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Post by nasra1996 »

Thats 7 posts Petra.... i think there is something wrong with this board, i have noticed that when more than one of us posts on the same thread at the same time, it slows down, it took me 5 minutes to post the last letter, and then the whole website crashed, so i logged on again and got this message:
Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Too many connections in /home/publish/public_html/board/db/mysql4.php on line 48

Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/publish/public_html/board/db/mysql4.php on line 330

Warning: mysql_errno(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/publish/public_html/board/db/mysql4.php on line 331
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Could not connect to the database
With love

Sarah xxxxxx
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Yep, I realised this too and the same thing happened to me. I have to get up early tomorrow, but I knew something wierd happened, logged off, came back on and imagine my surprise to find 7 of the same posts of mine....all about how to make liver in tom sauce!! hahaha!!
Are They having a laugh at my expense?? Image Forget cooking huh?

:lol: Pet XXX
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liver 7 posts

Post by peacockplume »

Hi Pet,
Thanks, it must have posted 7 times, sos I wouldn't miss I copied it and printed it off, and will put it in my personal cook book.....the one that only gets very special recipies, and they go back a few generations....,,,

just looking at the recipe,,,,,,SUGAR????, you said SUGAR!!!, thought you were the one that was noooonooooonooooo sugar,

just jokin with ya....

well the recipe looks good, I might be able to taste a small piece,,,,
might like it better with the tomatoes, instead of the ole fried liver and onions standby....

We used to show dogs, Samoyeds, and another breeder taught me how to cook beef heart, - for the dogs when you were in the ring. problem was you had to keep the small piece in your mouth, while you were going around the the time you got back and all that jogging, the beef heart had found it's way down to the stomach level,,,,,ha ha ha,
it was cooked so nicely with alot of garlic and seasoned salt, you forgot it was heart in your mouth......i might have got more than the dogs...heehee but I don't think I'd cook it for supper, just a mind thing I'm sure, cuz, it tasted great.....

hopefully, there's nothing else a surprise in my freezer....

we use to do alot of country driving while living in Germany, and would stop in at the most unlikely Gasthaus, somewhere, so yes, I've seen brains and a few other wierd items.....but could NEVER eat tartier, sorry for the spelling, but raw hamburger in a pie,,,,,,NOPE.....couldn't do it...and that was a favourite in France......

so now, hubby, will be up in an hr, so I'll go put some patates on, still have some of that nice poutine gravy leftover, so maybe I'll do mashed...

Talk to all you girls later...

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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hey PP and All,

Steak Tartare?? Never had it, but Phil lived off it when they had their own beef. (Before the days when they fed cows anything and everything!!) It's supposed to be delish! With a raw egg in the centre?? Hmm? I see that on my plate and I want to get some fresh breadcrumbs, salt and pepper, mix it all up by hand and make burger patties, then ask the Maítre de for a skillet and portable gas burner...followed by some bread rolls, slices of cheese, raw onion and lettuce and maybe a bit of tomatoe relish!! But, that would be a little embarrassing, no? Imagine!! :lol:

Love Pet xxx
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi Everybody!

Wow, there are a lot of posts here to catch up on! :shock: But at least 7 of them are Petra's recipe for liver, so I haven't actually fallen as far behind as I first thought! :lol:

Bing, thanks for the compliment on my avatar; actually, what I'm wearing there is technically just a regular T-shirt and not jammies, but now that you mention it, it does kind of look like jammies! :D It is really comfortable too, probably because it's 100% cotton. I enjoyed all of your food conversation and links, and your explanation of why you persuade women to indulge their inner children by gorging themselves on delicious treats! :lol: Wow, the poutine and beaver tails really sound irresistable, as well as high in calories! After hearing that description of Winnepeg, I'm beginning to think maybe up there in Canada where its so cold, you have to eat that many calories just to survive! I remember reading about how participants in the Iditarod had to eat entire sticks of butter in one sitting just to carry on day after day in the intense cold -- maybe it's the same sort of thing! (Brrr!!! :shaking: -- and I thought Colorado was cold and was so glad to escape the winters there by moving out here to the mild California coast!)

Peacock Plume , good to see you on this thread! Thanks for the extra tips on smudging! Speaking of Ask and It is Given, my sweetheart Ron and I have been studying Abraham rather extensively lately. We've been watching several different DVDs of Esther Hicks channeling Abraham during various workshops, where Abraham is answering all kinds of different questions from the audience. It's really powerful to watch and listen to this channeled group of beings coming through her! We've been watching them over and over again, a little each evening, and each time it sinks in a little more.

We've read Ask and It is Given, as well as The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent, and now we're reading The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham. It really does seem to take time, practice, and a gradual releasing of resistance for their high-vibrational-level teachings to sink in. After all this time, we're only just now beginning to read back through their different "processes" for raising your vibrational setpoint in order to start practicing them! Even though we haven't officially gotten around to the processes yet, we can still feel that our consciousness is already transforming significantly. Last week, I ordered some more of their DVD's, and when they arrived in the mail a couple days ago, it turned out they had sent audio CDs instead. :roll: So at first I was thinking, "Hmm, I wonder if I still have a lot of resistance and that's what caused this dilemma? :? " I called them today, and they apologized and said they'd put the DVDs in the mail first thing tomorrow, but that I can just go ahead and keep the audio CDs too as an added bonus! :D And then I thought, "Hmm, maybe it's actually the contrary, maybe I'm beginning to manifest more abundance after all! :colors:

I'll add "Excuse Me - Your Life is Waiting" to my list too! Anything that reinforces these teachings is a plus!

Interesting, Sandy , that you too dreamed of a big place that you and George have out in the country where many people are stopping by and meditating and such. Sounds like further evidence of the shared Akashic Construct in the dream space that we talked about earlier on this thread!

Mo, Sarah, and E v e r y o n e - English clotted cream, that sure sounds good too! I'll admit, I do have quite a fondness for fatty dairy products! I usually have to just not buy them at all in order to keep myself from eating them too much! :roll: I love Celestial Seasonings tea too, including Sleepytime, which does live up to its name -- when I used to drink it as a student then try to do my homework, I'd always fall asleep -- or maybe that was more because of the homework than the tea! :lol: (Sandy, I also love the little free decorative tins that Celestial Seasonings sometimes includes in the boxes!) I'm also a big fan of "chai tea," as it's called here. Here in the U.S. at least, you can get pre-made chai in the stores, which you just mix with an equal quantity of milk and heat up, and there are several different brands to choose from. You can also order chai tea hot or iced in most coffee shops (Here in California, I've noticed they call it a "chai latte," presumably to distinguish it from just the tea itself without milk added). I have also tried making various versions myself from time to time. (I really like that star anise you mentioned, too, Peacock Plume! It's really visually interesting in addition to smelling and tasting great!) I don't eat organ meats very often, and never raw meat; I must admit that the idea makes me a little squeamish! :shaking:

Pet, your herb garden sounds wonderful! We have an organic food coop here in town (it's the one other grocery store here besides Mendosa's!) where you go in and ask for a sprig of whatever fresh herb you like, rosemary, mint, sage, etc., and they just walk out to the garden in back, pick some on the spot, and sell it to you for 75 cents. And it's so vibrant and alive that the delicious scent of it is radiating everywhere as you're standing at the checkout counter! :colors: Here's yet more evidence of that web of connection we're all a part of that we've talked about earlier on this thread as well: Just the other day, I was reading about hawthorn! In the particular context I was reading about, it is excellent for tooth and gum health, but I think it has a wide range of uses beyond that, some of which you've mentioned here.

It's getting sort of late here now, so I'd best get going, but it's always great stopping by and communing with you all on this thread! :D

Love and Blessings to You All, LUV2
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Post by nasra1996 »

I was cooking 'Angel hair' spagetti yesterday, the very thin spagetti, i began to laugh when i read the label, as i lay it in the pan of boiling water, the time on the cooker clock read 11:11 .....

Love Sarah
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Guys!

See what I mean about Petra and her meat dishes! She has this sworn vegetarian drooling over cooked entrails! :P Your not so bad at that yourself PP! I am wishing we had some kidney stew just about now especially since I just realized we haven't had supper yet and it is after 10:00pm! Okay, I'll get at it in a bit. We did go to the store today but we were in a frightful hurry because of the computer problems we have been experiencing so I could only stop one place and they didn't have cardomom.

Oh Sarah! I laughed at your post till I cried! Just the thought of those dear Ethiopians being so polite. So how was the warm cup of beef spices? :lol: I have two boys who are lets see...26 and 24. as well as the gift of the most wonderful daughter-in-law that a person could ever be blessed with. I love her as if she were my own! They all live in the U.S. I miss them terribly at times!

I was having trouble too a couple nights ago when I was trying to post on the message board. It took forever to do anything. :scratch: I thought it was our computers at the time but now maybe not. Tonight it seems a little faster except on this thread..probably because it is such a whopper! :shock: Oh a whopper hamburger would taste so good! :(

Hi Aqualeaf! How are ya girl? I was just thinking about you this morning. I got a chuckle out of our internet server guy last night. I don't think he was used to seeing such a bright background on a desk top before. (I still have your easter egg picture on my desktop. I just love it and even though Easter is long past it just cheers me up when see it!

Well I gotta go super and work is calling.

Love you all! :loves
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Post by Mr. Bing »

Hi Everyone

Well, the weather has definitely changed since the last time I spoke to all of you beautiful people. Today the air conditioner is on and allergy season is in full bloom. I am getting ready for Mother's Day at work. You should see all of the rum balls and other chocolate treats I am preparing to charm the ladies with. The last time that we talked I forgot to mention my favourite way to serve potatoes. My wife and I make Sweet Potato french fries in the oven. You just cut up a sweet potato into french fry size sticks and toss them with olive oil. Next you arrange them on a cookie sheet that has been lined with parchment paper and pop them into the oven for 9 minutes at 450 F. Then take them out, turn them over and return to the oven for another nine minutes. They should be soft in the middle and a cooked on the outside. As they were oven cooked, you will not have any trans fats from fryer oil. I guarantee you that once you eat potatoes this way you will never eat the regular white potato french fries again. These ones are super delicious. It is 12:12 and I am off to do some shopping.

God Bless
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Post by mrscbvet »

I just made sweet potato fries the other night!... Exactly like you said, Bing, except without the parchment paper. And you're right they were excellent!
My husband came home with 2 sweet potatoes a while back and said "we should have sweet potato fries"... I thought it was odd coming from him... but okay.... So a few days later he says "are you ever going to cook those?".... I said I had to find a recipe first... He said "It's in your womens magazine, you really ought to read those if you're going to buy them"... So I said, "why are YOU reading my womens magazines, honey?" He said, "for the recipes, duh" :lol: :lol: :lol: Oh my... he's toooo funny!!
Brenda 8)
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Post by nasra1996 »

Hi all...

Its not Mothers day again is it...? We just had it here in the Uk not long ago, Bing i bet your rumballs are not as tasty as my meat balls.... :lol: Dutch meat balls are the best... The size of cricket balls, with a lovely spice called 'Kip' to flavour them... Thanks for that sweet potato recipe, i must of read yer mind, today i was eyeing up the sweet potatoes in my local food store.. I have only ever used them once to make a Cottage Pie, i was pleasantly surprised, i will try your recipe.... Thanks...

Sandy you look too youthful to have such grown up children..or is that grown up adults... :scratch: I think by the time my girls reach that age i will look 80 years.... :) I hope you get to see them soon... :loves You think that serving beef spice soup as a cup of coffee is bad enough, you should see what they made me eat, they bought me a jar of honey too, freshly smoked out of a tree top. The jar of honey had bits of bees carcases inside, thats how they eat it, they leave the dead bees inside, hmmmm adds new flavour, smoked bee...

Take care..

Love Sarah xxxx
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Post by Morning Light »

Hello All,
I am hopelessly behind on this thread as usual :D

I Love Sleepy Time Tea! Those bears make me feel soo warm and cozy when I look at them... not to mention the magnet of them on me fridge :wink:

It sounds like you are a wealth of information about herbal teas, remedies etc. I hope that when you visit here you will come to visit, would love to pick your lovely brain on this subject. By the way, were you able to change your vacation dates at work? I wasn't able to get the time off but I haven't given up yet! Stay tuned 8)

I Love your Avatar picture, you are soo beautiful and colorful!

I've enjoyed reading all of your posts! If I've missed someone I am terribly sorry :?

Gay is flying in tomorrow morning at 7:30 AM then we are heading to Moab from there for the weekend! I am soo excited to be able to meet spend time together! I hope that we are all able to do this in one way or another!

Hugs and Sunshine All Around!
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Post by mikem44 »

Sarah, Petra, Mo, Brenda, PP, Bing, Sandy, even you Debbie (for joining in) you are all ready for the retirement home. The home where the 'residents' have lost their facilities, sorry i mean faculties :lol: and there is nothing to do all day but chat about the weather and tea.
AHHHH PG TIPS cant beat it , with a nic Rich Tea dunker mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
its like a tea party here
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Post by Sandy »

Hi guys!

Well big hello Mike! I know I am a little pathetic but gosh talking and thinking about food comes so easily to me I'm afraid. :) I find it very interesting to see what other people are eating and drinking all over the world. May I ask a silly question? What does the PG in PG tips stand for? I have never heard of that before. but then I haven't been a big hot tea drinker for most of my life.

I think it is interesting that we have all been thinking about sweet potatoes. George and I had sweet potaoes earlier in the week too. I have had Sw Pot. fries at a restaurant but have never tried making them myself. I'll give them a try. Thanks Bing! I love that baking paper. What a wonderful invention! I never loose a cookie anymore ever since I started lining the pans with the stuff. You know something else that makes good fries? Now please don't laugh and hear me out on this...It's turnips! Just cut them up for fries and toss them as Bing suggested earlier in olive oil. Now this is what really makes them good...Sprinkle them liberally with chili powder and bake them as you do other fries. They are good...very different but pretty good...edible even. :lol:

Mo! I am so excited that you and Gai are going to get to meet! Have a great time you two and I can't wait to hear all about it! Hey I never got a Sleepytime bear magnet in my box! :( what gives!!!!! :wink:

Brenda, you have a new puppy(a big puppy by the looks of it) in your Avie) Who is this little dear? Is the pet food safe to give your dogs and cats again in the U.S. after the recent scare?

Hey Sarah! Thanks for the nice thing you said, but that avatar picture isn't showing the gray! I am not kidding I looked in the mirror a couple days agao and saw this big ole lock of gray hair that I swear wasn't there earlier! I looked like Morticia on the Munsters or was that the Adam's family? :? I then realized my hair was parted more on the side which I haven't done in ages and the gray that was hidden finally saw the light of day! I think I might get to see my kids in October or November if all goes well. Hope so! :finger:
Ugh! I am not sure I could have eaten the bee parts honey. I mean I certainly would have tried but not sure what would have happened had I wound up with a bee carcass in my mouth! :shock:

Take care everyone!
Love to all,
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello EveryOne!!

Debbie said:
Pet, your herb garden sounds wonderful
Well, nothing to do with me I'm afraid! But what a grand legacy to leave one's Great Grandchildren? The girl's learn something each time they play out there! I once made a tea and used foxglove. I was out for the count for about 4 hours and had a weird dream!! Found out foxglove is poisonous!
Dandelion root is excellent for treating warts, I use it for all manner of skim ailments (not that I have all manner of skin ailments..but you know?? rashes and such like!)

Bing, you said:
You should see all of the rum balls and other chocolate treats I am preparing to charm the ladies with.
Oowwee!! Forget the rumballs, but I like the sound of the chocs! I have to say, I totally dislike sweet potatoes. But Phil loves 'em and he's always buying them and demanding that I 'make something better than the last recipe...mashed with the humble ordinary tattie', so I do this with it: Image There ya go luv!!
But I will Image him tonight by making those fries for him and the kid's...meanwhile, I'll stick to King eddies, thanks you very much! :lol:

Brenda, I laughed at this...
So I said, "why are YOU reading my womens magazines, honey?" He said, "for the recipes, duh" Oh my... he's toooo funny!!
Sure he's not reading up on fashion tips and the women problem's page?? Sorry, I'm being too cheeky again? But I do know a lot of men that flip through those pages...hmm!! Image

Sarah wrote about Sandy:
Sandy you look too youthful to have such grown up children..or is that grown up adults... I think by the time my girls reach that age i will look 80 years.... I hope you get to see them soon...
Quite agree there!! Sandy, you look about 25!!
I stopped dying my hair and as yet no grey but shan't be long, I'll go grey gracefully and maybe funk it up with an Elfin cheeky look? Peroxide streaks p'raps? Certainly no bun and hair nets for me! hehe...
Sarah, when you said: "I hope you get to see them soon?" are you visiting Sydney by any chance? Tell me to mind my own, but I'm intrigued.

Mo and Gai....I'm still green with envy! Well, not that much! Not at all actually, I am very glad that you both are finally gonna meet!!
I didn't get those dates Mo, and didn't want to ask after the hissy fit I had to get a week in August in the first place.
Nothing's definite about anything these days. I have been thinking about taking a holiday with Sue. The court case will be over by then and I have been ruminating over a stint in Greece or Italy with her. ( Two lasses in a Peugeot making their mark across France, the Alps and Italy?? Hmmm!!) Early days! But Sue is in desperate need of a holiday!!

Hey're a dunker?? A Rich Tea biscuit dunker??? I stopped doing that after several times ruining a good cuppa as it broke off and sunk to the bottom! Yeah, and as Sandy asks...what does the PG stand for in PG Tips? Personally, I don't really like PG tips, I used to though, before I discovered Clipper's Fair trade. That's my all-time favourite!!

Love you all, Thank you for letting me waffle....(there we go again, going on about food, hehehe!)

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Post by nasra1996 »

Hello everyone.... :sunny:

Hiya Mike, yes PG-tips is the best cuppa, with a rich tea biccy, yummy.... :) But i dont know what the PG in the tips stands for... Sandy Oh you made me laugh until i cried with that fries recipe of yours, but im weird anyway... :roll: :) hmmmm i can see that one catching on at the local Take Away's, "Can i have a bag of turnip fries please to go", " Do you want chili with that ? " :lol: No im only joking :) , you are right turnips are delicious, i think they taste a little like sweet potatoes. I like to sprinkle Cumin on my vegetables, tastes nice. Im into spinach at the moment, i have a small iron deficiency, so my doc told me to eat lots of meat, but im not much of a meat eater, so i decided to munch on leaves.. :? I love raw spinach, with some corriander, much nicer than eating lettuce, as a salad. Petra you havent got any grey hair yet...? :( Im a teeny bit younger than you and mine has just started, but i wanna know why grey hair grows upwards rather than downwards.... :( :lol: Sandy that was my nickname at school and at college too, "mort".. I used to dye my hair black, with a pale white face, not very nice.....

I shall leave now...

Edit: Sorry Petra, you said:
Sarah, when you said: "I hope you get to see them soon?" are you visiting Sydney by any chance? Tell me to mind my own, but I'm intrigued.

Huh...? im not travelling to Sydney, no i was asking Sandy if she will be going to the US soon to see her children... Im still patiently waiting forever to go to Dubai, no luck yet.... take care...

Love Sarah xxx
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Post by mikem44 »

Hi Sandra, Sarah and Pet,
Just had some great memories revived researching PG Tips. I grew up with their hilarious adverts that had chimps dressed up as humans with voice overs, then later, due to political correctness, they had to retire the chimps and replace them with a funny hand puppet called Monkey.

Anyway during my research I learnt some very interesting facts about Tea and its magical properties as well as what PG stands for, here goes:-

'How about a nice cup of tea?' Since Brooke Bond first launched PG Tips (Pre-Gest-Tee) way back in 1930, it's the phrase that's perked up the nation more than any other.
A warm welcome home

~~At PG Tips, we appreciate that tea is more than just a drink. It's a reviver. It's a warm welcome. It's home.

PG Tips is established as one of the UK's number one tea brands and is a market leader in the UK tea bag market. We got there because we realise that tea holds a special place in British hearts.
How it all started

* Because tea was considered an aid to digestion, it was sold in chemists and grocery stores. To challenge the competition, Brooke Bond introduced a blend known as 'Digestive' in 1930. After the Second World War however, the Ministry of Food banned the word 'Digestive' as a trade description, so Brooke Bond changed the name to 'PRE-GESTEE'. Delivery parcels were identified by the letters 'PG' and soon the name PG Tips stuck.
* In 1985 PG Tags (string tea bags) were introduced but 1996 was the special year of The Pyramid. Pyramid shaped bags were the result of four years of research and heralded the most original invention since the square tea bag. The new 3D shape provided as much as 50% more room for tea leaves to flow and infuse, thus delivering double the flavour.
* In 2003, PG Tips launched Freeflow pyramid bags. The bags were developed using unique 'webbed' fibres that allow the water to reach the leaves faster. The material used for the new Freeflow bags is 50% more permeable than the older-style pyramid bags - making for a quicker brew.
* In 2004, PG Decaf was launched for those who love the taste of tea but prefer less caffeine in their diet.

Did you know?


PG Tips tea contains anti-oxidants (called flavonoids);

Tea is the biggest supplier of flavonoid anti-oxidants in the UK diet;

An average cup of PG Tips tea is virtually fat free;

An average cup of PG Tips tea contains only 1 Calorie and even with semi-skimmed milk typically contains just 14 Calories;
* Drinking 4 cups of PG Tips tea a day is good for hydration and can contribute to your daily fluid requirements (of 1.5 -2 litres);

PG Tips tea is hydrating not dehydrating;

Tea is second only to water as being the best drink to hydrate with
Tea is a natural body refresher;

Tea revitalises you;

An average cup of PG Tips tea contains only half the caffeine of an average cup of freshly brewed coffee;

Tea such as PG Tips contains fluoride – fluoride may be beneficial to the well-being of your teeth.


* The first PG chimps TV commercial was aired way back in 1956. The much-loved commercials went on to become the longest running campaign of any brand in the UK and more than 40 personalities have provided the voices - among them Peter Sellers, Bruce Forsyth, Bob Monkhouse and Kenneth Williams.
* In 2002, PG Tips launched a brand-new advertising campaign. Chimps gave way to birds in the form of Maggie, Pete, Holly and Tom - the T-Birds. The characters were created by the award-winning Aardman company (the same people that created Wallace & Gromit). ~~~

Pretty impressive eh? the old cuppa PG.
Well I'm off to put the kettle on,
dunkers of the world unite,
love you all, best wishes mike x
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Post by nasra1996 »

Hello everyone...

Thankyou for providing that information about the meaning of PG tips Mike.... :sunny:

I think i will try that tea of yours Petra, Clipper's Fairtrade, i do buy lots of 'Fairtrade' products - fruits, and the coffee too sometimes.

I best go now, chores to attend to.

Love Sarah xxx
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Mike,

I echo Sarahs sentiments and thank you for the information about PG tips. I have an embarassing confession. For some reason I thought it must be some special kind of Tea (which it sounds like it is anyway) but what I mean is some herbal concoction. I haven't seen that kind of tea but there are many UK products here so I wouldn't be surprised if it is in the stores somewhere. I am all for dunkin anyway! :cheers: Bring on the cookies!

I love those old commercials from our youth. Well, mine probably go back a little further than yours but I used to just love the soup, coffee and kleenex commercials. There was one Klenex tissues commercial in particular that used to put me in tears (which I think was the dastardly point to the commercial to sale more tissues :( ) It showed a young boy and his dog...a golden retriever. You see the years pass as they grow up together, and then one day the boy says goodbye and pulls away from home, off to college with a fully loaded trailer. The dog, with tennis ball in mouth, follows him to the end of the drive and sits down and drops the ball. Oh I cried my eyes out every time that came on. I still feel a little weepy (and whimpy) just thinking about it. :cry:

Anyway it sounds as if this tea is pretty good stuff! Much better than the coffee I am trying to get away from and might actually be good for me... sort of. So if I can find it, I will give it a try and see why you guys like it so well.

Take care.
Love to all,
Sandra :D
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Post by November »

Sandy wrote: The dog, with tennis ball in mouth, follows him to the end of the drive and sits down and drops the ball. Oh I cried my eyes out every time that came on. I still feel a little weepy (and whimpy) just thinking about it. :cry:
Animals will do that! There is a dog food commercial here in the US that shows dogs in the pound and you hear what they're thinking like, "I'm a good dog, how did I end up here?" They are so cute and some look so sad that first I start getting teary and then I just want to go and adopt them all!
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Heya Everyone, I don't have TV anymore (but I watch DVD's of my choice though), and I remember bawling like a hormonal imbicile on most of the adverts! Honestly, it was a right embarrassment when friends or family were avisiting! There I'd be, watching some Insurance commercial, (old man stroking grandson's head etc) and I'd be off!!
Even that bloody Werther's Original toffee advert had me running for the hankies...
Phil would actually say out loud: "You've gone wrong Pet!! It's a bloomin' advert"!! :lol: Thank Goodness no more tele! Someone forwarded me a 7UP commercial a few months ago...a man letting his little daughter dress him up and put makeup on his face, then he goes and answers the door...that's my type of commercial, the hilarious ones. BUT, I did not go out and buy a 7 UP, I can tell ya!! :lol:

Love you All, always, Pet XXX
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Post by Morning Light »

Hello All :cheers:

Mo! I am so excited that you and Gai are going to get to meet! Have a great time you two and I can't wait to hear all about it!
I had such an excellent time with Gai :D She is even more wonderful in person... didn't think that was possible but she's got it all wrapped up in spades! She's the REAL deal and I just Love her to pieces :loves

We went on a jeep tour through Canyon lands then took a power boat tour up the Colorado River. The red rock country is soo very beautiful :shock: We got so many prompts it was positively amazing! What a blast to be with another 11'er while pointing out the prompts to each other all day long.

I must confess that we had several tiffs.... over who was going to pay for this and that... we both wanted to pay for everything! How often does that happen in life :lol:
Hey I never got a Sleepytime bear magnet in my box! what gives!!!!!
Yeah, I totally lucked out eh! What magnets did you get? I also got the Lion and the Mandrin Orange one :wink: Who knows Sandy, I just might send those sweet little bears to you one day... perk you up some :D

Mo and Gai....I'm still green with envy! Well, not that much! Not at all actually, I am very glad that you both are finally gonna meet!!
It was truly a Blessed Event!
I didn't get those dates Mo, and didn't want to ask after the hissy fit I had to get a week in August in the first place.
I know what you mean about asking for time off :shock: When I asked for Friday off I thought I had a snowballs chance in hell, bout passed out when he gave it to me! I was so shocked!! I gave him a hug, kissed his ear and told him I Loved him before I got my wits about me :lol: ... :oops: I have no doubt that he had some divine nudges to help him make that decision 8)

I am sorry to hear that Sue is doing poorly. I've sent Love and Good Wishes her way... I'm sure she could use a Holiday.
Nothing's definite about anything these days. I have been thinking about taking a holiday with Sue. The court case will be over by then and I have been ruminating over a stint in Greece or Italy with her. ( Two lasses in a Peugeot making their mark across France, the Alps and Italy?? Hmmm!!) Early days! But Sue is in desperate need of a holiday!!
I can well imagine you'd leave a mark and then some :lol: Hmmnn France, Alps, Italy.... can I be your designated driver :mrgreen:

Well I've babbled long enough!
Hugs all Around
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi Friends!

I've enjoyed getting caught up on this thread, reading all the stories involving food and beverages, men reading various parts of women's magazines :lol: , crying over TV commercials (some of them make me teary-eyed at times myself!), and everything else!
Sandy wrote: Hi Aqualeaf! How are ya girl? I was just thinking about you this morning. I got a chuckle out of our internet server guy last night. I don't think he was used to seeing such a bright background on a desk top before. (I still have your easter egg picture on my desktop. I just love it and even though Easter is long past it just cheers me up when see it!
Hi Dear Sandy ! I'm doing well; there's lots of growth and transition going on for us lately. I've thought of you several times lately as well! I'm so glad you've been enjoying the Easter eggs on your desktop all this time! I still have them on my desktop too, since I wasn't able keep the real ones around for months here like I could in the dry Colorado climate!

We've now officially notified our landlord in writing that we're moving when our lease runs out in July, moving south closer to San Francisco. Next week we're driving down that way for a couple days to look around in the Sebastopol/Occidental area that we've been having many synchroncities about, which appears to be at least partly in the redwoods and just a few miles inland from the coast. So I've already started packing. I looked back in some old journals and, based on how many boxes we packed last time we moved (I had them all listed), and how long it took, I figured out that if I pack just two boxes a day starting now, we can make the move itself significantly less hectic when the time comes. I already began packing stuff about three days ago, starting with things that we never use and therefore won't miss for the next few weeks, but also can't bring ourselves to get rid of! :lol:

Too bad we don't still live in Boulder, the headquarters for Celestial Seasonings, or I could run over to their gift shop (used to live right down the street from it! -- Whenever it was windy outside, you could smell the tea scent in the air!) and pick you up a couple of those little Sleepytime bear magnets! Celestial Seasonings has daily tours and taste-testing of new teas, and as part of the tour, they take you through the "Mint Room," where they store their huge quantities of very strong-smelling, nearly overwhelming, mint leaves that go into their various mint teas. They even sell T-shirts in the gift shop that say "I Survived the Mint Room!" :lol:

Bing, glad to hear the weather's warmed up in your neck of the woods! Sounds like a lot of moms must have gained a few pounds yesterday (assuming the Canadian Mother's Day was the same as here), no doubt unable to resist all those delicious chocolate treats you created! I do love chocolate myself, I must admit! It sure is interesting that you mention this recipe for sweet potato french fries you can make in the oven -- Ron and I were just talking about those, and how good they would be, and I was going to go try to find a recipe -- and here you've provided it! :D And look at how many of us have been thinking of sweet potatoes lately -- just more evidence of that web of connection that unites us all, as I'm always fond of pointing out! :colors:

Sandy, I agree with you about turnips! Ron and I discovered that they are a great substitute for potatoes, and only have about one-third of the calories. We often steam or stir-fry them with other vegetables, but it had never occurred to me to make them into french fries -- I'll have to try that! As for honey with bee carcasses left in it, Sarah, I don't think I'd have near as easy a time with that! :shaking:
Morning Light wrote:Aqualeaf,
I Love your Avatar picture, you are soo beautiful and colorful!
Aw, thanks Mo! :D Good to see you back on this thread! How cool that you got to meet Gai in person and had such fun adventures! :D

Hi Mike! So I see you've joined in on our "retirement home" discussion as well with your interesting information on PG Tips! :lol: Here in the U.S. they make a big deal out of green tea being high in antioxidants and very healthy and such; maybe it's the same with black tea too (is PG Tips black tea)? I love dunking things in tea and nibbling on them as well -- biscotti, or those Walker shortbreads, mmm! :cheese: I also love those Aardman animations, including Wallace & Grommit!

Pet, I looked up foxglove just out of curiosity after reading your post, and found out that its latin name is digitalis purpurea, and that, besides being poisonous in anything besides very small doses (as well as cumulatively poisonous), it's good for heart ailments and is in fact the main ingredient in the prescription drug digitalis. Interesting! I have heard that dandelion root is good for all sorts of things too. In fact, the herbalist I took a class from wrote an entire book just on dandelions since they have so many uses!

Peacock Plume, I finally received those Abraham DVDs, and on one of them, which we were watching just a couple days ago, a reference was made to seeing the time prompts like we all do! The Abraham group of beings, while being channeled by Esther Hicks, frequently tell stories about Esther and her husband Jerry for illustrative purposes. In the process of answering one audience member's questions, they talked about one instance where Esther and Jerry were each driving in separate vehicles at the same time, talking to each other on CB radio. Esther remarked to Jerry at one point that her odometer was reading all 9's. At the very same instant, Jerry looked and noticed that his odometer read all 8's at the very same time! Abraham remarked that Esther likes to receive these types of number prompts, and takes them as a sign that she's in alignment with Source energy. The guy in the audience who they were talking to replied, "Yes, I see those numbers too!" I thought that was so cool! :colors:

Well, it's getting on the late side, so I'd best get going for now. It's great talking with you all, as always! :D

Love and Blessings LUV2 ,
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Post by peacockplume »

Woa, ladies and gents, what a thread this is, I can't believe all that I missed in the last few days, and it is really hard to catch up, as we all know only too well...

to all who are studying L of A,,,,awesome girls,,,,so glad to hear you're really getting into it...
4 of us friends started off with Ask and It is Given, I think it was our initiation....One lady had 22 tapes, which we poured over every week that we met, then we got the books....which we actually preferred in a way, cuz you can go over it alot easier.... The first process we tried was "The Pivot", give it a good whirl,,,,Just go for it, besides being alot of fun, every process practices the Law of Attraction....the sooner you catch yourself in any situation, thought, emotion, you 'pivot' it, you'll see what I mean, it's either #16 or #17,anyway, it's great to see you all really working on it. , and how did you like the 60 seconds to manifestation??? have you tried it there's concentration for us...

Aqua Leaf: I'll have to listen to those tapes again, they're good to listen to while working outside, I used to try listening while driving, but I wouldn't recommend attention had a habit of not staying on the road, however, I kind of remember how Jerry used to ask 'leading questions' especially when he wasn't getting the answer he was angling for.....and presumably angling for the audience, because you just knew that he knew the answer.....their anicdotes in their books are great too...

It's just too bad that the movie has left out the integral parts of the Law of Attraction, I'll have to watch it again, it's so much noise and effects, that there's not much of a message, so maybe I missed if they said anything about moving up the emotional scale.....they talk alot about focus, and making wish boards, but I can't remember them saying anything about,... in order to manifest your vibration has to be 'up' there and resonating with the vibration of your desire, which is why they gave us the emotional does take alot of work and practise, but well worth it, on every level...

I just read something channelled the other day from AA Michael, who said "we need to be practised in the Law of Attraction, so our vibration will stay high enough to be able to receive the high energies, that have been and are coming to the planet more and more and more.....and that we're in for an incredible amount of it this July.....

Well, back to the food talk.....thanks EVERYONE, isn't it great,,,all these different recipies and ways of cooking plain ole good food....I never was one for sweet potatoes, but I'll try them now....except I'll use paprika instead of the actual chili pepper, it's abit milder, gettin older ya know, some spices I've had to ease up on,,,,but fortunately everything in the chai tea still goes down nice...

nasra, just reading your comments about grey hair, growing up or down?? well, here's one for you, mine went sideways..... I used to have my hair rather short on the top and sides, you can't tell by my pic because the back length was pinned up.... so I would brush the sides of my hair towards the back, and of course, but where did I start to go grey, not on top like my grandmothers, but on the sides, like my Dad's,,,it used to drive me crazy, so I would never let it grow long, now that looked really wierd, then about a yr after my mom passed away, I decided to go for a new look, and got it streaked with blondish/light brown, highlights, boy that was the best gray coverup I ever had, it was so good that it actually let me grow out my own hair, as it grew out, I'd cut of an inch or two, and now, well I'm really salt and pepper style, but the grey on the sides has more colour in it now,,,,must be these raised vibrations, ha ha ha.....and yes, it was Mother's Day here in Canada on May 13th...

oh Bing, please pass those rum balls right over here, excuse me I need a napkin,,,,,my sister sends them to me (sometimes), oh, oh, oh......

There is so much excellent advice and recipes and 'warning's I think I'm going to write alot of it down....

Well I missed all the turnip talk, but sounds good, and I love turnip,,,,wonder if I can fool hubby, ha ha ha, not likely.... "oh sorry hon, I just ran out of potatoes" thought we might give these a try, hee, hee, hee, hee, hee.....he might not speak to me for a day or so, or maybe he'd take over the cooking, hmmmm yes turnip fries coming up!!!

Mo, and Sandy, I never got a sleepy bear magnet either, think I'll write to HQ and complain....

mikem44, what do you mean, 'ready' for the retirement home, you'd be surprised at what's accomplished during 'tea time' but we'll never tell now...besides, who the hay ever gets to retire....all retirement means is the government sends you a pittance,,,,,I best get this mortgage paid off, my pension will never make ends meet.....not the ends I aim for anyway, but hey, not to worry with all the raising vibrations going on, whatever is needed always manifests.....kinda crazy, but absolutely wonderful....

Geez, sorry everyone, somebody must have wound me up, it's only 10:30 pm here in BC...oh! one last thing,

How many have heard of Fire The Grid, take a boo at
Shelly Yates is coming out to the Island for 5 days, and I've arranged 7 speaking engagements for her to speak at. she'll be here from May 28th to June 2nd.... she's been all over the place, Eastern seaboard, into TO and montreal and quebec,,, coming here, then 6 days in Vancouver...\

I think that's what's got me wound up.....better go out to the hot tub and mellow out.....

much love to all and thank you all for your wonderful energy (and recipies)

oh yes, Sandy, drooling over entrails are we,,,,this is not the norm, honestly.....actually, I'd never go buy it in a store, it just came already wrapped like the rest of the cow, but I just discovered the "tongue' yesterday, oh, no,,,,,that's definitely going to the dogs.....especially after what I've seen cows do with their tongues,,,,nooooo thanks....(although I have heard that it's extremely tender)
when I lived with my grandparents in Nova Scotia, they couldn't understand why I wouldn't try Ox tails, or pickeled pigs feet,,,,no telling for peculiar tastes people have....

well, I've just realized that I can't keep track of who has said what,
pray for me Bing, that retirement home is looming on the horizon....

once again, and for the last time...
love and blessings to all
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Post by RebornFalcon »

Oh me oh my. Oh my oh me. I have managed to sit down every night for the last several nights for a few hrs, and have finally finished! Word for word, front to back. Do you have ANY idea…. That I have just read a book?!?!? wow. Sorry……I mean, WOW!!!!!! What a thread. I would be interested to see, if I cut and pasted this thread on a word document, and see exactly how many pages this book would actually be. From the secret, to shifting homes, being chased by heifers, recipes, drinking lots of water with vanilla extract, red lobster,babblemeisters, and so on and so on…..

When I was as child, my family ate tartier. Well, we called it tartar. As a child, it never dawned on me that I was eating raw meat. Maybe mum added the right amount of spices and egg. Hmm? Well, I no longer eat meat, so, so much for that.
Turnips… have you ever had turnip potato chips/crisps? Good stuff.
Yeah… I remember the Kleenex advert with the golden retriever. I was young, but it made me sad, too.

I have even forgotten what website I’m reading this from. I have read this thread called “the secret”…. So now, I think I should just buy it. Thanks SO MUCH for the read. phew, now I can go and check the other threads.
love renee :D
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Post by peacockplume »

I know we've also talked about 'the secret' on another thread somewhere, too, I get lost in them, then can't find out where I was in the beginning, so i don't know if you caught the info about where the 'secret/movie/book' came from, and just to reiterate....
It was based on the book by Esther and Jerry Hicks, "Ask and It is Given"who channel 'Abraham' that book is The Secret....and how to accomplish it......the movie/book, does not give you the processes, or take you through it. In fact Esther and Jerry backed out of further committments with the producers, because they left out pertinent on new copies, you won't even see Esther's introduction.

so I'd vote for "go buy the book - Ask and It Is Given - them borrow the movie off'll have spent your money wisely....and get more out of it. In fact there is no comparison as to what you get out of it, since the movie is all noise and blah blah blah,,,,
and that's my critique....

another thing that is connecting with The Law of Attraction is:
Fire The Grid
and the direct like to one of her speaking engagements....

In the forum of fire the grid there is a direct link from the forum that matthew put on, - i don't know how to do it...

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