The 11:11 Akashic Construct

This is a forum for those who want to share the Akashic Construct, and their experiences of it. The AC is a structured meditation designed specifically to enable contact with celestials, and also humans for the purposes of teaching or healing.
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi George,

Thanks for these comforting extra bits of information about Midwayer Mathew, and about how he and others on his world chose of their own volition to come here and delay their own ascension to help us -- that's certainly something for us to be grateful for! :happy In my species-centric ways :oops: , I'd never have guessed that he was less than 3 feet tall either! After specifically resonating with a couple of the messages from Mathew lately, then getting a noticeable increase in x:33 prompts afterwards, as well as finding out that Mathew actually commented on the thread about whether Midwayers steal socks :lol: , and reading Sandy's similarly reassuring post (on what's now been called "the universal Secret coffee-table thread!" :D ) about how the Midwayers do indeed pay attention to what's going on on these boards and know all of us, how each of us is important to them, how much she loves them, and so on, I am beginning to feel like I know the Midwayers better and better, through those like you and Sandy who know them far better than I do, even though I haven't spent much time meditating and trying to communicate with them directly yet. It's just been dawning on me lately that much of my resistance to meditating in the AC is just the same introversion and shyness that makes me often take a while to be that openly communicative with humans as well! :roll: Getting all these different messages from all these different sources sort of feels to me like it's partly Mathew saying, "See, we're kind and approachable, we already know you, we have a sense of fun and humor, and we won't bite, so you don't have to be afraid of us!"

I also finally ordered and received a copy of the Urantia book earlier this week (I purposely ordered it in paperback so the size wouldn't seem so intimidating! :shock: ) I look forward to beginning to read it!

Hugs to you too,
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Post by aqualeaf »

Welcome Back, Peacock Plume! :hithere

It's funny, just the other day, I was realizing I hadn't seen you post here in a while and was wondering where you'd disappeared to, even though I don't think I've ever actually talked to you yet on these boards!
About the Celestial messages that are sent to us from List Op, you wrote "I also found that the 11:11 msgs that come daily from List Op, seemed to keep me more connected.... it would be just at the time I'd be wrestling with something, and a msg would come through, that would gently put me on track, or answer questions that I had ..." I agree; these messages have that same effect for me too. Probably for lots of us, I'll bet.

Yes, as you can see from my posts and others, you're not the only one feeling awkwardness and doubts or having ups and downs with the process of forming a regular meditation habit!

Great to hear from you again!

Love and Blessings,
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welcome back

Post by peacockplume »

thank you Geoff and Debbie and all,

I just spent the greater part of this afternoon, reading the pdf on reincarnation/illusion,,,

sorry I kinda got carried away, but something awesome happened while I was doing it...

I saw a 33 prompt, so sat back, quieted down, remembered the process of going to my special place...

Asked Midwayer Mathew a couple of questions, no audible reply, but all of a sudden somebody flew by my face, beautiful brown eyes and hair, like an angel saying, ok, follow i had to "let go"

I'd been having difficulties developing my secret place (Lack of imagination on my part), however, all of a sudden I saw myself on this white balcony in a warm place, overlooking the sea, then I could actually feel like I was there, (but still here in front of the computer) so I think MM helped me get there......finally,,,,

sorry, I just noticed the time, and have a chore to do,,,,,

I need to catch up more on what everybodys been doing,,,,

thank you all and much love to everyone,
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Post by LuFe »

George wrote:Hi LuFe, and is a start.

God bless....
Im reading them. :wink:
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Post by George »

PeacockPlume wrote:

<<< I had an AC experience which I wrote to George about it, and he posted it on the AC board, which was ok, it was me that had the problem with the responses....I still can't explain how it really made me feel, and I can't seem to get over the hump, especially since I haven't been able to meditate properly since.... so I know it's just something I have to work with and through.... >>>

In that department (getting not a thing) I beat you all. Between December of 1987 and some time in 1992 I got nothing -- not a word from any of the Midwayers.

Their (my) only excuse was that some thoughtless mugger had broken my neck, I was in agony, throwing lots of life-threatening epileptic fits, but I stuck with it.

Machiventa advised us that if you do your stillness on 10 consecutive days, they (he and his workers) will meet you halfway.

How is it with me now? I spend most of my days in Alpha, miss stillness practice half the time, but I am ready to "take in a lesson" and report after about 3 to 10 minute of stillness.

Hope this helps.

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Post by Sandy »

Hello dear Peacockplume!

I am so happy to see you post. Like Debbie, I too thought of you late last week but didn't act on my instinct right then and the moment was forgotten. Glad someone listened and followed up!

I have to tell you your post hit home in more ways than one because I tend to shy away from others when I am struggling with life and it's myriad of issues. I disappear for days sometimes while I work through these things alone instead of seeking the comfort of others and their words of encouragement and hope. Not just on the message board but in other ways as well. But you know in thinking about it, I have always felt better when communicating with another person whether we are discussing issues close to me or not. Just being in contact with others sharing everything from spiritual frustrations, dreams for the future, or what is going on in our lives, our families even our pets, helps us to reach out, get to know one another better and form strong bonds as we venture out into the world putting our love for God and each other into action. I guess it is one of the strengths of this board. .. the real love we all feel for each other. It doesn't matter if you registered yesterday or have been here from the beginning, in a very strange way we are all family. I love the idea of having so many caring people, sisters and brothers in my life. Perhaps the next time I am in need of encouragement and answers I will run towards the MB instead of from it.

You found your special place! :cheers: It sounds lovely...peaceful. Thanks for sharing that with us PP and thank you Midwayer Mathew and your Nine for all the help you give us every day! :kiss:

Much love,
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Post by chronohopper »

I tell you guys what, I was wondering if there were any others like me. Not that I have made my AC or anything, but I do have a happy place in nature with thousands of birds and other non-earth creatures that somehow found their way into my otherworld. I didn't even imagine them, I just several times that I have been there heard strange sounds somewhat like a howler monkey but definitely not one.

I have been of the impression for the longest time that everything in this universe, at least on the 3d level is in some form or another manipulated by electromagnetism. I of course have no atom smashers to test this theory, but what else could make the hair on your leg and arm raise when your guardian sets beside you? There are many inclinations to my little theory here, such as human brain control spoken of in some of the weird books I found in Adventures Unlimited publishing website, all brain functions are electric, and all cells in your body make up your magnetic field...all it would take is a device that could manipulate the frequencies in your body. It may not be fully correct, but I think that to use emag fields to understand the universe, at least this one, is a step closer than radiation microwaves.

I have for the past week now been in fairly constant contact with my spirit guards. I know most of their names and can almost see them. Not like seeing the screen in front of me, but like a flicker of light or the darkened condensation of air in a spot. I can get flash images in my mind of where someone should be and it translates in through my eyes, which is natural for the human mind. My friend taught me to see them, to communicate and understand them. She has a very prominant spirit named Eric, very big voodoo in the higher worlds.

I would have more, but as I am poor and without a computer of my own, I have to rely on the graces of the city library, and they are closing. I will post more later.
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Post by Geoff »

Dear Yaweh,

Welcome to our site.

I must confess to being very uncomfortable with the user name you have chosen here. Can you tell me why you chose what its a known name for God?

Your experiences are interesting though.

"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello and welcome Yaweh.

Love Petra XXX
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Post by Sandy »

Hello Yaweh

Welcome to the Message Board. I agree with Geoff, you have had some interesting experiences. I am not too sure about electromagnetism because other things as well as your spirit Guardians can also make the hair raise, for instance fear, or a drop in room temerature..cold. But it still is an interesting theory.

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Post by chronohopper »

I am sorry if the username offends anybody. I did not know of any God by the name of Yaweh. I have been asked to change my username, but alas, I don't know how, if anyone knows, please tell me so that I can keep this account. As I chose it, it is the name of an alien creature overseeing the 'Earth Project.' The Salem New Age Center associates, years ago, sat down in a room. Seventy people watched as a woman channeled a spirit, the one and only Merlin. He then spoke through her of the beginnings of mankind, made in the biological image of the Elohim, the race to which Yaweh belongs. This is all fantastic and almost unbelievable, but it makes an eerie kind of sense and answers a fair few questions. If you want to go and see what the hubbub is all about yourself, the website is All very weird sciences, but like I said they make sense.

As far as the spirit emag goes, did you know that if you had a device that could change the frequencies of the electromagnetism in a room, that room would get colder or warmer? I believe that it is possible that the spirit essence lowers the emag frequency in that particular area. Perhaps there is a science way up there in hyperspace that we just don't understand, but I think we have it in us to figure it out.

I really don't understand the full concept of why hair stands up on end, but it sometimes has to do with emag.

An interesting subject studied in times long past is mind control. The Germans, the Americans, and lone scientists have all researched it in the last hundred years, though the technology has been suppressed. It has to do with electromagnetism, I bet, though I don't completely know, that is the kind of stuff you can't find on the internet.
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Post by Geoff »

Dear Yaweh,

I can change your user name, but you will need to tell me the new name, so that you can still get access.

"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
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Post by chronohopper »


if it cannot be that then alekkell, but chronohopper is my first choice
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Post by Geoff »

Its done.

"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
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Post by chronohopper »

thank you very much

*dances around in his new chronohopper suit*
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Post by nasra1996 »

*dances around in his new chronohopper suit*
Hello.. Chronohopper... :)

If you dont mind me asking, what is a chronohopper....?

Take care

Love Sarah xxx
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a chronohopper is...

Post by chronohopper »

A time shifter, one who jumps from time zone to time zone in search of light, truth and the key
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Post by nasra1996 »

Okay thanks for that Cronohopper... :D ... ive never heard of that word before....

Thanks and take care...

Love Sarah xxxx
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Post by CroatiansWithGuitars »

I just purchased the CD. :wink: I wonder how long it will take to get down here to Texas... :D

Anyway anxiously awaiting its arrival to me. Till then I am going to go read more now on it. ;)
~~~Maevey xo
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Maevey,

We just mailed a cd to Texas earlier today. :) It usually takes about a week unless it is opened for inspection. When that happens it takes a little longer.
Remember if you have any questions at all don't hesitate to ask them, okay?

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Post by CroatiansWithGuitars »

Sandy wrote:Hi Maevey,

We just mailed a cd to Texas earlier today. :) It usually takes about a week unless it is opened for inspection. When that happens it takes a little longer.
Remember if you have any questions at all don't hesitate to ask them, okay?

Hey Sandy

Thanks!!! That one is probably headed to me then. ;) I'm looking forward to getting it!

If I have any questions I will surely ask!! Thanks so much.
~~~Maevey xo
"All of your life trying to be, you are the one you cannot see" 1:11
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Post by CroatiansWithGuitars »

Just wanted to let you know, I just received my CD in the mail today ;)

I can hardly wait to get some time to myself to start working on it. :)

Just wanted to let you know and say thanks ;)
~~~Maevey xo
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Maevey,

That is good news! It did take just a little over a week then didn't it? Looks like your ready to begin! :D Let us know how its going, okay?

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Post by 11Prizms »

Hi got my cd.


I listened to whole thing. I want to do this, but am having second guesses. I feel agitated. It's weird. I have been on a pretty upward stream of energy since finding this website, now am antsy.

Please tell me I'm not the only one that has a certain degree of paranoia in kicking off all this? I read today to do the 1st segment for week...this hopefully will curb this...

As a footnote, my cat did drift off into a deep alpha state and at various points in the CD would meow while completely asleep!

I am having occasional weird behavior on the cd as this the cd? all of a sudden the cd seems to speed up...the person speaking goes fast for a couple of sentences...?

Any other newbies going through this?

Thanks to all...
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Post by George »

Might be a good idea to belatedly read the instructions.
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