and teach us about The Breath. For me it was one of those moments where time stops and something hits you between the eyes! We had to really stop and concentrate on our breath, it's depth and duration. I realized that in my family we never really stopped to take a deep breath. That might sound ridiculous to others. But growing up in a house, being super hypervigilant on watching my dad's mood and next move, we lived in a world of short quick breaths. Never really relaxed. Immediately called my sister to talk about it. Working at a preschool, learning to breathe is pretty essential! :D Teaching others to breathe became my mission! It could mean the difference between a full blown meltdown, and being able to work through a problem with no casualties... I've learned this to be true for children and adults.

Anyway, soon after I learned about color breathing. Visualize a cloud of color, corresponding with the color of the chakra you're having a problem with. Sore throat- blue, stomach upset-yellow, etc. Then breath in, drawing some of that cloud deeply into your lungs. Hold that breath in, imagining the color moving through your body touching every part of your insides, from head to toe. Then imagine pushing it out through your cells, filling your energetic field. Do this at least ten times(maybe 11 times!) breathing in all the cloud. I found it very healing.

Feeling positive! :bana: :bana: :bana: What better way to start the day?

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Re: last full moon in dec

Post by Sandy »

Hi all :hithere
Eric wrote:
just logged on to say hello. :lol: boy we dragged this thread out huh? before you know it it'll be dec and we'll once again be experiencing the last full moon ;P
I tried to figure out how to change the title to Group meditations as, I believe, Kim suggested...actually, was going to call it The last full Moon in Dec and and Group meditation. Since the thread in the beginning was about the last full moon in Dec. But for the life of me I couldn't figure it out, and I didn't want to do something wrong and loose the thread... So here's to next the next last full moon in December, eh?!! :lol: :bana: I suspect the thread will still be active... I mean you've seen the secret thread, Eric... :shock: We are a gabby bunch.

PP wrote:
when I breath in I feel I am breathing in the breath of God/dess and when I breath out God/dess is inhaling my breath.

what a beautiful description,,,,

The first breath practise I learned is called The Infinity Breath,,,on the inbreath,,it starts from the centre (can include from the throat to the solar plexus areas),,it goes up along the spine,,,out the medulla oblongata,,,,up over the head and back in the solar power centre......pause in stillness....breathe out down along the spine to the root and back up to the centre again...pause again.

now I can add a lovely visual with it...

thank you sweet sis
:happy You are most welcomed...and I suspect I probably received the idea from one of you and your celestial team to begin with. Sometimes I take stuff in and may not use it right away and then bam from out of nowhere... meditation brings it out. Our heart and God within always seem to know how to complete a celestial embrace, eh? :cheers:
I am enjoy your infinity breath this morning. :D You know and had a thought... we can breath with the celestials throughout our day and not just in meditation. Being mindful... Easy to forget as the days create their own unique challenges. I'm going to try and remember that today.

Kim wrote:
Does anyone remember color breathing?
Nope...isn't ringing any memory bells. Do you remember it Kim? Would like to hear more about it if you do. :)
(*I'm adding this as I just see you shared it while I was writing...)
Anyway, soon after I learned about color breathing. Visualize a cloud of color, corresponding with the color of the chakra you're having a problem with. Sore throat- blue, stomach upset-yellow, etc. Then breath in, drawing some of that cloud deeply into your lungs. Hold that breath in, imagining the color moving through your body touching every part of your insides, from head to toe. Then imagine pushing it out through your cells, filling your energetic field. Do this at least ten times(maybe 11 times!) breathing in all the cloud. I found it very healing.
Thank you for that!!! :bana: Can we use the colour breathing as a healing for other people? I ask because George has been having trouble with his neck again. He felt a little better yesterday but woke up this morning with it very painful again. I am wondering if I can adapt it to a third party? But I will definitely share this with him. Thanks Kim. :happy

Eric wrote: an attempt to answer your question.... no i don't remember, but we are the alchemist! breathe in love, breathe in color, let the creative powers that you have guide you to your own rewarding/religious experience!
:happy Well said! We are co creators, eh? ... and have been advised countless times that the Divine longs to "embrace" us. :sunflower:
sandy also sent me one which was like being showered by light... that was a powerful one!
Was that the Divine Light Meditation?

It's a beautiful morning here in OZ. I can smell Autumn in the air on days like this... You know cooler moist nights with heavy dew on the morning lawn. We made it through a hard summer. I am grateful this morning once again for the help Australia received and the rains that made such a difference to so many affected areas. Thanks again for the prayers. :kiss:

Love you guys,
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Re: last full moon in dec

Post by happyrain »
the golden lotus ^
sandy i believe it was but am not sure. it was also sending healing and i practiced the visualization while standing.

it was a great experience but i dont have the info handy.
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Re: last full moon in dec

Post by Seeker13 »

Thanks for the link. Sitting in the center of a golden lotus while breathing in love. So simple and relaxing.

Thoughts of the onslaught facing our world flashed through my head. Going to inviting Urantia to join me, the world between us as we breathe, lotus petals opening and closing around us, inhaling love, exhaling healing. Quite a wonderful way to spend a few minutes.

So glad you are gaining relief from the harshness of the summer there. :sunflower:

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Re: last full moon in dec

Post by happyrain »

kim you might like this ...

The Earth Peace Declaration

” Awaken to your rights!
Humanity is our uniting religion
Breath is our uniting prayer, and
Consciousness is our uniting God”


Serve Humanity as your Larger Self by meditating on the Peace within and radiating the same to the World without.

Use the way of the Peaceful Breath which flows equally in all as a means for attaining World Peace. Thereby, diffusing Individual and International conflicts.

By virtue of being a World Citizen, it is the inborn right of every Human Being to endeavor to attain the Consciousness of Natural Enlightenment for the Peace of all Humankind and exercise your Will-to-Good for making one another’s lives on this planet a celebration.

Your inalienable right lies in the furthering of Human Evolution for World Peace, leading to the realization that your expanded Consciousness and Humanity’s Consciousness is One!

As we evolve, we live less and less in our bodies and more and more in our Consciousness. Hence, Fusion of your Positive Awareness with that of Nature’s cultivates an improved and balanced Eco-System. Help to evolve Nature with your Nature, because Nature is the Nature of Man!

Allow yourself to heal and be healed of the negativity of your mind by letting go of the negative mind which covers the Splendor of Your Soul. ... claration/
and the full moon meditation can be found here as well... ... editation/
which expounds on the science of the breath
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Re: last full moon in dec

Post by peacockplume »

Oh Breathing, breathing, breathing....
I've been teaching this Infinity Breath for over 12 yrs,,,,and I'm chuckling because I'm remembering,,,teaching it to Memawlaura...
if I had a $ for everytime I said,,,,"BREATHE",,,I'd already have been to OZ!! One year she sent me a birthday present, which I didn't get till Xmas...but it's priceless,,,,it's a little 4" plate with the word Breathe written on it and a dragon fly...she was travelling with Robert on the truck and they stopped somewhere,,,she went in a little shop and there it was....too sweet,,,so everytime I say the word Breathe to someone (including myself) I see this little will be nice when I can unpack some things!!! anyway!

3d interrupting,,,,be back in a min or 2

xoxoxo pp
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Re: last full moon in dec

Post by peacockplume »

ok, that took a couple of hrs, not minutes,,,but I made it!!

So,,,Breathing,,,I like your method Kim,,,but before I go there,,,before "Breathing" or "conscious breathing" became the norm,,I remember people used to say,,,,"When you get upset or agitated, anger, whatever....that it would calm you down if you would take 10 deep breaths.....and it always worked...always....
now though,,we have learned so much about Breath,,,Chi,,,Prana...Adamintine Particles (energy also) that it has totally changed what people think about Breathing....
Of course those who have followed eastern teachings,,,have known about these things for the last 50 years here in the west,,,but it is ancient old teachings....(we have been very slow to cotton on to things here in the west)....
oh,,,I just got a 4:44 prompt (all the angels are around you)....that's unusual...(just haven't had it in a long time),,,but did get 222 today also

so breathing,,,right,,,,when I do chakra clearing I use colour with each breath to each clear balance and align...and it goes well with toning also.

I have a chakra clearing cd with Judy or Judith Anodea,,,sorry if I spelled her name wrong,,,can't find it on my lists,,but it's an awesome one also....

oh! finally,,,my 3d break almost made me forget this... :mrgreen: but I have a breathing healing technique you might like to try.
This is from Quantum Touch (Richard Gordon)
On an inbreath we run energy from the bottom of our feet, (or deeper) up through our feet, legs,,,joins at root,,,keep bringing it up through our body,,,up to and out the crown.....
then on an out breath.......imagine this energy cascading down over your head, like a fountain...
down to your shoulders,,,then down each arm to your hands.....
run the energy like this till you can really feel the tingle from your feet to your hands,,nice slow breaths...

If you can't feel the energy,,,heres a little exercise to do... take off your socks and shoes, and if you are wearing long pants, roll them up to your knees. then sit in a chair and bend over so you can reach from your toes to your knees.
Touch your skin so lightly with your finger tips that it feels like you are brushing your toes to knees with a feather,,
get used to that feeling,,,,next thing you know you will have that sensation as you breath in and all the way up!!

say your knee hurts (this is an easy area to practise on yourself)
once you feel the energy running,,,put both hands on either side of your knee,,,about 1/2 inch away from your skin...
then start running the energy from your feet, to hands and knee...

if you want to try it on another person,,,just put your hands on either side of where it hurts...(like a neck!!!) :mrgreen:

I had a group of 5 ladies that I facilitated (taught) this method was a 2 day course....and Allan hurt his rotator cuff at work.
so we decided to "heal" him. When we started he couldn't lift his arm more than 6 inches from his side...when we finished...
he lifted his arm right up over his blew his mind
and were we jubilant!!!!

gotta go now.....looking forward to Sunday
mrs plume :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
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Re: last full moon in dec

Post by Sandy »

PP, Kim, Eric.... thank you for the explaining some awesome life changing breathing techniques. :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
I have begun practising them and plan on using them daily(perhaps taking turns or following inspiration at what is needed in the moment)
With practice the peaceful universe is our oyster, eh? :cheers:
Thanks again. :sunflower:

Kim you asked about the Light shower meditation Eric mentioned.
Here is the URL that I posted on the board a while back about it. viewtopic.php?f=14&t=24137

Kim said it!
Feeling positive! :bana: :bana: :bana: What better way to start the day?
:sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:

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Re: last full moon in dec

Post by peacockplume »

thank you :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
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Re: last full moon in dec

Post by Seeker13 »

Group Meditation March 1, 2020

My intention was for the group to learn our next lesson. Went to the river for a healing session. Then seemed to wander around in the darkness for a time as our connection grew stronger. Had short visions of the four of us standing together hand in hand in a circle in the river, as well as other places. As we appeared back up to the bridge. I asked who our teacher was going to be today. It was then Nebadonia appeared sitting on a bench on the bridge smiling. It was as if she was always there, patiently waiting for us to recognize her. Her symbol for me then became very strong.

We then found ourselves in an dilapidated building in Ancient Rome. It was apparent this structure was a stately edifice in it's time. Perhaps a public library? Tall large pillars held up the ornate ceiling, marble floors, now covered in dirt and grass, must have been very beautiful in it's day. There were bloody soldiers coming in from everywhere. We immediately rushed to heal them. I stated the obvious, “We've gone back in time and are in the middle of a war.”

Nebadonia nodded. “From almost the beginning, my children of this world have been filled with anger and violence.” Her sorrow at this shown plainly on her face. “This was once a place of great learning, and knowledge... now it serves as a hospital.” More and more wounded kept coming, along with women, children, and the elderly. All seeking refuge, dressed in rags and dirty... hopeless. I sighed, “It wasn't much of a hospital, filthy, no beds or medicine, just us. It was a wonder there was still a roof over our heads.” (Uteah gave me her symbol as I was writing this. I know there's a message I'm not grasping and it's frustrating. I'm hoping one of the others in our group has picked up on it and can help with an explanation.)

While we healed, many of the Masters and others, streamed in to help. I knew we were in this particular place and time for a reason, but while focused on the task at hand, I couldn't figure out what that reason was. At that time my head, neck and hands became extremely hot! So much so, and lasted for a time I had to readjust my position(after the meditation was over I realized there was not a trace of the sore throat I've been feeling today).

We stayed in that building for the duration of the meditation... the war raged on.

The meditation lasted for about an hour and forty-five minutes. I'm left feeling a little empty. There was no resolution, no triumph that we'd accomplished something... Well, I guess that's still the way of our world. A poem I'd written yesterday came to mind. Believe I'm supposed to post it with this meditation.

Perhaps Magic
February 29, 2020

magic was intended,
as a gift,
to humanity's innocence?

us to rise
to the next level
of who we're supposed to be.

warped, wielded,
a weapon for power,
mastery over others.

the illusion of positioning
ourselves at the top of the heap,
instead of somewhere between that,

...and the bottom.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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Re: last full moon in dec

Post by happyrain »

let it flow sister :lol: answers aren't always so clear, and we're given plenty of time to carry these lessons for a reason... it sounds like you were honed in on someones past(memory), could it be uteahs? not for me to say. very cool! i'm glad your sore throat has been relieved.
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Re: last full moon in dec

Post by peacockplume »

Hello everyone,
Well my meditation seemed to be on the quiet side….after thinking about focusing on Uteah’s crystal and the process I would use, I began breathing the Infinity breath to take me into alpha. Then I visualized a golden white light coming down, around and through me,,,then it went down to the centre of Gaia,,,and there was the crystal. I asked,,is this your crystal Uteah,,,she said yes it is,,,I asked,,May I anchor to it,,,she said of course. Then immediately I was rising back up and was joined by my angels who whisked me to my 5d pyramid….and I really had the sensation of leaving the planet and going up, up, up. (I don’t usually get that sensation). Once in the pyramid I first called Michael and Nebadonia, AAMichael, and AARaphael. It seems we had a little chat as I let my mind wander over the concerns that we are encountering down here on the planet. Then Kim, Sandy and Eric were there as we sat in a circle, listening. The talk, was wordless, but left me with the impression of ‘not to worry’. Before we left to do healing, we were surrounded by the Violet Flame, which penetrated and cleansed each of us. Then it seems we left for awhile and went to different areas….then we were back in the circle again.
I don’t remember goodbyes,,,just all of a sudden the feeling of descending,,,back to the earth.
I have a feeling I can’t describe,,,,calm, quiet,,but like I’m standing on the edge of a cliff…observing.

just read Kim’s post and sort of understand her feeling also…
I'm left feeling a little empty. There was no resolution, no triumph that we'd accomplished something... Well, I guess that's still the way of our world
I think that sometimes we (ego probably) wants that feeling of accomplishment,,,but we truly don’t need it….we are doing what we are supposed to be doing,,,each at our own level,,,affirmed by Nebadonia when she said to me “Don’t worry”. A long time ago, during a meditation I was so anxious to see and be with Michael and Nebadonia,,,and she spoke to me….wasn’t my voice in my head…and she said…”BE OPEN TO WHAT IS”
It still fits!!!,,,so I think,,,ok,,,Just Breathe and Be!!
Love you all,,pp
Ps,,,I may not be around next weekend,,,,on the road again.
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I am free to live and to enjoy life.
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Re: last full moon in dec

Post by Sandy »

Good morning lovelies...

After I meditated yesterday I was puzzled and wondered if I was imagining things ... I couldn't see any reason or even resolution for what I was seeing, sensing, feeling. There seemingly was no light filled celestial guiding..and then I read Kim's experience and my jaw dropped ...a lesson in acceptance perhaps of what is that we cannot physically change as we cannot control everybody's right to free will... past, present or future. Wars have raged on this planet from times beyond reckoning... there is only one way to counteract their horrible dark power.. and that is Love... Love and it's components, compassion, kindness acceptance etc......We will each of us find our place within this love, our purpose ... we are not without power...we are powerhouses for change. healing change...May it be so!

This is my meditation.

Group meditation 2-3-20

I began with a prayer to ask for guidance and forgiveness for the directions my thoughts had dwelt that morning. I felt the love surround me as I allowed my spiritual roots to go deep within the Earth to Urantia's heart. She met me in magnificent Spirit form as always and asked what I wished to give her. From out of nowhere I was holding a heavy round stone much like a bowling ball with anger inscribed upon it. She asked me if I needed help with that. But I sat it down and rolled it into the molten cauldron which is her "Kitchen" ( It is the way I look at it LOL) I felt immediately better. I found myself moving with great speed back into my body riding the golden energy as it cleansed each chakra with Light one by one. As my body was glowing with golden light the energy flowed skyward into the space surrounding our planet. Divine Light and energy flowed downwards through these energy pathways and into my body and for a time I basked in this loving energy.. Using this energy I created my energy circle between worlds.

I asked for the presence of Nebadonia and Christ Michael and felt Nebadonia particularly strongly (This is unusual for me) Then the presence of the elements to strengthen and empower the circle with their unique attributes.

I began meditation with energy beings around me. As I observed their energy I felt moved through space and time. I sat in "the dark for a short time before I felt the now familiar "hands in mine" We were connected . The visuals were not crystal clear...I saw what seemed ancient runes, writings, geometric patterns. At one point white scale like pattern appeared that suddenly reversed as a camera film shows the reverse photographic image.

Then I felt a sadness as I saw images of war..nothing real clear, just images of what I knew to be an ancient sadness. This continued for awhile and I wanted it to stop!

I found myself beside a beautiful calm body of water maybe Kim's River but very wide and very calm (glass-like surface it was so calm) You all were there and I swam out to meet you. ... ll the desolation gone from heart and mind. First came, Elaine, we surrounded her and I felt warmth in my hands as a glowing light enveloped all of us. Elaine then Joined the circle and the pattern continued with Laura, and then George who winked at us as the healing Light enveloped him. Sparks of Light flew from his areas of healing and I felt great joy... Donna Lynn arrived and joined us in healing. Next cam Eli who told me as he stretched out in the water, " It's gonna be all right Nanna." He joined our circle and then came his Pawpaw and his Gramma. All continuing to join the expanding circle. I recognised my two sisters and my children were helping as well.

I was filled with gratitude and from this place was brought back to my circle.

I hear an old Bible school song in my head...
We are one in the Spirit we are one in the Lord...

...and with that reality moved in and I discovered I had been in meditation nearly 2 hours. Unheard of for restless little ole me.

I wish I could record every nuance but it is not possible with pin and paper.


I feel the need to meditate on this meditation but George is encouraging me to hurry as we need to do our shopping lol... Later
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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