Traveling with 1111

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Post by Irit »

Keep up the good work Nick...

Just when I was thinking to myself it's been a while since I've seen a 9999 prompt, I see one as large as it could be on a billboard, phone number.

The prompts are here to stay.

"When the Student is ready, the Teacher will appear"
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Post by Nick4033 »

Irene wrote:Keep up the good work Nick...

Just when I was thinking to myself it's been a while since I've seen 9999 prompt, I see one as large as it could be on a billboard, phone number.

The prompts are here to stay.

Thanks Irene,

I never get tired of seeing those prompts. I have never seen a 9999. It would be interesting to see if I see one now within the next 24 hours.

I hope you and everyone else has a great day

Love and Peace


I did see 1111 yesterday but I just can't remember :scratch: the circumstances of how I saw it, I know it happened while I was troubleshooting a problem. Jet lag must be catching up to me. I got home at 1:30am and I'm waiting for a return call to see if I have to drive to Albany within the hour.
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Whew, it's been one long day. I finally got to my hotel at 11:30pm tonight. Hmmm... I left my house this morning and drove to Albany New York at 11:30am this morning. I got here around 2:30pm and worked till around 11:00pm tonight.

Just before I left my house this morning I decided to heat up a cup of coffee to take with me in my car. I opened the microwave door and was about to put in the time needed to heat up the coffee. That's when I noticed that the actual time was, 11:11am. So I had a smile with my coffee.

Tonight when I finished working it was around 11:00 pm and as I was walking to the Parking lot to get my car, I got the urge to look at my watch to see what time it was. You guessed it, the time was 11:11.

I'll be driving back to my home in the morning. Lucky for me I don't really have to leave early. I hope everyone has a great day and a great weekend as well.

Love and Peace

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:hithere Hope everyone had a good day. Talk about timing, here is another good example. I was in NYC today and it’s still wet from all the rain. The job site was located on Park Ave and 66th street. I finished around noon and I told the mechanic that I would walk the 10 blocks to the other building that was located at Madison Ave and 56th street. Madison Avenue is one street west of Park Avenue. I had intended on walking straight down Park Avenue and then turn west on 56th street and head to Madison. Some where around 6oth Street I decided to cross over to Madison from there. I get to Madison Avenue and start walking downtown to 56th. A traffic light at 57th street stops me and as the cars and trucks pass in front of me the second truck in line has a phone number and the last 4 numbers were 1111.

If I had gone the original way I would have missed it. If I had not left the building at the time I did or had not walked at the speed I had …well you get the idea. Eventually I had to make my way down town to Chambers street and the location of the World Trade Center. Once there I went downstairs to the Path Train station and there I would catch a train to Newark, New Jersey. While waiting for the train on the platform I was thinking about how interesting and cool it was to have seen the 1111 prompt.

I actually said to myself (In my mind, not out loud :D ) “How cool was that?” When at that exact moment I look down at the yellow caution area at the edge of the platform where the trains arrive. Stenciled on yellow paint was 777 :shock: . I looked down the rest of the platform and I could see no other numbers on that yellow strip that ran the length of the platform. This was the area that the first train car would be located. When I had first arrived I was more or less at the middle of the platform and found myself slowly walking down the platform to this area. So once I had gotten there is when these thoughts had started going through my mind.

Think about it, just as I think "how cool is that", I look down and see the number 777. I guess they agree that it was cool.

Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow

Peace and Love


P.S. In my profile I have the web page for My 911 story. Everytime I go back down there it brings back the memories as if it happened yesterday. For me that is a perfect example of how my angel and the angels of the other men with me that day, got me to leave. My Angel must have known I was not going to leave. So when the other men said they would not leave unless I left , that was the one thing that changed my mind. It's one thing to put your life in danger, but I could not put their lives in danger, so I left with them. ( Keep in mind also at that point we had no idea that a plane had gone into the North Tower. We thought it had been a bomb. )
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Post by Rita »

Hi, Nick!

Just wanted to tell you I enjoyed all of your posts. The prompts are uplifting, aren't they? I have never felt more alive or as filled with anticipation than I have been since I started getting them.

Have a wonderful day!

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:hithere Rita, I'm always glad to hear that someone is enjoying my posts, and that they also are having their own prompts.

The prompts are what make my traveling interesting. Especially when our friends get creative in how I will to see the prompts.

Love and Peace

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:hithere Just got back from Lansing Michigan, I was there from Monday till this morning, Thursday. It actually was an easy trip I spent 3 days training mechanics on the equipment they had just installed. Everything was all nice and good till last night. Because of all the traveling that I do, I add up a lot of travel points with the different hotel chains. This hotel upgraded me to a room with a living room with a kitchenette and the Bedroom and Bathroom :cheers: .

Since there was a microwave in the room, I decide to pick up a TV dinner and frozen breadsticks. I don’t go out to eat every night and this was all I was in the mood for. Cooking the TV dinner in the microwave went well, but when I put the bread sticks in next is when the fun started. I was sitting at the desk in the living room and was going through my emails and I get this passing thought that I had not seen 1111 yet on this trip. So, I started wondering how and if I would see it.

Just about then I also get the thought that I had not heard the microwave bell go off indicating the Breadsticks were done. I look over and see smoke pouring out of the microwave :shock: . I jump up and run to the microwave and turn the timer dial to off and open the microwave door. The inside is filled with smoke (no flames) I reach in pull out the tray with the bread and throw it in the kitchen sink that was right there and turn on the water.

I closed the Microwave door so no more smoke would come pouring out. That’s when the thought hit’s me. SMOKE ALARM… :shock: :pale: I turn around and see the unit in the ceiling, lucky for me it had not gone off yet. But a cloud of smoke was heading its way. I rush into the Bedroom open the closet door, took out my coat and ran back into the living room and start flapping the coat so the wind would push the smoke away from the smoke alarm.

I’m still good, no alarms, and no evacuation of this hotel due to me. I run over to the heating /air conditioning unit and switch it to air-conditioning high. I figure it will help to suck some of the smoke out. Meantime, I know I have to open the microwave door to do some controlled smoke venting. (Kind of like what Nuclear Power plants have to do when they have problems and have to vent into the atmosphere)
So that whole process of venting and dispersing the escaping smoke from around the smoke detector with my coat goes on for sometime.

Finally all the smoke is out of the microwave and lucky me, still no evacuation was necessary. (Did I mention I put a towel at the bottom of my room door so the smoke would not go out into the hallway)? I then clean the inside of the microwave to remove all the smoke residue. I leave the air conditioner on in the living room all night to help reduce the smell. If anyone has burnt popcorn in a microwave you know what kind of smell I’m talking about.

Well, finally everything is under control and I go into the bedroom and close the connecting doors to the living room/kitchen and for the first time I look at the clock radio that it next to the bed. The time was 11:11. I really couldn’t make this stuff up if I wanted too.

I just looked up at the ceiling and said “ Guys, did you have to make it so dramatic”.

Needless to say, I will not be using any microwaves in my future trips or wonder if I will see 1111 or not.
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Hi all,
I was in NYC Friday. (Don’t worry I didn’t cook anything in a microwave :oops: ). I had just gotten into a cab and was heading about 10 blocks from my location at the time. The driver was not sure of the cross street of the job site, so I called the person I was to meet. He answered on the first ring and since he had seen my cell phone number come up on his phone so he spoke first and he said that he was just going to call and cancel our meeting. I said no problem and we arranged for another day, then I gave the cab driver the address for the second job site that I was to visit that day. He looks at me and says that it was only 1 block from where he had picked me up. We both found that funny and off we went. As we came close to the second job site, I saw a truck parked at the corner and I looked at the telephone number of the business he was driving for and the last 4 numbers was 1111.
Once again, right time, right place.

Peace and Love
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:hithere Hi all, I’m waiting on a final go or no go for my flight to Texas tomorrow. Time is sure flying, (excuse the pun :oops: ) I can’t believe it’s been 2 weeks since my last trip. I have been busy at local job sites during this whole time. During this time I have seen 1111 a number of times and yesterday was no exception.

I received an email from my company that had an attached file. The original date of the file was 11.11.06 this was the start of the day. A few more prompts followed this one, but the one I love the best is the one where I thought that I had missed a prompt. I was driving and I looked at the time on the clock in my car and it was 11:22 am and I said to myself “well I missed that one” then, a couple of minutes later I see one of those electronic billboards where you see the time and weather and …sure enough it showed 11:11. This has happened before and it’s still fun to see :D .

I do appreciate the prompts and I do feel they are only a start to a greater adventure. I’m slowly taking the baby steps to what I would consider the next level. I’ve been here before and whether just a coincidence or not I felt I got more then I bargained for :? .

I had been reading a book by Robert Monroe on “Journey out of the Body” and I attempted to do the same. I most definitely was not ready. After a couple of weeks of trying and no success I went to bed and did my 15 minutes or so of using his techniques and I woke up in an ambulance… :shock: As I regained consciousness I don’t recall anything, no bright light, just that it was Black (a little concern here.). The funny part was when the EMS person saw I was awake and he asked how I was feeling. I answered “pretty good”…He just grinned and said “I don’t think so, and then he went on to his other required questions.

The Hospital and Doctors after all the tests found nothing wrong. :scratch: My wife said she heard me fall out off bed and I was convulsing and had foam coming out of my mouth. That’s when she had called for the ambulance. When I got home 2 days later, I burnt the book.

It really didn’t matter that the book may not have had anything to do with what happen, but I was taking no chances. That was April of 1993 and in October of 1993 I had a Triple Bypass. So yes, that event might have been a medical warning of a problem with my heart. Some of my friends believe I died and came back, others said I was brought back into my body so fast after an OBE that I was thrown out of bed. Bottom line no one knows, but I was not eager to find out if it had been an OBE gone wrong. So I stopped experimenting.

Next time a little on my Mothers Physic dream ability.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend

Peace and Love
May the Light protect you

:cheers: Cherish each day... :bike:
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:hithere Hi everyone, I hope everyone had a good weekend. Last week I was in El Paso, Texas and then on Thursday I drove to New Rochelle, New York. I saw my 1111 prompt at the end of my El Paso trip. I was being driven back to the airport from the jobsite that I had been on. I was looking out the passenger side window for most of the trip just looking at the scenery and the buildings. Then…as I turned toward the driver I saw a Billboard that we just started to pass and it had a telephone number for a business, the last 4 numbers were 1111. If I had waited 2 more seconds before turning I would have missed it. I had lunch at the airport and I did not notice the table number on my receipt till I got home and started doing my expense report. The table number was 111/ 1 .

Then the New Rochelle, New York road trip I had to pay a few tolls. Once again I didn’t notice that one ticket had a time stamp of 11:11:29 and then at the next toll plaza the collection agents number was #01111. I love when I get surprised like that. The last three cases were totally out of my control. There was no looking for numbers, they just occurred and I saw the prompts after the fact.


Peace and Love
:cheers: Cherish each day... :bike:
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hey Nick, thanks for sharing those! :D

It's my 11th anniversary today and we almost forgot again! I have to go to work this afternoon though. I wonder culinary delight Phil's conjuring up tonight?

Hugs, Pet XXX
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Post by nasra1996 »

WOW... Petra you look stunning in your new photo... :)

:colors: :roll Happy 11th Aniversary :colors: :roll to you and your hubby Phil...... :loves

I hope the weather is better for you Petra up north than it is here, we have had a kind of freak gale and heavy rain for a few days, it is never blustery in summer time ??? We usually have a Rio style carnival on today in my town, it has been cancelled, the wind is too strong... :( Why does it always pour down on a bank holiday....:scratch: :) Have a great day.....

Love Sarah xxxxx
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Petra Wilson wrote:Hey Nick, thanks for sharing those! :D

It's my 11th anniversary today and we almost forgot again! I have to go to work this afternoon though. I wonder culinary delight Phil's conjuring up tonight?

Hugs, Pet XXX
Hi Petra, Congratulations on your anniversary. The time goes by so fast. In August, we will celebrate our 34th. I hope Phil makes your favorite meal.

Love and Peace

:cheers: Cherish each day... :bike:
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Phil went fishing with his friend...came back with a catch! A baby shark still alive! He said: "Supper's in the sink, all you need to do is kill it!" :shock: :cry: Within minutes Petra was in the car, the kid's running after me, a baby shark sloshing about in a bucket of salty water! Got to Mwnt (pronounced Moont), the sun was just setting...what a beauty it was too, and I struggled over the rocks to free that lovely creature. Oh yeah, and I dropped the car keys in the sea...but miraculously found them again!! And the shark was looking frisky and alive just before I plopped him back in the sea.
What an anniversary! The kid's told me they'd never forget it, hahaha!!

Cheers guys, Pet XXX
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:lol: :cheers: Good for you Pet, I would have done the same. (releasing the shark that is.) Look at it this way, Phil gave you a chance to do a good deed. You felt good afterwards and your kids saw you doing something special. Maybe you can hint that some wild flowers picked by hand would be a nice gesture. Finding your keys was the reward. :salut:

Have a great day.

Love and peace.

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Post by Unknown »

Hi Nick and everybody!

You got elevens on your tickets, so great!

Do you concider yours elevens beeing your ancestors watching for you?

When I saw your tickets, it made me think about SANTANAS concert from last year, 22th of may in Zürich.

I have been a SANTANA fan for many years, and I just had to go and see him for a very first time.
I got eleven at the end of the number of my ticket, when I bought it in december 2005, so that said to me, that I really should not miss this concert.

I had go to the KLINIK ST-ANNA in LUZERN sometimes in the summer,
for an operation (surgery?) and I got the letter, (details over the date and time that I had to check in to the KLINIK ST-ANNA) from the KLINIK,
and it should have been the 4th of june, but I had said to my doctor that we already reserved to baptize our twins in june, so that would not be soo good because I would not bee able to do much for at least 3 weeks.

Then I called them at the KLINIK, to ask for another date.

They said that somebody had forgotten that my doctor sent them a letter and written about the baptize, so they would send me a new letter with details.

So then I got it, and they changed the date to the 22 May – SANTANAS concert-day. I would have to forget about it, I thaught…..

I felt so stupid to call them again for changin the date – so I just tried to accept to not go to the concert.

Then, I called my friend(which was supposed to go with me to the concert) to ask if she could come to my place, because I had to give bad news….

The time between, before my friend showed up at my place, I had to make a call to my doctor (concerning something else ) – and when she heard me she said that she was just thinking about to call me!

Because she got to know that I got the date changed for my operation at the 22 May and she said it is not a good date because I need a lot of rest and she wanted to change it to the 18th of july.
I just could not belive this – I said to her that I was so greatful because then I could go and see


Then of course I told my friend that my bad news are gone and I had only good news!
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Post by Nick4033 »

Ange-onzeMP wrote: Do you concider yours elevens beeing your ancestors watching for you?
:hithere Ange-onzeMP. Welcome to the board.

I really feel it is either my Guardian Angel or our Midwayer friends. If it’s meant to get my attention it sure has.

Interesting story, it shows that everything worked out without any interference on your part. In the past I wasted so much time trying to make things work out or trying to avoid things. Now I just enjoy watching how things do turn out. Most of the time it works out in my favor. More so now then when I tried to control everything.

I like the line “God answers prayer, but sometimes it’s no.” :shock:

Love and Peace

:cheers: Cherish each day... :bike:
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Dear Nick and All, You said:
You felt good afterwards
Mentally? definitely! Physically? Absolutely not. Y'see, I slipped about 4 times on the seaweedy rocks and my arms and elbows are killing me!! hahaha. (Incidently, a group of highly excited teenagers arrived and went skinny-dipping in the sea much to the kid's surprise!! "Don't look Manny they're naked!!" :shock: while I was doing my good deed! Ah well!! :lol:
Have a great day.
And you too Nick!! Love ya loads,

Hello there Ange-onzeMP, that was pretty cool!! I'm very glad you could go to the Santana concert. My dad was partial to a bit of Santana too.

Love to All, Pet XXX
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Post by Nick4033 »

:hithere Hi Petra, Sounds like you will have to put together a rescue kit for the next time, knee pads, elbow pads. :D Hope your feeling better.

Love and peace

:cheers: Cherish each day... :bike:
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:hithere Hi everyone, I was in New York City yesterday and I had to go to a job site that was having some problems. When I looked at schematic prints showing the electronic circuits I noticed the 11-11 date of when the print was drawn.

The day before I was in New Jersey and I had been talking about 1111 and how often I experience seeing that number prompt. I gave the person an example of looking at my watch for no reason and then seeing the number.

Right on cue, I looked at my watch and it showed 1:11.11. I just laughed and the person said “what” and he looked up at the wall clock and even though it was not digital he did see that it was 1:11 and he said “No Way” he couldn’t believe it. I smiled and told him that is how it works.

Well I did say I was going to give alittle insight into a gift my mother had when we lived in Germany, I was 3 at the time. It was right after World War II and my parents and I were living in a refugee camp and in the camp the camp personnel would deliver the mail but they would not deliver any packages. The camp personnel would give the people a piece of paper telling them that a package had arrived and it would be waiting for them.

My mother would have a dream of one of those old locomotives that bellowed smoke out of a smoke stack. When she saw white smoke in the dream she knew we were going to get a letter. When she saw black smoke it meant a package had arrived. When she had the dream of a package she would tell my father to go to the main post area and get the package. My Dad would arrive there and ask for the package. This confused the people there :scratch: ; they would ask him how he knew there was a package, since they had not even sent out the notice yet. He just told them his wife sent him and he always listens to his wife. (That’s probably because of what happened in the next story :D ).

The people at the main Post area would then deliberately not send any notices that a package had arrived to my parents to see what happened and sure enough each time my Dad would arrive to pick it up without any notification that a package had arrived.

The next story I don’t have a good time frame, but it must have been between 1948 and 1952. My father was a Soccer fan and from what I understand there was a Lottery type game where you wrote down the possible score of the championship game. If you got the number correct you shared the prize with whoever else in the country had that same number.

Well, while my Dad was filling out the ticket my mother told him to put in 0-0. He told her Championship games do not end in ties. ( Silly woman. thats what my dad probably thought) So he informed her that they would go into over time until there was a score/winner. So he puts down his pick ( Notice, he did not listen to his wife ) well that year it went into double overtime and for the first time they had to call the game with a tie score. Yup, you guessed it 0 to 0. :duh

In 1952 we came to America and my mother said thats when she lost the ability. I have over the years had many deja vuevents. I also learned to listen to that little voice that warns of impending disaster, listening has saved me a few times. So I guess alittle of what she had was passed on.

I downloaded a copy of the prints from my California Office and then I copy pasted the Print information for that job. I did remove company names and the address.


Hope everyone has a good weekend.
:cheers: Cherish each day... :bike:
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Post by Irit »

Hello Nick,
The prompts went wild for me yesterday, all day.
The most notable was when I was giving a 2.5 hour healing session for a friend who has her PhD in Counseling and as we were finishing, I looked at the clock and it said 11:11 pm....

Good luck on your travels.
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Post by Nick4033 »

Thanks Irene,

Matter of fact I'm getting ready for a trip tomorrow to Chicago. I'll keep my eyes open for prompts.

Hey, what better time (excuse the pun :D ) to see your prompt.

You have one fine day

Love and peace

:cheers: Cherish each day... :bike:
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:hithere Hi everyone. I arrived home on Friday after a 3 day trip to Evanston, Illinois. I had to get a rental car and drive to Evanston from the O’Hare airport in Chicago. The trip took about 45 minutes. The men at the job site said that the hotel I had been booked for was about an hour away and they recommended getting one closer.

I called my California office and they started looking for a hotel that would be closer. I got a call from them about an hour later and they gave me the new hotel and the address. The person in California asked if I wanted the phone number as well. I almost said no, because in 5 years I never had to call any of the hotels that I stayed at. I finally said “okay, let me have it”. When I heard the last 4 digits of the number I had to chuckle and I said “really? 1111”.

So if I had not changed my hotel I would not have gotten this cool prompt and if I had gone with my first urge of not asking for the phone number, I would have missed it. So another trip that brought a smile to my face.

Hope everyone had a good weekend.

Love and peace

:cheers: Cherish each day... :bike:
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:hithere Hi everyone I just finished a trip toNorfolk Virginia. I came home and I realized I had not seen 1111 the whole trip. I was alittle shocked. ( I should have known better, the day was not over yet!). I went into my home office and I was going to put some information into my Handheld PC. I had left it home because the battery was going bad. The battery would not hold a charge for more then a few hours. My mistake was that I had not connected the charger to it when I had left on Monday.

Needless to say tonight when I attempted to turn it on nothing happened, then I connected the charger and I got a memory loss error. :shock: It seems the internal 30-minute battery had also drained and all the programs that I had installed over time were gone. Lucky for me 80 % of my information was still on the 1 gig memory card, which did not require battery voltage to save the stored information. :cheers:

I started removing the battery pak so I could get the necessary information to order a replacement. When I started writing down the information I saw the Module type was a familiar number. Type X1111. I immediately looked at the clock by my desk and it was 10 minutes to midnight. Our friends had just made the dead line.

:cheers: Cherish each day... :bike:
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Post by Irit »

Nick4033 wrote:I started removing the battery pak so I could get the necessary information to order a replacement. When I started writing down the information I saw the Module type was a familiar number. Type X1111. I immediately looked at the clock by my desk and it was 10 minutes to midnight. Our friends had just made the dead line.
I'm glad you made your deadline. I was on a piece of exercise equipment and when I went to check my pulse after about 10 minutes it read 111 with a big heart in front of it. Of course that brought a smile to my face...

Happy Trails, Nick
"When the Student is ready, the Teacher will appear"
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